Category Archives: ISSUES

Consecutive Positive Assessments-2

EXPERIMENTConsecutive Positive Assessments

HYPOTHESIS: Positive assessing all that you experience creates the positive future.

In addition to enacting your Ritual of Sanctuary before you go out into your world, I suggest you practice positively assessing everything that comes your way in your existence. Practice until it becomes a matter of fact – a positive habit that you practice ongoing throughout each and every day. Perhaps an experiment is in order here. Again, this build upon exercises in previous Blogs.

Let us say that you are about to begin your day. You have awakened from sleep, you have opened your eyes and you are perhaps walking to the bathroom.

This may be habitual for you now. It should only take a few seconds to perform your ritual. Then here is where you immediately intervene between the Moment Points of you waking life. In between the moments of remembering and forgetting… you intervene. “It’s easy to find the good in each sequential perception.” This is your idea for the day.

Remembering to conduct your Ritual of Sanctuary; remembering that you create your reality out of your perceived beliefs, ideas and images about your world; remembering to positively assess each sequential perception. Then do you see how the positive perceptions create the positive future, moment-to-moment? You are rolling out your positive moments before you to create the positive path of your future.

(Thought afterwards – this experiment is a especially useful for when you can’t avoid the negative media. The blog reader hopefully will choose not to watch negative TV, violent movies etc.)

FINDINGS – Remember to write down your findings from worthwhile experiment.

Collective Manifestation

So in a word, Love is the answer. If we were to live our life as a poet, a romantic poet let us say, one that was immersed in love, and indeed unable to sense or formulate a single thought that was not love, imagine how LOVING our existence would be.

But instead many of us focus on murders, such as we have in our negative media; personal vendettas, such as we are engaged-in at the workplace; and general cynical gossiping, such as makes up the Movement-to-Moment Points of our ongoing lives.

This is not to paint all of us with the same brush, but we must take responsibility for whatever part we play in the creation of negative Reality Constructs in our world. If we contribute If we contribute a negative gesture, we are partly responsible for the collective negative manifestation. It makes senses, does it not, given what I have described about the nature of our reality.

If we become angry at a person of a different color while driving our cars and shout at them and gesture at them in an absence way, we are responsible for our part in the collective negative manifestation of racial prejudice in our current timeframe. Does this not make sense? If we scream in anger at our child, we are responsible for the collective manifestation of child abuse in our time frame. It is quite logical in its consistency.

We may believe that if we commit these violations in private, that they do not count, because no one is observing our behavior. But telepathy, as I said before, is operative at all levels. We ALL know what is “on your minds.” We feel that we have to pretend that we DON”T know, however, to maintain our private lives.

Yet all of this will be out in the open soon, and I would urge us to clean up our thoughts and behaviors so that we will not be caught in the habitual negative thinking and behavior that currently hold us back.


An excellent question in these matters be, “if negative thoughts and images lead to the creation of negative events, and these events are painful, why do people continue in the creation of negative thoughts?” I have covered this before and I now will elaborate on this paradox. Why would a human continue to think and imagine the negative and create negative Reality Constructs and thus feel the negative emotions that come with the negative manifestation?

In a way, the reason for this unusual behavior is that many of the negative reality creators are so accustomed to creating from their negative, repetitive thoughts and beliefs that they essentially know of no other way to think and feel. The creation of their negative personal realities has become “a force of nature,” to coin one of our phrases. The force is quite powerful and has become personalized over time so that the human is entranced with these thoughts and behaviors, thinking these is absolutely no other possible way to think and behave.

Sometimes under these circumstances of entranced negativity, the only way out is through a reincarnational drama or lesson. The Higher Self of the individual creates a life-or-death struggle to divert the attention always from the increasingly negative and self-defeating manifestations.

The human, then, is often quite relieved to enter into a different creative opportunity, even though it might entail a serious illness, accident, mental crisis and so on. The diversion has the effect of waking up the individual from the trance of negativity. They then see the world with a new-found clarity. They have a sudden appreciation and sense of gratitude for life where before they were living a robotic existence.

These creative opportunities may result in the death of the physical form. Still, the Soul experiences that result as a success, for the human has encountered and met the challenge in their own way. This is the Lesson they were to learn, and whatever was learned is now part of the knowledge of the individual Soul, The Entity and All That IS.

Of course, there is the probability we may avoid the life-or-death drama by approaching our lessons “head on,” and not avoiding them – learning what we have come to Earth to learn. The free will choice is always ours.


For the sake of argument, though the situation is exceedingly complex, let us suppose the our subject could go either way here. They may choose to ignore the advice of trusted friends and family and continue on the path of excess, or they may indeed heed the advice of Soul Family Members and pay attention to the signs within their mental environment that seek to direct them onto a different and more productive path.

Our subject has free will to choose one course of development over the other. All members of the Soul Family also have free will to choose their level of participation in the learning experience. At any second in linear time, then, each member of the ensemble CHOOSES, on either a conscious or unconscious level, to participate or not participate in the drama and to what degree.

Again, the Soul Self of each participant ALWAYS comprehends the subjective value in each choice. The Soul Self informs each participant in this example, through impulses received within the mental environment, on the unlimited probabilities for Reality Creation within any particular moment.