Our ego/intellect is an expert in the creation of status quo realities. It always begins its work on awakening after our sleeping times, whenever that might be. As we open our eyes, there is a tendency for the ego/intellect to take charge IMMEDIATELY. It is our job to remember that our regimen will begin or continue at that particular time, and circumvent the strategies of the ego/intellect to control our Reality Creation agendas.

We do this by distracting the ego/intellect. This is a divine distraction. We divert our attention from the mundane to the Divine. This is simply a personal reminder from our Soul Self that we are supported on a wave of ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness. We have described this feeling state in our last few Series of Blogs. We are supported; we are endorsed; we are Loved. We do not need to recreate the status quo reality of suffering, illness and other negative states. We may also use our Energy Personality and other Guides to help remind us of our Scared Quest in these moments.

However, if we are like most people, our ego/intellect will not enjoy these attempts to divert the manifestation energies toward the Divine. The ego/intellect may flood our consciousness with Negative Emotions, traumatic memories, reminders of financial peril etc. We may experience a sudden fear that we are taking these explorations too far, perhaps wandering into “the danger zone.”

Religious conditioning may serve to bring doubt to mind. We may feel that perhaps we should go to church soon or speak to a priest. Or course we may do these things. We have free will. But might I suggest that we are now acting as our own intermediary? We are bridging the physical and subtle realms with our awareness. Just as the magician, the shaman, the witch does, we are acting as our own intermediary between the physical and the Divine.

My advice, when you are experiencing these responses from the ego/intellect, is to intervene with your Intention, and possibly with the assistance of your Guides, and divert your attention back to the Divine. It is really just a matter of choice in the moment. We are choosing from the perspective of the Soul Self, a path of improved reality Creation.

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