Category Archives: Time

The Soul Family

We do have different beings assisting  with our Soul. Some have been Guides and friends in other incarnations on Earth. Some of these Energy Bodies have been watching over us and others in our Soul Family since the beginning of time as we understand it.

Broadly speaking, each of us has a constellation of these Energy Bodies, and we are each potentially able to achieve contact with some or all of them, depending on our level of Soul Evolution or spiritual growth. These entities are awaiting our call.

Mankind/Womankind are at the stage of development that it is necessary to make these connections with the Higher Self. This must take place on a grand scale before the Fourth-Dimensional shift can occur.

Now, let me go further with this explanation by discussing the concept of Soul Family. Each of us lives within what we might call our “core” family. This would be the family or families that raised us. These are the people who we call our family members.

Now among this group of humans that we may or may not be related to genetically, are members of our Soul Family these would be the Souls that have incarnated with us into our current timeframe to learn their lessons with us. These members of our Soul Family may well have participated in NUMEROUS permutations of family groupings with us throughout the millennia.

Some of these family groupings may be or have been in other solar systems, on other planets and so on. For the most part, however, our Soul Family has developed in the Earthly realms. Again, members of Soul Families reincarnate together in different roles, of different sexes, of different temperaments and so on, to experience different Lessons for the Entity – the overall collective of Souls in which Soul Family resides – and of course, for the greater experiencing of All That Is.

I must mention, that our Soul Family may include others that we may not acknowledge as “family” members. These participants might include, for example: the cashier at the local market that you may be very attracted to or perhaps find abhorrent, as well as others within your community that you hold strong emotions for.

However, the Soul Family may be thought of as that small group of active participants in our reincarnational activities in our current timeframe. This primary group is the one in which we learn our lessons while other members of the group also learn their Lessons.

Now if we are clever and if we learn to use our Inner Senses, we may find the connections between our current Soul Family, and the Lessons learned and to be learned, as well as perhaps the most “Immediate” or “Recent” past lives. For those of us interested in such things, I suggest we conduct your experiments with this information in mind. The connections will then “come to mind” as we put together your findings

Transforming Fear and Anger

Hypothesis: You can use your intention to transform Fear and Anger into Courage and Loving Understanding.

Think of a fear or anger-creating an idea or image that you have been entertaining lately. Surely most of you can come up with an example. Now that you have it in your mental environment, enliven it with your thoughts and make it seem real. Do this for a few seconds… Now mentally say, “Stop!” and have the intention that you will now turn down the energy on the thought or image, by using your dial or other metaphorical tools, and remind yourself that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is indeed your Soul Self.

You may consult your Energy Personality or other Guides for help in this matter. When the positive emotions of love and compassion are felt, experience them and relish them for a few seconds. Then end the experiment with your intention to go about your activities, this time experiencing the residual feelings of Ecstasy that you will no doubt be enjoying for some time after the experiment.

FINDINGS – Make your notes or remember this use of the Inner Senses for the next potentially Fear or Anger-producing experience. Document your findings.


In our Blogs we affirm for you the necessity of comprehending the moment-to-moment experience we are creating for oneself in our Personal Reality. “Waking up in the moment” is another term we use for this pursuit. So we are in a continuing exploration of our world, as we examine the momentary experiences of our life.

The doorway to our other lives is the Moment Point. It is the commonality, the Home Base, we might say, of our Soul Self as it creates our numerous lives. We have stated before that “it is our Moment Point if we say it is.”

The student, the Scientist of Consciousness, in exploring the many lives, “take ownership” of the current moment, empowers it with the Divine energies of perception – the Inner Senses – and breaks through the veil between lives with these instruments.

We have called this a form of multitasking, in that, the explorer does not forsake the current body, the current consciousness manifestation in their experiments. BOTH the current existence AND the destination life – the target existence – are supported, nourished, vivified with the creative energies of consciousness in these explorations of the Moment Point. The Soul Self the creates all of our lives has limitless energies. It is inspired by the foundational powers of All That Is, and so can be always counted on for support.

Through these practices of magicians, shamans, witches and healers of all types, modern Scientists of Consciousness are now able to individually disconnect from the mass Common Trance of freedom that enslaves, to participate in this Uncommon Trance of freedom, of release from authority, of common good, of magic, you see.

In essence, here, we are creating our OWN suggestions, we are taking our OWN advice, we are responding to the communication stream of our magic ancestors, rather that the mass media, the toxic culture, that standard of conformity offered to us by our leaders.

Now Reality

To begin with my Blog friends…. you create your own reality. This has been my primary refrain to humanity in my messages over several decades, and I fervently hope that my blog readers remember. In this moment and in every moment of our life, we form the world that we know, even as everything else within our reality cooperates with us in this creation process.

Our world is made from Consciousness Units: awarized elements of energy that seek out the fulfillment of infinite values in the manifestation of Reality Constructs of infinite variety. This etheric substance – the stream of manifestation – literally travels outward from our body to create the world that we experience. It is fantastic. It is unbelievable. It IS the way we create our reality. Dear Blog Reader. For in this endeavor of Reality Creation, everything that can happen does happen, all in the spacious moment of creation – the eternal moment of NOW.

Included in this construction project of the Soul is the creation of our own physical body within a context of multi-dimensional existence. We do indeed live countless lives; some are lived in our future. We have referred to these as the Simultaneous Lives and also the Reincarnational Existences. These lives are our lives throughout time.

Natural Healing

HYPOTHESIS: You can heal yourself and others via the Etheric grid-works.

The Etheric grid-work the sustain the realities of our Universe. These energetic lattice-work of creation and support are currently unknown to the majority of humans on Earth. Yet again, the natives or aboriginals have used these networks since the beginning of your time to interplay with the natural world around them. So certainly this experiment is simply a means to reintroduce you to practice that you may have have engaged in countless times, in other eras, in other bodies.

Utilize your calming practices to access a deep state of relaxation. With your Energy Personality as your guide, ask for guidance as to causes and solutions in these matters of personal health and the health of others. Suggestions may come to you as images, sounds or other sensations. Keeping with the metaphor of a grid-work, you might receive an image of a lattice superimposed over your own body or the body of the subject you are assisting.

The area of interest may glow or otherwise make itself known to you. Using whatever means that comes naturally to you, facilitate the transformation of the area of interest into one integration and support with the rest of the body. This is a personal choice of methods and means that may come into your awareness through your Inner Senses.

Later in this series I will speak of the possibility of the blog reader increasing their vibrational rate and so intentionally moving themselves out of a “disease” state and into a state of health. This is done in collaboration with your Energy Personality. You may experience your current state of illness within the dream reality and so learn your lesson there instead of in Third-Dimensional reality within your current Timeframe.

If you are currently at a stage of Soul Evolution that would enable you to experiment with these probabilities, Please do so in a systematic way, with guidance from your Energy Personality and with attention to the requirements of experimentation as a Scientist of Consciousness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with drawings and ideas for future experiments.

Slowing Down Time

HYPOTHESIS: You may effectively slow down time for study or for other practical purposes.

Using your Inner Senses as exploratory tools, you may conduct your experiments free from what you might refer to as “the constraints of time.” You know that the past and future are created now, in this Moment Point. You may use you conscious intent to imbue your Moment Points with an “elasticity” that can afford you greater leeway in your studies.

For example: you may through your intention create a “slowing down” of time within your Personal Reality Field. Now you have undoubtedly already experienced this slowing down of time while engaged in an activity that you know well, an activity in which you are completely absorbed. Time slows down in such circumstances.

So let us suppose you wished to cover a broad range of activities in a meditation session, for example, and you have only a few minutes to do so. Before your meditation, simply give your Energy Personality your intention to expand time for the moment, or slow it down, to enable you to complete your activities. This is especially effective for those who are on self-healing regimens. You can intend to deliver several hours of self-healing suggestions to your self in the space of just a few minutes. Your Higher Self or Energy Personality will then carry it out. You have used your free will to choose this activity.

Induce a relaxed state in your physical body by whatever means suits you. When you are relaxed, consider the Inner Senses counterparts to your physical senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. As you do, you may notice that these Inner Senses make themselves known to you in a somewhat “dreamy” fashion.

What I am saying is that these senses have a quality of duration and intensity unlike the physical senses of the outer world. Your perception of Inner Healing, for example, may be perceived as though each sound resonated within your consciousness. This might be somewhat similar to the sounds you hear as you are falling asleep. The sounds seem to be extended, as though time were slowing down.

For purposes of this experiment, this is exactly the perceptive state I am asking you to create. Simply utilize your imagination to “turn on” the Inner Senses with an eye towards the slowing down of time within and without. The seeing on the inward eye is slowing down. The sounds are slowing down. Perhaps even your sense of how your skin feels in contact with the air around you and the surface or your chair or pillow begins to deepen and lengthen.

Now when you have slowed down time within your Personal Reality Field in this fashion, present to your awareness your healing suggestions, you questions of what have you, with the intention that resolution will be found, thanks to the slowing down of time you have created. This alteration of your perceptive field may also give you insights into the uses and powers of your Inner Senses.

FINDINGS – Document your findings after each


This current life on Prosperity, abundance, havingness.

Now we shall turn to matters of prosperity. Let us proceed from the beginning. The first step is an assessment, a self-assessment if you will. You first must assess what level of abundance you wish to achieve. You then assess the current level of havingness and examine the difference between the two. This difference between what you have and what you wish to have, can serve as the emotional impetus or motivation to create or manifest the desired result. There is no manifestation without emotional content. The greater the emotional intensity or desire, the more quickly and surely the manifestation occurs.

We create our reality. We are magicians in this respect and it would be good to be more intentional in this magical view of things: creating consciously, with a positive perspective for the good of not only ourselves, but for all others, all of humankind. This deference to the sum of all humanity holds the key to effective conscious manifestation for you, Dear Blog Reader. In effect, we are demonstrating your commitment to the good of all with these intentions. The Divine Logos that is All That Is holds us to this commitment to all, as a condition of progressing on our development path, our path of Soul Evolution. Now if this indeed sounds fantastic and perhaps unworthy of consideration, let that egoist response serve as the measure of our distance from Soul. Now we know how far you have to go in this enterprise.

Our personal manifestation of our current level of prosperity or abundance is an important indicator of what our beliefs are with regards to havingness. This is the feedback I have been describing to you in this blog: the reflection of your mental environment that IS your Personal Reality Field. Often you may notice that there is a direct relationship between giving and prosperity; for in the natural perspective – the magical view of things – there IS a give-and-take at the foundation of your manifestation activities. We can see this in the breath of life in the “pulse” of our natural reality. Just as breath is cyclical, with the inhalation and then the exhalation followed by a pause, the pulse of life or manifestation is cyclical with a pre-manifestation period followed by a pause and the manifestation. The completion of one cycle may take less than a microsecond in our perceived time. This is still long enough to give the “appearance” of physicality or “bedrock reality,” as some call it.

As we begin to get a feel for this pulsation of ideas into constructs, powered by the Consciousness Units with electromagnetic properties, we will also begin to gain conscious control of our creativity in the moment. This manifestation cycle is the framework upon which our camouflage reality is built. This pulse can be experienced under specific circumstances.

You may, as I describe in an experiment, using your inherent powers of creativity, slow down the progression of time within your Personal Reality Field. You do this with your intention, using your Inner Senses. Time is felt as elastic with the use of these Inner Senses, and slowing time down to the microsecond level may reveal this breath of life we have been discussing. You may also observe how your thoughts create and support the various aspects of your Personal Reality Field.

Now to simplify for the Blog Reader, let us discuss a distillation of some of the natural elements of manifestation related to goodness and giving. There is much good to be had in the giving of money, personal items, your time or money creates a state of consciousness that is not conducive to prosperity. This may already be quite apparent. You may be miserly and have the “appearance” of prosperity, yet you may not enjoy it for you have not shared it with others. And by creating your “mental estate” on a foundation of stinginess and greed, are you really expecting to create lasting abundance? Better to create a foundation of sharing and love for yourself and others, intentionally.

You look The positive creates upon the positive for the good of all here. The Reality Constructs tale hold and are tempered in a telepathic mental environment of trust and love. Others with similar loving strategies of manifestation will be drawn to you in support of this beneficial world-view. This is the beginning of the loving, self-sustaining communities that will reshape our world.

Conscious Co-Creation with Conscious Units

Key word here is conscious. Me and my fellow humans co-create our lives “unconsciously” for the most part. This is the result of the amnesia I spoke of in earlier Blogs, so that we forget the love and are more inclined to learn our lessons. Now the amnesia is being lifted, and we are becoming aware of the true nature of our reality. So it is a matter of habit.

Make our use of Conscious Units conscious on a moment-to-moment point basis. This is easily done, is it not? Whenever we find our selves varying from thought-path, nudge oneself back. We have done this a few times this morning already. Negativity will try to draw you toward its own path. That is what it does in our reality. Our task at hand is to redirect negativity’s energy into creating love and confidence in the moment.

The Conscious Units that comprise the environment are fluid in the moment. They can go either way, positive or negative, depending on our subconscious or conscious intent. Keep the scales on the positive side consciously and watch your positive manifestations of house and land – prosperity – be creative in these moments.

Natural Magic

Men and women as magician. The Magical way is simply an appreciation for conscious manifestation in the natural world. We are a part of the natural world. AS I have said many times before, we are co-creators with All That Is of all that we observe in our reality.

Now, this is a magical process in that we create seemingly something out of nothing. Referring back to my concept of Consciousness Units, we use the “material” of CUs with our free will and intent to create our shared consensus reality.

Telepathy is operative on all levels and so we have a cohesive illusion; a manifestation of our world and our Universe that all of us can agree upon. It does look quite real, does it not? Yet if you believe what I have been telling over these many years, this “enduring” physical reality of ours is really just “a bunch of hot air.” It falls apart under the kind of scrutiny I am asking you to muster as a Scientist Consciousness.


The truth about the Human Soul is that there is no Karma, there are only experiences. One experiences one’s lessons in materialized form that one comes to Earth to experience. These experiences run the gamut of what we consider as “positive” or “negative” and we keep returning to these experiences in human form until we have masters our lessons.

Karma entails, in general Western, popular definition, some sort of “dues paying” left over from supposed “past lives” that one endures in the current life. But since all lives are simultaneous, these sorts of definitions lose meaning. If we attribute a brick falling on your foot in this life to your karma from a past life, you are greatly over-simplifying an essentially scared, or should I say soulful or spiritual experience.

The Eastern Religions are closer to the truth of the evolution of the Soul than the Christian Religions. However, no religion has yet explained it in terms useful enough for humans to comprehend in its totality, and by so doing receive the divine information that would unlock the heart. No, we have been blocked in our spiritual evolution by our egos. It is now time to relax your ego and let our Souls shine through

Magician, a Shaman or a Witch

Astral Travel, time travel, projections of consciousness – these are various terms describing essentially a single activity: the use of human consciousness in a focused way. If you look at the various descriptions of the activities of let us say, a magician, a shaman or a witch, you would find distinctions made between the various activities. Yet if you were to compare these activities across the board, you would see that all three are attempting to accomplish similar goals, for similar reasons, in similar ways. Ultimately, all are making use of the human consciousness to create changes – changes in personal and shared Reality Fields.

Dear Blog Reader, when you conduct your experiments, you will find you have the most control in your own Personal Reality Field. You will be investigating within your radius of manifestation. Yet over time, as you become proficient in the use of intention in the creation of Reality Constructs, it becomes easy to expand your potential field of manifestation to include related or contiguous fields.

Now, because all is one and everything is related, you can have effects on anything in your consensus reality. All you need is the focus and power in the moment. This is the vehicle for healing others at a distance, for example. It takes some time and experience to get acquainted with these networks of creation, or “grid works” as I have described them in earlier blogs. However, any one of us can master the workings of these fields and grids. Turn to the experiments in my Blogs.