The expression of the BCS in physical reality will be governed by how we deal with Issues and Lessons. Thus, we are always approaching the BCS. The relative distance between the mundane and exalted is the creative edge for us, what we are use to improve our current Reality Creation.

In this way, as our current reality improves, our consideration of the BCS is altered. We may alter this conception in any way we choose. As Resonance alters our current manifestation, the BCS is changed precisely to that degree. Do you see this important point here? We are the creators. We bring together our world in a collaborative effort with ALL THAT IS. The Essential Metaphor we are calling Resonance accounts for the energetic transfers of Consciousness Units in the moment, from the current Point of Power to the proposed Best Case Scenario Realty. The Best Case Scenario Probable Future is therefore not a state. It is always mutating, changing frequency and form according to the inputs of Consciousness Units from our Essential Identity.


There once was a certain woman who bore eleven children. Every day when she got up and cooked food the children ate it all and the mother did not get any of it. She pondered long about the matter, and went off to the plantation and spoke to the silk-cotton tree, saying, “I shall send my eleven children to come beneath you here to pluck pumpkins; and when they come, pluck off eleven of your branches and kill those children of mine.”

The silk-cotton tree said, “I have heard, and I shall do it for you.”

The mother then went home and said to her children, “You must go to the plantation beneath the silk-cotton tree; there are pumpkins there. Go pick them and come back.”

The children set off. They went and reached the silk-cotton tree. Number Eleven said, “Number One, stand still; Number Two, stand still; Number Three, stand still; Number Four, stand still; Number Five, stand still; Number Six, stand still; Number Seven, stand still; Number Eight, stand still; Number Nine, stand still; Number Ten, Stand still; and I Number Eleven, I have stood still.”

Number Eleven then addressed them saying, “Do you not know the sole reason why Mother said we must go and pick pumpkins?”

His brother’s answered, “No.”

Thereupon he said, “She has told this silk-cotton tree that, when we go there, he must pluck off branches and beat us. Therefore all of you cut sticks and throw them against this silk-cotton tree.”

They cut the sticks and threw them against the silk-cotton tree. Pim! pen! pim! pen! was the sound they made. The silk-cotton supposed that the children had come. He took off eleven of his branches and let them fall to the ground. Little Number Eleven said, “You have seen – had we gone on there, the silk-cotton tree would have killed us.”

They picked up the pumpkins and took them to their mother. She cooked them. And at once the children had eaten all! Their mother said, “Ah! as for this matter, I cannot bear it! I shall take these children and give them to the sky-god.”

The next morning, when things became visible, she went and told the sky-god all about it, saying, “The children to whom I have given birth eat so fast and so much that when I wish to eat, I can’t get anything. Hunger is killing me. Therefore, I implore you, let the children be brought and killed, so that I may get something to eat.”

The sky-god said, “Is that really the case?”

The woman said, “I am speaking with a head, the inside of which is white.”

So the sky-god picked out messengers, and they went and dug a large pit in which they placed broken bottles. The sky-god himself went and fetched a snake and a leopard, put them in the pit, and covered it over. And now the messenger went to call the children.

No sooner did they reach the place where the pit lay, than Number Eleven said, “Number One, stand still; Number Two, stand still; Number Three, stand still; Number Four, stand still; Number Five, stand still; Number Six, stand still; Number Seven, stand still; Number Eight, stand still; Number Nine, stand still; Number Ten, stand still; and I myself Number Eleven, I have stood still. You must pass here, but you must not pass there.”

His brothers said, “Why, when a wide path lies there, must we pass through the bush?”

Now, as they were going along, they all carried clubs. Number Eleven said, “Throw one of these clubs upon this path.” They threw a club upon the path, and it fell through into the pit. Yiridi was the sound of its fall. Number Eleven said, “There you are! You see! Had we passed there, we should all of us have died.”

So they took a bypath and went off to meet the sky-god. The sky-god had caused holes to be dug, covered over, and stools placed upon them, so that when the children came to sit on them, they would fall into the holes. Soon the arrived before the face of the sky-god. Hep spoke to them: “Stools are set there. You may go and be seated upon them.”

Then Number Eleven siad, “Who are we that we should be able to sit upon such very beautiful stools? So, sire, we are going to sit aside here.”

Thereupon the sky-god gazed at the children and he said to himself, “I shall send the children to Death’s village.”

The next morning, when things became visible, he called the children and said, “You must go to Death who lives yonder and receive from her a golden pipe, a golden chewing-stick, a golden snuff box, a golden whetstone, and a golden fly-switch.”

Number Eleven said, “You are our master, wherever you will send us, we shall go.”

The sky-god said, “Be off!”

So the children set out for Death’s village. When they arrived there, Death said, “Why, when no one must ever come here, have. you come here?”

They replied, “We were roaming. about and came here quite by chance.” Death said, “Oh, all right then.”

Now Death had ten children. With herself, they made eleven. When things began to disappear – that is, when it became dark – Death divided up the children one by one and gave one to each of her children, while she herself and Number Eleven went to rest. When it was dark, Death then lit up her teeth until they shone red so that she might seize Number Eleven with them.

Number Eleven said, “Death, I must not yet asleep.”

Death said, “When will you be asleep?”

Number Eleven said, “If you were to give me a golden pipe to smoke for a while, then I might fall asleep.”

And Death fetched it for him.

A little while later, Death again lit up her teeth in order to go and seize Number Eleven with them.

Number Eleven said, “Death, I am not yet asleep.’

Death said, “When will you be asleep?”

Number eleven said, “If you were to bring me a golden snuff box, I might go to sleep.”

And Death brought it to him.

Again, soon afterward, Death was going to seize Number Eleven.

Number Eleven said, “I am not asleep.”

Death said, “When will you asleep?”

Number Eleven said, If you were to go and fetch golden chewing-stick for me so that I might chew it for a while, then I might fall asleep.”

Death fetched it for him, A short time passed, and Death was about to seize him.

Number Eleven said, “Grandmother, I am not yet asleep.”

And Death said, “Then when will you be asleep?”

Number Eleven said, “Grandmother, if you were to go and bring me a golden whetstone, then I might sleep.”

And Death went brought it. Again, soon afterward, Death rose up once more.

Number Eleven said, “Oh, Grandmother, I said I was not yet asleep.”

Death said, “And what will be the day when you will be asleep?”

Number Eleven said, “If you were to go and take a calabash full of holes and go and splash water in it and boil some food for me to eat, then I might sleep.”

Death lifted up a strainer and went off to the stream. When she slashed the water into it, the holes in the strainer let it pass through. Now Number Eleven said to his brothers, “Rise up and flee away.” Then they rose up and fled, and Number Eleven went and cut a plantain stems and placed them where his brothers had lain and took cloths and covered them over.

Now Death was at the stream splashing water. And Male Death called to Female Death, saying, “Ho thee, Death!”

She replied, “Adwo.

He said, “What are you doing?”

She replied, “Alas, is it not some small child whom I have got! When I am about to catch him, he says, ‘I am not yet asleep.’ He has taken all my things, and now he says, I must take a strainer and splash water.”

Male Death said, “Ah, are you a small child? If you pluck leaves and line the inside of the strainer and then splash water, would it not be all right?”

Female Death said, “Oh, how true!”

She plucked leaves, placed them inside, and splashed the water and went off. Number Eleven said, “Death, you have come already? Boil the food.” Death cooked the food; she lit up her teeth in order to kill Number Eleven’s brothers and cook them for food. When she went, she did not examine them carefully, and she herself killed all her own children.

The next day, very, very early, when things became visible, Death rose up and sat there by the fired. Number Eleven said, “Grandmother, a tsetse fly is sitting on your breast.”

Death said, “Fetch the fly-switch which is lying there and kill it for me.”

Number Eleven saaid, “Good gracious me! A person of your consequence – when a tsetse fly settles on you and a golden fly-switch lies there – you would use this only thing! Let me fetch the golden fly-switch and come and kill it.”

Death said, “Go and fetch it from the room.”

Number Eleven went and brought it. He purposely drove the fly away; he didn’t kill it. Number Eleven said, “Oh, today, where this tsetse fly will rest, there I shall rest with him.”

The number Eleven went to the room and took his bag in which lay the golden pipe and all the things. He said, “Grandmother Death, nothing will suffice save that I get the tsetse fly, put it in this bag, and bring it to you.”

Number Eleven set off – yiridi! yiridi! yiridi! He reached the end of the town and siad, “Ho, there, Grandmother Death! Pardon my saying so but if you were not a perfect fool, could I have found a way to escape, and could I have made you also kill all your children? As for me, I am going off.”

Death said, “You, a child like this! Wherever you rest, there I shall rest!”

Number Eleven leaped off – yiridi! yiridi! yiridi! and death, too, went to chase him.

As Number Eleven was going, he overtook his brothers who were sitting on the path. They were making a bird-trap. Number Eleven said, “Have you not gone yet? Death is coming, so let us find some way to escape.”

Now Death came upon them. Number Eleven took medicine and poured it on his brothers, and they went on top of a silk-cotton tree. And Death stood at the foot of the silk-tree. She said, “Just now I saw those children, and where have they gone?

Number Eleven was sitting above. He said to his brothers, I am going to make water upon her.”

His brothers said, “E! she is seeking us to catch us, and we have fled and come and sit here and yet you say, ‘I am going to make water on her.'”

Number Eleven would not listen, and he made water over Death.

Death said, “Ah, there you are! Today you have seen trouble.” Death said, “You, child, who are sitting up there, Kyerehe-ne, Kyere-he-ne!” Thereupon one of the children fell down. “Kyere-he-ne!” a second one fell down. Soon there remained only Number Eleven.

Death said, “Child, Kyere-he-ne!” and Number Eleven leaped and descended on the ground, kirim! And Death then went on top of the silk-cotton tree.

Number Elven said, “You, great big woman, you too, Kyere-he-ne!”

And death, also, came down, tum! She was dead.

Number Elven went and plucked medicine, rolled it between his palms, and sprinkle it on his brothers, and they rose up. Number eleven was going to throw the medicine awaye, when some of it dropped on Death, and Death awoke. She said, “You have killed me, and you have also awakened me. Today you and I will have a chase.”

They they all started to run off at once, kiri! kiri! kiri! Now Death was chasing them. As they were going, there lay before them a big river in flood. When Number Eleven and his brothers reached it, the brothers knew how to swim and they swam across. Number Eleven alone did not know how to swim. The children stood on the other side; they cried and cried and cried; their mouths became swollen up. As for Number Eleven, he turned into a stone.

Death reached the river. She said, “Oh, these children! You stand there! Let me get a stone and hit your swollen mouths.” Death, when she looked down, saw a stone lying there. She picked it up and threw it. As the stone was travelling, it said, “Winds take me and set me on the other side.” It alighted on the other side. Number Eleven said, “Here I am!”

Death said, “Ah, that child! I have no further matter to talk to you about. All I have to ay to you is this: Go and remain at home and change into one of the lesser gods, and, if anyone whom I wish to take comes to where you are, do you inform me. If I so desire, I will leave him and make you a present of him; but what I wish in exchange you must receive it for me.”

That is how the Abosom, the lesser gods, came into the world. They are descended from the small child Number Eleven.



Now the Ritual Practice I offer you is perfected over time, through practice, practice, practice… With mastery of these Techniques the student begins to awaken more fully. The Three Assessments, Filling in the Blanks, the Resonance Dynamics and the Regimens in the following Blogs are offered for your assistance in taking the next step by applying these principles in a very personal way. These may be considered self-improvement projects with an important difference: your reliance on the Ancient Wisdom technologies.

1- Assessing Your current Feeling-Tone

This is the first step in a four step process. In this Technique, you consider the Feeling-Tone that reflects your current state of Reality Creation. Remember that the Feeling-Tone has thought, imagery, emotions, and other sensory inputs. It is the energetic signature of a state of consciousness, an event, or even a lifetime. Here we are assessing your current Reality Creation to set a benchmark to compare against future improved realities. How do you feel now?

This is a perspective you might call Honest Assessment, Objective Discernment, or any other descriptive term that connotes prejudice-free sensing of the Personal Reality. You do this from an Observer’s Perspective that we have described. You project your consciousness into this aspect which sees You-The-Blog-Reader in your totality, in your environment, within your niche, as it were, of Third-Dimensional Reality. The information you receive in this assessment is expressed in your favorite medium.

You simply relax, again, as you have done in previous exercises, and go within briefly. The idea is to ask yourself for this information to be made available to your conscious mind. The sensory data that does come up is remembered upon coming out of Trance and is documented for analysis later. This is the Status Quo Reality Feeling-Tone.

2- Assessing the Best Case Scenario

In its most basic form, this entails delineating in detail your Ideal Objective, what we term the Best Case Scenario. This is done though writing down the specifies of what you want to create, without consideration, for now, of what you are currently creating. Your imagination is allowed full reign over your expressive powers. If you wish to paint or draw a picture to express this Best Case Scenario, do so. If you are a dancer and you wish to create a spontaneous dance to express this, do so. Express your Ideal Objective in whatever medium you wish.

To manifest the heart’s desire or any improvement, you may first consider what a successful creation looks like, sounds like, feels like, and so on.

Again, in the Trance State you visit a probable future in which you are experiencing this Best Case Scenario. This would be the visualized result of your manifestation activities. Some might call this image the perfected state. Others would assess it as merely moderately improved. You are the one who determined the specifics of this Best Case Scenario. Just as you have done before, you come up to surface awareness from your Trance State and document this idealized vision.

3- Assessing the Felt Difference

The third step in this analysis concerns going into the meditative state with this information you have gathered from the Status Quo Assessment and from the Best Case Scenario Assessment. You then ask yourself, “What is the difference here between these two states? What is missing in my current reality that is evident in the Best Case Scenario?” This Feeling-Tone of the Felt Difference will have multi-sensory effects within your consciousness, just as in the other two assessments. You will remember this Felt Difference when you come out of the Trance. You then document this as best you can.

4- Filling In the Blanks

This is another of our clever metaphors, one that has Good Humor attached to it. It is a manner of speaking, “at the other end” of Best Case Scenario. This step is one of getting together your Findings from experimentation. These Findings would be the Status Quo, the Best Case Scenario, and the Felt Difference Assessments. All of the assessments are documented and now is the time to make sure that you are truthful and sure in your documentation. If you find that all is well in these documents, you complete the final step of Filling In the Blanks. This exercise is first done in the waking state, after you examine the Findings. The Felt Difference will contain the elements that are missing from your Best Case Scenario. In other words, these are the elements that need to be Ritually added to the manifestation to make it more like the Best Case Scenario. First you do this on paper. Then you do it ritually in the Trance State through Guided Visualization.

This is, briefly what one does in this four step process. Eventually the Practitioner will be adept at this Ritual manifestation to the degree that they would easily do the assessments and Filling in The Blanks exercises throughout the day, wherever it occurred to them to intentionally create their Personal Reality, you see.


These additions to your Practice are also Essential Metaphors. They are visualized devices and important tools you may use to explore and work within the Unknown Reality. For example, you may use your creativity to create, in the Trance State, various modes of transportation to use in your experiments in consciousness. Or you may summon up a diagnostic tool of your own device, that you may use to test, to validate, to sharpen the manifestation.

As with the Trance State, I am assuming you are already a user of the Metaphorical Tools. You may not refer to them as such, but it does seem that most explorers have a strategy, a Technique, a way of going about preparing for and indeed, entering and studying the individual and collective consciousness.


In a related matter, I am quite able to act as a go-between you, Dear Blog Reader, and your Energy Personality and other Guides. This I offer as a service to my Blog Readers, to help you get connected. Therefore, use my Techniques, use this material, use my felt-presence as a bridge between your Earthly perceptions and your Guidance. You simply ask for the connections to be made in self-reflective states and when you are in nature. Because you are connecting with the entity through your Practice, you will receive this support.


Though this Practice is related to pretending, there is a great difference between conscious manifesting and pretending. Let me describe these differences briefly…

In conscious manifesting, at least in my view, the Highest Perspective is invoked throughout the Practice, throughout your Rituals, Regimens and studies. I submit that pretending does not require a connection to these Evolved Perspectives.

In pretending, there is also the playful approach that I see as a requirement in the Practice. However, this playful approach must be grounded, in my opinion, in the Higher Centers. The Divine Child or the Magical Child is invoked, as I have just said. This may most easily occur when you have an ongoing connection to your Guides, to your Energy Personality, to All That Is.

Additionally, in the act of pretending there is lacking a complete faithful expectation in the successful outcome, as I see it. You are not manifesting with Divine Intent the desired Reality Constructs or events. Pretending is a good start, in other words, however, please invoke the powerful non-physical beings if you are committed to conscious manifesting.

I do believe that some of my Blog Readers are neglecting the differences. The key here, is FIRST to connect with your Source, your Guidance, your Higher Consciousness. Then the Ancient Wisdom is revealed. Then you are indeed Guided to your destination. Then you are not alone; you have the resources of the Divine at your disposal.


Nymame was married to Akoko, the barn-door fowl, but after a while he took to himself four other wives. Akoko, of course, retained her rights as head wife, and the other four wives obeyed her.

One day Nyame called the four newcomers together and asked each one what present she would give in return for his raised her above other women in the tribe. The first one promised that she would always sweep his compound for him and keep the place neat and tidy; the second said she would always cook for him and never complain when there were many visitors; the third agreed to spin cotton for him and to bring him all the water he might require; and the fourth one said that she would bear him a child of gold.

This last promise pleased Nyame, and every day he killed a sheep for this woman. But the child was long in coming. Just when Nyame’s patience was giving out. the woman conceived, and Nyame detailed Akoko to tend and care for her.

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So Akoko took the woman into her hut and, when the time of delivery was at hand, Akoko told her that, whatever else she did, she was to be sure to shut her eyes when the child was born and not to open them until she was told to do so. The woman obeyed, and Akoko hurried out and brought back a big pot.

Now it happened that the woman bore twins. The first one to be born was made entirely of silver, and Akoko at once took the babe and placed it in the pot. The second child of gold, and Akoko placed it in the pot. The she hurried outside and found two frogs. Running with these, she placed them on the couch and then told the mother to open her eyes and see her children.

Then Akoko hastened out of the hut with the pot and ran with it as fast as she could to the far, far bush, where she found a dead odum tree. There she hid the pot with the two babies and then returned swiftly to Nyame’s compound, passing by his hut on the way. She told her husband that the children had been born and asked him to go with her to see his offspring.

Nyame at once arose and went to the hut where the mother was lying. To his consternation and anger, he found two frogs instead of the expected child of gold. He gave orders that the frogs were to be killed at once and that the woman should be sent into the furthermost corner of his kingdom.

Now Nyame has a certain hunter whose hut was situated in the far bush. He happened to be out hunting on the day the children were born and his chase led him to the odum tree. There his eye was attracted by the glitter of the golden child and he cried out, “Why, what is this?”

The children answered him, “We are the children of Nyame.” But he could not believe that.

He took some of the dust that had fallen from their bodies, however, and put it into his bag. Then he took up the children and carried them to his hovel. There he kept them secretly, not did he tell any man of what he had found.

And every time the hunter wanted money he would gather some of the children’s dust. Thus he became a very rich man. Instead of having a solitary hovel in the bush, he built a huge compound and round him there gathered a great town.

Now not very far away there lived Ananse. One day he went into the bush to gather some white ants for his fowls and he came across the new town. He was astounded to see that in the place where he expected a hovel there was so much wealth and so many people. His curiosity aroused, Ananse entered the town to learn how the change had come about. By sheer accident he espied the former hunter playing with the children. At once Ananse knew that the latter were the lost children of Nyame, and he hurried back home to send a message to their father. But the hunter has also seen Ananse, and he knew full well that that busybody would betray his secret. Therefore he called the children and told them that, as they claimed they were the children of Nyame, he proposed to take them to Nyame.

The next morning he prepared hammocks and fine clothes for the children and proceeded on the way to Nyame. On the road the children called their foster-father and told him that he must collect some stones withe which to play wari, as they themselves could not speak to their father, but that the stones would tell him the whole story.

The man did so, and they arrived before Nyame. There the hunter placed stools and asked Nymame if he would play a game of wari with him. Nyame agreed, but the silver child said, no, he himself wished to play, that the stones would tell the story for which they had come.

Then the silver child and Nyame sat down to the game and, as the stones went round and round the board, the golden child sang the story of their adventures from the time of their mother’s promise until their birth; he sang of the baseness of Akoko and of the kindness of the hunter who had fed them instead of killing them for their silver and gold.

Then Nyame knew them to be his children, and he sent straightway into the far, far bush to call back the woman whom he had exiled. When she arrived, she was dirty over and her hair was uncut and unkempt. Nyame himself washed the woman, and when she was clean and nice again he sent for Akoko.

Great was Nyame’s wrath. He tied the evil fowl Akoko, his first wife, by he foot to a stick and cured her. Then he threw her down from the sky and gave orders that every time the fowl wished to drink she would first have to raise her head to him and beg. Further, Nyame gave orders that every man would in the future sacrifice fowls as the ordinary sacrifices to the gods.

Are not these things done to this day?

As for the children – once every year they are washed , and dust from them falls upon the earth. Some falls on men, and these are the lucky ones who become wealthy.



Your practice as an awakening human, one who is intentionally creating positive realities, entails putting into practice the Essential Metaphors. Again, for example: “I am the captain of my ship.” Are you? If you are the captain of your ship act as though you are the captain of your ship. Walk like a captain, talk like a captain, immerse yourself in the role of the captain. Create your reality with purposeful Intent. Do you see my meaning here?

I do not wish to be too hard on you in this Blog Series. However, if you wish to dramatically change your reality for the better, you must surely do something dramatically different in your existence. And even though I am being somewhat humorous in this example, please observe the subtext, here.


My ongoing students are well aware of my theory of Good Humor and its place in the creation of positive realities. Briefly, the Practitioner may use simple humor and a self-created sense of good will that may lead to the creation of improved realities.

One way to begin this is to assume the identity of the Magical Child. This is the Essential Identity of You-The-Blog-Reader, the child BEFORE you were frustrated, before you were spun off on a negative trajectory of development, perhaps, before you became socialized.

Playful innocence also describes this benign state of awareness. Your countenance glows with good will, here. You have a smile on your face and you are quite pleased with yourself and your world. Because you have not yet forgotten that you are a wonder-worker, you still know how to create what you want, what you desire. You even have within your mental environment memories of preceding lived. You have not been forced to forget this material. Am I getting through to you, Dear Blog Reader? This is the foundational state of your consciousness. This is Love. Begin here to create your positive realities.