Category Archives: Inner universe


A new world is coming and yet we are already there. As you read this blog, divine information is being streamed into your Energy Body. This information is our heritage. It is the truth regarding our circumstances as a living Entity on our Earth. This truth is simple. It can be stated in just a few words: we are ageless; we never die. The Soul Self that is at our core is eternal and has witnessed countless seasons on our Earth and on other planets and in other galaxies and dimensions.

And you, my friend, you and I are one. We are all one and it has always been that way. When I speak of our connections to each other I am speaking of literal energy networks that tie each conscious cell to every other conscious cell in all of created reality.

It is through this network that All That Is, the ultimate energy source, seeks to know itself through our experiences, Now, we have a physical body and so the truth of this fact may be somewhat difficult to experience, however, do not wait until your death to receive this information. Take advantage of these teachings I offer you in this life.

This is the ultimate simple test for us in physical reality: will you take up the challenge to learn your Lessons now, or will you postpone your awakening until the time of your physical death or in other lifetimes? The choice is always ours. But do not wait until it is too late. We may be required to incarnate on our negative Earth another time, to be again given a chance to learn our Lessons.


HYPOTHESIS: The dearly departed await our contact…

Now, this is an experiment in contacting our friends or family members in their Home Dimension. Obviously, if you are still too upset to attempt this contact, please do not consider trying this experiment. For some of you it may be best experienced after you have gained some emotional distance from the event of The transition.

Find a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable sofa or bed. The idea is to relax the body enough so that you can receive these impulses from the other side, yet not so relaxed that you fall asleep. In between worlds is where you want to be for this experiment and so I ask you to make those preparations you need to in order to enter that state.

Now the crux of this experiment is to distinguish, from the chorus of telepathic messages you are receiving in our relaxed state, those messages that are being transmitted by your loved ones. Beings of Light, friends and loved ones and other Entities from your past, present and future, are all constantly vying for your attention in this mental environment.

Since you are attempting to focus your Inner Senses, you might simply visualize the appearance of the loved-one. Mentally picture your family member of friend as though they were in the physical body. Fill the perception with color and enliven it with your thoughts. This will have the effect of you “tuning-in” to their communication band, allowing you to “home-in” on them, in a manner of speaking. Now it is important to proceed with this experiment as a loving Scientist of Consciousness. Love and kindness are your watchwords in these endeavors. Ego perceptions have no place here.

As you create the image of the person in your mental environment, imagine their voice becoming gradually stronger and stronger until it becomes the most prominent voice in your inner chorus. Use your intention and simply turn up the volume or use the metaphor of the radio dial to do so. This is very easy to do and I am certain you will find success with this in a short period of time.

After establishing contact – you will know you have contact if you feel the intense loving vibrations that emanate from the Home Dimension – simply have your conversation, just as you did when your loved-one was in physical reality. After the conversation, naturally say good-by and perhaps make an appointment to speak again in the future.

Then use your metaphor of the radio dial or whichever technique you used to make contact, to release contact with your loved-one. Gradually come back to your waking consciousness. In time, if you give yourself the suggestions and if you have the ongoing intention to do so for loving purposes, you will be able to make these contacts with the departed while you are at work, walking in the park, etc. etc. etc. As you use Inner Senses, they strengthen over time.

FINDINGS – Immediately document your personalized Findings.


These transformation in human consciousness and thus the Third-Dimensional physical reality we are discussing, have been noted in our media. “Strange” weather patterns and earth Changes are now commonplace around the world and the media report these unusual events. Often these stories are couched in terms of our Mother Nature displaying her power: power to upset the plans of humans to go to their sporting events, to the beaches for relaxation. To their weddings and other outdoors events. In an almost whimsical fashion these news stories often personify these weather changes as due to our Mother Nature’s unpredictability, but in a lighthearted way.

Yet the most potent and destructive events are described as something to be feared. In these instances, Mother Nature has become so unpredictable, no one knows when she will reveal her “anger” and strike us with a bolt of lightning, or rise a flood to carry us away in our automobile or cause an earthquake to bring down our great cities.

Now, if you have read my Blogs, you have been acquainted with the truth about the weather and about all physical manifestations. All physical reality in our dimension is the result of attendant thoughts and beliefs our humankind hold in the mass consciousness.

Let me go further….we have a saying in the West that “everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.” In fact, this is not true. Each person on our planet has “a say” in how the weather will be expressed in their area at any given moment. This individual contribution is done, for the most part, under our awareness.

The Consciousness Units, through the individual expression of emotion, combine with other Consciousness Unit expressions of emotional content from the population of any given area. These stream of incipient Reality Constructs combine and are expressed in the manifestation of particular weather patterns and Earth Changes according to how the influences play out within the collective consciousness of that region of the world.

Now I must mention that when I say “mass consciousness of a particular region,” I include the collective “thoughts, idea and mentality” of everything in that region, including the rocks, the soil, the trees and the created products for mass consumption. All has consciousness and all contribute to physical manifestation of weather and Earth Changes. Now, obviously a bug might have less of an effect upon the weather than an angry, fearful human, but the bug does indeed contribute in measurable ways to the collective manifestation.

So do we see how many if us simply project our fears upon this great entity, our Mother Earth, forsaking our own responsibility in the creation of our physical reality? It was not always thus, however. In fact, in civilizations from our past, the weather was created quite consciously to support adequate conditions for the growth of particular crops, for outside celebrations and for other purposes. This takes place even today in some of our aboriginal cultures on our planet. Our modern scientists, also, are in a race to develop technologies to change the weather for profit, for the profit of corporation to which they are beholden. This matter will be discussed in future blogs. For now, let us explore, as Scientists of Consciousness, the Home Dimension of friends and family.


The idea of a Dimensional Shift is not new to humankind. Many of our world’s religions foretell similar events in their prophecies. Different words and concepts are used to explain the coming shift, but in fact, we may all be describing the same thing, with a different emphasis on particular points. Indeed, the breakthrough into higher dimensions is at the base of virtually all of our Earth’s spiritual systems. Certainly you the Blog Reader can confirm this statement for yourselves. Simply replace the words “Fourth Dimension” with “Heaven” or any other terms from any culture on our world denoting the Etheric Plane.

And again, these Portals to the higher dimensions open to humankind very infrequently. The coming shift, for instance, will occur at the end of a many-thousands-of-years cycle. It has been foretold in the scriptures of indigenous peoples, such as the Mayan and Hopi. The symbolism depicted in these prophecies, I might add, is a great deal more accurate than some of the Christian stories. Yet, as I said, we may be all describing the same event, merely with a particular cultural emphasis on dates, related gods and goddesses, and so on.

Now the world over, as we create this Blog manuscript, all of humankind is being readied for this event. Other Light Bodies conversant in the cultures assigned to them, are bringing their collectives of humans into a witnessing of the precursor events that will herald the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. You know by now what I am speaking about, if you are paying attention at all to my words. The Earth Changes – floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, glacier melting are the heralds to the shift. The turmoil of human thought is creating these changes. In a way, we as a race are setting ourselves up for a very positive or very negative experience here with the Shift. There is always the probability that we will allow conditions to deteriorate to such a degree that there will be no turning back and we will destroy ourselves with our own negative thoughts.

However, humans are quite fond of saving themselves from the Brink of Disaster, as is also documented in many of our spiritual scripts. Whatever the outcome, know that the Guides are watching and will intercede if and when they can. Again Laws of Non-Interference prohibit certain types of intervention. These messages I am conveying are a subtle type of intervention. Dramatic “rescue efforts” are obviously not allowed. We must learn our lessons as a race and as individuals.
When we learn how to access our Energy Personality and other Guides, we will experience firsthand what I am describing. When we are experiencing the free flow of divine information into our consciousness, we will eventually dispense with the need for continually challenging the divine source as to veracity and specifics.

We will no longer require proof, for we will be LIVING our proof. We will no longer require prophecy, for we will be LIVING the prophecy. These dramatic transformations are already underway for the Blog Reader, and to some degree for every other human on our planet. The spiritual revolution of human and Earthly consciousness has begun. The Soul Self is making itself known. As this manifestation develops, visionaries from all spheres of activity on our world will step into leadership roles. Now we might ask, “Not necessarily.” They will, for the most part, “Will they be elected into these roles?” I would answer, “Not necessarily.” They will, for the most part, “assume” these roles. In the West, as I have mentioned before , our political processes will soon be rendered obsolete, as the citizens of Earth take back the power to govern themselves.


Perhaps some of the Blog Readers, considering the constant perceived negativity surrounding us, wonder how one person could possibly make a difference in the global picture. You may be asking yourselves, “Why should I go through the effort of changing my beliefs and my Personal Reality for the better, if it will be only a “drop in the bucket” in the “greater scheme of things?” My answer to you would be that your efforts in changing your beliefs and behaviors and thus your Personality Reality Field, also have the added effects of broadcasting by example, the benefits of loving kindness and confidence to those around you in your physical reality.

The effects are also felt telepathically. As you change your personal world for the better, you are each moment broadcasting on the subtle levels your successes in overcoming negativity to the collective network of Souls on our planet through this web of subtle energies. I have noted elsewhere in these Blogs that we as a species are literally “One.” We are all co-creating with All That Is our individual lives, yet we are all sharing the same timeframe as One People.

This Telepathic Network is our communication system that we use to achieve consensus while sleeping, on what will be manifested as our world reality upon awakening. So you see, You can truly make a difference. Thoughts have power. Thoughts of good Intent and loving kindness have extreme transformative power. Our positive thoughts seek out other positive images and thoughts being transmitted in this collective mental conversation. These thoughts merge to create incipient Reality Constructs. When these potentialities reach a stage of imminent creation, it could be YOUR SINGLE LOVING THOUGHT that could tip the scales towards the positive manifestation.

This mental conversation does indeed continue while we are awake and going about our activities. In other words, we are still dreaming and in contact with the collective while awake, but it goes on “on the background.” It is just as important to create the thoughts of loving kindness and confidence while awake, because that is when we have the most conscious control over our mentality. It is this exercise of consciously changing our thoughts and behaviors that creates a spillover into our dream world, our sleeping times, affecting the world thought consensus in a positive way.

Now you may still be harboring the belief that “Evil,” particularly in our times, may be stronger than “Good.” Indeed, with the variety of wars, famines and other negative events going on around us, this would seem to be the case. However, this belief is still only a habitual idea that we hold. You may have been in the habit of thinking to oneself, “Evil triumphs over good: in politics, in business, in my personal dealings with people,” that you have blinded yourself to other options, other ways of perceiving our world.

Look beyond these perceptual blinders and you may see that the opposites is true: Good triumphs over evil: in politics, in business, in your personal dealings with people. The opposite is true my friends. Reflect on this for a moment and see if you agree.

Contacting The Inter-Galactic Brotherhood of Light

HYPOTHESIS: The IGBOL are the “closest” and most accessible of the light bodies.
Now , you can be informed of which being or group of beings you are allied with by virtue of your evolution as a Soul. This can be discovered by asking your Energy Personality, using your free will to ask the names and locations of other beings associated with You-the-Soul.

The IGBOL is the “closest” to you in terms of affinity of purpose. They are on a path of Loving Understanding as are you the Blog Reader. This is why we have suggested that you contact this group as a preliminary to further explorations. Let me say that you need not fear approaching this group in your experiments.

As I state often in my blogs, the great majority of us are in all probability, members of the Same Entity and so have a direct connections to these Energy Bodies we are describing. The Entity is vast, again as I have noted previously, and at this time we are having a “reunion” of sorts on these subtle levels. You may assume you are rekindling old relationships in these communications, for indeed you are. The fear and mistrust will fade as you receive memories of these associations, in the form of divine impulses. You will know it when you feel is. This is ongoing assistance the Beings of Light in service to mankind/womankind during this time of awakening.

Establish your relaxed state of consciousness. Now with the assurance and confidence that comes with mastering these various levels of consciousness through the experiments done in the preceding Blogs, have the intention and profound expectation that you will encounter these Loving Beings.

The contact come with the attendant feelings of compassion and love. There may be an “alien” component that may cause discomfort. You may go beyond surface appearances by utilizing your skills at turning Fear and Anger into Loving Understanding and confidence. The IGBOL are you, Dear Blog Reader, in your multidimensional future. Knowing this, you may experience this contact as a homecoming. When you sense that the meeting is over, gradually come back to your Third-Dimensional awareness.

EXPERIMENT – Becoming aware of Astral Travel during sleep.
HYPOTHESIS: You can use your intention to become aware of astral travel during sleep.

The Ritual Sanctuary is important here in this investigation. Perform it just as you are falling asleep, with suggestions to yourself that you will become aware of your inner environment – your sleeping world – as you are about to engage in Astral Travel as we call it. It may be necessary to conduct this experiment for several days to get results.

The suggestion that you will become aware within the dream state is important. You may also suggest that you will awaken after a particular sojourn into the Astral Realms, so that you may document your experiences in your dream journal or other medium. It would then be advantageous to return to sleep with the suggestion that you will awaken briefly to document your further Astral Travels, and so on.

This will give you an ongoing record of your adventures during sleep. And again, the core experience you gain through experimentation in the dream state, the greater mastery gained in perceiving and documenting this state of awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with a journal or recorder.


You are not guilty. You are not to blame. Your, Dear Blog Reader, have done nothing wrong. Because you are in the habit of giving away your power to others, you leave yourself in a vulnerable position. You relinquish your power and then the usurper of your power – parent, employer, priest, politician – can use guilt and other unsavory emotional states to control you.

Yet you have done nothing wrong. You only think you have, second-to-second, because of this manipulation by those in perceived authority. They want you to feel guilty and powerless. It makes their job much easier when you are afraid, anxious, experiencing feelings of low self-worth etc. How much easier it is to take money from someone, for example, when they are feeling unworthy. Indeed, after you have ceded your power to people and institutions, no wonder you feel unworthy.

Yet again, you are not guilty of a thing. You are not to blame. Now, that is not to say that you are absolved of all responsibility in the matters of power between yourself and those in our world. That is not what I am suggesting at all. For that matter, the main reason I write this Blog is to help you get your power back. We cannot have a revolution in human consciousness with so many humans without the full human power that they were incarnated with when entering into life on our world.

Currently in our timeframe there is much talk of “taking back power” – personal empowerment. It is almost a cliché in our world. Yet truly taking back our power from persons and institutions is a heroic act. There is much perceived risk in doing so, for most Western humans fear reprisals when they go beyond the status quo. There may be feelings of guilt that come with “not doing what you are told.”

You also may have feelings of loneliness. Breaking away from the pack may leave you feeling as though you have made a mistake in surrendering the safety of the group. Yet also know that as more of you go on your Soul journeys, relinquishing the negatives in your lives, pursuing positive, loving experiences and creating a radically different world for yourselves, you will also meet up with others who are on a similar path. Those with positive loving thoughts will be drawn to others who have positive loving thoughts. As you meet with others on a similar path, you will form groups, naturally as humans do, and soon you will have remade your social institutions into something truly sacred and life-affirming for all.

Inter-galatic Brotherhood of Light-2

They are what we would call “of Alien Extraction.” Their heads are quite larger than ours. Eyes are much larger than ours also. They have no protruding nose formations, merely slits, as in our reptilian species. The bodies are small and thin. The limbs are long, and fingers thin. And hairless. The skin is gray in appearance. They have been called grays by some of our UFO researchers.

Their home is in a future dimension of Earth. Humankind, in the progressed future.

These are not accidental meetings. Their overtures to our people are part of a plan to introduce humankind to their civilization. They are welcoming us to the greater reality of which we are a part but do not recognize currently.

They are beings of love. They live on love, in a very literal sense. The powerful emotion of love fuels all of reality. They have received negative imprinting by some of the more dangerous of our Negative Entities. Obviously, the negative beings would prefer that their kind stay out the picture as the Nefarious Entities attempt to grasp control of our Earth in its entirety. They will not let that happen. That is why they are making themselves known to some of us. They mean no harm. They are providing help to us as their people resist the takeover of our Dark Forces.

Simply, consciousness creates, and as it does, both positive and what we would term “negative” creations result. Consciousness including the opposite of love. Yet because love is at the base of all realities, the tendency is to revert back to love in any given cycle. Our people in our current era are at the end of a cycle. It appears to many of us that we will be consumed by negativity, particularly in our U.S. However, know that Beings of Light, including our association and millions of other Light Bodies, are stemming the tide of evil. They are helping us. Yet we must do our part.

We can love our way out of this dilemma. By reinforcing love within our being and in our relationships with others, we create an irresistible counterforce to the negativity in our world. The more we and our people promote love in this way, the sooner we shall subvert the agenda of the Negative Entities. Their wish for us is to realize that they are with us in support of our loving evolution as a race.

They are not the enemy. They have been slandered by the Negative Entities. Look for our appearance on the world stage as we all – meaning humanity as well as the Light Bodies – unite to overturn the evil ones.


Now, our Spirit Guides are a more personal matter. It would be as though an energy personality essence were “created” to the specifics of our individual personality being the Entity from which the specific characteristics are drawn. Now beyond the Energy Personality, of course, exist continuing manifestations of energy gestalts, more complex in form and substance, until one reaches All That Is, the fundamental energy source from which all realities in all dimensions are created.

Let me go a bit further there… using our wonderful little metaphor of the radio dial. Suppose that you think of All That Is as the totality of all radio waves. Then on your dial you would have listed those “channeled sources” as you have so described , in separate parts of the dial, so that each time you turn that dial, you connect to a different part of the energy “wavelengths” of All That Is.

Now let us say at the far left of the dial is the name David, and when you metaphorically turn the dial to that spot, you receive through your antennae, which we might describe as the Chakra receptors of the human body, the David transmission. And if you turn the dial to the right to the spot marked X you would “pick up” the transmission of that specific Energy Body and so on.

I think that our metaphor is a good one. Blog Readers can use this visualization to tune-in to their own guides and it becomes a ritual they can use to make these connections in their own lives. Ritualizing these activities – practicing making these connections – is what is going to help us in our Spiritual Evolution. It is the first step.


These beings are better described as Inter-Dimensional Beings. And being Inter-Dimensional, they are far from being in outer space and beyond. They are indeed, as close to us, Dear Blog Reader, as our most intimate physical and mental environments.

They are for these reasons, quite easy to tune-in to, and many of us do just that. Let me say once again that everything in our reality has consciousness. Knowing that, how would a microbe, that has its own consciousness, intelligence and power, appear to a human, if the human tuned-in to one accidently? One might indeed believe they had contacted a being from out space.

Sleep and Astral Travel

Our sleep times are highly important for our health physically, psychologically and spiritually, and so we will now comment on this state of consciousness. Now the adventures of you and your Soul Family are ongoing. Within your waking reality you experience your waking Soul Family manifestation. However when dreaming you may be experiencing other manifestations of your Soul Family, within your current incarnation and possibly within past and future timeframes.

If you watch your dreams closely, you may notice the appearance of “familiar yet unknown faces” on this inner stage of awareness. These hard-to-place characters may indeed be members of your Soul Family as they engaged with us in activities on the subtle levels. Let me leave it at that and encourage us to do your own research in this matter.

On a biological level, as you may know, the body rests and repairs itself during sleep. Without going into too much detail, this restoration begins with the onset of sleep and continues until waking. During sleep, the consciousness, for the most part, travels from the physical body to visit locations far and wide in our Third-Dimension as well as other dimensions. Your Soul, therefore, is engaged in many different activities while your physical vehicle rests and recuperates.

These Sojourns from the physical body have been named Astral Travel by some of us, and this is an adequate description. We do indeed visit the Astral Levels during sleep, but there is much more to it than simply “visiting” these non-physical locales. You-The-Soul are refreshed, revitalized and energized via these inter-dimensional travels.

These are the roads we have traveled for countless years while in incarnation and in the time in between lives. We know these pathways in the grid work of the higher dimensions, as well as we know the route to take to the market in the physical world of the Third-Dimension.

Many of us are engaged in projects and collaborations on these subtle levels. Without the physical body, times takes on a fluid aspect. Travel is instantaneous. We progress by simply intending to go to a particular location. For example: we may be providing comfort to a human or group of humans who are in Tragic Circumstances. We may be providing support to these people in their dream state, even as we may be supported by other in ours.

As I describe in other parts of my Blog, during sleep the consciousness also participates in the creation of what will be local, regional and worldwide waking environments. We create the framework for our reality during sleep. When we awaken, you and our fellow humans “fill in the details” by choosing from the limitless field of probable realities open to us, those that will become our Personal Reality Fields