With an appreciation for Loving Understanding and the power of this state of consciousness to transform fear and anger, comes the possibility for peace. Dear Blog Reader, if we want peace, we can have peace. Make it with our thoughts. If we want the wars to cease, we can create that with our thoughts.

It all begins with our Loving Intention in the moment. Our thoughts of peace and Loving Understanding coalesce on the subtle levels, to create their counterparts in physical reality. What is the counterpart to peace, love and understanding? A physical world where WAR IS NOT TOLERATED BY THE PEOPLE.

War cannot be sustained on a diet of peace and Loving Understanding. War perishes in such circumstances. And as war and violence fade into memory, new, positive life-affirming Reality Constructs are thrust into our world with the energy of the loving thoughts, the peaceful thoughts, the thoughts of understanding and acceptance for our fellow human beings

Collective Manifestation

So in a word, Love is the answer. If we were to live our life as a poet, a romantic poet let us say, one that was immersed in love, and indeed unable to sense or formulate a single thought that was not love, imagine how LOVING our existence would be.

But instead many of us focus on murders, such as we have in our negative media; personal vendettas, such as we are engaged-in at the workplace; and general cynical gossiping, such as makes up the Movement-to-Moment Points of our ongoing lives.

This is not to paint all of us with the same brush, but we must take responsibility for whatever part we play in the creation of negative Reality Constructs in our world. If we contribute If we contribute a negative gesture, we are partly responsible for the collective negative manifestation. It makes senses, does it not, given what I have described about the nature of our reality.

If we become angry at a person of a different color while driving our cars and shout at them and gesture at them in an absence way, we are responsible for our part in the collective negative manifestation of racial prejudice in our current timeframe. Does this not make sense? If we scream in anger at our child, we are responsible for the collective manifestation of child abuse in our time frame. It is quite logical in its consistency.

We may believe that if we commit these violations in private, that they do not count, because no one is observing our behavior. But telepathy, as I said before, is operative at all levels. We ALL know what is “on your minds.” We feel that we have to pretend that we DON”T know, however, to maintain our private lives.

Yet all of this will be out in the open soon, and I would urge us to clean up our thoughts and behaviors so that we will not be caught in the habitual negative thinking and behavior that currently hold us back.


The original Soul Mate conceptualization from our ancient spiritual traditions included honoring the negative aspects also: the shadow or Dark Side.

Now: every human has the repressed, hidden personality aspects. And so, in the practice of these ancient traditions, Lessons were learned regarding the negative aspects of consciousness as a way to mutually integrate the “forgotten” material. The Dark Side of the personality was honored just as the divine aspects were honored within the spiritual practice.

The modern metaphysical concept of the Soul Mate often lacks this component. Further, our religions tend to denigrate these Dark Soul Issues as the work of the Devil, or as the result of a “weak will” or Spirit. This practice quite naturally leads to further repression of the cast-off images, ideas, and emotions.

In fact, what many of us think of as the “born again” experience is simply the spontaneous release of this material into the conscious mind. The result of this influx of energized constructs is often a full-blown visionary experience: the spiritual rebirth, the transformation of the “dark” material into Light.

We are modeling our Soul Mate theory on the practices of the ancient paths. Therefore we shall include the creation of the Light from the Dark in relationship as a necessary process to observe and nurture. In the interests of integrity and power we shall work from both sides: the polar opposites of the creative principles.


With the following experiment we are assuming that you are familiar with my new Blog material. If you are familiar, you are no doubt already proficient in attaining at-will the Trance state. As such, you may be quite expert at taking this state of awareness with you, as in the sanctuary, as you go about your daily activities.

Or perhaps you have perfected this Ritual to the degree that you may initiate it within just a few seconds, at any time or place in your waking world, just by holding a particular thought of feeling. You might describe this feeling-tone as a hunch or an intuition. In this case, it would be an intuition that you and the person being assessed have a history, either a past or future history, if you can imagine such a relationship.


HYPOTHESIS: Your current empowered moment reveals to you all that you need to know


Then create this state as best you can. It is a containment Ritual that keeps your energies within your sphere and protects you from any negative influences from without.

Now simply relax. The one being assessed need not be in your immediate vicinity. You may make your assessments of anyone from wherever you happen to be. When you have perfected this technique, you will be able to carry the state with you in your waking reality, or simply create it instantly in the Field when you have need of this special assessment tool.

In a very general way, you are attempting to determine whether a particular human is a Soul Family member. There will be a basic yes or no answer to these inquiries. If you would like to take it further ask:

*What are their general objectives?

*What is the Lesson to be learned?

*What issues are being addressed?

Natural Healing

HYPOTHESIS: You can heal yourself and others via the Etheric grid-works.

The Etheric grid-work the sustain the realities of our Universe. These energetic lattice-work of creation and support are currently unknown to the majority of humans on Earth. Yet again, the natives or aboriginals have used these networks since the beginning of your time to interplay with the natural world around them. So certainly this experiment is simply a means to reintroduce you to practice that you may have have engaged in countless times, in other eras, in other bodies.

Utilize your calming practices to access a deep state of relaxation. With your Energy Personality as your guide, ask for guidance as to causes and solutions in these matters of personal health and the health of others. Suggestions may come to you as images, sounds or other sensations. Keeping with the metaphor of a grid-work, you might receive an image of a lattice superimposed over your own body or the body of the subject you are assisting.

The area of interest may glow or otherwise make itself known to you. Using whatever means that comes naturally to you, facilitate the transformation of the area of interest into one integration and support with the rest of the body. This is a personal choice of methods and means that may come into your awareness through your Inner Senses.

Later in this series I will speak of the possibility of the blog reader increasing their vibrational rate and so intentionally moving themselves out of a “disease” state and into a state of health. This is done in collaboration with your Energy Personality. You may experience your current state of illness within the dream reality and so learn your lesson there instead of in Third-Dimensional reality within your current Timeframe.

If you are currently at a stage of Soul Evolution that would enable you to experiment with these probabilities, Please do so in a systematic way, with guidance from your Energy Personality and with attention to the requirements of experimentation as a Scientist of Consciousness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with drawings and ideas for future experiments.


It is a matter of the power differential with respect to our relationship with our world. Depression is largely a matter of powerlessness accepted as a reality – a field of reality – by the individual. As a field, it colors the entire existence and all DOES INDEED seem hopeless.

I advise to unlock our conditioning and take back our power from people and institutions, so too I advise the so-called “depressed” person to rise up and make the gesture of transcendence into the Realm of Power. All it takes in one charged Moment Point of personal responsibility for our evolution, to push the balance out of stasis into change: positive change for the individual.

Then we simply place further Moment Points of personal responsibility for our growth and positive assessments and behaviors, “one in front of the other,” to create the positive future.

Now, should the negative energies make a come back, it does require the individual to reaffirm a commitment to a positive future, in that moment, and once again push the manifestation chain of creative moments out of stasis and into the positive. The Negative Reality is rejected and the Positive Field of reality is accepted once again.

As an addendum, remember too, that in these moments we are affecting all of our Simultaneous Lives. So certainly we are doing our selves much good via these positive assessments.

And perhaps I should mention the obvious – that just as the Accepted Negative Field of Reality experienced by the “depressed” person has momentum and continuity in a morbid, yet familiar sense, so to does the Accepted Field of Positive Emotions and Behaviors hold its own momentum, continuity, and familiarity in a positive, even joyful sense.

Healthy Wealthy Wise

HYPOTHESIS: Through intention improvements can be made in your health, havingness and learning.

We have covered the means to these improvements in the previous blogs. Generally, it is a good idea to have a richly visualized image of what you would like to create with regards to health, wealth and wisdom.

As in the previous suggestions in these matters, the image should virtually resonate with the desired thoughts and emotions that you would experience on having created and perceived the manifested Reality Constructs. It may help to create a piece of art that helps to focus the creative energies.

With your art piece or your written manifesto or other focusing objects at hand, enter into a relaxed state of consciousness. Here you are asking for the natural energies of the world to assist you in creating your improvements. In a sense, you are using these energies of transformation to imbue the focusing objects with generative power on the small level to create the desired outcomes on the larger level. You are providing the emotional charge through your visualization to drive into creation the Reality Constructs you have in mind.

You will know when the changes have been made, as you may feel an inner Sense awareness that you have succeeded.

FINDINGS – document your findings.

Dream Interpretation

HYPOTHESIS: The energy personality can read and interpret your dream symbols

As in previous Dialogue, write down what you remember of a dream upon awakening from sleep.

When you are next in contact with your Energy Personality through meditation or other rituals of contact, ask for an interpretation of the dream with regards to your particular symbols. Within a context of learning your lessons and understanding your own dreams, your Energy Personality can help with interpretation. Typically, your Energy Personality will not resort to revelations that may interfere with the learning of lessons.

FINDINGS – Document your findings in whatever form you best-suited to this endeavor

Slowing Down Time

HYPOTHESIS: You may effectively slow down time for study or for other practical purposes.

Using your Inner Senses as exploratory tools, you may conduct your experiments free from what you might refer to as “the constraints of time.” You know that the past and future are created now, in this Moment Point. You may use you conscious intent to imbue your Moment Points with an “elasticity” that can afford you greater leeway in your studies.

For example: you may through your intention create a “slowing down” of time within your Personal Reality Field. Now you have undoubtedly already experienced this slowing down of time while engaged in an activity that you know well, an activity in which you are completely absorbed. Time slows down in such circumstances.

So let us suppose you wished to cover a broad range of activities in a meditation session, for example, and you have only a few minutes to do so. Before your meditation, simply give your Energy Personality your intention to expand time for the moment, or slow it down, to enable you to complete your activities. This is especially effective for those who are on self-healing regimens. You can intend to deliver several hours of self-healing suggestions to your self in the space of just a few minutes. Your Higher Self or Energy Personality will then carry it out. You have used your free will to choose this activity.

Induce a relaxed state in your physical body by whatever means suits you. When you are relaxed, consider the Inner Senses counterparts to your physical senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. As you do, you may notice that these Inner Senses make themselves known to you in a somewhat “dreamy” fashion.

What I am saying is that these senses have a quality of duration and intensity unlike the physical senses of the outer world. Your perception of Inner Healing, for example, may be perceived as though each sound resonated within your consciousness. This might be somewhat similar to the sounds you hear as you are falling asleep. The sounds seem to be extended, as though time were slowing down.

For purposes of this experiment, this is exactly the perceptive state I am asking you to create. Simply utilize your imagination to “turn on” the Inner Senses with an eye towards the slowing down of time within and without. The seeing on the inward eye is slowing down. The sounds are slowing down. Perhaps even your sense of how your skin feels in contact with the air around you and the surface or your chair or pillow begins to deepen and lengthen.

Now when you have slowed down time within your Personal Reality Field in this fashion, present to your awareness your healing suggestions, you questions of what have you, with the intention that resolution will be found, thanks to the slowing down of time you have created. This alteration of your perceptive field may also give you insights into the uses and powers of your Inner Senses.

FINDINGS – Document your findings after each


Now wisdom comes from lessons learned in all of the domains of human interaction. I have mentioned the physical, the mental and the spiritual domains, to establish lines of discussion for us as we attempt to make ourselves understood. Naturally, these realms of understanding must surely overlap in some instances in the lives of individuals. We will likely discover where these domains merge as we conduct our experiments in the field.

To be healthy, in terms of these domains of learning, would imply that certain standards of creative manifestation would be consistently met within the overall context of the particular body we are using in the current incarnation.

The powers of creative thought with which we create the body and the world around the body have great leeway in creating health and disease according to lessons to be learned. For example: we may be currently incarnated in a body of physical health, relative to others who have no defects. Here we enter into the area of Value Fulfillment that I have described in previous Blogs.

It is not easy to assess any particular individual’s incarnational learning experiences using flimsy surface indicators. For example: a human with a major facial or other disfigurement might elicit a responding emotion of pity from another. Yet the Soul Self of this human may wear the disfigurement as “a badge of honor.” For Souls may CHOOSE these types of lives to learn their lessons quickly, due to the high-emotionality involved in living a life with honor and acceptance within a disabled physical form is explored in earnest. Soul Wisdom is earned through such a life lived.

Now the opposite, of course, is also true. Lessons regarding living a “charmed life” are in store for all who inhabit the Third-Dimension. All That Is seeks to know through the experience of Souls, both the exalted and the mundane. No experience is better or worse than another. Again I refer to my previous discussions on Value Fulfillment for more light on this matter.


Creating health… I will be extremely brief, though some may doubt that I can BE brief. Our health is the most evident aspect of our Personal Reality creation, for we create the rest of what we have been referring to as our Personal Reality Field. Now we ARE experiencing our physical body created through the template we choose before our birth. This template provided us with a body that holds “build in lessons for us to experience.

The lessons of the physical body are myriad and continue until our physical death. Yet on a basic level, relative to all other humans, if we are experiencing a happy, healthy mental environment, we may be in all probability co-creating with All That Is, a happy, healthy body. If we are entertaining negative thoughts of disease and low self-worth, we may be in all likelihood creating a body that will experience that level of disease. This happens unconsciously for the most part, this creation of healthy or non-healthy bodily conditions.

Sometimes though we can catch oneself responding to our own apparatus. For example: if we respond to a statement such as, “I’m catching a cold,” by saying to this person, “Yes, I’m catching a cold too,” you are creating the bodily conditions to receive the cold. This is material we have covered elsewhere and so I shall not digress.

Now there are those of us who are experiencing our current lives with challenges, such as a lack of arms, legs, various organs and so on. There are also some physical diseases that may seem to be ‘Beyond Healing.” Within our Third-Dimensional world, it is indeed thought to be impossible to grow a new limb or new organ, or to recover from a “terminal” illness. However, we are headed for a realization that All of the maladies and illnesses of humankind may be corrected through proper use of the imagination and the sacred powers of manifestation with All That Is.

In the Fourth Dimensional our thoughts will be instantly manifested into Reality Constructs without the lag-time in between that we currently experience in Third Dimensional Reality. Should we have self-created “incurable” illnesses and physical challenges, we may learn lessons through resolving these Soul issues with our powerful thoughts of healing. These are simply some of the more profound experiences that await us in the post-transition Fourth-Dimensional Reality.