Category Archives: Etheric Body


Let us move to the Foundational Statement. Here the practitioner looks to the primary outcome they wish to create. The end results is considered and then expressed in simple evocative terms. We need not spend hours struggling with the proper words and syntax. This is a spontaneous exercise to be completed within just a few minutes after our exercise in Getting Clear.

For example: suppose a reader has done their assignment and they have surmised that they are learning Lessons of independence and empowerment in this lifetime. In previous partnerships they were prevented from empowering themselves. Their partners did not allow them any sort of independent expression.

This subject may then desire a partner who would support their search for empowerment and independence. We might say that this proposed partner would of necessity already have mastered these aspects of living so that they could assist our subject in their search for personal empowerment and independence.

In return, let us further postulate that our subject, though admittedly thwarted by their past mates in the quest for these states of consciousness, had developed a capacity for nurturing and for mastering the domestic realm. This person could bring these skills to the relationship.


My Soul Mate will understand my needs for independence and personal power and will assist me in meeting those needs. In return I will teach them what I know of nurturing in relationship…

Now write down your own Foundational Statement . Do not worry about getting it just right. You may always amend it as your project moves forward and you gather your Findings.