Category Archives: TELEPATHY


There is no distinction. It’s all in relation to how one focuses your abilities. Some will focus on the psychic realms while others will focus more on speaking to souls who are on the Astral Plane. All of us are capable of all three. We have an uncanny way of trying to put things into little boxes. For some reason we feel that if it is contained in a box with a title we are able to understand it better. Our limited perception of reality necessitates this for us.

To be able to tap into the dimension of the Astral plane. This is not hard to do. Any one of us could do this. Humanity is constantly trying to reassure itself of its own ideas of its mortality. It takes a willingness to listen and be able to decipher the voices of those with which we wish to communicate. That is all. It is quit easy. It is to focus our attention in that arena of communication and be able to filter out outside stimulation and distractions. It is a very high level of meditation in a way because the person wishing to communicate must exhibit a certain level of discipline within his/her being. But it is very attainable state for all or us. There is no mystery to it.

Realize that entities in the Astral Plane use a form of symbols and clues. They’re not very adept at communicating. It is up to the entity receiving the information to clarify what he or she is hearing. The higher dimensions of the Astral Plane are a waiting and learning area.

Many times when communicating with a so-called medium, the information that appears to be logical to the entity in waiting does not always make it through in that format. It can come in somewhat distorted at times. This is not rocket science you know. It is very easy thing for all mankind/womankind to do. It’s just a matter of focusing and listening.

Often the problem lies in the area of too many entities wanting to speak to the medium at the same time. As I said before, they are not very good at this and tend to want to jump in and be heard and there lies the confusion. Many of us do not want to communicate because of our fears and religious indoctrination. It is easy to do, but if we do not believe in it, it serves no purpose.

Experiencing The Fourth Dimension

Earth is evolving into the fourth dimension of peace, as I stated in earlier blogs. It is the unity of consciousness dimension. We are being awakened so that we will be able to stay in this dimension because controlling our thoughts will be the key to us being abe to stay there. If we are not ready, we will not be able to stay there.

The knowledge is being given to mankind/womankind to make the necessary changes in his/her life patterns to move along with the planet into this dimension. The planet is still going to be there, but not in the way that we currently are experiencing it.

The Fourth Dimension refers to a level of awareness and thoughts are instantly manifested into reality. If we create fears for ourselves and we actualize those fears and say kill someone, we will not be able to stay.

This is why I am writing this blog, to try to stimulate you into becoming consciously aware of what you think and believe. This will determine who stays and who does not because thoughts of negativity are not allowed there.

Most likely we won’t be walking down the street one day and all of a sudden “be there,” but then again, it could happen this way. Since this is an unprecedented evolution in the way it will be experienced, no one surely knows just how it will take place. Because of other mitigating factors in our world, it will not happen as it has in the past. It is truly an event that all are watching in our dimensions and others.

It’s a process that’s taking place as we sit here and it is constantly evolving itself. We are diligently putting forth the information to our species to realign our thoughts and to understand why it is necessary to do so.

Now, there will always be some of us who will refuse, and that is where, as I said in earlier blogs, that when the transition of their energy from the physical third dimension is manifested in their next incarnation, they will have to incarnate within the third-dimensional realms where they will be with minds like their own.

It is important because Earth and all the planets in our solar system are moving into higher dimensions at this time. I am also in the process of a grand evolution myself. We have free will to choose, but as this planet moves forward they will not go with it. They will when the time comes have to resurface in the same reality which they have created for themselves on Earth.

Many, of us are happy moving into a new alignment with All That Is and consciously becoming aware of our thoughts and the way they affect our entire Universe. We have moved much information into our books, blogs and media through the use of movies and many of us have accepted it and are diligently trying to lead better, more aware lives. This will continue until such time it is no longer necessary.


Now briefly, our world is in the middle of the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. In our U.S.A. and other countries we risk succumbing to the forces of hatred and totalitarianism. As our election will again demonstrate, the system is broken. The will of the people is subverted. It will take action on the part of many millions of us in the West to turn the tide. We do not have the numbers yet because we are complacent and afraid. But as the media gradually begin to present truthful stories for all to read, our numbers will grow. Act now to help make it happen. Participate in our community to encourage the truthful representation of reality within our media and within our communities.

The Consensus Reality Field is our term for the broader field of Reality Creation of which we are a part by virtue of our individually created world. Our Personal Reality Field serves us well within our niche in our environment. It is “tailor made” according to our specifics, both conscious and unconscious. Now the broader field of Reality Creation may be thought of as comprising, for example, our neighborhood, our city, our state, our country, our hemisphere and finally our world – the Planet Earth.

Transmitted Thought

There are no duplicates. Yet, we may say, are not some thoughts duplicates?  The variations may indeed be slight, but variations are always present. A thought transmitted knowingly or unknowingly by A. is not precisely the same thought when it reaches receiver B.

The thought originally held by A. is still retained by A., yet a seemingly identical thought reaches B. A. has lost nothing. That is, in trying to send the thought, in trying to duplicate the thought, A. still retains it. So what is passed on to receiver B.? This is rather important, since an explanation will do much to account for the frequent difference that occurs in telepathic communications.

Whether or not- A. the sender, knowingly transmits this apparent duplicate, at the point of its transmission, the sender forms an electrical impulse pattern that is supposed to duplicate the original thought. But no such identical duplication is possible, as far as I know, within reality of any kind.

A side note: identical twins are hardly identical, for example.

As soon as the attempt is made to duplicate the thought, we find the attempt itself strains and pulls; the impulse changes minutely, or to a greater degree. The point I want to make is that any attempt at duplication actually forces the thought it is already a new thought, bearing great resemblance to the original. But it is not the original thought.

Prime identities cannot be duplicated. Exact duplication is always an effect of insufficient knowledge. In some cases two thoughts may appear identical, but whether or not examination can show it, such exact duplication is impossible. Now when receiver B. receives a transmitted thought, he may react and interpret that part of the thought that is similar to the original.

He or she may , on the other hand, react to and interpret that portion of the thought that is not similar. He or she may react to and interpret the similarity of the difference. His or her reactions depend upon several circumstances, including the intensity of the electrical pulsations that compose the thought, and his or her own inner facility in reaching to particular ranges of intensities.

Habitually, individuals establish overall frequencies that they are able to handle, for various reasons. An individual will therefore feel more at home operating within certain frequencies. The original thought is used as a pattern for the creation of a new electrical reality which may or may not be directed at any given receiver. It is obvious that the attempt to duplicate is present: were it not for this attempt to duplicate, then there would be little similarity between any separate identities.

The nature of the thought that is received by B. is determined by many factors. We shall consider but a few of these. These include the original intensity of the thought as A. ; the familiarity or unfamiliarity of the range of frequencies that compose the thought to any intended receiver.

The receiver will understand and interpret in general the intensity range he is in the habit of using himself. Some, or a portion of the transmitted thought, may fall within his range and some may not. He or she may pick up the portions of the thought which are similar to the original thought which are similar to the original thought, in which case some scientific proof of sorts can be achieved. It can happen, however, that the dissimilarity is what falls within his or her particular accustomed range, in which case proof will be inadequate.

Emotions also possess an electrical reality. Thoughts formed and sent out within the impulse range of emotion often succeed because of the peculiar nature of the emotional electrical impulses themselves. They have a particularly strong electrical mass. They also usually fall within powerful intensities, for reasons. Thoughts formed under a strong emotional impetus will carry greater vividness, have a greater tendency toward duplication, and are apt to be interpreted with some success.

Also, all individuals have had familiarity with emotions as they exist within electrical intensities, and are accustomed to reacting to them. The whole process in instantaneous. However, the thought which is now an approximation of the original thought is changed once more by the receiver himself or herself. He or she does not actually interpret the thought itself. He or she interpret the thought itself. He or she interprets its meaning and forms a new thought identity.

Action, the very action of transmission, alters the nature and electrical reality of the thought itself.

Our imaginary sender A. does not transmit a given thought. He or she does not even send an exact duplicate. Nor does the receiver receive the thought in the same condition. The original thought is retained by A. A. forms a thought as nearly identical as possibilities allow it to be. This he or she transmits to B. But B. can’t receive the thought in its present condition, for the action of receiving a thought also changes it. He or she forms a thought as nearly identical as possible for him and interprets it.

Action can never be considered apart from that which is seemingly acted upon, for action becomes part of structure. Action begins from within and is a result of inner vitality inherent in all realities. Action is not alone. It is not an identity. ACTION IS A DIMENSION OF EXISTENCE.

The Species Multitudinous Abilities

My human skill is as ancient as man and woman is, and indeed all of our arts, sciences, and cultural achievements are the offshoots of spontaneous mental and biological processes.

I choose my words quite carefully at times, because I realize the various interpretations that can be placed upon them. Perhaps the following explanation will express more clearly what I mean.

In the first place, as often mentioned lately, the reasoning mind is spontaneously fired. The species contains within itself all of the necessary spontaneous attributes that are necessary to form a civilization, for example. All of our reasoned activities — our governments, societies, arts, religions and sciences — are the physical realization, of course, of inner capacities, capacities that are inherent in man’s and woman’s structure. Take our theaters’ movie picture dramas. These are the materialization in our time of man’s and woman’s natural ability — a characteristic highly important in the behavior of the species.

Early man and woman, for example, spontaneously played at acting out the part of other animals. He and she took part of a tree, a brook, a rock. Acting became a teaching method — a way of passing on information. Man and woman always possessed all of the knowledge he or she needed. The task was to make it physically available.

People translate inner knowledge in many ways — through acting it out, through singing or dancing, through drawing images on cave walls. It was the intellect’s job to put such information to practical use, and thus the intuitions and the intellect worked hand in hand. Man and woman dealt then with spontaneous knowing in a more direct fashion.

It is very difficult to try to explain the various shadings of psychology that were involved. Early man and woman did act in a more spontaneous manner, more automatically, in our terms, but not mindlessly. If we remember the early blogs, then this information should fall into place, for consciousness emerged from the inside outward. Animals enjoy drama, and in their fashions they playact.

It was to man and woman to translate his and her inner information with a freehand. He or she is able to form many different kinds of cultures, for example. He or she puts his or her sciences and religions, his and her languages, together in multitudinous ways, but there must always be a translation of inner information outward to the world of sense, There still is. Man’s and woman’s capacities have not dimmed in the regard. Thinking, for example, is as automatic as ever. It is simply that our culture puts the various elements together in ways that stress the qualities of what we refer to as rational thinking.

When the species needs certain abilities, they rise to the fore, as in my case now. When we are painting pictures we are also translating inner knowledge. Early artists drew pictures to share the images they saw in their dreams. In a fashion they practiced dreaming in their sleep, and thus learned also to think in terms of the measurement of physical images, and to move objects around in their minds before they did so physically.

Poetry was an art and a science. It conveyed quite necessary information about man and woman and the universe. The same can be said of many cave drawings. What we had — what we still have, though we are not nearly as aware of it — was an excellent give-and-take between the inner and outer senses. Through chanting, dancing, playacting, painting, story-telling, man and woman spontaneously translated inner sense data into physical actualization. The physical senses only present us with clues as to our own sensitivities.

I translate what I feel without being consciously aware of receiving the material in usual terms, or of translating it. It has to be broken down, particularly to a time frame, and then into concepts that can take advantage of the world view that is held in our culture. Everything must be slanted to fit the viewpoint of creatures who believe most firmly in the superiority of matter over mind — who are immersed in a particular biological framework.

I cannot ignore those belief structures — or what I say would literally be incomprehensible. All of this is automatically  taken care of.

The species has multitudinous abilities, each necessary, each adding to the entire fulfillment and attributes of our people. Some individuals choose to specialize, following specific lines of abilities throughout many existences — accommodating these, however, to the times in which they are born. Both my wife and I have been speakers in that regard. The methods many change. We may “speak” through art or music, through trance activities, but we will specialize in the use of the inner senses, and in translating the inner knowledge of the species, bringing it to whatever level of ordinary consciousness that is considered the official one.

I know what sound is, my wife knows, what we consider sound is only one of sounds many spectrums. Beside translating inner images into paintings, for example, we may unknowingly be translating sensually invisible sounds into images. In a way quite impossible to describe, it would be true to say that my blogs actually translate multidimensional images into words. We have no words for the kinds of images I am speaking of, for they are not objects, nor pictures of objects, nor images of images, but instead the inner dimensions, each separate and glowing, but connected, prisms of knowledge, that have within themselves more reality than we can presently begin to imagine.

To a certain extent, I must travel from those mental realities into our comprehension, wrest myself free in order to form an ever-changing, ever-moving, ever-on-the-move entity that can blog here and be there mentally at the same time. So I am distant and close at once. That distance from my blog readers also represents the reaches, however, of the human psyche, and the vast corridors of psychological activity from which it is formed, and from which our world emerges.

For the worlds are so composed that each one is a part of each other one, and there is no disconnecting. There is no place or space, psychological, psychic, where those worlds exist apart from each other, so we cannot say that one is more highly evolved than another.

There are as many frontiers as there ever were, and there is no catastrophe that will annihilate consciousness, or put an end to earthly life. When we think in terms of earth’s destruction, or the ending of the world, we are thinking of course of a continuum of time, and of beginnings and endings. From our viewpoint in space and time, it seems that planets have come and gone, stars collapsed, and when we look outward into space, it appears that we look backward into time. There are great pulsations, however, in existence — pulsations that have nothing to do with time as we understand it, but with intensities.

In the deepest of terms, the world always was and always will be. It changes its patterns of activity, it comes and goes, but it is always itself in its comings and goings. To me, that is exceedingly simple — but as far as our concepts are concerned, it can seem to imply irreconcilable complications.

A small note to my blog readers– again — trust the great power of the universe that forms your own image, trust spontaneity, and the body’s natural urges toward relaxation, motion, and creativity, as these show themselves in their own rhythms.

Nature As Man’s and Woman”s Caretaker

Men and women likes to think of themselves as the caretaker of nature and the world. It is closer to the truth, however, to say — in that regard, at least — that nature is man’s and woman’s caretaker; or that man and woman exists, physically speaking, as the result of the graceful support of nature and all of its other species. Without those other species, man and woman as we know him and her would not exist, not without the continuous cooperation of those species with each other, and their interrelationships with the environment.

Man and woman serves his and her purposes within nature, as all species do, and in the terms of our understanding man and woman “thinks” in his and her own way, but he and she is also the thinking portion of nature. He and she are the portion that thinks, in our understanding, again, of that term.

He and she deals with the effect of thinking upon nature, so to speak. He and she adds to the rest of nature. He and she therefore adds a different kind of mental organization — and organization, then, that nature itself requires, anticipates, and desires. Animals do not read or write books or blogs, but they do “read” nature directly through the context of their own experience, and through intuitive knowing. Man’s and woman’s reasoning mind adds an atmosphere to nature, that is as real, say, as the Van Allen Belts (or radiation fields) that surround the earth.

The thinking mind to a large degree directs the activity of great spontaneous forces, with energy-cellular organization being, say, the captain of the body’s great energy sources. The reasoning mind defines, makes judgments, deals with the physical objects of the world, and also with the cultural interpretations current in its time.

Think of our own government in ideal terms for a moment. Its citizens are all individuals, with their own lives and interests. The government, if it has their loyalty, utilizes their energies in such a fashion that the majority are benefited, as is the government itself. Yet we cannot really put our finger on “the government,” though we might mention the White House as the seat of its power. The government is composed of many people, of course, and really extends all the way down the line, even to its least citizen, but the government can direct the use of energies, of goods, commerce, power, and so forth.

The people count upon the government to realistically define the conditions of the world, to have proper intelligence so that the activities in foreign lands are known, to keep up proper communication with other governments, and so forth. Now in some important respects the reasoning mind is like the government in this analogy. If the people in power are paranoid, then they overestimate the dangers of any given world situation. They overreact, or over mobilize, using a disproportionate amount of energy and time for defense, and taking energies away from other projects. The reasoning mind acts in the same fashion when paranoid beliefs are in power. It therefore tells all of the citizens — or cells of the body — to mobilize for action, to be on the alert, to pare down all but necessary activities, and so forth.

When a government is paranoid, it even begins to cut down on the freedom of its own peoples, or to frown upon behavior that in freer times would be quite acceptable. The same applies to the conscious mind in that situation. Now the people might finally revolt, or they will take certain steps to see that their freedom is restored, and so the body’s cells will do the same.

So what we want, obviously,  is to ensure that the conscious mind, with its reasoning processes, can make proper adjustments about the nature of the world and the individual citizens within it. I will return later to the purposes of man’s and woman’s conscious mind in nature, and part of that discussion will fall in my blogs.

Man’s and woman’s mind is really more of a process. It is not a completed thing, like an arm of leg, but a relationship and a process. That process has its source in what I can only call “natural reasoning.”

We are given far more knowledge than we realize when we are born, for example. I am not speaking of genetic information alone, as we understand it, but of a natural yet intuitive reasoning process that is that result of the relationships that exist among all portions of the body. This is the kind of “reasoning” that is the source from which thinking emerges, and we might think of it as magical reasoning. Some people might not realize the immense power that they themselves hold in the form of consciousness. In this regard, man has endeavored to explore many mystical plants over millenia that nature has bountifully offered, such as the Ayahuasca plant (look at Iowaska Benefits: Healing for Cancer, Depression & More for some deeper insights). The innate desire to know more and explore the boundaries of what we know, has led us to seek through different means.

Each creature is born trusting.

There is no such thing as a killer instinct, with the implications and meaning that man and woman give that term. At levels almost impossible to describe to us in our adulthoods, all infants, for example, know that they are born into the environmental niches that suit them and no others — that are tailored to their requirements. We can usually see in a superficial fashion how animals under “natural conditions” fit into their environments so perfectly, so that their needs and desires and equipment meet and merge with the characteristics of the environment. It is not nearly as easy to see that the same applies to man and woman and his and her mental and physical environment, his and her town or country or culture, but the infant trusts from the very first moment.

We may not consider trust an attribute connected with reasoning, but it is indeed, for it represents the creature’s innate understanding of the support with which it has been gifted. The natural person still feels that trust. There are many books written about occult knowledge, or magical knowledge. Most of them are filled with distortions, but they are all efforts to uncover man’s and woman’s natural magical reasoning. I will also have more to say on that subject in later blogs.

The body’s natural healing processes, that naturally flow and are naturally flowing when he or she allows himself or herself to trust his or her life and the support of his or her own being. It is our understanding that sets it all into motion. They must be allowed to happen, however, and that takes place as our understanding brings us in greater correspondence with the natural energy that is always our own.

Desire as Action

To the world of the intellect, a glass door must be considered solid, as it is in the world of physical senses. In other quite as factual terms, indeed in the larger frameworks of facts, the door of course is not solid at all, as no objects are. Obviously that is known to science.

Science delegates the world of nature as the realm of exterior natural events. Its view of nature is therefore mechanistic. The natural self, however, like the rest of nature, possesses a rich dimension of inside psychological depth, that science, because of its own definitions, cannot perceive. Telepathy and clairvoyance, for example, are a part of natural effects, but they belong to a nature so much more expansive than science’s definitions that they have been made to appear as highly unnatural eccentricities of behavior rather than as natural components of consciousness.

It is also for that reason that they seem to fall outside of the realm of the s-a-n-e. Such characteristics are, however, basic properties of the natural person. They do not appear very well under the auspices of the scientific method, because the scientific method is itself programmed to perceive only information that fits into its preconceived patterns. Such abilities appear to be unpredictable, discontinuous, only because we are so relatively unaware of what is actually quite constant psychological behavior. That is, such abilities operate so smoothly, so continuously, and with such ease that we become aware of them only under certain conditions. We are aware of what seem to be isolated hints of odd characteristics.

The intellect is basically able to handle many kinds of information, and information systems. It is far more flexible that we presently allow it to be. It can handle several main world views at once, realizing that they are each methods of perceiving and approaching reality. To some degree historically speaking, that sort of situation operated in the past when — comparatively speaking, now — people realized that there was indeed an inner world of complexity and richness that could be approached in certain fashions, one that existed alongside with the physical world, so that the two intersected. Certain approaches worked in one area, and others worked in the inner reality.

The intellect could handle both approaches, operating with separate assumptions. There were separate assumptions that applied to different realities. I do not mean to idealize those times. In so-called modern ages, however, the intellect has been stripped down, so to speak. Science perceived the spectacular complexity of exterior reality, but turned its sights completely away from any recognition — any at all — until regarded subjectivity itself as a mere throw-away product, accidentally formed by a mindless matter.

All of this applies to our situation, for I want you to thoroughly understand, intellectually and emotionally, the errors of current thought, so that we can see that our material is indeed providing us not only with “creative material,” but with a more factual presentation of the framework in which we have our existence.

In modern times, then, the intellect was finally left with only one acceptable world view, with one set of assumptions, with only one main approach to reality and experience. The acceptable assumptions to a large extent ran directly contradictory to built-in biological, spiritual, and psychological assumptions that are a part of man’s and woman’s heritage. The intellect does try to order experience, to make sense out of perception. When it is enriched by having in its possession several world views, then it does an excellent job of merging those into meaningful patterns, of sorting information and sending it to the proper places, so to speak.

It understands, for example, that clairvoyant material is a part of the personality’s overall characteristics, so it is not afraid of perceiving it — and it is able to separate such information confusion from present physical sense perception. Orderliness, then, is one of its main characteristics. When it is given only one world view, and only one group of assumptions, its orderly nature causes it to throw out all information that does not fit. It is almost forced to make an orderly picture, say like a jigsaw puzzle picture, while being denied half of the pieces.

The intellect is not to blame. It does the best it can under those conditions.

Now in our dreams, we are quite clearly seeing the threshold between physical reality and the magical dimension in which that physical reality has its source. We are being shown — or showing ourselves — the difference in the rules or assumptions between the two. The dog’s desire for food led him to walk magically through the door, for the desires of the natural creature are satisfied with an ease that has nothing to do with our ideas of work. What I am getting at is the introduction of the concepts of a different kind of work — very valuable, vital work that is performed at another level and in a different fashion.

A prime example, of course, is the “work” done to keep each and every creature alive and breathing, the “work” done to keep the planets in their places, the “work” being done so that one evolutionist can meditate over his or her theories.

Now in our dreams we get the feeling of that kind of work, or action. It is the given power of the world, the given power of nature. It is the directed force of value fulfillment. In other terms it is of course the energy of All That Is. The trouble is that the rational view of life has separated man and woman from a sense of his or her own power source. When he or she have a problem, the rational approach to its solution seems the only answer, and often, of course, it is no answer at all.

I want to make sure that I am right. I try to go ahead and not go ahead at the same time. I try to be daring and cautious, brave and safe. This applies to some extent to each of us, of course, precisely because we are gifted strongly both intellectually and intuitively. We try rationalize our creativity, to some extent. The rational line of thought finds creativity highly disruptive, so in those terms as highly gifted creative people, we would have encountered some difficulties in any case.

It is time that we regarded such difficulties instead as challenges that are a part of a creative adventure that we have ourselves chosen. We chose the adventure because it is the kind best suited to our own individual value fulfillment. In reconciling the many concepts and contradictions for ourselves, we also lead the way for many others. It would, again, help considerably if we thought of our work more as an adventure, an exciting creative adventure, than of work in our old terms.

This will allow us to include the feeling of inner, magical “work” in our calculations. It would also begin to give us a feeling for the magical support that upholds us, and our lives — the support that we can count upon, and that can bring about the solution to our physical difficulties. Here, the vital word is ease of effortlessness. If we want to feed a dog in the physical world — and he or she is on the other side of the door — we must open it. In the inner world we or the dog can walk through the door without effort, because desire is action. Desire is action.

In the inner world, our desires bring about their own fulfillment, effortlessly. That inner world, and the exterior one, intersect and interweave. They only appear separate. In the physical world, time may have to elapse, or whatever. Conditions may have to change, or whatever, but the desire will bring about the proper results. The feeling of effortlessness is what is important. It is quite proper for our intellect to understand this, and to say, simply now, ” That is not my realm. I will leave the solution to that problem where it belongs. We will use the magical approach here.”

Of course, an entire reorientation is instead implied, and that entire reorientation will effortlessly bring about a new relationship in our bodies and our lives, and with the adventure we embark upon. We will simply automatically get better, because the framework will allow us to do so.

Within our time scheme each physically-endowed consciousness, whatever its form or size or complexity, inherently seeks to fulfill its own highest potential — not only for itself, but for the benefit of each other such consciousness in our reality. There is no drifting through life, then, but a built-in search for the fulfillment of values, whatever possible successes, conflicts, or failures may be involved, and no matter how modest or great or complex any of those qualities may be. The ecstasy and love of being always operate to ensure the quality and growth of life’s existence through value fulfillment.

Only Human Beings, With Their Ideas of ‘Progress” and “Development Change.

Over very long spans of time the earth and all of its creatures stay the same, relatively speaking. Human beings haven’t changed, really, our more complicated mental processes only make it seem that we have. Coupled with this is the idea that magic, as we call it, reflects a basic part of our natural mental equipment and abilities, but that our present course of action, our focusing upon the material and the intellectual — the ‘reasonable” portions of quite ‘unreasonable’ or unreal. Actually, our need for magic is a very real, vital, and integral portion of our psyches.

The conscious idea of  magic, then, is a mask, or contrived version, of the psyche’s innate clairvoyant, telepathic, and precognitive abilities. We permit distorted versions of those attributes to surface as magic, as entertainment — which thus relieves us of the need to take them seriously. That’s the course our species has chosen during much of our recorded history, so far, and for many reasons.

I think that it’s frustrating for us that we cannot perceive the fascinating facets of any event. We still do not feel the unsurpassable force that thoughts have. We do not understand that they do form events, that to change events we must first change thoughts. We get what we concentrate upon.

The Time Sense Outside The Body Can Be Quite Different Than The Body’s

My wife and I are telepathically aware of our emotional presence. This acts as the emotional impetus to give the inner self full rein.


In the same way do we travel in other realities without being aware of it. We perceive in a ‘normal’ fashion, which shows that perception is not dependent upon the physical image. We have both traveled together in such a fashion from the dream state. There is no reason why we cannot try such experiments, trying to project at the same time.


When we do this from a dream state, then we must set aside two and one half hours, for the first portion will be used as preliminaries. We can also give ourselves such suggestions before we sleep. We might begin by making an appointment to meet each other, say, at three in the morning in the living room.


For our own purposes, an unfinished painting on our easel helped project to the studio, for we would wish to study it. We have often done this, without remembering. It is always to our advantage when we both traveled together, however. We help each other retain proper consciousness and purpose during projection.


We can be of greater help to each other, when we develop further. We can also suggest dreams in which we are flying in an airplane and tell ourselves then that we will waken from the dream and project. We will know the plane to be a dream image, but be able to retain it for our convenience if we want, so that we do not feel falling at first.


In such instances, we are withdrawing our perceptive abilities from the physical body. They will seem to operate as usual, but they are more vivid and far-reaching. Our thoughts instantly attain a form that we can then perceive. If we think of a dog, for example, quite unconsciously we form the image of a dog, which we then perceive.


It is because of this instantaneous creation and projection of inner reality outward into form that we experience time within the physical system — to train us, to give us time to learn to handle our own creations. Projection experiments, then, should only be tried when we are in a peaceful state of mind.


Now, there are ‘objective’ realities that exist within the astral system. There are more than our own thought forms, in other words. Our own thought-forms can be definite aids when we are in the proper mental condition, and they can impede our progress if we are not. For example, a man or woman in a desperate frame of mind is more apt to emphasize the unpleasant aspects of the news and to see bitterness rather than the joy in the faces of those we meets. He or she will ignore a contented child playing on one side of the street and notice, instead, a dirty ragged child, even though he or she be further away. So our frame of mind when projecting will largely determine the kind of experiences we have.


The original intensity behind the construction determines its duration. Left alone, any such construction will eventually vanish. It will leave a trace, however, in electromagnetic reality where it can then be activated by anyone when certain conditions are met or are favorable.


Denying energy to such a construction can be like pricking a balloon. Then all attention must be taken from it, for it thrives upon attention.

Awake-Seeming Dreams

There  are some notes I wanted to give concerning dreams in which you feel certain you are normally awake. When these dreams are unusually vivid, then the ego is aware and participating, but generally it is not using its critical faculties. As you know, you can become critically alert, but when you do so, you realize that you are not in your normal waking condition.


In awake-seeming dreams you are indeed awake, but within a different psychological framework, indeed, within a different framework of reality. You are operating at a high level of awareness, and using the inner senses. These enable you to perceive an added depth of dimension which is responsible for the vividness and sense of exhilaration that often occurs within the kind of dream. The next step, or course, is to allow the ego to awaken its critical faculties while within this state. You are then able to realize that while you are indeed awake as you seem, you are awake while the body is asleep.


When this occurs, you will be able to use your normal abilities in addition to those of the dream condition. You will be certain of your identity, realize that the physical self is sleeping or in dream state and that the inner self is fully awake. This represents a definite increase in the scope of consciousness and a considerable expansion over the usual limitations set by you upon yourself.


Only then can you fully begin to manipulate the conditions that exit and communicate this knowledge that you receive to the ego. For the time, you see, the ego becomes a direct participator in such experience, at least to a degree.


Almost all of your dream experiences do involve projections of one kind or another. These vary in intensity, type and even duration as any other experience vary. It takes a good deal of training and competence to operate with any real effectiveness within these situations.


All in all, the intellect plays some part, but the institutional qualities are most important. There are chemical changes, also, that occur with the physical body when projections happen, and electromagnetic variations. These vary according to the form in which the projection occurs.


The projected form does make some impression upon the physical system. It is possible for it to be detected. It is a kind of pseudo-image, materialistically speaking, but it has definite electromagnetic reality and chemical properties. Animals have sensed such apparitions. They react to the chemical properties and build up to the perception of the image from these.


These chemical properties are more diffused in such an apparition than in a physical form, however. The chemical composition of a storm, perhaps, will give you an idea of what I mean. They cause small disturbances in the physical system. As a rule, they are not solid, in the same way that clouds are not solid, and yet they have shape and to certain extent boundaries and movement. They definitely have a reality, though you cannot usually perceive it with the physical senses.


Perhaps this diffused quality is the most important difference (from your point of view) between an apparition and a physical form. There is an atomic structure, but in some ways it is less complete than the physical one. There is always a minute difference in the body’s weight when the individual is projecting.


False Awakening or Awake-Seeming Dreams: Now I had a false awakening. In the back of my mind all night was the resolution to make sure I recorded my dreams. Here, I was sure I was awake. I wrote the dreams down in my notebook which was on the bedside table, and then, to make sure, I awakened my wife and told her the dreams also. She pointed out the the first dream and one of the others were definitely related. Again, I was positive I was awake.


Then the suspicion struck me that perhaps this was an awake-seeming dream, that I was still dreaming and that none of the dreams had been written down at all. I kept struggling to analyze my state of consciousness and finally decided to check the notebook again


I highly recommend this most advantageous method of projection to my blog readers. When you awaken — or seem to waken — in the middle of the night, try to get out of the body. Simply try to get out of bed without moving the body and go into another room.


This is a pleasant and easy method. With some experience you will discover that you can maintain control, walk out of the apartment and outside. You may then attempt normal locomotion or levitate. There is little strain with this method. Keep it in mind so that you are alert to the initial favorable circumstances. You may be half awake. You may be in a false awakening. The method will work in either case. You can, if you want to, look back at your body.


You must want to do this, however. Often, you do not want to see the body by itself, so to speak, and so choose methods that make this more difficult. Just this one exercise will sharpen your control greatly. It is an ABC. This experience is also less startling to the ego than a more abrupt projection, and the ordinary nature of the activities — walking into the next room, for example — will be reassuring. You are more calm in your own surroundings.


Now it is possible for someone within the body to perceive someone who is not, but is not usual. The perceiver must be a person of strong psychic abilities or the projecting personality must be driven by high emotional intensity to make himself or herself known.


The trick of staying between hallucinations and physical reality tell far more about how consciousness works.


It is far more difficult to get objective proof for dream projections, yet the subjective proof is quite definite. The task of trying to maintain specific states of consciousness is enough work and effort to convince anyone having the experience that far more than simple dreaming or imagination is involved.

Coming To Life During Dreams

The experience of “coming to life during dreams” with any consistency, having some critical awareness, some rational control, some glimpse of other-dimensional reality — these events in the overall are bound to transform ordinary concepts regarding the nature of consciousness.


And it is always strange to realize that physical reality has that little hold, comparatively speaking, that we can slip out of it so easily, that it is more like bright transparent cellophane than solid wood or rock. We can go in and out of it, through it and back, without leaving a tear. Yet the world is so smooth and unseamed when we’re in the body and focused there.


Instructions for Projection from Trance and Dream States.


Whatever information I can give you will be of great practical benefit. I do not want my blog readers traveling about unless they know what they are doing. Again I want to mention the matter of subconscious fabrications. Initially, particularly, you will meet with them. You must remember that you are wandering in completely different dimensions, and the rules with which you are familiar simply do not apply.


I have told in previous blogs that the form in which you are traveling can be a tipoff to you. If your levitation experience seems to carry you outside of the solar system, then you know that you are in the third form and that your abilities for the time are almost limitless, comparatively speaking. Any image you see here must be accepted. It does no good to call these forms hallucinations, for they are no more hallucinations than the chair in which I now sit. ‘ Whether or not the automobile is a sensory hallucination, it can kill you.’


And I tell you that whether or not these projection images are hallucinations, they can be dangerous and you must respect the reality in which they exist. I want to be sure that you realize that some of these constructions will belong to other systems. You are safe as long as you do not meddle. You may explore, and freely, and that is all.


Now, here are my instructions. You may induce a medium trance in whatever way you choose. On occasion, this will be almost spontaneous, as you know. For best results in the beginning, make a projection attempt when you feel slightly drowsy, but pleasantly so. When you have induced the trance state, then begin to examine your own subjective feelings until you find recognition of the inner self.


This involves a recognition of yourself as distinct from the flesh fibers in which you reside. Then, begin to imagine this inner self rising upward. You should experience at this point an internal sense of motion. This motion may be from side to side as you gently shake yourself loose.


It may, instead, be a rushing upward. Whichever motion you experience, there will be a moment when you feel your identity and consciousness definitely withdrawing from the physical organism. Before you begin the experiment, the suggestion should also be given that the physical organism will be well protected and comfortable.


When you feel your consciousness withdrawing, the first step is this: Forget the physical body or what you are to do with it. Will yourself out in a quick motion. There is no need to experience hallucinations. If the projection is a success, you will instantly lose contact with the body using this method. You simply will not be in it.


It will be far from lifeless, of course. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which I have spoken in past blogs. I will give you alternate methods of projections, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the first few moments after leaving the body.


Once you are  out of the body, then you are dealing with a different kind of reality, but the experience is as valid as any other. You may or may not have the sensation of traveling through doors or windows. This is dependent upon the kind of projection involved. The molecular structure of the projecting self is of a different nature than that of the physical body. there is no change in the physical nature of the door, for example. The molecular structure of the traveling self changes.


There is no danger of not returning to the body, generally speaking. If  in your projection you seem to be flying past treetops, then you are doing so. You can meet and speak with others on some of these excursions. It is possible, with training, to arrange such meetings. For any kind of scientific proof, of course, this would be a necessary preliminary.


Remember that I told you in previous blogs, you may visit not only the past, present or future as it exists or will exist in your terms, but you may also visit realities that never existed physically. In our early blogs, I mentioned that intensity regulated the ‘duration’ of experience. Now, many events that were only imagined never took place physically, yet they exist. They simply are not a part of your definition of reality. You may, therefore, visit a museum that was planned in the sixteenth century but never built. Such a museum has a reality as valid as the home in which you live.


I have been speaking of projection from the trance state. Projection from a dream is something else again, and when executed successfully, you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of awareness. Here the critical consciousness can be fully alert while the body sleeps. Spontaneous, unrecalled projections of this kind happen often. It is beneficial that they be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn, therefore, to manipulate your own consciousness and to experience its mobility. Quite simply, such projections allow you practice in dealing with realities that you will meet when you no longer operate in the physical system.