Category Archives: Time

Contacting the Energy Personality

PROOF: Proof is around us. Receiving information from a person who is unconscious. These types of communications will be commonplace in just a few years in our reality. This will be so, partly, because we will be educating the public on how to develop these communications. Again, the closer you look at your perceived reality – the Personal Reality Field that you co-create with All That Is according to your beliefs – the more validation you receive for what I have been saying to mankind/womankind for decades in these Blog writings.

Each moment of perceived reality serves as a graphic example of the manifestation of thought into Physicality, Which is related to the Soul, will be the etheric teacher to those of us who are to experience the transition into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension with our “eyes wide open.” We will have read my blogs or received messages from other Energy Personalities and we will have acted on the advice given us.

Many of us, without recognizing the fact, have already been given instruction on the use of our Inner Senses, what to expect in the Fourth Dimension, how to move beyond fear and anger and into love and confidence and other subjects of great importance. In dream state we are being “brought up to speed” by those of us who teach on the subtle levels. And so now we are reading this blog and perhaps having a singular sense of familiarity, Deja Vu, as though we have done this before, with accompanying feelings of pleasure, “elementary ecstasy”.

Our world is larger and more complex than we know – our world meaning our created reality. We have physical teachers and we have “metaphysical” teachers, all of us, and now it is time to introduce us to the metaphysical Guides who have been with us since birth into our dimension.

When we ask for our Energy Personality to come forth into our awareness, we may feel that sense of familiarity. For even though we have been pretending that ghosts do not exist even since our childhood ended – adults do not have imaginary friends, after all – on a deeper level we will recognize these connections. Now we may not be willing to admit these relationships to the world because of fear of being exposed.

However, and to illustrate my point, currently a cycle in human consciousness is coming to an end and a new cycle is beginning. We are gradually becoming aware of our connections to our Guides, our Simultaneous Lives, and other energy forms within our Gestalt of Awareness.

We need only to look at the headlines in our daily newspapers to notice how many changes are upon us in our Third-Dimensional Reality. With the ending of an era comes dramatic change amid much clinging, by some, to outmoded belief systems. Yet know this: the more we cling to the past, the more likely we will be regulated to the past when the transition is complete. The new world for humanity is being created in the dream state by all of us as we participate in the manifestation of our collective consciousness.

In our dream state, we freely collaborate with our Energy Personality and other Guides in the creation of incipient Reality Constructs that are manifested on awakening. This is how we create our reality with All That Is. Naturally, this phenomenon is much more complicated than I have Described, but that does not mean that we cannot grasp it experientially.

Recognizing Special Impulses

HYPOTHESIS: Some thoughts are special impulses from our simultaneous lives.

This experiment is one that we can do on an ongoing basis as we go about our life, doing those things that we normally do, engaged in the mundane experiences of our existence. Some of us may have noticed that much of this life is lived in a rote fashion, by habit, almost as if in a dream. Then something occurs in our consciousness to pull us out of the habitual pattern.

A sudden thought might occur to you the blog reader, that you can easily change your course somewhat and experience a new avenue of exploration in your life. Now this impulse might be quite simple, as simple as changing the type of breakfast cereal you eat. Or this fleeting idea might urge you to consider breaking off a relationship that has been negative for some time.

Often these ideas can present new opportunities to your awareness, so that in retrospect, perhaps after several months or years, you realize that your acting on the impulse had the effect of completely transforming your life. You are amazed at how the alternate path taken had set up a series of alternate events that led to a uniquely different, and often more positive and life-affirming outcome, than had you continued on your habitual path of experience.

It is these special impulses we will be exploring in this experiment. These may indeed be impulse for your Simultaneous Lives, offering you suggestions for creating more productive Reality Constructs in your life.

Now use your relaxation techniques to create a relaxed state with your body. There are two approaches to recognizing special impulses: First, you may work your way back in time from the present regarding a special impulse that you noticed and acted upon which spun you off into a new, positive direction. You can then see the context of influences you were in that created this catalyst for action.

Then recreate this context in your present moment – emotional content, physical circumstances – through use of the imagination. Consider these special impulses within your consciousness NOW that may be these messages from other parts of yourself. Write them down. Act on them if appropriate using your free will.

Second, if you cannot think of a special impulse you have acted upon, simply relax into your meditation and ask for the special impulses to present themselves to your awareness. Then write them down and either act on them or not. This practice leads to experiences of synchronicity, wonder, amusement and awe.

FINDINGS- Document your findings rigorously.

Discovering the Inner Senses

HYPOTHESIS: The intuitive senses may be strengthened through use.

And so what are these Inner Senses? Briefly, they are both the creators and the perceiving apparatus of our world. In our Third-Dimensional existence, we create out of Consciousness Units our physical realities, and then instantaneously perceive our creations as a form of feedback of this endeavor, the creations of the worlds.

In past Blogs I have often informed of our god status. It is difficult for us humans to take seriously this talk of godlike abilities, for many of us have been indoctrinated by our various religions to be meek, to be mild, to obey. And as I have stated in my previous blogs, after transferring our power to our religions, we then transferred our power to our governing institutions and to our scientists.

What I suppose here in this blog is that we are not meek, mild and obedient unless we truly wish to be so. We are whoever we THINK we are and we have the power in this moment to completely change who we are. That is because YOU are at the center of your world as the ultimate creative force. With the energy of All That Is, we as co-creator do indeed manifest from our beliefs and ideas of what is possible, our perceived reality.

Now, without further lecturing, we will give a short description of the experiment. It builds upon a short described in my earlier blogs in which I asked the Blog Reader to get a sense of the wonder of their own Personal Reality. Here we will take it further. We will be taking the senses back into the inner world.

As I suggested , the physical senses grew out of the Inner Senses, of necessity, to perceive the exterior, physical Universe. The Inner Senses from which these outer, physical senses were derived, are awaiting our discovery and use within our mental environment.

We have several physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Our Senses are complementary to these out senses, yet they go beyond the physical senses in capabilities.

For example: let us get a feel for the Inner Sense that may be a complement to the outer sense of sight. You may relax a bit for this experiment, yet you needn’t close your eyes. We will be relying on your sense of physical sight to conduct this experiment.

With the eyes open, yet with the relaxation and contentment that comes with the state of Sanctuary you are embodying, can you see the deeper, perhaps symbolic meanings entailed in Personal Reality Field? Remember here: everything in your field of perception is a reflection of an interior reality.

As you consider this statement, you may find that your visual field begins to swirl a bit, as the etheric blends with the exterior. Go with this flow of blending transformation for a few moments until you have observed noteworthy findings. Gradually come back to your physical perceived world. Naturally you may experiment further with the compliments to the other senses to gain more information.

FINDINGS– Document your findings

Gentle Persistence

I would like to emphasize that in these matters of Soul exploration, you can be quite successful with a gentle, yet persistent effort. Your initial experiments in accessing your Inner Senses are an exercise in subtlety. Approach these activities with any eye on gradual results over time. The clouds, in most instances, do not part and reveal the Etheric Visions to us, after only a few attempts in your experience in the field.

I realize that this subtle route to discovery may be difficult for those of us who have expectation of immediate results. Some of us may be of mind that, like everything else in our Western world of mass-consumption, if it is not forthcoming immediately, on our schedule, because we have so much “to do,” that it might not be worth attempting.

To these blog readers I say, take the time necessary to accomplish your goals in this Soul Work. One of our sayings extols the virtues of waiting with patience for the truly beneficial aspects of our life to materialize.

And honestly, the days of instantaneous manifestation are still in our perceived future. These experiments will give us an advantage for the time when we will be experienced enough to use our Inner Senses appropriately for the instantaneous manifestation of Reality Constructs.

Now once again I would remind that all of these experiments are designed to lead to the uncovering and practical use of our Inner Senses. And these Inner Senses are what we may broadly term “Intuition.”

In past blog writings I have lectured on how the intuition can be divided into separate senses and I did indeed name them. I sense that it may have been a mistake to do so, for it is now I waiting for my blog readers to make practical use of the Inner Senses and allow each blog reader to do whatever delineation they may, as they discover the attributes of these senses for themselves – again, learning by doing, and perhaps creating their own names for their experiences.

Moment Point

We can share our ancestor’s Point of Power experiences as one is working with the written material, organizing it on a computer and so on. this is a literal fact. Astounding as it may be to some blog readers, this type of things goes on continuously in our own private lives.

We “leave the body,” to coin a phrase, and travel interdimensionally to participate in these activities. Often we can do so while carrying on a conversation with one of our fellow humans and appear quite normal. Our eyes may glaze over a bit; an indication that we are traveling and experiencing other time-frames.

Now, our scientists may characterize this as pathological, dissociation, fantasy, escape; completely missing the importance of what is occurring.

I don’t want to go off on one of my critiques here, but let me say this: until our scientists can learn to turn their empirical noses inwardly, they will not be able to sniff out one iota of truth regarding human consciousness, or the human condition or the human Soul.

Special Impluses

In my previous blog, I provided an illustration for you on how to send out energy – positive, loving energy – to Simultaneous Lives. In the experiment you will be “completing a circuit” by discerning with your awareness, when entering your consciousness. This is not hard to do. As I have just mentioned, in each vying for your attention. These impulses, however, the special impulses I am now discussing, are easily recognizable for what they are, by virtue of their obvious loving utility.

When one of these impulses is recognized, you have an immediate sense of rightness, as though you wonder why it took so long for the idea to come around. These ideas are also based in a truly loving aspect of consciousness that is undeniable. In essence, this loving energy is the energy of All That Is transmitted through your various Simultaneous Lives, and then captured by you as your consciousness participates in the Gestalt of Awareness that is you and your many lives past, present and future.

These impulses may be accompanied by synchronous events and a sense of wonder and divine bemusement. Everything comes together in your life drama for the benefit of your learning experience. These synchronicities and thus the life lessons may be brought into your awareness intentionally.

So you Blog Reader, when engaged in this dialogue with your Simultaneous Lives, are receiving the benefits of learning experience from the personalities who are LIVING these many lives. In fact, just as I communicate to educate and inform humanity on the very, very serious issue of the survival of the species – and for the matter the planet Earth – these communiques from your Simultaneous Lives in the form of impulses serve to educate and inform the Blog Reader, of a personal level with regards to appropriate action you can take to improve your life.

I would like to restate my point regarding these types of messages and all messages from you Higher Self: these messages are benign  and loving in their intent and that is how you can tell they are from your Higher Self. And as always, free will is operative; you can choose to act on or ignore these impulses.

Connecting with the Mystery Civilizations

HYPOTHESIS: Current interests may illustrate lives in the Mystery Civilizations.

Using the methods from a previous experiment, consider which of the Mystery Civilizations you may have resided in. There have been others not mentioned in this blog that you will put on your list. Just get a sense of where your interests have been over the years of your current life. Are you an engineer type or a scientist? Are you a nurturer and yet also a leader?

With the knowledge of what type of personality you are currently, consider which of the Mystery Civilizations you may have lived within, that could serve to complement your personality and interests. In past blogs I have established for you several families of consciousness.

With this in mind – that you may be a participant in a family of consciousness and that you share traits with others in this family – yet without creating unnecessary dogma around it, as I may have done in the past – I would invite you to consider the Mystery Civilizations that most suit your temperament and personality and put them on your list.

As before, create your relaxed state and go through your list. Visualize the possibilities of life within these civilizations. For you it may be as though you are watching a motion picture, or perhaps a particular feeling tone will serve to direct you. The Sumari language is very distinctive, perhaps you will hear some dialogue from a possible existence in GA.

“You will know it when you see it or hear it.” Watch and listen. Continue this line or inquiry for as long as you wish, without of course, trying to find something that is not there. When you sense that the experiment is over for the time being, gradually come to full-waking consciousness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings.

Connecting with Your “Historical” Past

Current interests may illustrate lives in preceding eras.

I believe that we have set the stage adequately with our discussion of the origins of humanity as to where we have been in terms of our preceding many thousands of years. This brings so to our present. From this vantage point we can see how each of the readers of this blog has participated in these events: being spun off from All That Is and being born as babies and raised in some or all of the Mystery Civilizations of Earth. Now this leaves us still looking backwards from our present into the ages after these civilizations and leading up to our current incarnations within our modern timeframe.

A very simple way to conduct research into this intermediary phase is to consider, individually Dear Blog Reader, what eras in our Earth’s historical past we identify with or feel deeply attached to, as if we had spent sometimes or even a lifetime in these historical timeframes. This is a potent method of consciousness expansion.

Before we enact our Ritual of Sanctuary, make a list of historical eras we enjoy reading about it books or depicted in motion pictures. Do we feel a sense of nostalgia here? Do you feel a sense of longing, as though we are away from our home? If we do, these eras may merit exploration in this experiment. we may wish to scan history books for ideas, using our intuition to guide us. When we have our list of eras at hand….

Now access you state of relaxation using whatever technique you have found useful. To repeat the phrase, “I am light,” may be helpful. When we are sensing our world in a light and relaxed manner, consider our list of eras one-by-one, and visualize the possibility of your having lived a life within these timeframes. Now often it will appear quite obvious that you are going in the right direction here. You may have a sense of loving acceptance with a re-living of experiences from these possible past existences. Make a mental note to remember this information. When you have finished your list, gently return to your waking consciousness.

FINDINGS- Document your experiences.


Bleed-throughs can be glimpses of probable roads not taken and so not actualized. For the most part, as I said, in these bleed-through experiences we are connecting with aspects of our Simultaneous Lives.

In the Unity of Consciousness Dimension we will be aware of all of our existences past, present and future and we will be able to remember them and hold those memories. Now, currently our consciousness – and by this I mean the consciousness of Western mankind/womankind – is just beginning to learn how to navigate these regions.

Part of this learning experience is discovering how to “hold” these perceptive bleed-throughs in our consciousness without resorting to fear, denial, etc. These experiences will be momentary, therefore, until the Inner Senses are adequately developed, and skills at creating love and confidence out of fear and anger are mastered.

We are not given more than we can deal with in any particular instance here. It is an individual learning curve with each of us as we learn to acknowledge our Energy Personalities and begin to expand our perceptions with the help of these Guides.

Children Of Atlantis

The stories of Atlantis and other mystery civilizations. As a child, we enjoyed movies with Atlantis as the subject matter. We have read books on the topic throughout our life. We are drawn to this “myth” as are many of our fellow humans in our timeframe. There are reasons for this attraction. WE are “Children of Atlantis,” in a very literal sense: “children, ” in that we have a tendency, as a species, to not want to learn our lessons. I am speaking of he spiritual lessons that we came to our planet to learn. And we are from Atlantis, that is true, a civilization that reached the highest station in technological achievement, only to destroy itself trough misuse of these capabilities. This is of necessity a greatly over-simplified explanation, for Atlantis is as much in our future as our past.

Now, as an aside, previously I have suggested that humanity is indeed headed down the wrong path with regards to the development and use of nuclear technologies. And this is the arena in which mankind/womankind, particularly in the industrialized nations of Earth, will either go the way of the Atlanteans and cut short their evolution in childhood, or begin to make the right decisions as a loving collective and mature into responsible stewards as co-creators with All That Is. I do not wish to be like some scary monster storyteller with this information, but hear me now: the situation on earth is very, very critical. It becomes more dangerous with each passing day as we create this Blog. The nuclear question, however we must only look at some of our Earth’s spiritual traditions, to get an indication of what will inevitably befall us if we continue on our course. The prophecies of these scriptures speak of great fires and catastrophes, and indeed these will occur if humankind does not change its ways. In these same traditions there are writings on how to avoid the cataclysms brought on by greed, ignorance, fear and anger.

Please understand that humans at all points of our Earth are being brought up closer to the light in these current years. The people are being educated in their own tongues and with images from their own spiritual and religious teachings.

Children of Atlantis

We are “Children of Atlantis,” in a very literal sense: “children,” in that we have a tendency, as a species, to not want to learn our lessons. I am speaking of the spiritual lessons that we came to our planet to learn. And we are from Atlantis, that is true, a civilization that reached the highest station in technological achievement, only to destroy itself through misuse of these capabilities. This is of necessity a greatly over-simplified explanation, for Atlantis is as much in our future as our past, as I have said.

Now, as an aside, humanity is indeed headed down the wrong path with regards to the development and use of nuclear technologies. And this is the arena in which mankind, particularly in the industrialized nations of Earth, will either go the way of the Atlanteans and cut short their evolution in childhood, or begin to make the right decisions as a loving collective and mature into responsible stewards as co-creators with All That Is.

I do not wish to be like some scary monster storyteller with this information, but hear me now: the situation on Earth is very, very critical. It becomes more dangerous with each passing day as we create this blog. The nuclear question, however we must only look at some of our Earth’s spiritual traditions, to get an indication of what will inevitably befall us if we continue on our course.

The prophecies of these scriptures speak of great fires and catastrophes, and indeed these will occur if humankind does not change its ways. In these same traditions there are writings on how to avoid the cataclysms brought on by greed, ignorance, fear and anger. In a way, my teaching is similar to these ancient – in our terms – Blogs.

Please understand that humans at all points of our Earth are being brought up closer to the light in these current years. The people are being educated in their own tongues and with images from their own spiritual and religious teachings.