Category Archives: LOVE


Now do personalize the protection Ritual. Put your personality and your personal energy in it. Also it helps to link this creative state of consciousness to a memory, a thought, an image or gesture. In this way you may immediately create a felt sense of protection, security, Love while you are out in your waking world with a mere snap of your fingers. Or perhaps you carry a card in your pocket with the word “Sanctuary” printed on it. Every time you take it out of your pocket and look at it. Sanctuary is created automatically. Again, why does it occur? It occurs because you create your reality.


Transformation – An example: You area a bully, let us pretend, and you enjoy picking on people, making them miserable. You rationalize your behavior by blaming it on your father, who was also a bully, per the reports from your mother. However, the truth comes out that your father was far from being a bully and was quite Loving and nurturing. He made his Transition at an early time in your life. You were not able to feel fathered completely by this human.

What do you do now? You have an opportunity to change your behavior, to in fact change it to its opposite. You can attempt to Embody the Virtues of Loving Understanding, nurturing, and so on. You will be working on a negative reality you have created for you have found proof that it is based on falsehoods. You have it within you to create these Virtues, as do we all. And so you practice Embodying these opposites of the bully.

Will this practice make an angel out of you, a profoundly Loving and spiritual person? Perhaps. Yet if you do continue this practice of polarizing the Feeling-Tones you have used to create the bully persona, you will undoubtedly improve, in Soul sense, in the sense of creating progress in your Soul’s Evolution.


This reasoning also applies to any attempts at body conditioning through exercise and other physical activities. The important piece here is this: “What do you think of your physical body NOW in this moment?” Now in the moment is when you create your future, you see. Now in the moment is when you must Love yourself, Love your body. If you can see the potential trim and fit physical body beneath the chubby exterior, then you have the right idea. That is your focus, from my perspective. That positive image, that positive Feeling-Tone of Love and success is what may drive your manifestation activities over the course of the Regimen.

Obviously, if what you see before you as you look in the mirror repulses you, you have some important changes to make in your self-assessment activities. That is where you begin, then, to appreciate the body you now have while also anticipating the improvements.

On this Regimen you will be Loving your body into fitness. You Love how you are in this moment, first, and then you move toward the creation of an improved reality moment-to-moment, as you, for example, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and all the while you are keeping this Loving Understanding of self intact.


Let me refresh your memory concerning the Emotional Body. This electromagnetic construct is, in fact, the intersection of all of your Reality Creation energies from all of your Simultaneous Lives. It is visible to the Inner Senses in your Ritual assessments of yourself and others. The Auric Display we call it also, in that, these signatures of energy can be read within the human aura as it is understood in our spiritual literature.

Our Issues are evident within these energy structures. As we focus on them, they may indeed animate, enlarge, and begin to tell us a story. This would be the story of our life that we have perhaps been reluctant to see: the flip-side to our existence that contains the truth about our private life.

Dear Blog Reader, as you assess where you are in your development, an honest image of yourself begins to come into view. This assessment will have perceived assets and deficits within its makeup. The perceived deficits – this is your judgement call – shall be duly noted and a plan shall be undertaken to transform the personality in these areas, if that is appropriate.

This approach we call “interjecting new personality aspects into the Essential Identity.” You will be “trying on” these aspects to attempt a sort of “mix-and-match.” It is an attempt to embody a truer more integrated and empowered Essential Identity.


This broadcast of our attributes both identifies us to potential Soul Mates and they to us…

Now this is the way it usually works in human relationships: we meet in the Common Trance and subconsciously conspire to engage in a relationship to Learn Lessons. Often we are learning the same Lesson over-and-over. In our system we are describing now, however, we are co-creating consciously in the endeavor. We are not making the same mistakes over-and-over. We are learning our Lessons consciously. Do you see the difference? We are waking up together with the creation of these Soul Mate relationships. We are awakening to our mutual divinity.


I trust I am not overemphasizing these states of consciousness as I continually speak of their utmost importance in these practices. Loving Understanding and Courage are the primary tools we will utilize in this quest for the beloved mate.

Initially we will assess our own consciousness in a Courageously Loving fashion, perhaps practicing self-forgiveness along the way. Secondly we will go out into the world on a Courageous and Loving quest for our intimate partner, or as I said, we will identify our current partner as a potential Soul Mate.

The two attributes of consciousness also come in handy as we develop our relationship and live lives together. Thus, Courageous Intimacy: our term for the strategy used by partners who are awakening together.


Let us move to the Foundational Statement. Here the practitioner looks to the primary outcome they wish to create. The end results is considered and then expressed in simple evocative terms. We need not spend hours struggling with the proper words and syntax. This is a spontaneous exercise to be completed within just a few minutes after our exercise in Getting Clear.

For example: suppose a reader has done their assignment and they have surmised that they are learning Lessons of independence and empowerment in this lifetime. In previous partnerships they were prevented from empowering themselves. Their partners did not allow them any sort of independent expression.

This subject may then desire a partner who would support their search for empowerment and independence. We might say that this proposed partner would of necessity already have mastered these aspects of living so that they could assist our subject in their search for personal empowerment and independence.

In return, let us further postulate that our subject, though admittedly thwarted by their past mates in the quest for these states of consciousness, had developed a capacity for nurturing and for mastering the domestic realm. This person could bring these skills to the relationship.


My Soul Mate will understand my needs for independence and personal power and will assist me in meeting those needs. In return I will teach them what I know of nurturing in relationship…

Now write down your own Foundational Statement . Do not worry about getting it just right. You may always amend it as your project moves forward and you gather your Findings.


On a piece of paper, while you are in an open and receptive frame of mind, write down what comes to you when you think of the Soul Mate and Love relationships

  • What are your Issues?
  • What Lessons are you learning?
  • Are you creating from a position of victimhood? You may create a relationship of victimization.
  • Do you want to be saved? You may create a relationship in which you will be rescued.
  • Are you creating from a position of power? Are you awakening at this time? Then you may well create the Soul Mate relationship that is empowered, awakened.

Now list the desired attributes of your proposed Soul Mate. List the attributes you bring to the relationship.

Work with this information over the course of a day to come to terms with it, is your truly desire.


Because my new Blogs are essentially research manuals for the awakening human, we will once again approach our subject in a systematic way. Now… we are learning in this life how to use energy to create what we desire. Given this fact, can we see how our desire for a meeting a human who meets our particular requirements for relationship automatically sets into motion the manifestation of that desired outcome?

It is a subconscious process, one that goes on largely unnoticed. Do we then agree that it is important to be as clear and conscious as we can about what we want to create?


This is a creative project, and as such, it requires a plan. The Blueprint is quite simply our personalized best practices discovered through experimentation. This is the Scientist of Consciousness model, the one we employ as we study our manifestations. We research our own existence and gather our results.

These findings are noted, and over time we alter our experiments in our search for what is most appropriate, for what works in the attainment of the Soul Mate. Look to the end of the next Blog for more on the Blueprint.