Category Archives: Ontology


Now imagine what BCS would look like when it is finally manifested. Write your BCS on the lines below. Use just a few words to capture the essence, the Feeling-Tone of this construct. I believe that it is important to start this process now. You have the tools to be gin. You are ready now to start creating your heart’s desire.



When I provide ongoing support for clients, I proceed in a particular way. This may help you to create your own program and help you avoid problems.

Now when a client asks me for my insight into a particular Issue that they might have, I remind them that THEY themselves have the solutions. I am only an intermediary here, you see. I am able to observe what the client has in store for themselves as probable trajectories of development, probable realities. Therefore, as you create your Regimens keep this truth in mind, Dear Blog Reader. You already know the answers. You already have created success in your Practice. You are even now quite successful in a probable future from which you may pull inspiration. In other words, please understand this Best Case Scenario that we speak of in this Blog Series is real. It is quite apparent to me, and I am certain it will become quite certain to you as you complete your studies.

Secondly, use your Guides as you would a coach or knowledgeable confidante. As we have reminded you before in our second Blog Series, the genie of literature and myth is the Energy Personality, the Spirit, the Guide. Knowing this, act as if your guides have all the answers and it will be so. This can be considered an adjunct Precept to YCYR. Perhaps I would state it thus: “Your Source has all the answers you need to help you manifest your heart’s desire.” Then, as you Embody this Precept, the Guides will make themselves known to you and make the information available, the information you require, you see, to create your world the way you want it.


Now here is a time for everything, here, in your Ritual processes. Let me go on a bit about just what I mean with this statement…

Just as this Resonance exhibits both the attractive and repulsive principles, and finds cohesion and momentum “over time,” you may find it advantageous to, in a sense, ride this wave of manifestation with your awareness. There is a time for holding on and letting go, resisting/assessing and “going with the flow.” You cannot have one without the other in this natural process. It is not “wrong” or “bad” to favor one over the other. It is quite fruitful to embrace both in this practice.

In a very natural way, the student attends to the current moment, for example, with focus and energy. In the next moment, however, you might relax and let go, you see: Distraction. The natural distractions of living will occur for you, taking your focus off of your creative enterprises. Simply let go of your focus in that moment and ride the wave of manifestation. The next moment may call for a return to your focus on the matter at hand. Simply do so, not abandoning the distraction but simply diverting your attention back to the Regimen. This is multitasking. The more you practice, the more proficient you become.


Prosperity and the Victim Stance

If you feel as though you are experiencing Lack, you have a perspective Issue. You exist within an Abundant Universe, however your Issues act as barriers between you and prosperity. Your beliefs, you see, are actively obscuring your perception of this Abundant Universe.

Let me explain the activity of Resonance at it applies to the Victim. Now Resonance is a dynamic process. It is composed of Light energy fluctuations achieving balance within electromagnetic influences. The Consciousness Units flash on and off, creating different realities in different time-frames. On the basic level, what you focus on consciously, or unconsciously, has a particular vibratory frequency that attempts to replicate itself in physical reality.

On the unconscious level, for example, let us suppose that you have a tendency to create just enough prosperity to sustain yourself, yet never enough to relax and enjoy your life. This is how you view it, your manifestation of your person reality.

This is a type of victim stance, in that, you see yourself as “trying to get ahead,” as we say, but it never quite happens.

In my terms, your prosperity evades you for you are creating unconsciously according to less-than-best case scenarios created in your past. These scenarios may have been developed by you in your response to perceived stress, trauma, negative experiences, you see. These are protective strategies that serve to protect you at THAT STAGE of your development: the point in your growth as a Soul in which you sustained the emotional injuries, the damage, you might say, to the Emotional Body. The ego/intellect, the conscious mind attempts to protect you in this way. It keeps from you this negative material. It represses it.

This resonance phenomenon is actively working within your subconscious to match the vibratory frequency of you victim strategy to people, places and things in your physical world. Subconsciously, then, you are creating your reality through this resonance effect, that seeks a match of outside to inside energies.


Now here in this section we will demonstrate how a sense of Good Humor, as in clever punning, may help us initiate a manifestation scenario of positive realities. You already are familiar, I am guessing, with the modern aphorisms regarding the past: “Don’t dredge up the past. What’s done is done. Look forward.” Generally, the past, particularly the past of negative events, traumatic events shall we say, is indeed best forgotten. “Just don’t dwell on it, ” the saying goes, “and it will lose its power over you.”

There is some truth to these statements, from my perspective. You do indeed create through a focusing of your energies on the subject matter. And so I do not advise the student who has had a traumatic childhood, for example, to continuously TRY to remember the traumatic events. Without proper preparation, they may make matters worse for themselves. Yet I DO believe that a return to the scenes of the trauma in the imagination, from an Objective Observer’s perspective, may be quite healing. Again, this is not done willy-nilly, without regard for the safety of the human. Great preparation is made before the return to master this Observer’s Perspective.

Once this is done, the student may safely visit these unfortunate memories, and observe the going-on objectively, without Embodying these negative memories, in other words. Here is where we use humor to neutralize the negative Feeling-Tone that marks and identifies the traumatic events. Change the past and the present will take care of itself. It has a sense of the absurd to it yet it is literally true. Over time the Objective Observer creates safety in this retrieval process. The negative emotion loses its sting, its power to wound.

Now having been neutralized, the event may safely be studied, assessed, and TRANSFORMED. The student is quite literally changing their past. When they return to surface awareness from the Trance State they may well experience the cathartic healing of consciousness. In this sense the student recovers, as in going back to retrieve the lost aspects of Soul, rather than recover in the sense of again covering up the negative past. Please note the activity of the double meaning within consciousness.


ESSENTIAL METAPHOR – You are on a path to your past, to your birth. As you go back in time on this path you see on the side of the road, events, places where you split off parts of yourself and left them. The idea is to collect these aspects or parts of self and integrate them into your personality through Intent. You go all the way back to your birth. When you have done this adequately, you can go back beyond and before your birth to the time in between lives, in the Home Dimension and into other lives.

Now if you have issues of abuse from childhood, these issues may be healed from the present. As you walk this path you see different events being recreated on the side of the road. You see where you have left parts of yourself at different stages of development in your life. The idea is to collect these Feeling-Tones and bring them back to the present. This is healing the Soul. It allows you to integrate all of this material and navigate the developmental phase that was interrupted by the trauma.

Relaxation and Effortlessness

It is true, of course, that before the time of modern psychology man and woman had a concept of himself and herself that dealt with conscious exterior aspects only, although it has been written that until that time man and woman thought of themselves as a kind of flat-surfaced self-minus, for example, subconscious or unconscious complexity.

Instead, previous to psychology’s entrance, before psychology mapped the acceptable or forbidden, the dangerous or safe compartments of the self, man and woman used the word “soul” to  include his or her own entire complexity. The word was large enough to contain man’s and woman’s experience. It was large enough to provide room for conventional and unconventional, bizarre and ordinary states of mind and experience. It was roomy enough to hold images of reality that were physically perceived or psychologically perceived.

Now the church finally placed all of the condemnation of its religious laws against certain psychological and mystical experiences — not because it did not consider them realities, of course, but precisely because it recognized too well the disruptive influence that, say, revelationary experience could have upon a world order that was based upon a uniform dogma.

“Witches” were not considered insane, for example, or deranged, for their psychological beliefs fit in only too well with those of the general populace. They were considered evil instead. The vast range of psychological expression, however, had some kind of framework to contain it. The saint and the sinner each had access to great depths of possible heroism or despair. Psychological reality, for all of the religious dangers placed upon it, was anything but a flat-surfaced experience. It was in fact because the church so believe in the great range of psychological activity possible that it was so dogmatic and tireless in trying to maintain order.

Unfortunately, with the development of scientific era, a development occurred that need not have happened. As I have mentioned before, science’s determination to be objective almost immediately brought about a certain artificial shrinking of psychological reality. What could not be proven in laboratory was presumed not to exist at all.

Anyone who experienced “something that could not exist” was therefore to some extent or another deluded or deranged. There is no doubt that the accepted dimensions of psychological reality began to shrink precisely at the time that modern psychology began. Modern psychology was an attempt to make man and woman conform to the new scientific world view.

It was an attempt to fit man within the picture of evolution, and to manufacture a creature whose very existence was somehow pitted against itself. Evolutionary man and woman, with Darwinian roots, could not be a creature with a soul. It had to have hidden in its psychological roots the bloody remnants of the struggle for survival that now cast the soul in a position of stress, caught as it was between its heavenly source and original sin — but there was a sense of psychological mobility involved, one that saw continued existence after death.

The new psychology shut off mobility after death, while giving each individual an unsavory primitive past heritage — a heritage genetically carried, that led finally only to the grave. Psychological activity was scaled down in between life and death, then, even while the possibility of any after-death experience was considered the most unreasonable and unintellectual of speculations.

Any man or woman might rise in our democracy from a poor peasant’s son to be the President. Outcasts might become the socially prominent. The unlettered might become highly educated. The idea of achieving greatness, however, was considered highly suspect. The self was kept in bounds. Great passion, or desire or intent — or genius — did not fit the picture.

Now some peoples would not fit into that mold. They would take what they could from our technology, but in conscious and spontaneous ways they retaliated — and still do — by exaggerating all of those human tendencies that our society has held down so well. If we can have reason without faith, then indeed, for example, we will see that there can be faith without reason. When human experience becomes shrunken in such a fashion — compressed — then in a fashion it also explodes at both ends, one might say.

We have atrocious acts committed, along with great heroisms, but each are explosive, representing sudden releases of withheld energies that have in other ways been forbidden, and so man’s and woman’s mass psyche expresses itself sometimes like explosive fireworks, simply because the release of pressure is necessary.

Even our poor misguided moral/religious organization is saying in it’s fashion to the scientifically-oriented society: “How is faith not real, then? We’ll change your laws with it. We”ll turn it into power — political power. What will you say then? We have been laughed at for so long. We will see who laughs now.”

Fanaticism abounds, of course, because the human tendencies and experiences that have been denied by the mainline society erupt with explosive force, where the tendencies themselves must be accepted as characteristics of human experience. Iran is an example for the world, in explosive capsule form, complete with historical background and a modern political one. Modern psychology does not have a concept of the self to begin to explain such realities.

Now, in the world we early formed our own beliefs and strategies. In midlife we are presented with a recognized overall vitality of materials. This is mean to reorient our attitudes. Some don’t realize, that we are not merely being presented with an alternate view of reality, but with the closet approximation we could get of what reality is, and how it worked, and what it meant.

I have been very gentle in my treatment of our mores and institutions — for I do not want to be against our world, but for a more fulfilling one. In future blogs I will be discussing how our ideas can be applied by the individual in terms of value fulfillment, so that individuals can begin to reclaim those dimensions of experience that are indeed our right heritage.

For my blog readers, I want them to remember the idea of effortlessness, because with the best of intentions some have been trying too hard. I want them to remember that relaxation is one of creativity’s greatest champions — not its enemy. He or she is naturally gifted with the quickness of body and mind. Remind oneself that it is safe to express his or her natural rhythms, to remember the natural person. Our most vital inspirations are effortlessly ours. I want us to see how many of our beliefs are the result of the old framework, for in that way we will find ourselves releasing ourselves ore and more, so the our own strengths come to our support.