Category Archives: Electrical Reality


The expression of the BCS in physical reality will be governed by how we deal with Issues and Lessons. Thus, we are always approaching the BCS. The relative distance between the mundane and exalted is the creative edge for us, what we are use to improve our current Reality Creation.

In this way, as our current reality improves, our consideration of the BCS is altered. We may alter this conception in any way we choose. As Resonance alters our current manifestation, the BCS is changed precisely to that degree. Do you see this important point here? We are the creators. We bring together our world in a collaborative effort with ALL THAT IS. The Essential Metaphor we are calling Resonance accounts for the energetic transfers of Consciousness Units in the moment, from the current Point of Power to the proposed Best Case Scenario Realty. The Best Case Scenario Probable Future is therefore not a state. It is always mutating, changing frequency and form according to the inputs of Consciousness Units from our Essential Identity.


Your practice as an awakening human, one who is intentionally creating positive realities, entails putting into practice the Essential Metaphors. Again, for example: “I am the captain of my ship.” Are you? If you are the captain of your ship act as though you are the captain of your ship. Walk like a captain, talk like a captain, immerse yourself in the role of the captain. Create your reality with purposeful Intent. Do you see my meaning here?

I do not wish to be too hard on you in this Blog Series. However, if you wish to dramatically change your reality for the better, you must surely do something dramatically different in your existence. And even though I am being somewhat humorous in this example, please observe the subtext, here.


Observing the natural Resonance phenomenon…

Suppose you are using your Intent to “keep a good thought,” for you are challenged by negative thoughts and imagery that you have found in your belief assessment. As these positive thoughts are expressed within your consciousness, perhaps they also reflect positive imagery, positive emotion, and so on. This material literally seeks out within your personal consciousness and within the collective consciousness, validation. It tries to express itself. Do you see?

Now these expressions align in what we call the Pre-Manifestation Domain. This is a sort of “holding area” for Reality Constructs before they ” bloom” into our world. In arrays of potentiality, then, these etheric Gestalts of Consciousness are formed. As you continue your regimen of “keeping a good thought” – turning poison into medicine, another of our Essential Metaphors – your efforts strive to replicate themselves in the physical world. In time, improved Reality Constructs do emerge from the pre-manifestation domain into your Personal Reality Field. They Resonate into being through this process.



For now, please read these Precepts and ask yourself which of them may be of the most help in your life. This is a beginning exercise in Resonance Dynamics. You simply achieve a light Trance, a relaxed inner-directed mental state. You are looking for a subdued state of consciousness that allows you to read this Blog material and internalize it – be affected by it – without falling asleep. Stretch your body, close your eyes, relax into a comfortable position. Do what you do when you meditate, Dear Blog Reader. Now read on….

You create your own reality.

Please take me literally. For you ARE the literal fabricator of your existence. With the energy of the cosmos – of All That Is – you co-create all that you see before you, as well as all that you indeed ARE in this moment, including your physical body. Does this remind you of something?

You are connected to everything in your world.

In this collaborative moment, within your Personal Reality Field, you are supported by, and, you do indeed support EVERYTHING around you. These energetic supports are observable to the nth degree. In other words, you could follow with your Inner Senses the strands of connective energy between you and everything in your world and find a part of you in everything else.

You can change the Consensus Reality from your Personal Reality Field.

Your individual consciousness energy goes out from your Personal Reality Field into the Consensus Reality Field to influence the manifestation of collective realities. In a sense, you could say that you vote within the collective with your thoughts, your images, and your emotions. They have effects on the global manifestation.

Emotion is the creative energy of All That Is in action.

Your thoughts and images are actualized according to the frequency of the emotion you give to them. Please note the suggestion of the Resonance activity in this definition.

Human consciousness is founded in Love.

Your primal condition at all times and in all lives is Love. We affirm the keynote of our world religions and most spiritual practices. Again, we are speaking literally, here.

Diversions from Love through Negative Emotions create Negative Realities.

By habitually diverting your attention to Negative Emotion from Love you begin to habitually create Lack, illness, and other Negative Realities.

All imbalances may be corrected through Love and Courage.

With Loving Understanding and Courage you can transform Negative Realities into Positive Realities. This is the primary practice of this Teaching.

You are the sum of your Simultaneous Lives within your current Moment Point.

Your essential Identity in this moment is created from the consciousness material within the mental environments of all of your Simultaneous Lives. Within the identified Moment Point, you have access to any and all of these Reincarnational Existences. Try it.

Your Inner Senses may be used to examine and change anything past, present or future.

In the Trance state, within your current Moment Point you can transform events from your past, present or future.

You are in telepathic rapport with everything in your world.

The Consciousness Units of which you are composed Resonate with the Consciousness Units of which everything else is made.

Reality Constructs are composed of Consciousness Untis of awarized energy.

Everything in our system is created out of Consciousness Units of awarized energy that are telepathic and holographic.

Coordinate Points permeate matter and space and modulate the activity of the Consciousness Units.

Coordinate Points in space and time hold the form of Reality Constructs created by consciousness.

Your intention, Emotions and Beliefs provide the energy and direction for Reality Creation.

By changing you focus, your emotions, and your beliefs, you change your reality. You will realize this as you complete the exercises in this Blog Series.

Everything exists initially as Gestalts of Consciousness, the non-physical “templates” of creation.

Thoughts, images, and emotions assemble in arrays of potentiality in the pe-manifestation domain. These assemblages act as the blueprints for Reality Constructs of all types.

I realize that I am being somewhat repetitive in these Precepts, “redundant,” as we say. I do this because repetition is the key to teaching, and it is the key to learning also.

Can you sense how some of these statements lend themselves quite naturally to certain projects rather that others? Can you also sense the phenomenon we identify as resonance active in the Precepts.


This is a writing exercise, primarily. Without thinking about it too much, choose those few Precepts that speak to you, that you feel may be true or useful to you. The personalize each of them by placing yourself at the center of the idea. You will be putting your personal energy into the Precepts as you do this, just in working with the Blog material. You will have the opportunity of using this Blog material later in this Blog Series.


These concepts were first presented in our Blog Series Thought Reality. They represent some of my interpretations of the Ancient Wisdom Blog material. Once activated, they have the potential to assist you in the creation of what you Love. You may think of these statements as the foundational elements of your Practice and of the Regimens to follow.

Useful metaphors are those that effectively convey complex ideas or emotions in a relatable and understandable way. Here are some examples:

  1. Life is a journey: This metaphor implies that life is a passage from one point to another, with various experiences and challenges along the way. It helps people understand that life is not just about reaching a destination but also about the experiences gained during the journey.
  2. Time is money: This metaphor suggests that time, like money, is a valuable resource that should be spent wisely. It emphasizes the importance of time management and prioritization.
  3. Love is a battlefield: This metaphor compares the ups and downs of romantic relationships to the challenges and conflicts of a battlefield. It conveys the idea that love can be tumultuous and requires effort and perseverance to overcome obstacles.
  4. The mind is a garden: This metaphor likens the mind to a garden that requires cultivation and care. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing positive thoughts and ideas while weeding out negativity.
  5. Knowledge is a treasure: This metaphor implies that knowledge, like treasure, is valuable and worth seeking. It suggests that acquiring knowledge can enrich and enhance one’s life.
  6. Life is like a box of chocolates: This famous metaphor from the movie “Forrest Gump” suggests that life is full of surprises and uncertainties, much like the assortment of chocolates in a box. It conveys the idea that you never know what you’re going to get.
  7. The internet is a vast ocean: This metaphor compares the vastness and interconnectedness of the internet to an ocean. It conveys the idea that the internet contains a wealth of information and resources, but navigating it requires caution and skill.
  8. Time is a river: This metaphor suggests that time flows continuously, much like a river. It conveys the idea that time is constantly moving forward and cannot be stopped or reversed.
  9. Hope is a light in the darkness: This metaphor compares hope to a guiding light that shines through difficult times. It conveys the idea that hope can provide comfort and motivation even in the darkest of circumstances.
  10. Friendship is a sheltering tree: This metaphor suggests that friendships provide support and protection, much like a sheltering tree. It conveys the idea that friends are there to offer comfort and refuge during challenging times.


The oscillating emotional tone, the Feeling-Tone that also has thought and imagery attached to it, is this Resonance we are describing. Resonance is the frequency of creation in our world. It oscillates multi-dimensionally, also, to create perceived realities within all of our Simultaneous Existences. The specific frequency of oscillation or vibration is determined by the varying inputs of emotion, thought, and imagery. In each of our lives we exhibit the specific frequency of that life. No two are exactly the same.


Now that I have presented some introductory material we will now discuss the Essential Metaphor that is the subject of this Blog Series. Resonance: a very high concept indeed. It is a broad, overarching Essential Metaphor that may help you discover those aspects of your consciousness that can help you to create what you wish to create in our Blog Series on the Soul Family, we first defined Resonance in this way, What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance – the electromagnetic assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs.” This is Resonance with a capital R, you see. This is the activity that creates positive realities for the Practitioner.

Let me now add to this definition by expanding on the word “thoughtful.” By thoughtful what I mean is… Both subconscious and what you might call “intentionally” conscious thought create the reality that you then observe as feedback. The awakening student becomes aware of the particulars within the subconscious mind.

This accounts for the phenomenon of the Moment of Awakening in which the student realizes that they do indeed create their less-than-positive realities, and that they do so subconsciously, for the most part, through negative ruminations. This we may call resonance with a small “r,” if you don’t mind. These negative ruminations create negative realities. They are the opposites of the positive thought forms – the Precepts, for example – we suggest you use to create your positive realities. I am speaking of the positive circular thoughts that you create and then Ritually inculcate into your mental awareness.




1 – Unlucky – Lucky

2 – Fear of pleasure – Ecstasy

3 – The mundane – The Exalted

4 – Status Quo – Visionary

5 – Job – Quest

6 – Rat Race – Healing Journey

7 – The Paycheck – The Abundant Universe

8 – Common Trance – Uncommon Trance

9 – Obey Authority – Self-Authority

10 – Sleeping – Awakening

11 – Subconscious Creation – Conscious Co-Creation

12 – Holding On – Letting Go

13 – Assessing – Going With The Flow

14 – Tension – Release

15 – Past – Future

16 – Persona – Guides

17 – Ego/Intellect – Higher Gestalts

  • Awakened Self
  • Soul Self
  • Objective Observer
  • Reincarnational

18 – Personal Reality – Consensus Reality

  • Magician Shaman Witch

19 – Sick – Wounded Healer

  • Precept – Percept

20 – Consumerism – Healing Journey

21 -Negative Creation – Positive Reality

22 – Status Quo – The New World

23 – Worst Case – Best Case

24 – Denial – Personal Responsibility

25 – Intellectualization – Visionary Perspective

  • Trance State



We are now referring to my new Blog material as a Teaching, as a Path of Awakening. It is a path toward independence, generally, away from authority figures and towards a realization that the answers to all questions are to be found within the personal consciousness: your personal consciousness. As a student of your own existence, you are expected to examine your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors as a scientist would, a Scientist of Consciousness. Because you are studying yourself, objectively, Lovingly, you will observe instances of denial, intellectualization, cynicism, egoic pontifications, and so on. The negative emotions are noted, their origins identified, as plans are implemented to transform these negative states of consciousness into their opposites.

This is the crux of the matter. The student of the Personal Reality attempts to fine-tune the expression of Reality Creation for the highest good of all. Why “the highest good of all ?” When you make your Transition do you wish to die alone, or with the entirety of existence – the Universe – supporting you?

Now please observe that I am addressing you as a particular type of human. Obviously there may be Blog Readers who are not on-board with us in these arcane studies. These directions are not for this type. And this is where the concept of Resonance comes in quite profoundly. If this material does not Resonate with you on some level, if it does not pique your interest and compel you to read on, it is probably not for you. Resonance, you see. It is at the foundation of all activities in Reality Creation.

Let me remind you that we suggest continuous use of the Ritual of Sanctuary as you perfect your Practice and carry out your Regimens. The Ritual of Sanctuary is explained in previous Blogs.


Now we live many lives and those with whom we are experiencing our current life also live their many lives. And just as those humans with whom we interact in our current existence – our genetic family, our adoptive family, our colleagues, our acquaintances – are learning their individual Lessons with us now, so too are each of us in what we are calling the Soul Family, learning our Lessons together in other Lives. In all of our lives, in whatever era we are experiencing our lives – Renaissance Europe, for example, or perhaps within a tribal unit in our prehistoric past – we are also interacting with Soul Family members, the same group of people with whom we always interact, for they live their lives just as we do: in different bodies, in different times in different circumstances


Our Current Reality

Thank you for staying with us in our new Blog Project. To begin, as you very well know my friend. You create your own reality. This has been my primary refrain to humanity in my messages over several years, and I fervently hope that you remember. In this moment and in every moment of our life, we form the world that we know, even as everything else within our reality cooperates with us in this creation process.

Our world is made from Consciousness Units: awarized elements of energy that seek out the fulfillment of infinite values in the manifestation of Reality Constructs of infinite variety. This etheric substance – the stream of manifestation – literally travels outward from our body to create the world that we then experience. It is fantastic. It is unbelievable. It IS the way we create our reality, Dear Blog Reader. For in this endeavor of Reality Creation, everything that can happen does happen, all in the spacious moment of creation – the eternal moment of NOW.

Included in this construction project of the Soul is the creation of our own physical body within a context of multi-dimensional existence. We do indeed live countless lives; some are lived in our past, some are lived in our present, and some are lived in our future. We have referred to these as the Simultaneous Lives and also the Reincarnational Existences. These lives are our lives throughout time.