Category Archives: Gestalt


When I provide ongoing support for clients, I proceed in a particular way. This may help you to create your own program and help you avoid problems.

Now when a client asks me for my insight into a particular Issue that they might have, I remind them that THEY themselves have the solutions. I am only an intermediary here, you see. I am able to observe what the client has in store for themselves as probable trajectories of development, probable realities. Therefore, as you create your Regimens keep this truth in mind, Dear Blog Reader. You already know the answers. You already have created success in your Practice. You are even now quite successful in a probable future from which you may pull inspiration. In other words, please understand this Best Case Scenario that we speak of in this Blog Series is real. It is quite apparent to me, and I am certain it will become quite certain to you as you complete your studies.

Secondly, use your Guides as you would a coach or knowledgeable confidante. As we have reminded you before in our second Blog Series, the genie of literature and myth is the Energy Personality, the Spirit, the Guide. Knowing this, act as if your guides have all the answers and it will be so. This can be considered an adjunct Precept to YCYR. Perhaps I would state it thus: “Your Source has all the answers you need to help you manifest your heart’s desire.” Then, as you Embody this Precept, the Guides will make themselves known to you and make the information available, the information you require, you see, to create your world the way you want it.


Prosperity and the Victim Stance

If you feel as though you are experiencing Lack, you have a perspective Issue. You exist within an Abundant Universe, however your Issues act as barriers between you and prosperity. Your beliefs, you see, are actively obscuring your perception of this Abundant Universe.

Let me explain the activity of Resonance at it applies to the Victim. Now Resonance is a dynamic process. It is composed of Light energy fluctuations achieving balance within electromagnetic influences. The Consciousness Units flash on and off, creating different realities in different time-frames. On the basic level, what you focus on consciously, or unconsciously, has a particular vibratory frequency that attempts to replicate itself in physical reality.

On the unconscious level, for example, let us suppose that you have a tendency to create just enough prosperity to sustain yourself, yet never enough to relax and enjoy your life. This is how you view it, your manifestation of your person reality.

This is a type of victim stance, in that, you see yourself as “trying to get ahead,” as we say, but it never quite happens.

In my terms, your prosperity evades you for you are creating unconsciously according to less-than-best case scenarios created in your past. These scenarios may have been developed by you in your response to perceived stress, trauma, negative experiences, you see. These are protective strategies that serve to protect you at THAT STAGE of your development: the point in your growth as a Soul in which you sustained the emotional injuries, the damage, you might say, to the Emotional Body. The ego/intellect, the conscious mind attempts to protect you in this way. It keeps from you this negative material. It represses it.

This resonance phenomenon is actively working within your subconscious to match the vibratory frequency of you victim strategy to people, places and things in your physical world. Subconsciously, then, you are creating your reality through this resonance effect, that seeks a match of outside to inside energies.


ESSENTIAL METAPHOR – You are on a path to your past, to your birth. As you go back in time on this path you see on the side of the road, events, places where you split off parts of yourself and left them. The idea is to collect these aspects or parts of self and integrate them into your personality through Intent. You go all the way back to your birth. When you have done this adequately, you can go back beyond and before your birth to the time in between lives, in the Home Dimension and into other lives.

Now if you have issues of abuse from childhood, these issues may be healed from the present. As you walk this path you see different events being recreated on the side of the road. You see where you have left parts of yourself at different stages of development in your life. The idea is to collect these Feeling-Tones and bring them back to the present. This is healing the Soul. It allows you to integrate all of this material and navigate the developmental phase that was interrupted by the trauma.


This is a creative project, and as such, it requires a plan. The Blueprint is quite simply our personalized best practices discovered through experimentation. This is the Scientist of Consciousness model, the one we employ as we study our manifestations. We research our own existence and gather our results.

These findings are noted, and over time we alter our experiments in our search for what is most appropriate, for what works in the attainment of the Soul Mate. Look to the end of the next Blog for more on the Blueprint.