Our emerging reality is composed of Light, as we have said. We might say that the Coordinate Points within the juncture of time and space of any particular Moment Point of our physical existence, serve to “hold the shape” of the emerging reality, the outgrowth, if you will, of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This context for Realty Creations is indeed the Love Light Matrix. The atoms or Consciousness Units are each, again as we have suggested, energized, animated, empowered by Love with a capital L.

Our world is an ongoing manifestation created from the Loving energized of All That Is. All That Is IS LOVE, and so it follows that Reality Constructs of all types are founded in Love. Now within our Consensus Realities of Earth at this time, there is a pronounced diversion AWAY from Love. We may see this in all of our social, political and even our religious institutions.

It is obvious, is it not? Our world is in crisis. It is increasingly difficult to find Love in our reality. It is true that there is a Turnabout that is occurring, as we see how the absence of Love is so damaging to humanity? See it and remember it.

Now with regards to human health and healing, it is the same: wherever Love is absent, you will surely find decay, illness, disease, imbalance. I am not telling you something you do not already know. Dear Blog Reader, you are conceived in Love, but we are diverted by either emotions as we live our life. The consistent experiencing of the Negative Emotions result in the creation of symptoms and disease. Now in a sense, The Healing Regimen is a matter of peeling away the residue of Negative Emotion that hardens like a shell around The Emotional Body. Underneath this shell we will find the core of humanity – Love, just as we have been describing.

These emotions of Love and Compassion serve a very important purpose here in this project. They are the forces the practitioner uses to affect healing and balance. So that here, in a very elementary way, Negative Emotions serve to create symptoms and disease, whereas Loving Understanding and Compassion serve to create healing and balance. Again emotion is an Electromagnetic Entity that serves as the impetus or natural energy source for the creation of Reality Constructs.

In this suggestion we may also see a strategy for approaching the Healing Quest we are to begin. Human emotion, is the concentrated force that the co-creator employs to “push” into manifestation the desired reality of healing. So that success here is determined by the intensity of desire you can consistently muster within the Rituals of Healing we will cover momentarily.

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