Category Archives: Thought


All That Is is the primary energy source for everything in our reality. It drives each and every atom in our field of reality and all fields of reality. For this reason, when I say that we co-create with All That Is, I mean that we, as humans, participate in a collaborative effort of telepathic communication and creation with All That Is to produce our world that we then perceive in a linear fashion.

With our physical senses, indeed, our physical reality “appears” to have substance. It is substance we give it with our thoughts. Now remember also that since all in our world has consciousness – rocks, soil, air, atoms – everything has consciousness, all participate in this Gestalt of Consciousness we are speaking about.

So we can see that it is ridiculous to treat anything in our environment as “lower” than us, or undeserving of respect, simply because we have labeled it “non-living” or “not conscious” or “non-sentient.” We will develop this thread in further in this series of blogs in an attempt to encourage the blog reader to have an ongoing appreciation for life they are living on our beautiful planet.

Scientists of Consciousness Methods

As we examine the physical world of The Third-Dimensional reality, we will borrow some practices from our scientific methods and alter them for our purposes. We will have experimentation, yet of a specific type.

The subject matter is our physical world perceived through our Inner Senses and our outer senses and our individual beliefs and ideas about what is and is not possible. The subtext here is concerned with our individual lessons: those experiences we were incarnated into our current existence in this time-frame to learn from and to add to the experience of All That Is.

So as we conduct our experiments, it will be as a way to throw light upon the meanings of our life currently. Why are we on the Earth now at this specific time? What are the broader meanings of our activities in this life? These are matters of Soul Evolution. The answers to these questions may come in the manner of divine information from our Higher Self.

Which brings us to a major point: as we proceed with our studies and experimentation, it would be wise for us to scrupulously document all of the outcomes of our activities. Now this may mean writing down in long-hand in a journal, or typing into our computer or speaking into a recorder. Whatever the medium, please document as soon after the activity as possible.

And as we add to the information regarding our Soul Issues – the meanings of life for us personally – we may notice changes in our beliefs about nature of our Personal Reality. And just as a scientist must alter the hypothesis when faced with findings that demand this, so too shall we, as a Scientist of Consciousness, of necessity alter our beliefs, ideas and images to the new information – divine information – we will discover as the products of our experiments.

We are on the path to our enlightenment, in other words, and we are approaching our awakening in an organized and disciplined manner

Scientists of Consciousness

Now in these explorations we shall approach our studies as Scientists of Consciousness. And we will certainly create new definitions for these new terms, for our current definitions are inappropriate for our use. Yet, we are comfortable with these terms. We use them often in our dialogues with one another.

Every day we hear of a new “scientific” study the proclaims to the world that something previously declared helpful to humans is now harmful, and so on and so on. This aspect of scientific research to come up with new information that refutes earlier information is simply the nature of the beast; that it is supposed to do.

Yet, when we find that our scientific community continues to reverse itself, well we might get suspicious as to what the scientists are truly saying in these pronouncements. I will elaborate on this point in future blogs when we speak of matters of control and submission.

As a Scientist of Consciousness we may look to the heart of the matter, and with our Inner Senses surmise what is the TRUE nature of the reality of our world. The Inner Senses, or what we will also refer to as intuition in these blog writings, are the only tools we will need.

Telescopes, microscopes, or any sort of electronic technologies, will not help in this endeavor. After all, these are merely aids to physical senses, and so are amplifiers of data once aids removed from the source. Why not go directly TO the source, and use those tools that are the unobstructed Inner Senses of mankind/womankind?

And so our definition might be: “Scientist of Consciousness – one who uses the Inner Senses to perceive and study physical and non – physical phenomena to obtain Divine Wisdom.” I think that will do nicely.

Having said this, I wholly understand that the “real” scientists who read these blog words will no doubt be upset. That is a good thing. The feelings of disquiet and rising anger are what precede the uncovering of genuine knowledge; when the ego is dispensed with and the Soul is allowed to shine through.

So this is a teaching on the nature of true science. Dear Blog Reader, I come to remind you of these critical facts, these distinctions, so that we may wake-up and enlighten oneself to our worsening dilemma.

Now I have described this dilemma in the past blogs and I refer the reader to that material if you wish more information. For this present series of blogs, however, we will focus on experimentation, and the creation of the means adequate to ANSWER our dilemma, and save ourselves from extinction.

The Physical World

There has always been a physical world, that is, the world of our perceptions. The Universe is and always was, period. Therefore, why speak of scientific theories that explain the beginnings of the Universe of the endings of the Universe? Our scientists are so enamored with studying and labeling their perceptions in the belief that they are acquiring knowledge. Yet the scientist using the physical senses, can only by definition SENSE the physical Universe. In s sense, this physically-oriented scientist is quite LIMITED by the physical senses, and by the crude tools used to study the Universe or any aspects of the Universe, beginning, middle or end, in our terms.

What good is it to know how many stars there are in the sky and how hot they are? This is only science’s skewed perception of what a star is. In truth, a star is more like a potent idea than a fiery object in the sky. And what is the sky; molecules of oxygen and other gases that in some way combine to create our atmosphere? We may answer, “Yes!” but I hope you are beginning to see my point here.

The truth about our Universe is that nothing is as it appears, at least to the physical senses. Our perceived reality is just that, a personal perception. It is a creation of our own making with All That Is. It is our interior Universe expressed outwardly in a divine creative panorama. Now I don’t mean to pull the rug out from under you, Dear Blog Reader, but our scientists can explain in theory. For our world – the air in front of our eyes, the ground beneath our feet, the various “inert” and living forms – is actually composed of animated spirit. In a very literal sense, me and our environment are “god stuff;” spirit made physical, the camouflage of All That Is expressing in infinitely variety.

The True Soul

The True Soul is undiscovered for the most part in our reality. In deed, we will be investigating the correlations between thoughts, behaviors and created realities. Also be so introspective that we will see well into the smallest physical constructs of which reality is composed. Referred to these minuscule elements as CUs – Consciousness Units.

Experiencing The Fourth Dimension

Earth is evolving into the fourth dimension of peace, as I stated in earlier blogs. It is the unity of consciousness dimension. We are being awakened so that we will be able to stay in this dimension because controlling our thoughts will be the key to us being abe to stay there. If we are not ready, we will not be able to stay there.

The knowledge is being given to mankind/womankind to make the necessary changes in his/her life patterns to move along with the planet into this dimension. The planet is still going to be there, but not in the way that we currently are experiencing it.

The Fourth Dimension refers to a level of awareness and thoughts are instantly manifested into reality. If we create fears for ourselves and we actualize those fears and say kill someone, we will not be able to stay.

This is why I am writing this blog, to try to stimulate you into becoming consciously aware of what you think and believe. This will determine who stays and who does not because thoughts of negativity are not allowed there.

Most likely we won’t be walking down the street one day and all of a sudden “be there,” but then again, it could happen this way. Since this is an unprecedented evolution in the way it will be experienced, no one surely knows just how it will take place. Because of other mitigating factors in our world, it will not happen as it has in the past. It is truly an event that all are watching in our dimensions and others.

It’s a process that’s taking place as we sit here and it is constantly evolving itself. We are diligently putting forth the information to our species to realign our thoughts and to understand why it is necessary to do so.

Now, there will always be some of us who will refuse, and that is where, as I said in earlier blogs, that when the transition of their energy from the physical third dimension is manifested in their next incarnation, they will have to incarnate within the third-dimensional realms where they will be with minds like their own.

It is important because Earth and all the planets in our solar system are moving into higher dimensions at this time. I am also in the process of a grand evolution myself. We have free will to choose, but as this planet moves forward they will not go with it. They will when the time comes have to resurface in the same reality which they have created for themselves on Earth.

Many, of us are happy moving into a new alignment with All That Is and consciously becoming aware of our thoughts and the way they affect our entire Universe. We have moved much information into our books, blogs and media through the use of movies and many of us have accepted it and are diligently trying to lead better, more aware lives. This will continue until such time it is no longer necessary.


Soul Age is not considered a hierarchy when we are talking about the age of a soul. Old souls simply have incarnated many time. When we consider an old soul, we are thinking that soul should be wiser and more experienced, however this is not always the case. An old soul can also be a soul who has failed to learn their lessons and continuously comes back for another go at it. Therefore, there is no real logic to using the term old soul with the idea of attributing more wisdom to it.

New souls are exactly that. These souls usually are first-time incarnations into the physical body of Earth. They’re somewhat like babies. We can recognize them usually by their childish and somewhat unsure behaviors. They move around like children playing in a fairyland. Life to them is not very serious and they don’t see it as a serious thing, it is more of a fun and games. This sometimes can get them into a world of trouble for they are unprepared to use the skills that others have acquired to maneuver through the physical plane


A lot of new souls, because they have not incarnated before and their needs have always been taken care of in their home dimension, come to our world and cannot understand why their needs are not automatically taken care of. They have a hard time with the negativity on our planet, for they remember far better than most, the way it is in the soul’s home dimension where love for one another is automatic.

Let’s just put it this way, after many more incarnations they will start to get the picture of what a third-dimensional reality with the influences of the forces of dark is all about. They will then have to make the decision as to how fast they wish to evolve because evolution on the planet Earth is much harder than other planets due to the negativity.

However, some of these entities will only come to the Earth plane one time and then choose to move on to somewhere else where it is easier for them. Eventually though all will have to experience the negativity associated with the third-dimensional planes whether on Earth or elsewhere if they wish to further their evolution.

It is entirely up to us as to how fast or slow we wish to progress and truly it makes no difference how long we wish to take. There is a certain level of stimulation within our soul groups that prompts us to move forward. Because we are living in a dimension that provides for all our needs when we are not incarnated, it is easy for us to forget how tough Earth can be.

Many of us will bite off more than we can chew even though we have been advised not to do so. Most of us have incarnated many times, so therefore we are living many lives simultaneously, learning from each one of them as we go.


Most of us that consciously question our beliefs will not have a hard time digesting this blog material. There are a few things in the blog material that are futuristic which I am able to talk about without going into too much detail and I don’t believe that is anything in there that is going to hurt anyone.

It will stimulate the blog readers to look at their system of beliefs and to question once again why they have them and to understand why it is important to love one another regardless of their chosen package, for that is all it is, a package or vehicle with which we are able to experience and communicate with each other. We have all taken it to the extreme though and distorted it into a false reality of a destructive nature.

The message throughout the Universe is love and cooperation with one another. We do it freely. It is only us humans who have a problem with it. This blog is material to try to stimulate us into conquering our fears and rethinking and realigning our beliefs. Mankind/womankind has continuously put obstacles in front of his/her own enlightenment over and over again but this is not entirely of his/her own doing. Again it comes back to the dark forces and the level of manipulation that they have attained.

If we look at it from the view of Beings of Light, who are in alignment with the will and divine purpose of the Creator and All That Is, we will begin to understand. There is so much more to experience in our world that would bring us into the light. Have you ever noticed how good we feel when we’ve given love to another unselfishly.

All of us could be walking around in a state of ecstasy of we chose to do so. There is no drug in our world as powerful as the soul’s love. That feeling is euphoric. Instead of subscribing to the fear-based dogma of all our institutions that we have created for ourselves, why not create the heavenly bliss of our soul’s true nature. We can do this. It is not impossible. It is a matter of redirecting our energies inward and bringing forth our soul-light. What has been created undone as we are all co-creators of our Universe.

Everyone can create ecstasy all the time, and when we do, we will not forget. Try it out on yourself. Do things for strangers. Give them money. Buy their groceries. Simple acts of kindness to others is a way to start feeling the joy that our soul came here to feel. Most often we are going to get a positive reaction from those that we express kindness to. For one, they’re not going to be expecting it.

And number two, when they get it, it’s going to change their attitude and they may pass that along to someone else and thus starts the curve of mankind and womankind learning to trust and to appreciate his/her fellow man/woman. We have oneself in such a rut where we don’t trust each other and it’s not entirely our fault because the negative forces have been at play ensuring that we fear each other, that we fear love, that we fear closeness, that we’ll be hurt, that we’ll be destroyed, that we’ll be tramped on, and so we must withdraw into our shell and hope that no one can touch us, no one can get into the hard little shell that we’ve encased oneself in and we go through life all wrapped up in a little cocoon trying to burst out, but each time we burst out we get bombarded with our fears and then we retreat back into our cocoon again. And we think, if I can just make it through I’ll be OK.

Humans are very open and willing to accept love if it’s given freely and unconditionally. They have a problem with the conditions, for they always feel that if a person does a kindness for them that there’s going to be a condition, there’s going to be an attachment. They are going to have to provide something of themselves that they are usually unwilling to do. This does not have to be so. We can move in the direction of love without expecting anything in return except for the joy that it gives our soul-you, to have given to another. That in itself is more reward that in anything else.

We must all learn to love each other while in the physical bodies of the third dimension while being exposed to the constant bombardment of the forces of dark. This is something we are supposed to master while in incarnation. It is soul’s purpose to reflect itself through its vehicle the body. When we have accomplished this, we move out of the physical body and into the etheric. We all Do love each other. When we are not in our dense physical bodies that are weighted down by the gravitational forces of the Earth and our spirit is freely moving about in our etheric body throughout the Universe in our dreams, we love each other. It’s just when we come back into the physical reality that we put up the roadblocks.

Earth is a school of hard knocks but it does not have to be so. It is our creation and it stems from our beliefs about who we are, a creation that we have willing subscribed to because we have handed over our power to others. We have not taken charge of our lives in a way that would allow for our evolution in a peaceful and harmonious way.

We could easily recreate Earth to be a paradise, a heaven so-called on Earth. It is totally within our capability to do so, yet most of us choose to cling to the fear and the terror and the negativity. The stimulation that we crave is right there at our fingertips, it does not have to come from negative dark thoughts. Thoughts and actions of love can produce the same results.

We have become addicted to the flow of our own adrenaline. But what we are trying to do is capture the feelings that are based on our love for each other and a oneness with All That Is, the feelings we have forgotten in our cosmic slumber that are now ready to awaken if we let them.

Natural Health

People are not satisfied with modern medicine, with just taking drugs. They’re turning to natural ways of healing, alternative therapies and such. Drugs inhibit the natural healing processes of the body. They only mask the problem. They do not remove it.

This goes much deeper than the drugs though, because as mankind/womankind changes his/her systems of belief he/she will see that drugs are no longer effective. He/she will not need drugs, he/she will not think he/she needs drugs, and he/she will not be standing in line like at the candy store waiting for the latest miracle cure because he/she will know that the cure is within his/her own power of his/her being and that drugs are not a cure.

There is no drug on our planet that is a cure. It is simply a mask of symptoms which can only be tolerated for so long before new symptoms appear, then the rotating cycle of a new drug is given and so on and so forth. As mankind/womankind moves into the fourth dimension, none of this will be necessary.

Humanity will be able to live as many as two-hundred or more years per life cycle unless we meet with accidents. But in this process humanity will also be creating less of its own species, for humanity will not see the need to prolifically populate the planet. We will be free of our guilt related to our sexuality and religious indoctrinations relating to procreation.

Earth is moving out of the third-dimensional reality and as this happens there will be no need for some of the archaic habits and beliefs that we have for so long held onto.

Fear Holographic Inserts

If we notice, the problems in our society all revolve around fear, one of those fears being fear of the unknown. If we as a species are to evolve and lose our fears then a willingness to expand our consciousness and to understand the true nature of our being would be in order, especially when it comes to our death the way we perceive it. It’s a hard cycle to break the religious dogma that has been so diligently drummed into the minds of man/woman. But without the erasure of some of those beliefs, we are not going to be able to move forward into the next dimension.

We know as I talked about the terrorizing of humanity, it comes in many forms under many guises. But when we break it down, it’s all related to man’s/woman’s fears, mainly his/her fear of death. He/she does not need to be in such fear of his/her death, for truly he/she experienced more trauma in his/her birth than he/she will every experience in his/her death. He/she needs to accept the reality of his/her soul’s existence and move forward. I cannot stress this enough, how death is not final, the way that we see it. He/she also needs to take back power that is rightfully his/her’s and stop allowing others to make decisions for him/her, for his/her life is to be experienced by him/her alone, for his/her soul’s evolution. He/she has been blindly following the ideas of others without questioning them.

The Christian manuscripts leave out reincarnation altogether. Many of us do not question this information about death because it does not correlate with our current manuscripts. However these manuscripts were written by men and altered by man many times over. Jesus, one of the Ascended Masters who mentally and physically shared his body with The Christ entity, did not write our bible/manuscript, men wrote it, with man’s/woman’s interpretations of events the way man/woman saw fit to put them on paper. This entity did not sit there and write these words for us, yet we believe that he did through the writings of others. Much of the messages that The Christ entity brought forward were never even put into our manuscripts.

Now, in getting back to fear, the negative forces are banking on mankind’s fears. The disruptions that they cause feed them a steady diet of negativity which allows them to grow. We will be able to dis-empower them by not buying into it in the first place. I know we will say this is hard to do and it is hard to do because of the biological responses associated with the physical vehicle when out in a situation of threat or peril. If we understand that we are really not in a perilous situation at all, we will be better equipped to confront situations without fear and use our innate survival instincts to survive the situation.

However, if we were unable to rise above this feeling, know that if we do shed our body, we did so because we had planned this for oneself, it was one of many probabilities for our death. When we choose to manifest one of those probabilities, this is the death that we will experience. All of us have gone through life encountering many situations where that probable death could have been manifested but we chose not to. When we are ready we will choose and when we are not we will survive our experience.

Sometimes we come so close, but then there is a lesson to be given in that experience. Sometimes the lesson will alter the way we live the rest of our life either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. And we may say, “MY loved one wasn’t ready, my loved one was living their life, my loved one was happy.” True, this may be so. We may want to look a little further and see if that loved one experienced his death or her death for us to experience another situation in our life where we needed to grow and learn.

It will help us to understand that all of these probable realities have been worked out in the beginning when we set up our lives with all of the souls that we incarnate with. If we understand this concept it will be much easier for us to let go when we need to and to also experience our life more fully. Experience the everyday pleasures of our life that we would normally deny oneself because of our fears. For within these experiences there is a wealth of information and learning that is available to us to further the evolution of our soul.

If we allow oneself to accept the reality of the nature of our soul we will find that the terrorists have no power, because we have effectively removed it from them by not succumbing to the fear. The dark forces have been fighting to have the planet Earth as their home base. Beings of Light will not allow this to happen for Earth was never intended to be a base for the dark forces. Earth itself is moving out of its third-dimensional reality and the forces of dark will be unable to sustain themselves in its new dimension. They are in the process of being sealed-off to their own dimension.

However at this point in our time they still have the ability to influence us. If we allow the dark forces to manipulate our thoughts and feed off of the negativity that is created and the anxiety that we physically feel, we are serving them up a sumptuous buffet of everything that they desire. For if they can kill the hope and the love within the souls of mankind/womankind, they have won.

Dis-empower them by embracing fear with love, a love for each other, and a love for our planet and all living creatures. They will stop terrorizing the world if the world no longer is in fear of them and take charge of the destiny of all souls to move forward into the fourth dimension, using many of the tools that I have written of in my blogs.

Our governments and media should be using the communication devises that they have created for the good of mankind/womankind rather than feeding the negative forces. We can change all of this so easily if we come together as one and stand up and expose the negative forces for who they are. For in doing so each of us will start to raise our vibrational hum and move into the light and all the knowledge that is available to us.

Wonders of The Fourth Dimension

Let me explain something about here about the fourth dimension. As mankind/womankind moves into the unity of consciousness dimension many of his/her abilities are enhanced. These things will come naturally as this process takes place. Man/woman will learn to understand the power of his/her own energy and how to harness his/her own energy and thought process, to alter his/her thought process, to alter his/her environment. The reason we do not have this ability now, is because in the third dimension there are those who would abuse it.

This knowledge is obtained only when one has purified their thoughts and successfully made transition. It is very simple and as the planet moves forward all will become common knowledge. Most of this is hard to comprehend in our three-dimensional reality, however many of us are going to be in that reality forever.

We are definitely moving toward the peaceful fourth dimension. Beings of Light are making great strides to awaken mankind/womankind to his/her energy field, because as we begin understand it we will be able to raise the vibrational hum of our being, thus allowing for the transition.

Crystals are highly effective in capturing energy and will be looked at seriously as a source of power, however the technology will not be given until mankind’s/womankind’s thoughts are purified. There are also other sources of free power available to our world after we have made the transition into the fourth-dimensional awareness. The Earth can no longer sustain the primitive methods that mankind/womankind uses to propel himself/herself around.

These crystals are fully capable of harnessing the energy from the sun and beings as well. We will only see them and have access to them in the fourth dimension.

It’s a more primitive way, however the concept that shaman from traditional cultures use crystals to heal and help the tribe, has some associations. In the future, the crystals will be quite large and hold massive amounts of energy that will be propelled through grids for the various needs of mankind/womankind.

Atlantean technologies, will be the reality in the future of our world. Envision the crystals, they are like giant monoliths. All energy can be harnessed within them and re-dispersed.

The crystals are used to harness the energy. They come in various sizes. The largest ones are used to harness mass amounts of energy. The smaller ones are used for devices which mankind/womankind will choose to use in his/her existence. Again they are not visible to us at this time but we will see them and use them when we cross over into the fourth dimension.