Let us proceed with the Techniques and Rituals that compose The Healing Regimen.

The Healing Regimen is a continuous ritual enactment with the elements of our Consecutive Positive Assessments exercise embedded within it. In this exercise you attempt t interpret your moment-to-moment experiences in positive ways. Everything exists within the current moment. Everything that you need to support your Quest for Healing is available to you in your Point of Power, your current Moment Point, right now in this instance. So it is in the moment when you conduct your Ritual of Healing and when you see the results of these Techniques. In the moment is when you get to feel for the creation of successive moments of healing.

With this technique we are attempting to interpret each successive Moment Point as a divine opportunity for positive change. In my blogs we discussed in depth this technique of Consecutive Positive Assessments. Here let me simply state that it is up to you to create this perspective according to what works for you as an individual human, one with particular ways of behaving, one with a certain set of beliefs.

Now briefly, you will always have a choice, Dear Blog reader, regarding what you will experience in the moments of your waking life. You are the center of your world and the events that occur within your world. So you always have a choice and even a responsibility to make the proper decisions in your moment-to-moment existence to further your life.

You must be adequate, in other words, so that you may “live to live another day,” in a manner of speaking. Of course, beyond merely living there exists a state of being in which one excels, or develops or grow spiritually, intellectually, and so on. Here in this project, we maintain that to achieve relief from physical illness and the removal of symptoms, one may employ our Consciousness Personal Assessment exercise and “take charge” of the life. By assessing each moment as a joyous and educational experience, the researcher is reprogramming the psyche in a beneficial way. Positive belief change occurs over the long-term application of this technique. Positive realities are created in an intentional way.

Perhaps another example would help. Suppose that our theoretical subject, the human experiencing a disintegration of the musculature of their body, has obtained The Healing Regimen and is trying this Technique. There may be several days of false starts and disruptions of the program. Then one day there is begun a series of moments, perhaps lasting several minutes or even hours, when the subject is truly interpreting their moment-to-moment experiences in positive ways.

In this series of moments, let us say that the subject has perhaps burned the breakfast on the stove. Rather than sink into a depression or scream in anger at the stove, the subject continues to sing a favorite song. In the mental environment of this subject, you might say that the Negative Emotions do not find a place to establish themselves. The singing of the favorite song, perhaps a joyful song, prevents that manipulation of thought energy by the negative Emotions. The Consecutive Positive Assessments continue even as the song is being sung.

But let us suppose that the subject is then distracted, perhaps by the TV news program as it proclaims the latest tragedy to occur in a far away country. For a moment, the subject may feel a responsibility to the people involved in the tragedy to provide them with a compassionate moment of observation here, Unfortunately, as soon as our subject focuses on the television image, to express their compassion and understanding, the story is ended, and a commercial is run that encourages the viewer to buy products. At this point, the positive mental environment is disrupted. Thoughts relative to things to buy and products of various kinds prevail. The song ceases to be sung.

So the question arises in matters of techniques such as this: How can I possibly bring conscious awareness to each successive moment in my waking day?” The answer to that, of course, is that it may be difficult to achieve perfection in the assessment exercise. In your physical reality there are numerous diversions, as in our example. There are also natural lapses in consciousness that take you to other dimensions, as we have discussed in previous blogs. So practically here, I must say, that to the degree that you can accomplish this exercise, you will to that same degree experience positive changes in your Personal Reality Field – you will experience healing within your body, mind and spirit.

Fortunately, simple improvements are what we are marking progress in this endeavor. You will continuously change course, over the moments of your existence, making your simple improvements, until gradually you are experiencing the voyage as a positive habit of thought, feeling and manifestation.

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