Category Archives: Inner universe

Sending Energy To Simultaneous Lives

Sending energy out to our current life in the past is not a matter of time space continuum for it exists on the physical planes. The present will be no different because we are in the Now at this moment. There is no past or future in this moment there is just Now. What we do Now creates those so called pasts and futures. Every part of our being is going to receive that message: past, present, and future. The very idea that we are focusing on those thoughts in our present point of power will automatically affect, say, the childhood. We cannot erase what we have experienced in the childhood, but the message in that time-frame is received.

So for instance, we’re sending thoughts of love, of spirituality, harmonious thoughts for our psychic abilities, mental stability, all of those things are received. In that point in time, our self is unaware that the thoughts are coming through, however they are being received. Our future selves, in the same reference, are sending messages to us as we speak that we are not aware of, the same with our past. The very idea that we are visualizing our thoughts to all of our simultaneous lives is enough to effect the change and to put the message across to those lives.

They receive the information, like I said whether or not they are aware of it. In doing so, closing one’s eyes and visualizing that fan spread that I drew up and just sending our energies to all of our simultaneous lives, whether or not we understand the complexity of the process. The fact that we are sending the thought is good enough. It is beyond our comprehension in the third-dimensional reality to understand how this works. That’s why it is kept simple as possible to use a simple visualization of a thought landing somewhere in our imagination on those lives.

Many readers of this blog are not aware of those lives, so to them it will be up to their imagination to bring forth information relating to those. Oftentimes our imagination is quite aware of previous lives and will be able to direct for us without us being aware of it.

Emotions and Fear of Death

Refined emotions, yes you will no longer operate on the emotional level of fear. The fear is what is going to be removed from us at this time in the evolution of our soul. Fear is the emotion of the dark forces. The dark forces would love to see mankind/womankind bathed in a sea of fear. Many, many books have brought to light the evolution of the soul and have thus started to eliminate mankind’s/womankind’s fears about his/her being and about his/her so-called impending death, because death does not exist.

One of the first and biggest steps of mankind/womankind is to realize that death is just a transition of his/her energy from the physical body to another form of energy. We are no more dead now than we will be on the day that we die and “die” meaning the day that our physical body ceases to function.

The preservation of the species of mankind/womankind is predicated on the knowledge that he/she will know that he/she will continue to exist in a peaceful and harmonious environment and that with his/her very thoughts he/she will move his/her species into that peaceful realm. Most of mankind/womankind does not want to have to come back and face the negativity and fears associated with our existence right now. As we know, we have chosen to experience these lives and in doing so it would behoove us to experience then in a more peaceful manner than to constantly be fighting for our ego-survival.

The negative forces have had such a horrible impact on the physical body and the mass belief systems of the entities on our planet. They have done much to destroy the natural healing processes that the body was built with. If left alone the body is perfectly capable of taking care of itself. It does not need artificial means to stimulate it or to prevent it from doing its job. It was beautifully designed to enhance the experience of the human condition. It was meant to experience all of its parts joyously and freely for the growth and the evolution of the soul.

Anger is a natural emotion. If left unchecked to just allow itself to manifest it will dissolve itself. We need to experience anger to release the energies that caused the anger but in that release we should not be hurting others but instead question why we had the anger. What were the circumstances that caused our perceived beliefs about how and what we expected from the person or persons that we feel caused the anger?

Had we set up false perceived realities for oneself and then those realities were not manifested? Did we not get what we were expecting and therefore we lashed out in anger and hurt others because it didn’t go our perceived way? It would appear that people or persons are not conforming to our perceived reality. We set ourselves up for our own anger. If we would allow others to perceive their reality in their own way and we experience ours in our own way and leave no expectations out there we would be much happier as a species. We would take what we get and be happy and move on.

The Chakras and DNA

We have not developed our use of telepathic communication on a grand scale. Stimulation of thought in reading books does allow for the opening of chakras.

The more information or knowledge we obtain, the more knowledge that is given to us. The more aware that we become of our spiritual being, the more of our own knowledge we become aware of. It’s an evolutionary thing. As our spiritual knowledge becomes more integrated into our being, our soul evolves. The evolution of our DNA is directly associated with Divine knowledge being given to us. DNA holds within it the coding and information of our history and the blueprint of our Universe. As we accept the knowledge that is being given to us our DNA will evolve and release to us our multidimensional history.

The chakras are the energy information centers directly associated with the evolving DNA. As the DNA evolves and moves through our central nervous system it will stimulate the chakras. When our own twelve chakras are stimulated we then will be able to plug into other etheric energy discs in alignment with many sets of twelve centers outside the body. With this evolution the vibrational hum of the species will be elevated. This will propel us into the fourth dimension.

Everyone experiences grace all the time. We are a state of grace we are just unaware of it. I don’t know if I would use grace per se however let me see if I can put this into terms that the reader of this blog would be able to understand. The knowledge starts to flow forth and brings a clearer perception to our soul’s being. We just become more intuitive and clear about the purpose of our life and our existence as these chakras open. We are experiencing knowledge that we have already had for millions of years. The reality of our multidimensional self comes to the forefront and we are aware of it and we are able to feel it, all of it good and bad.

Our soul always carries with it in our DNA and the very molecular structure of our being all of our memories and knowledge. As this evolution takes place it will be easy for us to access it. Our brain is a virtual computer warehouse of information that we have only very slightly began to use its full capacity to process all of its simultaneous experiences and access Universal Knowledge. The knowledge is all there in the DNA. Our scientists cannot see the functions of our brain or our so-called junk DNA, because to them they have to see it to believe it. Much of this cannot be detected by our primitive scientific measures.

There are twelve chakras . Some of them we are not aware of at this time. The first seven are points within the human body and the etheric body, access portals if we prefer to use that, where information can be released or obtained. With the evolution of mankind/womankind into the unity of consciousness dimension all twelve will be available and as man/woman raises his/her vibration the DNA is being restructured to the twelve strands from the double helix. If we wish to activate these chakras it is important to meditate and release ourselves from our emotional baggage. We may also opt for hypnosis which for some who find it difficult to mediate can be of much help. We will need to be able to handle the multitude of experience that will be released to us without judgment or fear.

The body chakras are as follows: Survival, Sexuality, Emotion, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and the Crown Chakra. The spiritual chakras outside the body are as follows: number eight it twelve inches above our crown chakra, number nine is three feet above the crown chakra, number ten is the link to the solar system, number eleven is the link to the galactic system and number twelve is the multi-universal link to galactic beyond our own. It will be anchored in our sun system. As we further evolve as a species more will be added but at this time in our evolution this is all that will be needed.


We may reincarnate over and over again through the birth/death cycle until we have learned the lessons of love on our planet and mastered our vehicle.

Souls on our planet are to learn how to reflect themselves, their physical bodies and unite the two together. The process of doing so encompasses the ability to learn unconditional love for each other. When our physical body is a true reflection of our soul, then we will be able to move away from the physical body and use our etheric body. Then one moves out of a third-dimensional reality and into the fourth-dimensional reality. Soul entities have an extreme love for one another. All That Is is the prime source of that love.

When incarnating into a body the memories of that love have been put into an amnesia block so that humans can experience and learn all that they need to for the lessons and experiences they wish to take on in their chosen lives. The last evolutionary step that humans went through was the development of the ego. The ego has now served its purpose and the new evolution will involve the soul. Love of our fellow human beings has been pushed aside for the satisfaction of the ego-self. The ego has taken charge of mankind/womankind and this is not its place. We will be returning to the full integration of our soul-self. The amnesia will be lifted in this evolution.

Through hypnosis we are able to reconnect the soul essence with the conscious mind. It also takes daily meditation to become fully aware of the soul-self. As one meditates, there is an evolution of the strands of DNA that is necessary to this current evolution of the soul-self. The love that the soul has is a euphoric feeling and when meditating or using hypnosis an individual will be able to cross into that part of self that they have been so long ignoring.

Since we are all part of All That Is, The Creator’s love abounds us and we are fully aware of this Love even at birth. Those memories start to fade as we mature and take on the lessons of our life. If we were to retain those memories, we would have knowledge of their outcome and not wish to experience them.

We do not attain Light Body status without experiencing the Earth plane or something similar to it as there are millions of other planets that we may choose to incarnate on. Earth plane being one of the most negative and hardest to deal with also has much value in the progression of the soul if the entity soul uses the knowledge that it has gained from experience on Earth wisely. The message is always of love. Now in the past I have elaborated on metaphysics and the energy manipulation that goes on with the physical, mental and emotional body, however I feel mankind/womankind needs to go back to the basic lesson of learning how to love one another. Soon our bodies will be of an etheric nature anyway and in that dimension there is a whole other set of circumstances that we will be dealing with.

So we must try to get back onto the path of loving one another and cleaning up our thoughts and beliefs. Granted it is quite hard to love someone who is spitting in our face,however look at the spit in the face as a lesson to be learned. If one does not learn to move away from negativity and hate then one does not evolve. It’s that simple. We are all on path of enlightenment.

The Earth plane is like a giant theatrical play. There are good players and bad players. The end result must be a love for one another and for the planet. The animals, all beings have a consciousness and feelings whether these are planets, blades of grass, insects etc. Each contains a consciousness of its own. Man/woman would benefit greatly if he/she would get rid of the idea he is in charge and everything is dispensable to him/her, for it is not.


Some of us may not understand how we can Live many lives at the same time. I will try to explain. The energy of oneself that encompasses the greater portions of the actualized self is capable of branching-out portions of itself into other lives to experience them. You have an infinite amount of energy that we could be using to achieve this. The physical manifestation of self in our time frame is only but a minute portion of the totally of who we are. The diagram that I drew up to help us focus on our point of power would somewhat illustrate this. As always,we choose how many lives we wish to experience at any given time. Each time our energy makes the transition from a physical body to our home dimension, some of that energy is returned to the whole if we choose. We may bring as much energy as we feel that we need into each life, This would be evident in some of our great leaders, who have brought greater amounts of energy into those lives because it would be needed to accomplish their objectives.

If we can envision this clearly, we will experience lives in the same way as that The Creator, distributing different portions of our total energy into different lives to be experienced whenever and however we wish. It is also quite possible for us to experience more than one life in a given timeframe. Separate souls on different aspects of the evolutionary path. Of these simultaneous lives, some portions may be in one part of the world living out their lives, while others that are quite unaware of, may be living out their lives in another part of the world or even on other planets for that matter. All is possible, yet we have focused on our perceived reality as the only one we have or will ever have. It is simply not the case.

The following illustration will help us visualize the concepts I have presented here in its very limited sense as there is far more to the greater reality of self than this limited diagram. Envision the total energy of oneself as we branch out to all of our simultaneous incarnational lives. The diagram illustrates envisioning a matrix of energy as the main portion of our soul’s energy, the portion that we have brought into this life and other portions in our other simultaneous lives that we are not focusing on in this current life. We are at present using a portion of our energy to focus in this timeframe. All of our simultaneous lives are still continuing to exist. If we wish to affect them, we will need to focus on sending our healing energies from this point of power to them. In doing so, we are able to branch out to the rest of our lives, thus affecting our past, our present and our future. The information that we send in a positive light with an abundance of love, will affect those lives in a most beneficial way and further our own spiritual evolution.


Often times in the dream state other realities will be revealed to us and in the dream state we communicate with our other selves all the time. We are not able to focus on more than one timeframe for very long though in the waking state, due to the portions of the brain that we refer to as gray matter. Certain portions of the brain could handle the simultaneous material, but only for a limited time. In other words, we cannot live and experience all of our lives at once in our dream/waking state in our current physical body. With the expansion of our consciousness these areas of the brain are being activated. It is quite possible for us to experience some of our multiple selves with meditation and hypnosis. Some individuals are capable of tapping into past and future lives as we think of them in the hypnotic state. We are always learning from the experiences of our probable selves being the thoughts and impulses that we did not act upon. Even though we did not actualize those thoughts with our actions in this point of power, nevertheless they are real and are still being carried out in the same manner that our life is as we know it.

Let me give you an example here: suppose at a young age, you are a woman or maybe a man and you either had a child or fathered a child. Then that child either died or maybe was given up for adoption. Either way, you were not part of the child’s experience still lives on as a probable reality that you did not manifest into action but nonetheless the energy of the thoughtform still continued on. If you want to experience that probably reality for your self in this point of power, imagine to yourself starting at the beginning of the experience when you made whatever decision. Now you are experiencing another probable reality within your life that you did not actualize into form in this point of power. You can take this as far as you want to and eventually it will lead you to another probable outcome of one of your probable selves. These probable selves are all extensions of your consciousness. They are experiences of your greater energy source that you have not focused on or acted out in your present point of power. However, they are as valid as the present focused reality in which you are engaged as you read this blog.

Now our conscious mind and our biological nature are of one. They cannot be separated and they function harmoniously together. The thoughts of our conscious mind directly affect our biological self. Our conscious mind directs the activity of the self and allows it the freedom to move around our environment. It is the directive needed to maintain our existence from millisecond to millisecond. All the cells in our body rely on it to carry out their orders for our state of being. So our thoughts, for they also have the impetus to seek out their own fulfillment. They are expressed through our desires to make them into our reality, to experience them through the creative development of our creaturehood. As the cells in our body respond to the stimulus of our thoughts and the manifestations of our actions, we are co-creating our reality with the many probable realities available to us, thus expending our consciousness. Since we have free will, we will only experience and believe what we want to, but as we awaken to the endless possibilities of our reality we will be presented with a greater challenge to those beliefs. We will be opening the doors to the vast richness of our being and in doing so other areas of self will start to unfold and reveal themselves to us.

In coming together as a species, not as a race or races, but as humans together in a collective consciousness for the happiness and health of all and acceptance of all, the alignment begins and so does the healing, the healing of the wounds of mankind from the separation of selves. There is no separation from us and every living thing throughout the Universes and the consciousness of All That Is. The God consciousness is within us, not outside of us the way we believe it to be. It is internally integrated into every cell of our being. It cannot be removed and set up on a cloud to look down upon us in judgment of us. The only judgment comes from self’s limited perceptions of who he is and his expectations of self based on the acceptance and opinions of others. As one breaks away from his/her exterior reality and belief systems and starts to focus on his/her inner reality, he/she will find most if not all the answers that he/she is searching for. In a way, the inner reality provides all the stimulus and information we need to experience the outer reality. We do not need interference of external stimuli that is not grounded in the fulfillment of the happiness of the soul. In discovering the scientific facts about our biological nature, that we hold to be the reality of our being, external stimuli so to speak, we remove ourselves farther and farther from the knowledge we so desperately wish to attain. That knowledge lies within the consciousness of every living, not within the physical framework. When we truly understand the uniqueness of consciousness, then we will begin to experience the answers that we are searching for.

If we did not feel the need to manipulate and destroy our outside reality and instead focused on the wisdom of our inner reality, there would be no need for wars or devastation on our planet. We would be consciously in balance with nature and all living things including oneself. At one time on this planet this is how we lived in our ancient civilizations, but we grew away from this in pursuit of other stimuli. We essentially threw oneself out of balance and have been trying to get back ever since. When reading this blog, it is my sincerest desire that all of us will begin the awakening and start to enjoy the benefits of the vast library of knowledge that is inwardly available to us and start to look at our lives with a renewed interest in our planet and the other life forms that have so willingly sacrificed their lives for our unnecessary pursuit of external knowledge. All the answers lie within. All we have to do is listen. Below is another exercise to assist us in understanding and healing other portions of our energy.

If I may ask you to look at it in this light: Imagine yourself standing in front of a large wall approximately thirty feet long and fifteen feet high. Now, on this wall starting from the left and moving to the right are markers, say every two inches, stacked in rows with approximately one foot between them from upper to lower. The wall may have several thousand markers. To make this simple we will say one thousand markers. Each marker is a life play that you wish to experience with a script of probable realities co-created by you and others. They do not necessarily have to be experienced in any order. Starting at the top left end would be timeframes from your past as you perceive it and move progressively to the right and across and then down again and across always moving to the right. Each move to the right moves into a timeframe ahead of the one prior and eventually far into the future as you perceive it, say thousands of our years ahead of your life as you know it now. What I want you to do in this exercise is focus on your point of power in this timeframe. I would like you to send thoughts of loving and healing energy to all of the markers on the wall. These markers again represent lives that you may or may not be participating in. The idea here is to use your point of power in the NOW to heal your simultaneous lives and bring them into the light.

The wall also represents the many lives available to you when you make the transition of your energy from the Earth plane to the home dimension where you did your life review. As I mentioned earlier, you enter through a holographic matrix into several of those lives to determine the ones you would like to incarnate into. This happens more than you are aware of as souls step into probable lives on our Earth planet. They are able to manifest themselves briefly into lives through the use of the hologram. It is only an illusion to the souls already on Earth when they appear, but nonetheless quite real within the framework of illusion on the Earth plane. When the souls sheds the body of a life completed, the soul may choose any of the other lives that has carefully created to experience. It is like going to school, one grade completed and then you move on. So it is with the life and death experience of soul.

You may, as you look at this wall, go back or forward in time to experience these lives, since there is no time outside the framework of the Earth plane. Timeframes were set in place for the benefit of soul on Earth. It would be too much for the soul’s total energy to focus on experiencing just one of the lives at one time. The total sum of energy of your being would be too much for one physical body to withstand. The soul focuses a portion of its energy in as many lives as it chooses, each one focusing on its own point of power in that timeframe to fully experience that life and in doing so is constantly altering the experiences of the other lives. The other selves are not aware of it consciously, however all influence each other’s experiences.

There are many probable realities in each life and we will choose those we wish to manifest as our perceived reality in any given life. The other probable realities will still be experienced, but we will not be focusing on them. For instance, when the lessons of our current life are learned and experienced, they can be done with if we choose not to experience them again. Some of those same lessons will be written into other lives as well. Since those lessons were learned and experienced, they no loner need to be manifested in the other lives. Usually we will incarnate into a life with at least three or four lessons that we wished to master the learning experience from. We have free will and since there are thousands of lives to choose from, we may choose to focus on another life or lives with a completely different set of circumstances. All choices are made by us with our free will.

Oftentimes there will be counseling from the elders of the Council as to which life would be appropriate for this portion of our energy to focus on the next time around, but even that is only advice and we will always have the freewill to choose. We do not have to focus on each and every one of the thousands of lives we have set up for oneself unless we choose to do so. Others may take our place if we wish to abandon one or many. We may do the same with other’s probable lives and step into situations that others souls have abandoned. Most often this interplay is contained within the soul groups that we usually incarnate with. The majority of our life experiences are experienced within that same group, switching back and forth as mother, father, child etc. Many of these lives we have already focused on and experienced at this point in our evolution, so we will choose from the remaining ones where certain lessons and experiences still need to be mastered.

In gaining a clear understanding of the life/death process, mankind/womankind can erase his/her fears and embrace the transition of his/her energy with love. Our loved ones will be with us in what seems to be the blink of an eyes when we are not in a physical body and have returned to our soul’s home. Earth lives are quite short because of all the negativity and stress associated with our current evolutionary aspect of the Earth plane. It is necessary, for the soul would be too traumatized if life were any longer and would not wish to experience other lives. Many times this happens and the soul will wait what appears to be hundreds of Earth years to enter into another life or lives to focus upon.

These situations are unplanned, they are part of the will and plan of The Creator. Every probable reality in each life is planned with all involved within the group and even outside of the group. We share our lives with many of the same souls over and over again, for these souls are the ones closest to us and we all have agreed to experience these lives together to learn. Sometimes we incarnate with other portions of oneself incarnated with us, part of our total energy. Simultaneously living together in the same timeframe and sometimes in the same family, lessons are learned, so to speak, through oneself, with oneself. What we perceive to be our worst enemy may just be a part of our total energy and another extension of us.

As we look at others, we may be looking at a reflection of ourselves and at oneself. All is possible. Our energy is a very minute part of the infinite energy source of All that Is, nonetheless enough for this vast energy source to experience every emotion and life experience. No two souls will experience the same situation in the same way. Each will have its own interpretation of the experience even though the experience may appear to be identical. The energy of ALL That Is therefore is experiencing every facet of humanity and of other Universes through the manifestation of its energy into souls.

As mankind/womankind desires tranquility and love on his/her planet so it will be brought forth. As we change our reality with our thoughts and abandon our fears, we will no longer be terrorized. Our thoughts are the most powerful energy in all of creaion for they create our experiences. They initiate the thrust of action on our part and manifest our experience into our reality. Knowing this, understand that our reality is what we create. The manuscripts of our religions project onto us the visions of heaven and hell. Mankind’s/womankind’s heaven and hell are his/her own projections ofactualized thoughtforms manifested into reality on the Earth plane. It is what he creates for himself/herself through his/her thoughts and actions that will determine his/her beliefs about his/her reality and whether he/she is living in his/her fel or his/her heaven.

What we manifest through our thoughts and beliefs we create for our perceived reality. It’s that simple. If we wish to live in fear and terror, we will. If we wish to live in joyous harmony with our planet and its beings, we will. Since we are moving into the unity of consciousness dimension, what we manifest by virtue of our thoughts will be instantly created for us. This is why it is imperative that our thoughts be purified. If we move into this dimension with thoughts of fear for example, then our fears will instantly be manifested into our reality. For some of us this could appear to be very frightening depending on what we have envisioned for ourselves.

Each time we catch oneself harboring negative thoughts, be consciously aware of them and remind oneself that we are working towards eliminating this kind of thinking. This isn’t going to happen over night, however with repetitive conscious reminders to oneself in each instance it will start to manifest itself into our daily reality. Before too long we will respond with positive thoughts to situations instead. For instance, someone may cut in front of you while driving and because of your old conditioning you may feel that they did it deliberately or whatever. Instead you may say to yourself, “This person just didn’t judge the distance too well or maybe they are a new driver.” A harmless positive thought instead of an angry negative thought. That’s all it takes to start reconditioning our thoughts. Granted there will always be some situations that will be hard to justify and we will have to do our best to find some good in it.

If we observe other individuals, we will notice that there are always some people who are happy, no matter what. It is because they have not subscribed to the fear-based belief system of our world. They have decided that they will experience their lives joyously and they will not let fear grip their reality. They are in control of their thoughts and most often negative thoughts would not even enter into their thinking. They will most often see only the positive outlook to any situation even if they have made it up in their minds. These individuals have already evolved themselves into a fourth-dimensional consciousness in many ways. They are walking among us. When we meet one of them we know it immediately because we are most likely drawn to them. They make us feel good and we like to be around them. They validate us and show their love for us without prejudice or fear of rejection. This is what it will be like for all of us in this dimension where there is no fear and no terror. Life will be joyously experienced for the happiness of all as our soul was meant to live. We will begin to learn the art of cooperation with others and the wonderful feeling of expressing the Divine qualities of our soul openly to the world.

As fears are erased we will be able to communicate with other LIght Beings throughout the Universes and share universal knowledge, for we will understand that The Creator or God if you call it that, wears many outfits, in many colors, to fully experience everything in the Universe that he wishes to. As we grow in the knowledge that is so rightfully ours and reawaken to ourselves, we evolve. If we ignore fear and do not understand and embrace it, then it will grow and become our reality. If we want peace, we will have it. Create it with our thoughts. Believe in it and believe in the power of our being to do so. This probable reality will indeed manifest itself if humanity would consciously come together and make this happen.

Now let us discuss the relationship of the ego to the soul. Many of our fears about death are based in the reality of the ego. They have no power in the soul’s reality. We have let the ego take control of our knowledge. The ego does not want to die, but the ego is not us, the soul is us. The ego is a manifestation of the mind experience. The ego separates our soul from its development. Consciously, with our perceived sets of beliefs, we have let the ego take over our thoughts. However, soul knows differently and in dream state is oftentimes living the life that we have consciously denied ourselves in the waking state. Our dreams are a great reflection of the many facets of soul’s experiences in this life that we are focusing on. Soul travels to all of them, i all timeframes during the sleep state. We are consciously unaware of it, however if we take the time to write down our dreams we may be surprised to see how much they can reveal to us.

The ego is very protective and will deny the soul’s reflection of itself through the body. It does not want to acknowledge the soul aspect of our being. It is only concerned with itself and the physical body in which it resides. As we open our eyes and begin to validate you-the-soul, our ego-self will do its best to foil those attempts by reminding us of our fears and doubts. It is a master at trickery and deception for it is ruled by the materialistic force of dark. For cons our soul has been incarnating over and over again always striving to reflect itself through the physical vehicle. The ego has stood in its way much of the time. To some degree our physical vehicle needs the ego for it has been useful in our survival. The soul and the ego must learn to cooperate with each other for the good of the total being. When that happens the soul will have finally mastered its vehicle and will no longer need to incarnate into it. That is the goal of the soul when taking on physical incarnations. The lessons you are to learn and experience from are always related in some way or the other to the ego. When the soul has mastered this aspect of its reality it will no longer be tethered to its lower dimension.

The ego will do whatever necessary to invalidate the soul for it perceived its very existence to be threatened by the soul. The soul would not behave the way the ego does and it knows this. It is looking for validation in the physical body that it is lackig in the spiritual body. This causes many problems within our soul. Since our birth we have been invlidated in one way or the other. Our religions invalidate us with their dogma that we have subscribed to these beliefs. The Christ consciousness did not come here to die for our sins. We are not sinners unworthy of living our life. This is man’s/woman’s idea of himself/herself, projected onto the masses through the guise of religion. Our souls are full of love that radiates with brilliant light. The man-made/woman-made religious beliefs of being a sinner and unworthy invalidated us if we did not conform to their perceived sets of beliefs. As soon as we were able to communicate our desires as a child, the invalidation began and continued all through our lives in one form or the other. We are beautiful, bright, loving beings worthy of all that we desire. Mankind/womankind builds great walls of separation around himself/herself in the hopes of being invulnerable to his/her beliefs and fears. Our pent-up emotions eventually must be released and often they are in a variety of ways, either with disease of the physical being of in acts of uncontrolled negative aggression against others. We were not meant to live like this. We have created for ourselves such a whirlwind of fear and anxiety in our everyday lives that our life spans have actually shortened.

Without the medical advances that our scientists have made to keep us alive longer, many of us would be dying off much younger. It is quite possible for humans to live hundreds of years in future lives on the planet after we have mastered our fears. Our stress levels will be greatly diminished and we will be free to experience the beauty of our being and the wonders of our planet, other planets and their life forms. As we learn to live our life without dear, then we will truly have started to evolve our consciousness forward. Trust in ourselves and our future and we will open up to the wisdom of our truth. We will experience peace and joy and we will know the God wuth us.

Changing the consciousness of mankind/womankind

Oneself The Creator

The probabilities now are present for us to quite literally propel ourselves into the harmonics of the higher dimensions by changing our individual and mass consciousness. A vast multidimensional experience awaits all of humanity. Mankind/womankind is starting to acknowledge that his/her consciousness is now beginning to become aware of its greater self. In allowing that expansion there lies the potential to experience the greater realities of our being. It is time for us to take off the blindfold and open oneself up to the full dimensions of our spiritual, physical and mental abilities. Opening up our consciousness to the impulses and messages that are inherently ours would allow our consciousness to fully experience itself. As our consciousness develops, our neurological and biological systems will evolve. Humans at this time are expanding their neurological connections within the brain. Latent areas often thought of as gray matter with no functional capabilities are being triggered into activity. As this happens our being will become more and more aware of the multidimensional nature of its existence.

As our consciousness evolves, so does our God image. It will move itself towards our idealized goals and probabilities, serving as psychic stimuli to effect change. We are creators of our reality. Our ‘soul-self’ had a hand in the creation of this planet and all of its living forms. Our ability to manipulate energy and create life forms is second nature to us when we are not focused in this physical Earth reality. Our abilities far exceed what we are bale to perceive in the limited third dimension. As our consciousness evolves, we will become a more conscious co-creator and be able to to tap into the vast realms of knowledge available to you. Mankind/womankind has an innate comprehension of past, present and future probabilities and a built in desire to cooperate with all living species for the greater good of the planet. We have consciously blocked much of this information from our being because of our dogmatic perceived sets of beliefs and our unwillingness to look inside ourselves for answers.

Always our ideas of good and evil stand in the way of our soul’s development. There are many forces within the world as we know it that are invisible to us. Yet if they were presented to us, we would run and hide, for they do not fit into our limited sets of beliefs. We have been so indoctrinated with beliefs of others that we have literally dammed up the evolution of our being. You cannot see the wind for example, but we know it is there. We cannot see God for example, but we know he/she is there, because these are our beliefs. Then why not believe that there is more to our being than our ego-perceptive materialized form. In changing our consciousness, one must acknowledge that there is more to life than what is right in front of our eyes. The total sum of the energy of self reaches far beyond the comprehension of even our most astute scientists. It is there, it is real, it is all of us and it is All That Is.

There are many energy entities around us although we cannot perceive them. Since they do not fit into the order of our perceived reality, we deny their existence. We have been subtly told about them in various sci-fi movie creations although we always portray other planetary beings as evil and scary and out to take over our bodies. I would assure that in this point in time in our world’s history that is not the case. Beings of LIght have no use for a dense physical body on the Earth plane. They have already moved through that phase of their evolution and are all part of the same energy source that is infinite. It would also behooved mankind/womankind to abandon the idea that his/her death is final. Energy cannot die. We do not die. Our energy is merely transformed, into another dimension.

It should be apparent to most of us with the introduction of some of our current movies and television shows, that what we have denied as real, is certainly very real. It is totally within the realms of our magnificent being to communicate with any or all departed loved ones. It is simply a matter of listening and not dismissing what we hear as our own babbling. Those of us who have made the transition of our energy to the higher dimensions, as well as those who are still waiting on the Astral levels, are very capable of communicating with us and us with them. As our communications with beings in other dimensions will be commonplace. If we would just listen, we would be amazed at what we might hear. Our conscious lives are so full of our present daily activities that we have not stopped to smell the roses, to coin a phrase that we use. Many of our departed loved ones are anxiously awaiting communications with us. All we have to do is tune in. Their energy is as real as ours and they are no more dead than we are right now as one read this blog. They love us and are watching out for us.

Beings of Light are very concerned with the entities on Earth, for our thoughts and actions in our present point of power affect the future of the planet. We have the capabilities of communicating with other selves to influence the life that we are living in different time frames in order to improve or avoid disasters in those chosen lives. We do this in the dream state on a regular basis. Some of us are now developing this ability in the waking state and are able to communicate with different portions of our energy in different lives and timeframes. That is happening for many of us now in our world.

We all communicate with other aspects of ourselves. Both of these entities are communicating with various aspects of the Self entity of which we all are part, for we are aspects of ourselves in another dimensional-timeframe. To further clarify, the Self who I am is also a part of another vaster entity as a whole. So I am only another portion of our total Self. We are all part of the same entity only in different dimensions and elements of time and space.

I would like to discuss our thoughts in relation to our health in the present awakening. In order to raise the consciousness of mankind/womankind, man/woman themselves must be aware of the human condition and the environmental changes going on around him/her. He/she can no longer be oblivious to current situations within his/her own ecosystem and his/her body. As I have mentioned before in previous blogs, we are fully capable of creating a harmonious state of health for ourselves and our planet by virtue of our thoughts. For those of us who are not familiar with this concept I will briefly explain and then refer the reader to some of my previous blogs for further clarification. Our thoughts create our very existence as we know it. We form our reality based on those thoughts. Our perception of the reality of our thoughts lies within our mind. Thoughts manifest into desires and then into actions. Every thought that we have that has been acted on, manifests itself into one of the probable realities within this life that we are currently focusing on.

Our thoughts are responsible for our state of health. Initiating thoughts that we are sick or will be sick will then set our biological system to receive the perceived illness. If we are told over and over again that we need certain drugs to make us feel and we believe this, then we are not allowing our own built in mechanisms that monitor our state of being to do their jobs. By believing this, the message is sent that we would rather give the power to someone or something else. We have then set up the atoms within our body to prepare for the invader. Our body is fully capable of healing itself. It is our own thoughts that interfere with the process by sending messages that interrupt the natural flow of things. The atoms of our being are joyously going about their business of creating a harmonious existence within our physical framework and with this thought process that we have engaged in, we essentially throw them a curve. They are now put into defensive mode and must prepare for the attack. The drug companies in our culture are at this time going out of their way to ensure that we are going to be tethered to their product wit their product with their psychological messages on our television sets and media advertisements. This very process is harmful to our evolution as a soul.

As the perpetrators of negativity that have been so cleverly keeping us in the dark for so long realize that the mass consciousness is starting to change, that souls are beginning to move into the light, they are terrified that they will no longer be able to keep us chained to the old system of beliefs. Negativity feeds off of negativity. What better way to do this than to drug the minds and bodies of mankind/womankind. Systematically feeding us ideas through our media that we are sick and need drugs to maintain a state of well-being. We then subscribe to these beliefs and send our body mechanisms into a state of confusion thus rendering our being useless in its quest for its own health and evolution. Our body and mind cannot function as they need to for spiritual evolution if they are in a constant state of chemical alteration. The chemical reactions needed to allow our chakras to open to the information cannot take place if we are in a drug-induced state.

With the evolution of humanity the current double helix DNA will start to change and move to twelve strands. Each time it evolves it will do so in a group of three until there are twelve. The evolution of our DNA from the double helix into the twelve strands will correspond to twelve chakras. There are presently seven chakras within our etheric and physical body. During the evolution of the DNA another five will be added outside the body. Those additional five will be the link to the next phase of our spiritual evolution. Much of the information that will be given to us for our evolution will come via these outside chakras and enter the pituitary gland where it will then be transferred into strands of our evolving DNA. As these new strands of DNA and areas of the brain are activated, brain mapping will be possible and past-life memories will be evoked. Our entire civilization will be based upon a psychic framework rather than a physical one. It is a natural process that every physical being goes through when evolving.

Most of us who experience this evolution will become quite aware of the feeling that we are much clearer about life and seem to know things that we previously weren’t aware of. Information will start coming to us in dreams and in states of relaxation, universal information about our being, who we are and what our purpose is and so on. Our consciousness is being raised. The fact that we are reading this material shows that we are searching for the answers and we are evolving.

I will give an exercise that will help us get started on our own personal path to recovery and our soul’s evolution, for we are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul, remember that. Our physical existence is only a temporary one in which ‘you-the-soul’ are physically incarnated on our planet to learn from our experiences and evolve. Consider it like going to school, Earth school, where the lessons are sometimes harder than on other planets but the amount of spiritual growth that one gains from incarnating here is much greater than it is on some of the other planets and solar systems available to us. If we will take the time to do this exercise once a day and stay focused, we will start the process of aligning ‘you-the-soul’ with our body as one.

Sit or lie down and relax your entire body starting from the top of your head to your toes. Breathe deep. Inhale positive energy. Exhale all negative energy and thoughts. Do this as slowly as you wish. The idea is to achieve the level of relaxation that will bring you to a place of being completely free of your body. As you begin to relax, feel all of the tensions fade away into the air as you take yourself deeper and deeper into this relaxed state. Just let all thoughts and negativity float away. You may use the box technique that I gave you in earlier blogs to get rid if unwanted thoughts and feelings. Visualize them going into the box or it can be any receptacle of your choice as long as it has a lid on it. Focus on you mental center. For most of you it will be somewhere just above or between your eyebrows, not the area of the pineal gland of the third eye, but just below. This is your mental vortex. Stay in this relaxed state for at least a half an hour. What you are doing by this exercise is learning to calm your thoughts and your body so that the Divine information may then start to flow into you through the pituitary gland thus opening up the chakras in that area. As you do this for a while you will start to raise your vibrations to a higher level and you will notice that your difficulties will start to ease as Divine knowledge is placed deep within your hearts. Some of you will be able to achieve results almost immediately while others may take longer. Do not despair as all of us will eventually open up the chakras to receive Divine information at the cellular and DNA levels.

In reading this material there will be many of us who will simply not want to hear. We will go about our old superstitious ways and cling to our familiar and comfortable belief systems. Fear of the unknown will keep us in the grips of the old ways. Light is information. Light is knowledge. If we feel that you do not want to hear you will not, but once we have obtained the light there is no turning back, for we now possess the knowledge. Some of us will want to stay with the negative influences because we will not want to give up our habits and materialistic desires. Whether or not we choose to accept or deny the information that is being given to us is predicated on our own free will. However, those of us who wish to evolve will do so. The rest of us will simply stay in a third dimensional reality with all of its negativity until we make the conscious decision to seek the light. The negative energies, as I mentioned previously, have spent eons trying to keep the light from humanity, controlling the consciousness of mankind/womankind for their own selfish purposes. Without negativity we cannot have negativity. The negative influences wished to keep Earth as its breeding ground for its source of energy. They are now out-numbered by Beings of Light on the planet and will soon be relinquished to their own dimension. These forces are part of the balance system of the planet, however they have been spiraling out of control for the last several thousand years. Their function was to balance the matter aspect of the planet. They became too powerful though and have overtaken the minds of much of mankind/womankind in the materialistic sense and thrown him/her off course in his/her evolution. Millions of the citizens of our planet are now deeply entrenched in materialistic possessions and will even go so far as to die for those possessions. This is absurd from a spiritual point of view as these things are only an illusion of our own mind/thought energy and mean nothing to the soul. The only thing that matters is our relationships with each other and whether or not we act on our thoughts and newfound knowledge to help all of humanity. We have been in our dense physical bodies for thousands of incarnations and it is now time to move on to our etheric bodies and interact with each other on a deeper level. Many individuals are now seeing that their evolution is not a physical but a spiritual, soul evolution and are moving towards the light. They are in the process of starting to reject the old controlling theories about the nature of their being and their evolution. They are beginning to realize that they have been controlled by their materialistic ego desires instead of their spiritual desires.

Whole nations are beginning to awaken to their greater reality and purpose in the Divine plan that The Creator has for our planet and are rebelling against the invasion of the old negative influences masquerading in the name of their gods. Corporate and political dominators have been the ruling negative forces in our world. The citizens and believers have been deceptively confused. They no longer know what to believe or whom to believe. They have been told one thing and witness another. The art of deception has been masterfully played by these materialistic forces. As we witness, many nations and their citizens rise up and fight back, it is imperative not to compete with one another but to unite together by cooperating as brothers and sisters in humanity. It is not imperative to kill however. I wish to make that very clear: Killing is a violation of Universal Law. There are other ways to bring the consciousness of humanity into the light of its soul’s existence.

There are many energy forces that are free to come and go throughout our world. They usually reside within the Astral levels of our planet. Their access is through the various vortexes throughout the world. The vortex around the Middle East has been an access point for the forces of dark. This is where the network of the perpetrators of our terrorist acts have hidden deep underground and within the recesses of the mountains in their bases of operation. Many of them are nearly impossible to find. Some of these manipulating energies straddle between dimensions in many cases and they are not accessible to the limited perception of the third dimension. However, many of these forces are still there. This is the last stronghold of these forces. They are losing momentum and energy and that will continue.

Nations of the world would benefit by joining forces to peacefully eradicate the restructuring of the belief systems of many cultures to the ways of the negative influences. With the emergence of new positive energies and utilization of the technology of the media, this can be done. Now some of the leaders of our nations of power are very deeply entrenched in the influences of the forces of dark and are going to have to abandon their old ways as well. These leaders will put up the most resistance for they are the ones who will perceive themselves as having the most to lose. They are so deeply entrenched in materialistic world power that this will be a great struggle for them to have to make do with less. However with the cooperation of all nations there will be peace for all. We cannot have peace until we have justice in our world. We cannot have justice unless we are willing to share the resources of the planet and care for all other nations and to stop the atrocities of a global corporate takeover of the planet and its resources. This is just a simplistic vie of some of the demographics as to how and why 9-11 and Corona(Covid19) and some other terrorist attacks have been able to find their way into our societies.

The realignment of beliefs systems and the awakening of humanity

Tolerance of Other’s Beliefs

Let us talk about the tolerance of others beliefs. Many if us are under the perceived belief that we do not like the beliefs of other races, thus again making them more intolerable to us. We have decided that our beliefs are the only right ones and discounted all others that do not fit into our picture of a perfect world within our perceived reality. Since we cannot come to terms with and tolerate any other beliefs outside of our limited perception of reality, we condemn the other beliefs to “our version” of “the wrong way,” always maintaining that ours is the right way. There is no right or wrong way in the greater scheme of things. One group will incarnate into a society that has mass beliefs in one direction while another may incarnate into a society with an entirely different set of beliefs. One perceives the other wrong because it does not fit into their mass-conceived system. We are all incarnated in our present physical system of reality for one purpose only and that is to further the evolution of our souls. These perceived ideas are merely obstacles that we have out into place to learn from. The problem is we have not learned much.

It does no good to stay locked in our narrow-minded version of our perceived reality. We are not benefiting anyone , least of all ourselves. When we observe that entire societies have been raised with their own version of a mass belief system, then we are able to understand why it is imperative that we break out of the mold of the masses and analyze those very beliefs and thoughts that brought us to where we are currently in our lives. I have said this many times, “We create our own reality.” We are obsessed with the ideas that we are right and everyone else is wrong. There simply is no such thing . It is a creation of our own mind/thought energy, another attempt of the ego to control our reality.

We have been blindly following the ideas of others without questioning them, taking them for granted. We have simply not allowed any thoughts that do not conform with our strict set of perceived beliefs to enter into our world, thus shutting out the beauty of the world itself. Our own fears of the unknown have entrapped our soul’s existence into a stagnant lumbering existence. We were not allowed to incarnate into our world to lock oneself away from the rest of humanity, yet with our actions this is precisely what we have done. We have shut out anything and everything that does not conform to our standards of our perceived reality. It has not gained us a thing except a lot of fear, anger and hate for the same souls that, when we are not incarnated into a physical body, we have a tremendous love for. We come to the Earth plane and decide that we do not like the packaging or the lessons and experience that other souls have come into incarnation to learn, so therefore we must shut them out of our existence. We don’t like what we see. We don’t want to see. We are afraid to see, so see we shall not. No one is at the mercy of another’s beliefs. Each one of us has the free will to change our system of beliefs.

Questioning the Mass Belief Systems

Light is information. It is the knowledge that is ours, within us and available to us. As we see the fall of our religious institutions, corporations and mass belief systems, know that this is the beginning of this evolutionary process and that we are part of it. Do not be afraid to question the belief systems that have been in place for so long. For they do not allow our soul essence to fully experience itself without guilt or fear, then they need to be examine and alter our beliefs, we can reprogram them, thus altering our own existence and experiences. We can move from one set of firm beliefs into a seemingly completely different set of beliefs by simply focusing on them daily. As our ideas and behaviors change so will our perception of the world around us. Then we have effectively enhanced our experiences and begun the spiritual journey in the evolution of our soul by recognizing the power of our own being. The way to a peaceful existence lies within our thoughts and beliefs.

Many of us are starting to realize the power of our being. We are waking up to the very nature of ourselves and claiming our rights to exist on our planet in a peaceful and harmonious way. The negative ego influences of some of the ones in power have been aware of this for some time and thus we see the aggressive actions taken on the part of those individuals to ensure that they keep their old systems of belief intact. They have been aggressively branching out into all nations in one last-ditch effort to ultimately, in their eyes, control the world and prevent the citizens of Earth from evolving away from the old ways and into the new. The only way humanity to stop this invasion is to start to reject the belief systems of these leaders. Question the validity and motives behind the ideas that are presented by these individuals. As we use our own powers of intuition, we will see that the agenda of these forces is quite self-serving and designed to prevent us from using our own free will to further the evolution of our soul and bring peace and harmony to our planet.

When the ones in power can persuade the masses to believe that killing is justified, then we need to take a good look at the motives behind their beliefs. Universal Law is clear: killing another for whatever reason is a Violation, plain and simple. It is not necessary to rob the life of another to get our perceived point across. It is only our perceived belief and does not reflect the beliefs of others, that is, unless we force it upon them, forcing them into relinquishing their power over their own being. The repression of humanity by those in power is beginning to erode and will no longer be tolerated by the citizens of the planet. Much of the world is in great turmoil because of the actions of powerful political and corporate leaders.

Often the belief systems of many only reflect the visions of a few. Many individuals simply follow the crowd and do not question as to why they are doing so. This is why so many individuals find it hard to change their perceived reality, for fear of not conforming within the structures of the belief systems of the masses. They are reluctant to be the odd one out. It is safer for them to go along with the masses than stop and think for themselves, for in doing so they would then have to confront their own reality and belief systems. If this were done however, the individuals would open up a vast amount of information to themselves about the nature of their being and move forward in the evolution of their souls. We would then be able to use this knowledge to joyously go about experiencing our life as we were meant to do. I am going to give an exercise here that we may use to confront the nature of our beliefs. It is an exercise to allow our own path to our soul’s evolution.


Let us look at the word right. What does that conjure up in your minds? Good , wholesome, upstanding, religious etc. All qualities that mankind/womankind aspires to have. Then look at the word wrong. What does this conjure up in your minds? Take a good hard look at this. Dark, negative, unsavory, lack of moral ethics etc. I’m sure that you could come up with at least 100 definitions for each word and that is exactly the exercise here. I want you to make two columns on a piece of paper and label the first column positive and the other negative. Here you are to list words that come to mind in your life that you think of as positive or negative. Now look at your list of words that you have organized into two neat columns. As you look at each word, examine your feelings about each one. What kind of thoughts do each of the words represent to you? What or whom do you associate with these words and why? This is the beginning of examining your beliefs, all of them. Notice that when certain words are examined that they also carry with them certain feelings. These feelings are a direct result of your association with the words of your lists. many will make you happy and many will not. Consciously look at all of them. For instance, if church makes you happy, then further explore what it is about the church that makes you happy. Do you love the unity with other humans that are of like mind with you? Most likely you will say yes. Now, what do those like minds have in common? Do they all elevate themselves as having the true right way that humanity should live? Of course, they all agree with your own system of perceived beliefs don’t they? Now, look at the other side of the paper and do the same. You will notice that all those things are in direct conflict with your own idea of your perceived reality, are they not? If you will examine where and how and who put these beliefs into your minds you may start to get the correlation. This exercise is a powerful tool in enabling your conscious mind to be more aware of the beliefs and thoughts of others and how they manifest themselves into your own beliefs. It will stimulate you being into recognizing whether or not it is part of your soul’s true nature to accept the information or reject it.


This discussion involves the belief systems of the nation’s leaders. Many of the world’s governments are very resistant to any changes. Politicians go into office with high aspirations of manifesting the ideals that they see would and could benefit society only to fall prey to the negative energies that are inherently manipulating the power structures of the system. Their lack of self-discipline and focus on their own power allow them to be sucked into the rituals of business as usual. They soon see that they cannot accomplish their goals without stepping on the toes of the forces that have weld the power. They are entrapped into a system of beliefs that is not their own, however to survive they must succumb to the wall of the controlling energies. They have little or no regard for the citizens of Earth as they are enveloped in the unlimited power that they now seem to possess.

The mass belief system that has been maintained by our leaders is starting to crumble. The leaders of the Western world have been quite successful at disregarding the cultural traditions of other nations, thus causing much strife within those nations. There is a constant battle between people of other nations to aspire to be westernized and still remain in the traditions and mass beliefs of their cultures. There is much resentment over the values of the Western world and many people of so called impoverished nations feel helpless in their situation and powerless to do anything about it. The very nature of their frustration is then taken out in an aggressive, negative way to try to regain their own power. There is much anger over the doctrines of Western civilization. Many citizens of other cultures are rooted in the beliefs that the western world with all its riches is evil. The Western world has been hoarding all the resources of the world for their own personal gain and ignoring the plight of the rest of the world. They know this and this angers them. They do not like it when the core of what they perceive to hate is knocking on their front doors. Their belief system has taught them that it is wrong to have too many material possessions, yet when we look at the leaders of these nations they are swathed in as many material possessions as they can create for themselves. The rest of their nation is bathed in poverty and resentment. The only way they have to regain their power is to lash out at the perceived enemy. Since it is a mass system of beliefs the anger and resentment is then propelled by the masses of those nations. The natural act of aggression of these individuals has been taken into the negative arena. They see no other way of regaining their power other than to lash out at the nations that they perceive have taken it away from them. The beliefs are so strong and there are so many individuals in this situation, we can see that it could create a disaster of mass proportions.

If the frustration continues at the present level there could be a worldwide war ending with the destruction of our planet. The Western world and some of the other nations of power can no longer afford to continue on their paths of domination. All citizens of all nations must be treated as though they are an important part of the world and not though they are an important part of the world and not shoved under the rug in favor of politics and corporate greed.

It is a shame that the Western world has been able to migrate its influences over much of the planet thus forcing many cultures to either accept these changes or fight for the sovereignty of their nations. Within those societies we have the pent up energies of those who have been forced to relinquish their own power to perceived higher forces and have been downtrodden with enormous amount of guilt about their very being. They have been repressed to the point of combustion and as mother Earth acts out her own way against the atrocities against her in the form of natural disasters, so it is that mankind/womankind is doing the same. The basic free will of mankind/womankind is being challenged at this point in our planet’s history like it has never been before.

Most of the middle East appears to be in for a slow awakening. The energies of Hierarchy are being concentrated on this area at this time to diffuse the situation but it is not an easy task. The people of these nations are entrenched in their religious beliefs, misguided as some of them are. It is a daunting task and will require much energy from the masters for many years to realign this area of the world. It will be just as hard for them to realign the Western world, for they are the ones who will likely put up the most resistance to sharing the resources of the world. Either way, the world as we know it is in for some positive changes that will affect every living thing on the planet. We have seen that mankind/womankind is starting to awaken to these and other injustices perpetrated by the ones in power. More and more individuals who are truly visionaries will soon start to replace the ones who have kept the great nations of the world in the dark. Just as we see the fall of our corporations we will also see radical changes in our government and the media.

I would like to discuss other life forms and how our thoughts affect the entire Universe. Our thoughts of negativity swirl up into the atmosphere and cling to the spatial grids of the Universe. They must be constantly neutralized and sent back to our planet with an abundance of love so that they do not affect other life forms in the Universe. Beings of Light are very sensitive to the energy created by our thoughts and have been surrounding our planet for years neutralizing them. We cannot see them for they are of etheric matter undetectable to the third-dimensional vision. Much of humanity still clings to the ideas had beliefs that the Universe involves them alone. However, this is far from the case. We have closed our minds and erected giant barriers against our soul’s evolution and other life forms. We have encased ourselves in a dark cocoon and locked the door, fearful of what may be out there. For us to discover the true nature of our soul, it would benefit us to open our mind to realities other than our own limited perceptions of self. There are many, many inhabited planets in our solar system and others. There are also many types of bodies, not always physical. Some are etheric. Mankind’s/womankind’s body is designed for Earth’s three-dimensional residency and is our vehicle for expression and communication. Our etheric body is our soul and it is within the realms of our physical body. It operates our physical body much as we operate a car. There are many other body types available to beings based on their point in evolution and the planets they choose to experience life on. They don’t necessarily
have to be flesh and blood like we have on Earth.

Many planets that we would deem uninhabitable are teeming with life. I will give an example: the planets Venus and Sirius are filled with the most peaceful, loving beings in the Universe. It is a place many of us often go to. In our third-dimensional perceived reality, we often have chosen not to acknowledge other life forms due to fear and our limited senses as to what is out there. We cannot see beyond the vision of the third dimension unless we have developed our etheric vision as a few of us have. When our etheric vision is developed we will be aware of a whole new world. That world will be in the forth dimension and eventually higher and with that we will be able to see and communicate with other Beings of Light. Many of us now are able to receive transmissions telepathically from Beings of Light and acknowledge them while also separating them from our own thoughts. Many of us though would appear to not be able to do this. That is only because we are not willing. Telepathic communication is available to all the method of communication is our future reality. As we consciously start to align our energies with the will and the plan of The Creator, these abilities will open up to us.

It is imperative that we live the life that we have chosen on Earth with the utmost of respect and love for our fellow human beings. We cannot make the transition in consciousness without changing our attitudes about each other. Anyone choosing to experience life at this time on planet Earth is learning some very valuable lessons about the effects of negativity. The great majority if the rest of the beings within the multitudes of solar systems do not experience negativity. This experience has been assigned to the inhabitants of Earth at this point in our evolution. Beings of Light carefully monitor how much the influence of negative energies are affecting the planet. If individuals on our planet continue on their present course of destruction they will miss out on our impending evolution and be left behind. These unfortunate souls will be sent back to the third dimension or offered lives in a two-dimensional reality where they will be able to enjoy the fruits of their greed and negative behavior. The souls that persist in their lifestyle of pillaging the planet and each other will be left in the lower dimensions until they seek the light. The rest of mankind/womankind are going to evolve with Earth, where all will reside in peace with a greater awareness of the connection of their souls to each other.

If our leaders attempt to use nuclear power for mass destruction, Beings of Light from the higher dimensions will interfere. Permission has been given to do so. Mother Earth will not be allowed to be destroyed by the fanatical behaviors of those who perceive themselves to be in power. Beings of Light are sending their energies to awaken mankind/womankind and assist with the transition of their consciousness. It will take a willingness on our part to promote peace in our world and take care of each other. It means using our free will and the energy of our being wisely to create a new reality on our planet. With our powerful thoughts we will have no problem doing this. For the stubborn few that insist on creating mass destruction and dominance over their fellow human beings and aligning their energies with the negative influences, the time is now to move towards the light. Some of us have already started to awaken. Stay awake, for if we close our eyes again we will fall back into our cosmic slumber and be left behind. Each one of us radiates with The Creator’s love and if we look for it in every being we encounter we will find it is there. Open our hearts and minds to being more loving and compassionate towards each other because we are all brothers and sisters evolving together. When we help another, we are also helping ourselves and both of us will benefit in our evolution. Forget about what people will think about us because it matters not to the soul. Do what you-the-soul knows is right in our relationships with others. The ego will always try to foil any attempts of the soul to circumvent its authority or challenge it by creating doubts or making one feel fearful of reaching out to others for fear of rejection. The only thing that is rejected is the ego and with this understanding one can certainly move always from that arena and let their soul shine through.

One of the areas that the ego likes to control is our emotions. Emotions come from the solar plexus area and are astrally grounded. At present in our evolution emotions have come to the boiling point and saturation levels are high as humanity is getting ready to make the transition of consciousness. This is to be expected, as there are many are as of our present reality that will start to break down as our consciousness makes the shift. Right now the third dimension is astrally polarized but as we move from Astral polarization to mental polarization we will start to gain control of the emotions. This stepping up will also begin to change the vibrational rate of the planet and its inhabitants. As the vibrational rate of the planet changes, the energy component of the beings that occupy it will move into a peaceful realm that has not been encountered in thousands of years. As the planet moves through this high energy field it will eventually move even further in tis higher-dimensional fields and complete the next phase of its evolution. The awakening of mankind/womankind is happening now. We are essentially re-scripting our future lives
during this awakening.

The future of humanity holds endless possibilities for peace. As our vibrational hum is raised so is our consciousness thus affecting our future with our future lives. Since we are able to affect our past, present and future with our thoughts and beliefs, what we focus our energies on now will either propel us into our new level of awareness or leave us behind in the lower dimensions of negativity. As more and more of us examine our beliefs and start to awaken to the purpose of our soul’s existence, we will naturally gravitate into higher vibrational frequencies. As humanity loses its fears and we begin to love one another, humanity evolves.

As many or us are now awakening, our souls are starting to radiate a brilliant light. As we move our energies into practicing unconditional love for one another, we are by our own thoughts moving the planet into a higher vibrational hum. many of us are very knowledgeable on the effects of energy and how it can be manipulated. As Beings of Light we are all energy. Humanity has already awakened to the creative abilities of its creature-hood and is now starting to focus on the evolution of its soul. As we start to awaken from the cosmic slumber that we have been in for so long the receptors of our neuro-cellular system are being charged with electromagnetic energy. Our planet too will be charged and the purification process will begin. The thoughts of many will create a positive radius of energy bathing the planet. The Earth will move into a tranquility unknown to mankind/womankind and eventually elevate itself into higher levels of harmonic vibration. It is not impossible to untangle ourselves from our perceived sets of beliefs and move our consciousness in the direction of Divine Light. Using some of the tools that I will provide , this should be an easy task for those of us who truly wish to evolve.

The contract with God and learning from Loss

We are on our planet to learn and evolve. When we have finished learning one incarnational group of experiences we will move on to another incarnational group of learning experiences until such time as we have mastered the Earth experience and can free ourselves of its limitations. All souls need to move on with their evolution. When we allow our life to be severely affected by the transition of another soul, we do not allow that soul to enjoy the peaceful existence it is now capable of experiencing. The constant longing for the soul to return to the Earth plane by its loved ones can have serious effects on the soul. For then instead of seeking the light and accepting the transition, the soul becomes absorbed with feeling the need to return to an Earth-life existence without the proper amount of rest time needed in its home dimension prior to the next incarnation. Their energy becomes trapped on the Astral Planes, not making it through to their home dimension. Some of these souls, because of the pull from their loved ones still experiencing a life on Earth, will hover in the Astral Planes for many years wanting desperately to return. Try to realize that by holding onto them we are not allowing them to be set free and move on with their soul’s evolution. We will meet these souls again. In most cases we have spent many lives incarnating with them. They are part of our soul group that may contain a large number of entities or just a few. We play various roles within the family hierarchies, each time experiencing different elements of life within these structures for the greater learning of soul.

The scripts or contracts that were made by us and the rest of the members of our soul group were set into place long before we incarnated into this life with the understanding that we would each play a role in the learning experiences of each other. Some may play perceived negative roles, others perceived positive roles, but it is all agreed upon for us to learn from the experience.

Now, the souls who have moved on or also moving on with their evolution but the lessons still remain for the Earth souls who are in the process of experiencing their chosen lives. We are to gain a valuable learning experience from this loss, as agreed upon by us before we incarnated into this life. It is our responsibility to continue with our contract until it is completed and we are able to make the transition ourselves.

Of course we feel sad at our loss, but it is really not a loss unless we see it that way and this becomes an ego perception. We create our own ideas about how we feel with our thoughts. The impetus behind thoughts is generally ego-motivated in this phase of our evolutionary path. If we choose to be happy then we will be happy. If we choose to be depressed and fearful, then that is what we will get. It does no good to dwell on the loss, for as I said earlier, it is not a loss but a transition from one state of energy to another. Allow the departed souls to move on by creating loving thoughts of joy for them that they are able to return home to where we all have come from. As we release them into their new existence, do it with an abundance of love and support. Know that we were not left alone so that we could wallow in our own misery but that we ourselves are now entering into a different learning path for our own soul’s evolution. The love light of the Creator will surround us and will never abandon us, for we are not separated from it. All we have to do is focus on the Divine energy of The Creator and we will be helped immensely in evolving our soul’s experience. All we have to do is ask. we can do this in either prayer or meditation, whatever is comfortable for us within our spiritual belief system.

I am going to deal with another subject right now, and this is related to suicide with 9/11. It is important to understand that our body is a gift. Some of us may feel the pain of our loss is unbearable. Please know that the souls involved in 9/11 chose to experience this probable death not only for themselves – for their own soul’s growth – but for ours. The rules are very clear about suicide. We my not take our life. It is a violation of Universal Law. Some of us may feel we cannot go on. We must stay to finish out our life and learn the lessons that we were brought to the Earth plane to learn.

The suicide mission entities have already been returned to incarnate in the bodies of babies in relatively the same conditions and circumstances. They will be returned into the same mass belief system of the nations from which they came and will have to try again to move towards the light. When a soul sheds its body, if the soul has created death for others or committed suicide, it is not allowed to re-enter its home dimension. The energy guides will escort the soul to Council where the soul entity will be advised by the Elders of the Council to return. A suicide can only be justified on an individual basis with the members of the Council and the soul present. There are only a few situations where it is acceptable. I will further elaborate. If we are terminally ill and our vehicle was in the final stages of the death process we will be allowed to re-enter our home dimension. If we have abused our life with drugs, alcohol or whatever, this is also considered a suicide and we will be returned to do it over again. The Council is the only force on the Astral Plane that makes these decisions when there is a borderline situation. Otherwise, it is fairly clear, we will not be permitted to enter our home dimension.

I may clarify what the home dimension is here. The home dimension of the Astral level is where most souls go to commune with each other and study. There are many home dimensions all based on various stages of evolution completed. As I said before, it is where we spend most of our time in-between incarnations on the Earth physical plane. The soul there will make their decisions as to whether they wish to transfer portions of their energy again or not and what planets they choose to go to although most will remain in Earth incarnations until the Earth experiences are completed.

Where we choose to incarnate and in what form is predicated on our spiritual evolution. There are certain experiences that one must master before moving on into the higher dimensions. All beings joyfully choose the type of body they wish to inhabit based on what experiences they wish to have while in that vehicle. Vehicles whether physical or etheric are tailored to the dynamics of the atmospheres in which they reside. Many life forms are simply not perceived by third-dimensional vibrations, therefore we would be unable to see them but they still exist and will be experienced by the soul at some point as part of its evolution.

For this next section I want to touch upon the perceived feelings of guilt. Perceived is exactly what they are for they are manifestations of our own mind experience. It is not a good practice to use guilt to blame oneself for the events that cause us to perceive our discomfort. If a choice was made that did not achieve the desired results, then so be it. It was a learning experience and most likely we will have learned from it. Then one moves on. By allowing ourselves to feel guilty about a situation, you are again setting up a chain reaction within the framework of our body consciousness to receive more than just guilt. These thoughts express themselves into many forms of illness whether mental or physical. They will begin to manifest because we have taken away the free will or our cells and injected into them our ideas and thoughts, thus changing the healthy and happy path that we were on in creating a whole and healthy being – oneself. Thoughts of this nature alter the consciousness of our cells, which in turn will affect the abilities of our body consciousness to keep our physical vehicle healthy.

Effectively it does no good to linger in thoughts of guilt, for essentially there is no such thing anyway. Guilt is a manufactured production of our own mind/thought energy. Guilt has no purpose. Punishing oneself with guilt only locks the doors on forgiveness of self and shuts out The Creator’s light. Realize that by letting go of the feelings of guilt and changing our conscious thoughts, we will have done more good than we are aware of. The thoughts that we harbor, when inter-playing in the negative arena, only serve to suppress our own soul’s growth.

I know some of us are saying as we read this that it all sounds well and true but how can I make myself stop those ideas from manifesting themselves? Be consciously aware of them. Look at and examine the underlying reasons that we have those thoughts and feelings. examine the physical sensations within the structure of the thought and analyze it. Are there other feelings and thoughts that have also participated in the creation of these sensations? We will see that there are indeed and perhaps many of them. Much can be said about the nature of our personal thoughts since they make up the nature of our very being. Without them we would not exist. When we can examine our thoughts on an honest level we will see that we have created not only the guilt that we have been speaking about, but also a host of other feelings that in some cases are interfering with our soul’s evolution. I will be including several exercise within this blog that will help us with analyzing our thoughts and realigning our beliefs.

Our physical vehicle is a marvelous thing, a very wondrous and ingenious invention. It is for our enjoyment, for us to experience all that the Earth plane has to offer. It is not meant to be locked-up in some closet of guilt or hidden under veils of fabric. Now I’m not saying that all of us should run out and strip off all our clothes and run willy-nilly into the streets, because of our society’s rules we would probably be arrested. Use this as a metaphor to release your ego’s energy from the bondage of its perceived beliefs and open up our powers of creativity. Learn to look at your fellow man/woman with a renewed interest in his/her being. We are all part of the same Divine energy source. As we observe our behaviors we send much love to us. It is the desire of all essences of the Divine energy of The Creator to live harmoniously with each other. Enough said on this subject of guilt for now. The messages that I have brought forth here can be applied to any situation where a perceived negative emotion surfaces and we have the desire to eliminate it from our perceived reality.

All of the souls who made the energy transition in 9/11 knew before coming into this life that they were going to be part of a mass awakening of consciousness on the planet be experiencing that event. Their transition from their Earth existence was worked out long before they were born. These brave souls knew that this event would realign the consciousness of mankind and start the process once again of moving us forward in our stagnant evolution. Their efforts were not in vain. Many of us came into an awareness of self and our relationship with the rest of humanity after this event. Our thoughts and ideas in our present reality are manifesting into actions now that are greatly affecting our future reality. As we move further into this material I will be stressing the importance of our thoughts on our reality and what we can do to change our world for the better.

Oftentimes when mass societies fall upon times of great stress, events will take place to redirect the consciousness back towards a peaceful existence. As with plagues and wars, these events orchestrated for the evolution of mankind/womankind. Many beings must learn from these events in order to maintain an equilibrium that is beneficial to the social order of their societies. The souls of 9/11, prior to incarnating into their lives, were aware that these events were probable reality and could lead to their probable deaths although they were not consciously aware of it as they lived out their daily lives. All probable reality is based on the actualized thought forms and free will of mankind/womankind. There were many, many others that for whatever reasons did not participate in the event, even though it was a probable reality for them as well.

The terrorists as we see them, for they do terrorize humanity with their beliefs, are no different than us or  in their soul’s essence. They are still part of The Creator’s energy source, however misdirected the ego-perceptive thoughts and actions of their physical vehicles are and have been. We are all connected as one within the many Universes. I realize this is hard for many of us to accept. Anyone who terrorizes individuals or nations is under the influence of negative forces and this should be apparent to most of us what we are witnessing. This event was a wake-up call to humanity and is one of many that are still to come until the leaders of our countries can put down their nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and start to help the people of the world out if their grip of poverty, fear and suffering.

If we will only stop and look at the information that we hold as true and see that for the most part we have unconsciously and consciously accepted them as being the norm. We have become complacent with the ideas of others and that all of society is evil and out to get us. When individuals are under the influence of the negative ego energies it would appear to be so. This is only an illusion, a temporary situation in which an individual has been caught in the web of these influences. With the realization that these forces exist, one can become more aware and thus begin to keep them from clinging to our light.

In this moment of our history we are witnessing the breakdown of many institutions that we thought were untouchable and indestructible. We are being awakened to the atrocities of our world and in doing so we will be in direct confrontation with many of the darkest forces of our planet. We will see more of this crumbling of our belief systems in the near future. This is is part of the process of the evolution of Earth and its citizens. There will be many more breakdowns in society;s firmest beliefs, for many of these beliefs do not hold any truths.

All souls have a built in desire to evolve, but because they have allowed outside forces to take over they are not sure how they will accomplish this. Many of us walk around in fear and despair because we have allowed our perception of the events around us to undermine our soul’s purpose on our great Earth. I will give a very simple exercise to remove negative forces from influencing us. It is important for us to learn how filter through and remove information that comes to us. Most of us take everything we hear from our leaders and media as truth. These truths that we believe to be truths are not what they appear. We can examine all data that comes into our mind and purge out what does not give us a positive approach to life.

When we find ourselves fearful and thinking negative thoughts or begin bombarded by them through the dialogue of others, when we are unable to break free of the situation, I would ask, do the following: I should you create a small box, an imaginary box. You will carry this box with you wherever you go. when besieged with negative information, take the thoughts, open the box, put them in and close the lid. You may envision yourself wearing a small box around your neck or carrying it in your pocket, but each time you become aware of an onslaught of negativity and you cannot get away from it, put it in the box. Put them in there and consciously remove them from your thoughts. This works quite well with not only thoughts, but people too. You may out the image of a whole person in there to be cleansed and returned whole back into the Universe. Each time you do this, you are helping to clean up the negativity of others even though they are not consciously aware of it. Put them in there with an abundance of love, no matter what they have done to you as you see it. When this is done with love, it will transmute back into love and back to you. Now, if you find the negative thoughts or people coming back into your head or life, simply open the box and out them in again until you get good at this. It will be routine. Now the thoughts may be hatred, greed, prejudice or anything that’s coming your way. If you’re driving your car and you suddenly create a hateful or a negative thought against another stop yourself, grab the thought and put it into the box. So you see this works both ways, incoming and outgoing.

The thoughts of mankind/womankind are neutralized by the higher-dimensional beings as they float into the Universe. We do not allow our negative thoughts to interfere with the lives of other beings in other solar systems. Since thought is energy and energy cannot be destroyed, there are very effective methods of neutralizing your negative energy through the use of crystals and then returning it in the form of love-energy back to our planet. When we put our thoughts of negativity into the box we are doing the same thing. Picture the box as a deep well lined with crystals at the bottom that will capture the negative thoughts as they fall in and neutralize them. when putting a person into the box, imagine them being surrounded by the healing energies of the crystals. If we do this often enough, you will begin to notice a positive change in yourself and others.


We are energy. All of our soul’s essence is formed of energy and that energy can never be terminated. It changes from one form to the other as we move in and out of life experiences. Our soul essence is eternal and ageless. God, Buddha, Allah, The Christ or whatever terminology We wish to use to describe the energy of The Creator, is alive in all creations and cannot be destroyed. When we think of the souls who died in 9/11 or any event for that matter, they did not really die at all, they simply moved from one form of energy to another. They are not gone, they simply have moved on in their soul’s evolution.

The physical vehicle is but a materialized form which the soul uses on the physical plane for expression and evolution. It is made and re-made many times through reincarnational journeys as the soul seeks to evolve itself. This materialized form of energy is limited to its vibrational rate within our system and appears to the human eye as solid, dense and quite real, yet in other systems it would appear quite transparent. Its energy is interchangeable and within the framework of the third dimension appears to its recipient as the basis for all life experience. Remember here that I am presenting this information as simple as possible, as there is a much greater depth to all of this, but it must be written in terms for us to understand.

Because of mankind’s and womankind’s preconceived notions of his/her physical mortality he/she has oftentimes assumed that his/her physical vehicle is all there is. The soul however, is piloting this craft and with its inherent knowledge of itself and its own wisdom it is fully capable of re-grouping its energy when faced with imminent crisis to the physical vehicle. All souls when facing a horrific death, will exit the body before the moment of impact. No soul wishes to remain during such event. When the souls have exited the body they are fully aware of the events taking place but without the physical trauma. The dimension they will reside in is very similar aspects to that of the physical plane. They are able to create any illusion they wish to remind them of their existence in the time-frame from which they just came, or from any other incarnation they they have focused their energy on.

Each time a soul incarnates into form on the physical plane, it brings with it one particle of memory from past incarnations. Upon entering another incarnational experience of Earth the majority of our soul memories are blocked so as to not interfere with our learning experience. A soul will set up prior to incarnation many probable events that it will choose to actualize into experience including the moments that would lead to a probable death of the physical form. Many of the souls of 9/11 were caught in a state of confusion, not knowing that this was the moment of their death as we perceive it. They entered the transition of their energy phase from one focused point of power to another. Since many were unprepared and the event was so sudden, some may linger around for some time trying to communicate with their loved ones. Most however will seek the light of their soul and move on.

Now let me elaborate a little but here about how manifestation of physical form transcends into the etheric form of energy thus allowing for the transition from third-dimensional reality to the astral levels during a traumatic event.

The victims of any fatal event are prevented from experiencing the great physical trauma of the event. They will be veiled from the physical environment. It is as if they have been encased in a cocoon, removed from their bodies and somewhat set to the side to view the event as if they were watching one of our television shows. In the veiling it is necessary, especially in mass events, so as to prevent the souls from experiencing the physical trauma of the event. The same occurred with the victims within the buildings. They were protected from experiencing their reality. Only the empty physical vehicle remains. The souls will vacate the body moments prior to the event. The empty physical vehicle is still able to function to some degree, but without the main consciousness directing it. It is as if one steps into another dimension temporarily and when the time is right, the soul will have an awareness of its present condition and start the process of moving towards the light and onto Astral Plane of consciousness. Of course in these events there are many guides around to ensure the transition of their energy through the Astral Plane and on to their home Astral dimension. There are many levels of the Astral planes and a soul’s home dimension is predicated on what stage of evolution the soul has evolved to through its incarnational experiences. It is here where the soul will rest and be counseled, as there is often-times some level of trauma to the soul. The soul will be showered with an abundance of love and may have to be cocooned for some period of time to rest.

Whatever is comfortable for the soul entity will be manifested by beings from the Astral dimensions to help the transition. All souls when moving out of Earth dimension will first enter into the Astral plane where they must seek the light and move through it. Many who have had near death experiences describe going through a tunnel. This is the silver cord that is connected to our solar plexus. In the dream state and often when individuals wish to travel within the Astral Plane, they are tethered to their physical vehicles by this cord. When a soul experiences the Earth death process, its energy travels through this silver cord, the energy must pass through the Astral Plane and into the light, the light of our soul’s essence. This light will guide us to the home Astral dimension of our soul’s energy where we will experience, through the use of a hologram, visions familiar to us.

There will also be other energy forms commonly referred to as guides waiting to assist us. For those of us whose light does not shine very brightly because of our actions or lack of in the life or lives that we have experienced, this may be more difficult. If we are heavily grounded in the materialistic realms of our world, we may also experience a pulling to go back to Earth. There are many souls wandering around in the Astral Planes trying to find the light. Some of them have been there for what would be centuries in Earth terms. The closer we align ourselves in this life to the Divine energies of The Creator, the brighter our light will be and the easier our transition. Often these souls have over-identified with their physical vehicles, ignoring the soul aspects of their consciousness and are now left in a state of limbo so to speak, looking for a place to go.

If we persist in identifying with the materialized form of the physical vehicle only, and ignoring the soul aspect of self, it will be harder for us when it comes our time to make the transition. We will find ourselves imprisoned in a sea of uncertainty and confusion. The situations that the deceased find themselves in will vary greatly depending on their own life experience and beliefs.

Now, as we move on, information from the soul’s memories are used to manifest images of their loved ones that have departed the Earth. This holographic matrix is where we will be greeted by the illusion of these relatives that have already made the transition. They will be on the light matrix and the recently departing soul’s energy from the Earth plane is to move towards that light. For instance, if our mother or father had already made the transition of their energy, the soul will most likely want to connect with us during our transition. The image of the mother or father will then be manifest through a holographic matrix in a form that is most familiar to the soul that is leaving the Earth plane to allow them to cross through the Astral Plane in a more comfortable fashion. It is these entities that greet the soul, but with the physical characteristics that the soul has in its most recent memories. It is important to remember that most often these are energy guides manifesting images familiar to us.

However, if our friends or relatives are not already engaged in other stages of activity, then they will manifest and greet us. I would make another clarification here if I may. The word “soul” here as it best identifies with our terms in our reality and it is meant to show us that we are independent from physical form. Our physical form or vehicle is the tool provided to us-the-soul for communication in the third dimension. It is a body and as such has its limitations, and when its life span is completed it will be returned to the energy source from which it came and trans-formed into something else.

Souls will often incarnate with the same souls over and over again and the soul will be looking for the most recent version of those souls since it is still tied very much to the Earth plane from which it has just departed. Once the soul has moved into Astral home dimension, they will then be counseled with their energy guides present and prepared for a life review. This self-examination may take, in Earth terms, many months, or many years. It usually depends on how much trauma the soul experienced, but a life review is always in order. That will take precedence over anything else after the entities have settled into the reality of their energy transition. The life review is necessary and done only with one’s spirit guides as we call them. It is a private matter. The other entities that have incarnated with the soul will not be involved in that process. During this review, the soul will then realize whether or not its contract has been fulfilled. (Use of the word contract again as a human term, it is really the choosing of a group of experiences that the soul wished to actualize and whether or not the soul was able do so. We can think of it as a theme or contract, whatever fits into human terms so that we can understand that there was a purpose for us coming to our planet.) On Earth, there are many stages of development of the consciousness and in order to evolve one must complete these stages. Now in the most simple of terms, as there is a far greater depth to all of this.

This contract is between us and The Creator and is a necessary step in our evolution as a soul. We are part of this infinite energy source. We are an extension of this energy and within the framework of our physical vehicle we are experiencing our life with The Creator’s energy light source. It would be physically impossible for the energy of All That Is to take on a body of its own because the energy is so massive that it could not manifest all of itself in the limited space of one body, nor would a body be able to withstand it. That is why souls have been created. Each soul is a spark of this vast energy source and all of its experiences are also experienced by All That Is. It is the soul’s nature and desire after perfecting itself to eventually merge with this energy source.

After we have taken a rest period for a while and have examined our life, we will then be counseled and we will study and we will learn as we have always done how to manipulate energy. We are the co-creators of our Universe and everything in it. This task is beyond our third-dimensional abilities, however eventually as we evolve we will be creators of planets and life forms. After our life review and rest period we will be given another opportunity to move on our evolutionary path.

A review through some of the many holograms of available experience will help us with these decisions. It is of our choosing however, because as an Earth plane initiate us have free will to move as close as we wish to the energy of The Creator and at our own pace.

Since there is no time outside of the Earth dimension, we may focus as many portions of our energy in whatever life experiences we wish to learn from within the evolutionary framework of our soul. The soul’s perception of this will seem to be an eternity, however all will eventually want to move forward and continue their evolution. Psychics can communicate with souls who are waiting to in their home Astral dimension. They are in transition. They are able to create whatever realities they wish in this transitional period. That dimension is quite lovely and is meant to be a reminder of Earth but with far more beauty. It is a peaceful place where souls may reflect on their lives and commune with one another. Many are quite happy there for long periods of time. This is similar to heaven that we envision in our religious belief systems, however to be in Heaven is really the merging of our consciousness with the infinite energy source of All That Is.

Souls that have committed atrocities against their fellow man/woman are not allowed into this restful Astral dimension. They will be returned to the Earth promptly, reborn to relearn. This return would be similar to our visions of hell because the soul will not be able to experience the peacefulness of its home dimension and once again experience the feeling of separation from the Creator. It would be returned to the negativity of Earth with all of its turmoil. However, the main focus of the soul between transitions is to study and learn from its experiences and move on in its evolution to higher-vibrational planets or go into service with one of the lower-vibrational planets and assist those souls in their evolution.

One must fully transcend all levels of experience in many life forms before evolving to this level. The more life experiences the soul chooses to experience and learn from, the closer it gets in moving into the higher vibration of its evolution. The Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and many more are all members of our planet’s Hierarchy and are fully capable of incarnating in self-made bodies and do not have to go through the birth/death process. These entities no longer need to experience a physical life as we know it, for they have transcended the limitations of the third dimension. These entities that have lived many lives on our planet have chosen to remain in Earth-service in this phase of their evolution. Some of these entities have already entered into our world. They have come to assist The World Teacher who has already manifested his body and is gently working among humanity to guide the beings of our planet to our new level of consciousness.

On all planets there are various levels of Hierarchy working the souls of those planets. They are all in various stages of their evolution. Our planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy is presently working to assist humanity in its evolution. These beings are associated with the various levels of spiritual development and religious beliefs of the citizens of our world. Each one is working with their groups at this time to begin the unification of consciousness and realign all of our spiritual and self into a oneness with Hierarchy and the planetary Creator. Our spiritual ignorance is what has caused so many of our problems in our world. The World Teacher is The Christ himself and this being is highly evolved. He is one of the most evolved beings associated with our planet. All of these beings were once men/women with physical bodies as we have, they are just further along on their evolutionary path. They are here to teach us at this critical time in our evolution.

Fear-Driven energies have been taken for granted

Human beings have been reluctant over he centuries to tune into the telepathically transmitted information that is being given to them. We have essentially put on our cosmic blinders in favor of old superstitious ways. The fear of the unknown has kept their awareness locked in the dark recesses of our minds, pushed aside like leaves on the pathway. We choose to ignore many of the messages that would enable us to complete our soul’s evolution. Locked in the grip of fear and anger we flounder around like a fish out of water looking for answers to our dilemma. We are besieged with an abundance of negative stimuli from media. We are then flocking like geese to the nearest psychoanalyst to explain to us why we feel the way we do.

Often we are given prescriptions for a variety of medications and sent on our way. In this great mass of circular logic we rotate in and out of our perceived dilemma until the overload of our behavior finally gets the best of us through disease or illness – as is quite fashionable these days – to label these anomalies with syndromes of every type imaginable. Then the patient walks out of the medical office with the assumption that he or she has a justifiable condition and therefore can again push aside the inner voices of our consciousness for a more narrow-minded answer to our problems. We can then continue on our self-destructive path and be fully justified in doing so. We no longer have to confront our behavior and its source.

We merrily take our pills and go on about our daily business. Meanwhile our symptoms once again are pushed aside. This endless circle of behavior eventually catches up to us and we find ourselves with another physical malady and so it goes, on and on, one episode after the other. The disturbed energies of fear-driven society have been taken for granted in our everyday life The majority tenaciously cling to these ideas and refuse to accept any other explanations that are not grounded in scientific beliefs.

Love and Light are Knowledge

Many of us have adopted destructive sets of beliefs, lives filled with ego-gratification, greed and selfishness. This however is not the soul’s true nature. If left alone without all of the negative stimuli, the soul would return to a peaceful hum that it has always known. Mankind and womankind would be in sync with Mother Earth and the rest of the planetary life that dwells in our dimension. If we would learn to surround ourselves with The Creator’s light and energy, we would essentially be able to eradicate the constant barrage of fears that have surrounded us. Love and light, which is knowledge, are the only things that are needed to free us from our path of self-destruction. They will dissolve the layers of negativity like acid on ripe fruit and release our soul’s essence from its spiritual slumber. The soul’s essence of each and every one us is trying to pry itself free from the grip of the negative energies surrounding our existence.

As we perceive our reality as something that We have created, then we can and will change it for the better. To find oneself, one must look within, for within lies the perfection of God and the Universe that it ultimately – US. Eventually all of us will see the light, if not now then later. For the entities that refuse to evolve and continue on their greedy, self-centered path with no regard for their fellow man, we may find oneself removed from the humming rhythms of the evolving Earth’s move into the peaceful fourth dimension and assigned to one of the lower-vibrational, two-dimensional planets until such time as our soul yearns to move towards the light and be cleansed. Like a stone encased inside a mountain, there we will sit and wait until we have had enough time to seek the love light.

Many of us have already been awakened from our spiritual slumber and are diligently participating in moving the rest of mankind and womankind into the arenas of awareness. Now when I am referring to negative influences or energies, I would clarify here what I am attempting to convey. It is with respect to our ability to allow our ego’s desires to control our vehicle instead of our soul’s light, as the soul only knows its light and love. It also refers to certain energies in and around our planet that do not serve to evolve with the plan of The Creator.

Now I am not trying to be gloom and doom here, for those entities that are relinquished to this dimension do not in any way reflect the majority of us. Most of us will start soon to get the messages and move towards the light. However, for those of us who persist in the cat-and-mouse game of dominating everyone and everything on the planet, our evolution will not be forthcoming as swiftly as the rest of our planet’s citizens and we may be left behind. I have spoken before about how we can change our reality with our thoughts. Since our reality IS our thoughts, this will not be hard to do.