Hypothesis: The emotional body displays the causes and cures of all maladies.

Now let us attempt to “read” The Emotional Body. You will be attempting to assess, with your Auric Vision, the energy signatures of the various imbalances and cures inherent in the Auric Display.


First, please attempt to embody a deep state of relaxation. You may accomplish this by focusing on your breathing for just a few moments. You may also stretch your body in your particular fashion that leads to relaxation and a focus on the inner world. Use whatever methods you have perfected in your experimentation.

Now what we are attempting here, as in all experimental research in this new Teaching of mine, is nothing less than the entering into Trance State. This state of consciousness is simply the mental environment of your Soul Self. Here you bridge the inner to the outer worlds with your awareness. You fine-tune the perceptive tools – your Inner Senses – with you Intention to achieve the precise focus of awareness that YOU require to accomplish your goals.

The perceived representation of The Emotional Body may encompass the majority of the physical body, but is centered, as I said, within the heart region The “reading” of The Emotional Body has a visual component, yet it may be a felt sensation, as in a sense of tingling or other energy signatures within your own body. You may also experience it as a “heard” vibrational message in manner of song. These sensing’s may come to you as images and full visions, possibly composed of personas or animals in various roles, acting out various scenes for your education and enjoyment. The dramatizations may be sensed on the inward eye, though the eyes may indeed be open. The visionary state permits these contradictions – feeling the pulse of visualized scenes of hearing the songs of manifested illnesses and their sources.

The Auric Vision is the Inner Sense representation to your mental awareness of the health issue in its totality. This potent Idea Construct or Gestalt of Consciousness exists as a holographic reference that contains everything you as the Healer require to diagnose and bring balance to your own body or the body of your subject. Each of you will sense and interpret this information in your individual ways.

This Auric Vision may come to you quite quickly, just as you enter your state of awareness, or it may take several minutes for you to focus on your Inner Senses and achieve a diagnosis and perceive possible cures. You may need to “sleep on it” and receive the bulk of the information in the dream state, for assessment, diagnosis and curative measures to be achieved on awakening. These are matters of the healing process. Do what serves best your needs or the needs of your subject.


Use your hands to fan around the body, “feeling” for any anomalies of energy vibration. You may do this literally, with your physical hands and make passes around your own body or the body of your subject, or you may do this in the visualized form, using your imagination.

Project your consciousness into your body or the body or your subject, to search from within it as a miniature explorer.

Listen to the narrative of subject and derive from these words, the messages from the Energy Bodies that will serve to direct you to the cause of the difficulties. This narrative may serve to bring to your mind a visual or other sensory dramatization that holds the diagnosis information in symbolic or literal form.

When you are working on your own healing, simply attempt to tune-in to your inner ruminations. These messages are the supports of the Gestalts of Consciousness we are calling disease process. Now also within this inner dialogue are messages from Beings of Light. These suggestions may have come from your future probable existences of from other Guides who are attempting to assist you in your Healing Journey. Simply put, here in this experiment you are tuning-in the healing states and tuning-out the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the disease.

Now illness is a Lesson that your Soul Self has “arranged” for you to experience in physical form, yet it is possible to heal yourself if you can learn the Lesson in other ways. For example: suppose on reading your Light Body you discover that the “reason” for your diabetes, is an imbalance in The Emotional Body. You are having difficulty accepting and processing “the sweetness that life has to offer.” This manifests as physical illness in a very literal way. You may heal yourself by learning how to accept and transmit the sweetness of life. You needn’t suffer unto death from the illness. So it is essential that the underlying “cause” of the malady be addressed or the difficulty may come back in another form, as in a physical, mental or spiritual malady of some sort. These are matters of belief revision. This subject will be explored next.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings from this ongoing experiment.

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