Category Archives: LOVE

Your Simultaneous Lives

Simultaneous Lives are engage in this continuous exchange of impulses and energy I am describing. As you can see, you are at the heart of this reciprocal activity. You occupy the center in your Gestalt of Consciousness: the energy network that comprises the receiving and sending of impulse energies between your current self and all of your other selves past, present and future.

This very basic activity of consciousness rests within a framework that is totally dependent on the loving and creative energies of All That Is. And the culmination of all of these energies within your individual consciousness at any one moment, can be described as “the activity of the conscious mind.”

Should you wish to consider these ideas while using the illustration as a meditation focus piece, you may perceive for yourself more intimate meanings than any of my explanations can provide.

Special Impluses

In my previous blog, I provided an illustration for you on how to send out energy – positive, loving energy – to Simultaneous Lives. In the experiment you will be “completing a circuit” by discerning with your awareness, when entering your consciousness. This is not hard to do. As I have just mentioned, in each vying for your attention. These impulses, however, the special impulses I am now discussing, are easily recognizable for what they are, by virtue of their obvious loving utility.

When one of these impulses is recognized, you have an immediate sense of rightness, as though you wonder why it took so long for the idea to come around. These ideas are also based in a truly loving aspect of consciousness that is undeniable. In essence, this loving energy is the energy of All That Is transmitted through your various Simultaneous Lives, and then captured by you as your consciousness participates in the Gestalt of Awareness that is you and your many lives past, present and future.

These impulses may be accompanied by synchronous events and a sense of wonder and divine bemusement. Everything comes together in your life drama for the benefit of your learning experience. These synchronicities and thus the life lessons may be brought into your awareness intentionally.

So you Blog Reader, when engaged in this dialogue with your Simultaneous Lives, are receiving the benefits of learning experience from the personalities who are LIVING these many lives. In fact, just as I communicate to educate and inform humanity on the very, very serious issue of the survival of the species – and for the matter the planet Earth – these communiques from your Simultaneous Lives in the form of impulses serve to educate and inform the Blog Reader, of a personal level with regards to appropriate action you can take to improve your life.

I would like to restate my point regarding these types of messages and all messages from you Higher Self: these messages are benign  and loving in their intent and that is how you can tell they are from your Higher Self. And as always, free will is operative; you can choose to act on or ignore these impulses.


I refer the blog reader to our blog series on Soul Evolution for a discussion on the value of the individual human consciousness in the collective conversation that we are calling the Telepathic Network. One person can truly make a difference here in this Consensus Reality.

It could well be our single Loving thought – expressed in the telepathic conversation – that could tip the scales to the positive manifestation. Imagine how powerful our Loving thoughts could be when joined by hundreds, thousands, millions of other Loving thoughts directed intentionally by LOVERS of our Mother Earth.

There is certainly power in numbers in these matters. And that is what it shall take… huge numbers of Lovers of the Earth using their powerful thoughts of creation on the subtle levels to creative positive realities.

So individual is important. The individual expression of Loving energy directed toward the creation of a positive reality – world peace for example – is what will save us from ourselves. All of our thoughts of Love are acknowledged, you see. Each Loving thought matters. They have a cumulative effect also, so that a momentum is built over time, such that the creation of the positive reality might well become inevitable.

Incidentally, in recent years we have used our Loving thoughts in concerted ways to make profound changes in our waking realities. Great disasters were averted. Calamities that would have claimed many hundreds of thousands of lives were “de-energized” and so were not manifested.

It is true that our world has seen recent Earth Changes that entailed great loss of life. What I am suggesting is that there was the potential for many more disasters to occur entailing many more casualties. As a consensus of reality creators, then, you and our fellow occupants of the planet agreed to manifest and then did manifest an altered reality. We saved ourselves, you see.

This phenomenon happens quite often, though we do not realize it for we are not yet awakened fully. We do not yet acknowledge our full creative powers. However, we soon shall

GA The Matriarchy

Let us discuss first the least known of these civilizations: GA, a civilization from our Third-Dimensional existence, eight-thousand years before our Christian era. This society spread over much of our European world and was governed by women with men in primarily administrative and physically creative roles.

Many of us have passed through this civilization experiencing roles as males or females within this society that honored the female aspects of consciousness. The men created physical objects, built homes and other constructs. Now the men were not demeaned here. It was a different concept. Men and women were fulfilled in their roles. There was no “Battle of the sexes,” as we have currently. Cooperation was the watchword, the goal of all relationships.

GA, as we shall refer to this matriarchal civilization, was a society based on loving appreciation for one’s fellow participants in the culture. In many ways, just as our American society is an experiment in multi-culturally – the melting pot – GA was an experiment in a society based on love.

As the Sumari influence was strong in this culture. The Language was primarily Sumari, a language based on love and unconditional acceptance of others, both within the family and outside the family. The loving essence of each person was noted, respected and cultivated in relationships.

Yet as time goes by, in our current timeframe, “discoveries” will be made by archaeologists and other scientists using their Inner Senses to guide them. These discoveries will lead to a complete reinterpretation of the historical record pertaining to civilizations from our perceived past.

Now it may seem obvious that some of our current legends regarding matriarchal societies came from the GA civilization we are describing. This is quite true. These colorful tales of tribes and full societies of empowered creative women enter our collective consciousness via bleed-throughs, just as described earlier in these blogs.

Because our future and past are created NOW, in our current Moment Point, individually and collectively, the full cellular memories of that civilization will be imprinted and “come to mind” when the probabilities for a matriarchal society can be entertained seriously in this present timeframe of ours. Do you see how it works, Dear Blog reader? You re the creator. Our creations are limited only by our imaginable and perceptual boundaries.

Encouragement And Caution

As I have said in earlier bogs, our human consciousness visits other time periods and participates in activities in other dimensions, even as we may be participating in our daily unremarkable activities. We are experts at vacating our human bodies and venturing forth into the unknown realities.

Our New Age metaphysical literature is quite filled with stories of angels, demons, extra-terrestrials and the like. So too do our motion picture business prosper through the creation of science fiction and fantasy movies. Yet does it surprise that these stories are “literally’ true?

Remember, Dear Blog reader, that it is our human consciousness that creates our reality in tandem with All That Is. And so the creativity of our artists, as well as our own, feeds and supports alternate dimensions. When we are experiencing these tales, either through reading books or watching movies or plays, we are submerged in the alternate dimensions for that time. So this is the simplest example of inter-dimensional travel.

With regards to the subject of contacting other entities in the Fourth Dimension, I must caution to certainly create your Ritual of Sanctuary and have this ritual memorized. As an explorer of these realms, we undoubtedly will encounter negative energy forms that may come into our consciousness and attempt to fix on our light. By this I mean Negative Entities can transmit a propensity for negative, repetitive thoughts or images entering our consciousness that can be difficult to undo.

We recognize these circular ideas or information loops as disturbing pangs of dread, and other negative emotions. They seem to come from nowhere. Actually these Negative Energies are attracted to specific memories and ideas we are holding in our mental environment that are of a negative nature: ideas and feeling of low self-worth, replays of past mistakes and all of the other negative inner experiences humans punish themselves with every day.

Now this is how the Negative Forces gain control over the minds of many in our world. They gain a stronghold in a sense, within the mental environment of those with weakened protection systems. It is as though the immune system of the Etheric Body is weakened through the activity of the negative thoughts, images and such, creating the conditions within the mental environment for viral contamination.

The negative, circular thoughts – the thought viruses – are then free to multiply. The comparison is very useful here. With our suggestions and experiments we are using love and acceptance and confidence to dispel the viral attack. To carry it further, antibodies are created with the introduction of positive thoughts and emotions into the suppressed immune system of the Metal or Etheric Body.

The negative viral front is neutralized and overcome by love, acceptance and confidence. To be sure, a healthy mental, emotional and spiritual body is one that is nourished on love, acceptance and confidence, to the degree that these positive states of consciousness are the typical experiences of the embodied Soul.


My advice is to not worry about who you are contacting, as long as you are receiving the loving aspect. The open-heart aspect of the communication denotes that you have made contact with the Energy Personality. You will know this feeling, in that it is love embodied. Love as an idea or an ideal is a mental construct.

The ecstasy I am describing is felt throughout the body. There is a sense of being pressed in by love so that you have a feeling of slight discomfort mixed in with the pleasurable emotion of love. You will know it when you feel it. It can be experienced as a wave of pleasant emotion, as I describe it, yet each of us will experience it in a different way. This is your Soul shining through. This is the experience of dropping the ego and allowing your Soul Self to perceive your world.

Now, we are on a path of development. All of us are at various stages of Soul Evolution. The difference becomes whether you acknowledge to yourself that you are ready to work with your Energy Personality and move FORWARD in development. By doing so, you catalyze the great powers within and without.

We focus our intent and with the assistance of All That Is, we take a divergent path; a path that will take us from sleep into awakening in a Soul sense. New positive probable futures arise from this intentional choice we make to co-create with All That Is a spiritually-informed existence.


In this Blog series we shall hopefully provide you with the opportunity to address the most pressing and important Lessons for you in your current existence. Now truly ALL of our Lessons are “wisdom” Lessons, in that we experience Soul Evolution when we are engaged in learning these Lessons. So that the gaining of prosperity within a life of perceived lack and poverty, may be considered the gaining of wisdom, as well as the facing of perceived extremely difficult, traumatic material from your past may be considered the gaining of wisdom.

However, in this material we will attempt to provide you with the motivation you require to do what you must do in facing, your most difficult Lessons – the Lessons of Negativity, pain and suffering.

For I trust you would agree that the positive Lessons – of Love, of experiencing prosperity, of developing friendships – need much less motivation for the average human to engage in and “do the homework” required, than do the Lessons of Negativity. The Lessons of Love will take care of themselves over time. Whereas with the Lessons of Negativity, the primary reason have we not yet learned these Lessons is that we are indeed avoiding them.


Some people seem to thrive and prosper within very challenging “negative” conditions.

We are reminding my blog readers – those that are experiencing these harsh conditions – that they have chosen these lives. Also, we are reminding them that they may be on the end of their incarnational trajectories, and may be headed for the higher realms. This may be a good motivation for some to begin using our techniques to transform the negativity they are experiencing into Courage and Loving Understanding. This Soul work is necessary before one may progress to the higher-dimensional realms.

The Energy Personality

The Energy Personality, which is related to the soul, will be the etheric teacher to Those of us who are to experience the transition into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension with our “eyes wide open.” Many, without recognizing the fact, have already been given instruction on the use of our Inner Senses, what to expect in the Fourth Dimension, how to move beyond fear and anger and into love and confidence and other subjects of great importance.

In the dream state we are being “brought up to speed” by those of us who teach on the subtle levels. And so now we are reading this blog and perhaps having a singular sense of familiarity, Deja Vu, as though we have done this before, with accompanying feelings of pleasure, “elementary ecstasy”. Our world is larger and more complex than we know – our world meaning our created reality.

We have physical teachers and we have “metaphysical” teachers, all of us, and now it is time to introduce the metaphysical Guides who have been with us since our birth into our dimension.

When we ask for our Energy Personality to come forth into our awareness, we may feel that sense of familiarity. For even though we have been pretending that ghosts do not exist ever since our childhood ended – adults do not have imaginary friends, after all – on a deeper level we will recognize these connections. Now we may not be willing to admit there relationships to the world because of fear of being exposed.

However, and to illustrate my point, currently a cycle in human consciousness is coming to an end and a new cycle is beginning. We are gradually becoming aware of our connections to our Guides, our Simultaneous Lives, and other energy forms within our Gestalt of Awareness.

We need only look at the headlines in our daily newspapers to notice how many changes are upon us in our Third-Dimensional reality. With the ending of an era comes dramatic change amid much clinging, by some, to outmoded belief systems. Yet know this: the more we cling to the past, the more likely we will be relegated to the past when the transition is complete.

The new world for humanity is being created in the dream state by all of us as we participate in the manifestation of our collective consciousness.

In our dream state, we freely collaborate with our Energy Personality and other Guides in the creation of incipient Reality Constructs that are manifested on awakening. This is how we create our reality with All That Is. Naturally, this phenomenon is much more complicated than described, but that does not mean that we cannot grasp it experientially. Please see experiments in previous blogs.

Atlantis Bleed-throughs

Bleed-throughs can come from what we call our past or our future and also from contemporary existences – from all of our Simultaneous Lives. And our other point regarding crystals: some of my blog readers are infatuated with crystals and ascribe great powers to them.

These will be the ones who will incarnate or simply transition into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension and become the leaders in the new technology of crystals I spoke of in earlier blogs. These are truly “crystal people” who may incarnate multiple times, in similar occupations, to consolidate their experience and knowledge.

We are born into physical form to experience a life of lessons. This means that although we have free will to choose from an infinite supply of probable actions, we will choose those actions that support a particular context – a dramatic background, if you will – upon which we shall project our reincarnational dramas, comedies and the like.

Now we must pretend that we do not have such a stake in this production. We are, therefore, surprised when great blessings or tragedies occur on the stage of our life. But currently my blog readers, many of us are waking up to discover ourselves as actors on the stage, and we are acknowledging to ourselves that we are also the producers and directors of these enlighten stories.

To illustrate my point here, consider the tales of our leaders, our heroes and heroines from our historical past, as portrayed in our literature and our motion pictures. We can see the symbolism and meanings in the lives of these great leaders, can we not? Yet can we also see the meaning and lessons in our own ongoing lives?

The heroic struggles of our ancestors are often embellished in larger-than-life terms through dramatization, this is true. Yet the symbolic lessons characterized in books or on the screen are of no greater importance in terms of the Soul, than the heroic acts performed by any of us in our daily lives. We are all heroic. We are all born into Earthly existence to learn our symbolic lessons.


HYPOTHESIS: You can learn to connect with the divine energies in a purposeful way.

Now, our form of meditation is quite simple. The goal is to connect with the stream of divine information, purposefully. You are already accessing divine information as you sleep. This experiment may assist you in creating rituals of contact and communication with the divine source through what we broadly define as meditation. First let me remind you that you will be encountering ecstatic states of consciousness. Your relaxed position in your chair, on your couch or pillow, will appear to others as though you are in an ecstatic state, and indeed you shall be.

To get a feel for this sitting posture, sit down in your comfortable chair or other structure with your feet flat on the floor. If the chair has armrests, rest your forearms upon the armrests or simply rest your arms and hands in your lap. Now the torso should be balance comfortably on the hips, pelvis and seat.

The most important aspect of this meditation position is this: the head should be resting on the neck slightly to either the left or right-side. The head should be tilted back slightly, again, as though you were experiencing ecstatic states. To others, it would appear as though you were profoundly relaxed and content though not asleep, not unconscious. You have one foot in the physical and one foot in the metaphysical domains.

Now your intent is very important here. Simultaneously, as you create the relaxed body posture for meditation, you are focusing on creating the connection to the divine. This will be unique to the individual. I have described this as “embodying” the divine in this present blog.

With your imagination you will use your powers of creativity to establish the “divine connection.” You will know it when you sense it. The loving emotions will be quite noticeable – the wave of ecstasy just below the surface. As you notice this pleasant feeling, the divine information will no doubt begin to stream into your Etheric Body through the physical channel between your eyes. By keeping free from distractions, you may continue to “drink in” these energies for as long as you wish, though fifteen minutes to an hour per session is adequate.

Now this stream may cease on its own and you will come to Third-Dimensional consciousness soon afterward. Or you may simply have the intention to come out after a specific amount of time and you shall. Simply suggest to yourself that you will come out at a specific time, before you begin the meditation.

It also a good practice to not attempt an intellectual analysis of the meditation session immediately afterward. Give yourself some time. The energies will play out within your Etheric Body over time, and you really needn’t try to investigate how you are doing. The positive changes that will occur in your life as you meditate regularly shall in all probability be enough proof that your behaviors in this matter are worth the time and effort.

This is primarily a receptive exercise or experiment, in other words. You are allowing the divine energies of All That Is to wash over you, to cleanse and to heal.

FINDINGS – Document the results of your experiments with mediation. After you have gained some proficiency, verify for future reference, what you feel and think during and after the sessions.