Category Archives: Evolution


In a related matter, I am quite able to act as a go-between you, Dear Blog Reader, and your Energy Personality and other Guides. This I offer as a service to my Blog Readers, to help you get connected. Therefore, use my Techniques, use this material, use my felt-presence as a bridge between your Earthly perceptions and your Guidance. You simply ask for the connections to be made in self-reflective states and when you are in nature. Because you are connecting with the entity through your Practice, you will receive this support.


Though this Practice is related to pretending, there is a great difference between conscious manifesting and pretending. Let me describe these differences briefly…

In conscious manifesting, at least in my view, the Highest Perspective is invoked throughout the Practice, throughout your Rituals, Regimens and studies. I submit that pretending does not require a connection to these Evolved Perspectives.

In pretending, there is also the playful approach that I see as a requirement in the Practice. However, this playful approach must be grounded, in my opinion, in the Higher Centers. The Divine Child or the Magical Child is invoked, as I have just said. This may most easily occur when you have an ongoing connection to your Guides, to your Energy Personality, to All That Is.

Additionally, in the act of pretending there is lacking a complete faithful expectation in the successful outcome, as I see it. You are not manifesting with Divine Intent the desired Reality Constructs or events. Pretending is a good start, in other words, however, please invoke the powerful non-physical beings if you are committed to conscious manifesting.

I do believe that some of my Blog Readers are neglecting the differences. The key here, is FIRST to connect with your Source, your Guidance, your Higher Consciousness. Then the Ancient Wisdom is revealed. Then you are indeed Guided to your destination. Then you are not alone; you have the resources of the Divine at your disposal.


Your practice as an awakening human, one who is intentionally creating positive realities, entails putting into practice the Essential Metaphors. Again, for example: “I am the captain of my ship.” Are you? If you are the captain of your ship act as though you are the captain of your ship. Walk like a captain, talk like a captain, immerse yourself in the role of the captain. Create your reality with purposeful Intent. Do you see my meaning here?

I do not wish to be too hard on you in this Blog Series. However, if you wish to dramatically change your reality for the better, you must surely do something dramatically different in your existence. And even though I am being somewhat humorous in this example, please observe the subtext, here.


My ongoing students are well aware of my theory of Good Humor and its place in the creation of positive realities. Briefly, the Practitioner may use simple humor and a self-created sense of good will that may lead to the creation of improved realities.

One way to begin this is to assume the identity of the Magical Child. This is the Essential Identity of You-The-Blog-Reader, the child BEFORE you were frustrated, before you were spun off on a negative trajectory of development, perhaps, before you became socialized.

Playful innocence also describes this benign state of awareness. Your countenance glows with good will, here. You have a smile on your face and you are quite pleased with yourself and your world. Because you have not yet forgotten that you are a wonder-worker, you still know how to create what you want, what you desire. You even have within your mental environment memories of preceding lived. You have not been forced to forget this material. Am I getting through to you, Dear Blog Reader? This is the foundational state of your consciousness. This is Love. Begin here to create your positive realities.



This is, of course, the state of consciousness marked by relaxation, an inward focus, and what we might call a “tuneable” connection to the Unknown Reality. How you enter this state is up to you. Through practicing entering and exiting this state, you learn how to lessen or deepen at-will this Trance. I believe I will leave it at that, on the assumption that you are well-versed in achieving these states of scared awareness. You ARE awakening at this time…


Yes, only God can make a tree. I totally concur. However, in this Teaching of mine we are asking You-The-Blog-Reader to acknowledge your divinity. You are God and Goddess and you are All That Is. Observe through your particular perspective, therefore, your creations in the collaborative effort with your environment. Now when I ask you to look at what you are doing, see where you are going, take responsibility for your Reality Creation, this is what I mean. With the full appreciation of “What you are doing,” you are compelled by conscience to take responsibility and CHANGE YOUR CREATIONS FOR THE BETTER.


Additionally, I do believe that our connection to a Higher Awareness is imperative in these explorations. For in terms of states of consciousness – the various perspectives that the Practitioner Embodies in this method – would it not be of value to seek out the elevated perspectives of the non-physical beings, the Energy Personality, the Guides, the Gods and Goddesses, your own Higher Consciousness?

It makes sense, I think, to receive what we might call, a “second opinion,” here, moving forward with our studies. Yes, we are certain of what you the ego/intellect know and what you wish to find out. However, when we invoke the Higher Gestalts of Consciousness “the entire game plan changes,” to coin a phrase. All of our behaviors, all of our thoughts and emotions become understood in an entirely different way when we make these connections. It is indeed an altered state, a highly elevated and exalted state of consciousness when the student is connected to The Source.


If you are the captain of your ship act as though you are the captain of you ship…

The Quest

Why are you reading this Blog? As I stated earlier, I make an assumption that you are looking for something that is lacking in your life. So I am assuming that you are on a Quest of some sort. Perhaps you are on a Healing Voyage to correct a malady, or you are experiencing Lack in a quite profound way and wish to discover the Abundant Universe for yourself, or you may be lonely, looking for your ideal partner – Soul Mate – and wondering how to go about that. Are you a student of your own life, one who investigates the Personal Reality as a philosopher? Do you notice the mystical intrusion from the Unknown Reality, the anomalies of consciousness, and attempt to uncover their source?

These descriptions assume you are looking for your own answers to important questions in your life, as though Essential Metaphors denoting progress, learning, and adventure give a fullness of meaning to your activities in the Third Dimension?

This how it works, Dear Blog Reader…

Referring to our chart in Chapter One in this Blog Series: When you identify yourself as being on a Path of Awakening you catalyze the energies of awakening within you. When you Embody the Essential Metaphor called the Path of Awakening, you gradually see your world change to reflect this new perspective. Everything becomes a Lesson when you see you life in this way. Your Issues are revealed to you in the intimacy of daily living. You are indeed awakening to your greater reality as you Resonate your new world into being.


Perception (Percept) creates reality in the Third Dimension. Thus, when you habitually embody the essential Metaphors (Precepts) your perceived world begins to change to reflect the essences of these Precepts. Prove it to yourself.



For now, please read these Precepts and ask yourself which of them may be of the most help in your life. This is a beginning exercise in Resonance Dynamics. You simply achieve a light Trance, a relaxed inner-directed mental state. You are looking for a subdued state of consciousness that allows you to read this Blog material and internalize it – be affected by it – without falling asleep. Stretch your body, close your eyes, relax into a comfortable position. Do what you do when you meditate, Dear Blog Reader. Now read on….

You create your own reality.

Please take me literally. For you ARE the literal fabricator of your existence. With the energy of the cosmos – of All That Is – you co-create all that you see before you, as well as all that you indeed ARE in this moment, including your physical body. Does this remind you of something?

You are connected to everything in your world.

In this collaborative moment, within your Personal Reality Field, you are supported by, and, you do indeed support EVERYTHING around you. These energetic supports are observable to the nth degree. In other words, you could follow with your Inner Senses the strands of connective energy between you and everything in your world and find a part of you in everything else.

You can change the Consensus Reality from your Personal Reality Field.

Your individual consciousness energy goes out from your Personal Reality Field into the Consensus Reality Field to influence the manifestation of collective realities. In a sense, you could say that you vote within the collective with your thoughts, your images, and your emotions. They have effects on the global manifestation.

Emotion is the creative energy of All That Is in action.

Your thoughts and images are actualized according to the frequency of the emotion you give to them. Please note the suggestion of the Resonance activity in this definition.

Human consciousness is founded in Love.

Your primal condition at all times and in all lives is Love. We affirm the keynote of our world religions and most spiritual practices. Again, we are speaking literally, here.

Diversions from Love through Negative Emotions create Negative Realities.

By habitually diverting your attention to Negative Emotion from Love you begin to habitually create Lack, illness, and other Negative Realities.

All imbalances may be corrected through Love and Courage.

With Loving Understanding and Courage you can transform Negative Realities into Positive Realities. This is the primary practice of this Teaching.

You are the sum of your Simultaneous Lives within your current Moment Point.

Your essential Identity in this moment is created from the consciousness material within the mental environments of all of your Simultaneous Lives. Within the identified Moment Point, you have access to any and all of these Reincarnational Existences. Try it.

Your Inner Senses may be used to examine and change anything past, present or future.

In the Trance state, within your current Moment Point you can transform events from your past, present or future.

You are in telepathic rapport with everything in your world.

The Consciousness Units of which you are composed Resonate with the Consciousness Units of which everything else is made.

Reality Constructs are composed of Consciousness Untis of awarized energy.

Everything in our system is created out of Consciousness Units of awarized energy that are telepathic and holographic.

Coordinate Points permeate matter and space and modulate the activity of the Consciousness Units.

Coordinate Points in space and time hold the form of Reality Constructs created by consciousness.

Your intention, Emotions and Beliefs provide the energy and direction for Reality Creation.

By changing you focus, your emotions, and your beliefs, you change your reality. You will realize this as you complete the exercises in this Blog Series.

Everything exists initially as Gestalts of Consciousness, the non-physical “templates” of creation.

Thoughts, images, and emotions assemble in arrays of potentiality in the pe-manifestation domain. These assemblages act as the blueprints for Reality Constructs of all types.

I realize that I am being somewhat repetitive in these Precepts, “redundant,” as we say. I do this because repetition is the key to teaching, and it is the key to learning also.

Can you sense how some of these statements lend themselves quite naturally to certain projects rather that others? Can you also sense the phenomenon we identify as resonance active in the Precepts.


This is a writing exercise, primarily. Without thinking about it too much, choose those few Precepts that speak to you, that you feel may be true or useful to you. The personalize each of them by placing yourself at the center of the idea. You will be putting your personal energy into the Precepts as you do this, just in working with the Blog material. You will have the opportunity of using this Blog material later in this Blog Series.


Now, as you begin to”try on” some of these empowered concepts – including Resonance – it becomes necessary for you to personalize them to your particular Issue that you have discovered, the Lesson that you are learning, or the manifestation project you are initiation. By making it personal, you are fine-tuning these affirmative statements to suit your own needs and desires. Thus, it will be the Essential Metaphors that You-The-Blog-Reader define for yourself what will have the most power and integrity in your creative endeavors. I will guide you through this process so that you may maintain the power of the Precept, while still configuring and adapting it to reflect your goals.

For example, You create your own reality may become, “I(Your Name) AM the captain of my ship!” “I have the power of the magician in my world,” or more specifically, “”I have the limitless power of All That Is within me to create my prosperous life for myself and my family.” Then you might go about your waking reality using our Techniques, proving this to yourself through your behaviors, through your thought, through your feelings.


The Intentional creator of realities embodies the Essential Metaphors. By embody, I mean, you walk, you talk, you feel, you believe the concept into actuality.