Category Archives: TELEPATHY


Now as you refuse from authority figures, you quite naturally learn how to trust YOURSELF. Again, this is a learned habit, like anything else in your reality. What you focus on habitually, whether subconsciously or consciously, you tend to create. The Courageous step of relying on your Inner Self to provide the information you seek, becomes a faithful expectation that you will receive what you desire and need. Over time it does indeed become second nature. You might also call it a faithful, trust-filled precognition that what you ask for is being provided.

This is the Ancient Wisdom, in fact, and this communication stream arrives from your greater Gestalt of Consciousness. It is personalized, this stream of data, for your perception. It is tuned to your frequency, specifically, to the frequency of your awakening Spirit. Thus, the awakening human becomes an expert on their own unfolding consciousness. And simply because you are connected to everyone/thing in the Universe, you are also mastering a perception of the macrocosm here: the greater gestalt you may call All That Is.


Please begin to note the lines below, the perceived outcomes of your Practice and Regimens.



Now you get what you focus on, whether it is subconscious or conscious focusing. So assume that you ARE remembering in this moment that you are magically engaged in creating what you want. You are focused consciously on the goal. You are perhaps visualizing the object or state of consciousness in detail, here moment-to-moment. But what if you are losing this focus as you become engaged in taking care of a mundane matter that seeks attention? What often occurs at these times is an appearance by one of these stimulants, one of the Resonance Factors, that encapsulates, in a sense, the creative project for you up to the point of departure, so that you can remember where you left off when you return after the distraction with no loss of momentum.

Again, it is a Feeling-Tone. It has imagery, it has emotion, it has circular thought attached to it. Then, you might take care of the distraction and afterward return to your project of manifestation. You might do this by remembering the Feeling-Tone, the summation from the Best Case Scenario, the Resonance Factors that engaged you directly before you broke your state. Embody those Factors and begin again on your creative project. This is a simple way to keep your manifestation projects on track, in spite of the inevitable distractions in physical reality.


Let us cover probable effects of consciousness in the Third Dimension. To begin, as we know, our individual and collective realities are created from limitless probabilities. These probable thoughts, images, emotions, and so on, exist within the etheric, what we also call the pre-manifestation domain. It is from this dimension that our Earthly dimension emerges.

Now all probable effects have a singular charge. This tendency to appear in the particular way of the proposed effect, has, as I said, bioelectric and electromagnetic properties. In our terms, everything in the etheric domain. With your imagination, with your consciousness, you consistently add to this repository of potential. By thinking about the goodness of humanity, for example, you positive imagery, emotions, thoughts and other elements seek out their likeness in this pre-manifestation domain, as well as their opposites. The opposites serve to give depth and counterpoint. Through Resonance these correlations are energized, amplified, supported, given life, you see.

In a sense, the negative is inferred through the positive expression, in contrast, you see, in relative contrast. If you wish to think in terms of dynamics within a system, a system of reality, you could theorize that through Resonance, both the positive and the negative, in addition to all expressions in between these two polarities, are expressed to the nth degree throughout the past, present, and future. Value Fulfillment occurs simultaneously with this expression.


Now imagine what BCS would look like when it is finally manifested. Write your BCS on the lines below. Use just a few words to capture the essence, the Feeling-Tone of this construct. I believe that it is important to start this process now. You have the tools to be gin. You are ready now to start creating your heart’s desire.



Prosperity and the Victim Stance

If you feel as though you are experiencing Lack, you have a perspective Issue. You exist within an Abundant Universe, however your Issues act as barriers between you and prosperity. Your beliefs, you see, are actively obscuring your perception of this Abundant Universe.

Let me explain the activity of Resonance at it applies to the Victim. Now Resonance is a dynamic process. It is composed of Light energy fluctuations achieving balance within electromagnetic influences. The Consciousness Units flash on and off, creating different realities in different time-frames. On the basic level, what you focus on consciously, or unconsciously, has a particular vibratory frequency that attempts to replicate itself in physical reality.

On the unconscious level, for example, let us suppose that you have a tendency to create just enough prosperity to sustain yourself, yet never enough to relax and enjoy your life. This is how you view it, your manifestation of your person reality.

This is a type of victim stance, in that, you see yourself as “trying to get ahead,” as we say, but it never quite happens.

In my terms, your prosperity evades you for you are creating unconsciously according to less-than-best case scenarios created in your past. These scenarios may have been developed by you in your response to perceived stress, trauma, negative experiences, you see. These are protective strategies that serve to protect you at THAT STAGE of your development: the point in your growth as a Soul in which you sustained the emotional injuries, the damage, you might say, to the Emotional Body. The ego/intellect, the conscious mind attempts to protect you in this way. It keeps from you this negative material. It represses it.

This resonance phenomenon is actively working within your subconscious to match the vibratory frequency of you victim strategy to people, places and things in your physical world. Subconsciously, then, you are creating your reality through this resonance effect, that seeks a match of outside to inside energies.


For example: as you focus on the Entity, through reading and conducting the experiments in our Blogs, you ally with this vast collection of Souls. You are nourished as the Entity is nourished, you see. What began as an affinity of ideas and feelings becomes a true collaboration. It is the same principle at work in spiritual literature of all types. You are inspired, moved, transformed by the ideas in the text. We have spoken of this before.

Now this intense identification with the famous deceased, can be quite productive and life-enriching if the time is taken to truly study and honor these lives. The information is out there in the Collective Consciousness for you to examine at any time. Anyone with the proper preparation and motivation can access and explore this material. And as I said, the more you research with respect and Love these Gestalts of Consciousness of the transitioned humans, the more your consciousness becomes a part of the greater Gestalt we call the Entity.



You may be familiar with a phenomenon that occurs for the individual explorer within this Past Life experimentation. We call it Celebrity Effect, in that, it is almost mandatory for the Scientist of Consciousness to uncover Past Lives lived as various well-known personalities. Thus you have the discoveries that you have lived lives as famous leaders from our perceived past, movie stars who have made the Transition, and so on. Often this ages into the Unknown Reality. The reasons for this may become obvious to you as I explain this phenomenon from my perspective.

Often this celebrity effect exerts its influence in the first few voyages…


Hypothesis: You may identify members of your Interdimensional Soul Family in the moment point


It is best to have some experience in working in the field before you attempt this experiment. These moments of high-emotionality, of joy and anger, are in themselves Moment Points for the explorer of consciousness. High emotionality is a form of Trance State, and so you only need to focus a bit on your objectives here, when you are within one of these experiences.

As you let go and relax into the feelings here, allow the emotions themselves to guide you to the other lives: the target lives you wish to study. Imagine that you are tuning-in on these theoretical existences with your thoughts, with your Intentions. You will know you have made contact when you sense an other-worldly element to your sensings in the moment of the experimentation.

You may feel somewhat disoriented as your travel interdimensionally to other existences. This is multitasking here, as you participate in the high-emotionality of the current lifetime experience, while simultaneously using your Inner Senses to peer into other lives in other timeframes.

You might ask yourself what are the Lessons being learned in the other existences. You might ask for the particulars of the Soul Family member you are encountering in this representation of the Soul Family member with whom you are currently interacting? Ask for as much corroborating data as you can to enable verification later.

The material may come as a bleedthrough – a brief multisensory experience. If this is the case, you will have full memories of this when you come to surface awareness.

What you are illuminating here in this experiment are your Soul Family Past Life and Future Life Issues. These are the Lessons you have worked on in other lives with these people.

When you feel the experiment is complete, return to surface awareness at your own pace.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings on the chart below. In the next blog you will combine these Findings with the material gathered earlier in the Blog Series.




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We are multidimensional beings in a physical body. During our waking times we are constantly peeking into our other lives. This is how we come to an agreement about what to do here in our current existence. Then, paradoxically, the moment we make our reality, we forget how we came to that place of divine creativity.

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We refer to these separate time segments or time frames in which we have our individual existences as dimensions. Our current existences takes place in the Third Dimension, as we know. Our past existences had occurred and ARE occuring in what we might call the Past Dimensions. The same can be said of our future existences: they are playing out in Future Dimensions.

You might remember that in my theory we hypothesize multiple existences that are lived by the Soul Self within this current timeframe in which we live. So there is indeed another human or humans, quite related to you via the Soul Self, living out their lives as your contemporaries.

As I have stated before, there are similarities in the experiences and behavior of ALL of our Simultaneous Lives. To be sure, these similarities are not obvious at first glance. In other words, the outwards manifestation, the physical countenance, for example, is entirely different in each instance of our existence.

We ARE living our other lives within vastly differing body types, of differing temperaments, and so on. Yet within the psyches of all of these representations of our singular Soul Self, note the similarities. These are similarities in thought, imagery, emotional content, and so on.

In this section of our Blog Series, we will show you how to use these attributes that you share with your other lives, as a method for honing-in on these lives while in Trance State. Because you are learning how to take this Trance State with you into your waking reality, you will also be able to do your research into your other existences outside of your home: “in the field,” as we say.


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from a future probable self who is succeeding in this project.

You exist within a Matrix of probability and potential. Every thought of yours attempts to prove itself in physical reality. Because all values are explored by consciousness in all cases, there exists for you personally a best-case-scenario with regards to your Soul Mate encounter. This ideal exists within the consciousness of a future probable self of yours that you may contact in the Trance State.


Achieve your Trance State as you usually do. Relax and enjoy this process of going deeper within. With your Intention as your guide, imagine your consciousness travelling, free, as in the Spirit Body, or perhaps within a visualized transport of some kind to the place where future probable realities exist for you personally.

When you sense that you have arrived, again use your Intention to tune-in on the Best-Case-Scenario probable life with regards to this Soul Mate project. You may notice it, in that, there is a pleasant aroma, image, sound, or tactile sensation associated with it.

Now conduct a brief interview with this future probable self of yours, to gather the information you require to replicate the behaviors, ideas, images and so on, upon which this ideal outcome is based. You will have total recall of this information you are receiving from this future probable self. Gradually return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings immediately.


As you master the Techniques and you gain your personally Findings from Experimentation, you will experience the confidence that comes from co-creating your existence with the Divine. In time you will find your own success in this project: success as YOU define it. Keep at it with Loving Understanding, Courage and with faith in a positive outcome.