In conclusion to this blog series, we shall have success in creating positive realities to the degree that we hold positive thoughts within our mental environment. This habit of positive thinking is our foundation for the creation of an improved Personal Reality. Now as you know, you are ONE with all of humanity through the interconnectedness of the Consciousness Units. And so, as you do your part here, and others of like mind and behavior do theirs, the whole of humanity is influenced in a very positive fashion.

Keep a good thought Dear Blog Reader. Nourish Loving Understanding and Courage within your consciousness. Challenge the toxic status quo reality with your powerful thoughts of forgiveness and compassion.

Our world is on the verge of a breakthrough into multidimensional perception. We may assist others by leading through example in all that we say and do. Regardless of our perceived “faults,” regardless of any history we may have of creating negative realities for ourselves and others, we may in this current moment set the stage for future continuous positive reality reactions, for our own sake, and certainly for the sake of all beings that share the planet with us.

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