Now all of us are on Earth to learn a literal lifetime of Lessons, The Lessons of value, abundance, money are often related to matters of authority, SELF– worth and personal power. We might say that the person experiencing a lifetime of lack has most probably experienced emotional injuries in these domains, certainly in the current existence, and also in other Simultaneous Lives. In this way, all perceived negative conditions are truly systemic, representing a focus by the Soul Self on the injurious Gestalt of Consciousness lending their creative energy and direction to the creation of the negative conditions in all of the participating Reincarnational Existences. It is indeed a group effort here, as it is in all matters of the individual human experiencing their Lessons – positive or negative – in any particular lifetime.

An example of this multidimensional group effort is in order. Imagine a Soul Self, an Entity composed of, shall we say, several thousand Simultaneous Lives, as well as innumerable probable existences. Each of these Selves, additionally, is unaware of the others. They are each individually living as suppose that of these many lives, a small percentage is experiencing what we call “Wealth” or a perception of The Abundant Universe. To simply, let us say that the remaining lives are experiencing less than favorable conditions. Now the lives experiencing lack “support” one another on the subtle levels via the Telepathic Network. Through impulses received telepathically from their fellow impoverished selves, the poor ones are given instruction and advice, in a sense, on how to create an impoverished existence. Now this is how it works under all circumstances for us in our world. As I said, you and all of your lives are learning Lessons. You support one another in learning your Lessons via these impulses sent and received on the subtle levels.

In these matters of the Soul Self and the learning of Lessons there is no judgment. There is no experiencing of the emotional complex of guilt on these levels of interaction. The Soul Self has a mandate, we might say, that is emotion-free, to assist in the creation of the reincarnational dramas and comedies for the Simultaneous Lives. It is the individual lives themselves that bring the emotional element into the mix for learning purposes.

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