Category Archives: HYPNOSIS


We have titled this section of the Series of Blogs Spiritual Prosperity to again challenge your beliefs about what is and is not spiritual. Everything is literally made of spirit. Everything in our world is spiritual, therefore. Spirit is Light. Spirit is energy. We are on the Earth currently to learn how to use energy to create our world in an improved fashion. From this premise we shall move forward.

Our Spiritual Prosperity Program will allow you to transform your beliefs and ideas about abundance. If you are experiencing a lack of necessities, you will be empowered to alter your perspective in a necessary fashion to reveal The Abundant Universe. Now this Abundant Universe is always there for you to experience. It is a probable manifestation from the field of limitless probabilities before you.

Your focus upon the positive elements within your field of perception is the path to creating and experiencing The Abundant Universe. You may remember this as the Consecutive Positive Assessments technique from the last Blog. In the Spiritual Prosperity Program we shall avail ourselves of the techniques and experiments used in The Healing Regimen


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from your future healed self.


This experiment would be a form of “back engineering.” For example: as you visit this future healed self, using your visualized transport, you might ask yourself, “What am I doing differently now that has perhaps helped me achieve this healed stat?” Make a list of what comes to mind. You are indeed in that moment of contact, receiving information from a probable future self that is experiencing a healed state. This information gathering may take the form of an informal interview. Have a list of questions prepared prior to the experiment. If you are sufficiently comfortable in Trance that you will not be distracted by reading your questions, have the questions available to refer to during the interview.

Now…. this is your most effective advisor, your future healed self. This information from your future self may take the form of nonsense. You may, for example, be advised to perform an absurd gesture, motion or such thing. This does not make sense to your third-Dimensional ego, for it may seem embarrassing, silly etc. If you feel that you are in contact with your Guides, that you are guided by them and you are in contact with your future healed self, my advice is to take the advice of this Energy Body. Perform the silly gesture. Do the embarrassing behavior. Obviously, we would not wish to harm anyone, including the practitioner, in taking this advice.

You may, using your Inner Senses, perceive this future healed self and you might ask questions of this self and receive the telepathic responses that you may integrate into your Healing Regimen. These responses may come in symbolic form. Again, using your intuitive faculties, interpret these messages and act on them or not. Of course you have free will here, as do you in all facets of your existence, and you may act accordingly.

FINDINGS – Write down the answers you are receiving or in another way document this information from your future self.


The suggestions you give yourself continuously, your “inner dialogue,” or whatever you wish to call this conversation, are indeed very influential in your co-creation of the Personal Reality Field. Everything is suggestion, you see. All is the work of Gestalt of Consciousness.

Let me digress… we have spoken at length in this Blog Series on the great value in “listening” to suggestions of your Loving Guides. These suggestions often take the form of positive thoughts, feelings and images sensed within your mental environment. It feels, at these times of contact, that you may be experiencing a divine intervention of sorts, for the experiences of the preceding moments may have been anything other than positive and Loving. Your preceding experiences may have been very negative and challenging. Perhaps what you have done then is you have put a call to your Guides to assist you in your Reality Creation, and they have done so. In this way, you have asked for assistance from your Guides and they have responded “right when you needed it most.”

Another way to experience this state of contact with the Divine in an ongoing manner, is to “plant” the positive suggestions within your consciousness purposely, so that over time you are training yourself to experience your world in a positive way, with continuous contact with the Divine. You then recreate your reality in a positive fashion. The creation of positive realities becomes habitual, replacing the habitual creation of negative or mundane realities. This purposeful guiding of the human mentally through speech is the basis of all our healing systems on our Earth. From the aboriginal shaman to our modern medicine practitioner, all have used Healing Talk for support in the healing process.


This experiment is similar to the preceding one, with a subtle difference. Now relax your body using your preferred techniques. The products of your belief Revisioning are the affirmative statements you may use to counter the negative ruminations that support the creation of your mundane existence. Ideally you would have committed the affirmative statements or suggestions to memory. If not, have your suggestions written out on a piece of paper to read when you are at your preferred state of relaxation. The next step is to read your affirmative statements to yourself while you are in Trance, or perhaps record the statements for playback while you are in relaxed state. Over time, if you are diligent, the positive healing statements will supplant the negative ruminations that support the malady.

FINDINGS – Document your findings rigorously in creating Healing Talk that counters your negative ruminations.


Hypothesis: The emotional body displays the causes and cures of all maladies.

Now let us attempt to “read” The Emotional Body. You will be attempting to assess, with your Auric Vision, the energy signatures of the various imbalances and cures inherent in the Auric Display.


First, please attempt to embody a deep state of relaxation. You may accomplish this by focusing on your breathing for just a few moments. You may also stretch your body in your particular fashion that leads to relaxation and a focus on the inner world. Use whatever methods you have perfected in your experimentation.

Now what we are attempting here, as in all experimental research in this new Teaching of mine, is nothing less than the entering into Trance State. This state of consciousness is simply the mental environment of your Soul Self. Here you bridge the inner to the outer worlds with your awareness. You fine-tune the perceptive tools – your Inner Senses – with you Intention to achieve the precise focus of awareness that YOU require to accomplish your goals.

The perceived representation of The Emotional Body may encompass the majority of the physical body, but is centered, as I said, within the heart region The “reading” of The Emotional Body has a visual component, yet it may be a felt sensation, as in a sense of tingling or other energy signatures within your own body. You may also experience it as a “heard” vibrational message in manner of song. These sensing’s may come to you as images and full visions, possibly composed of personas or animals in various roles, acting out various scenes for your education and enjoyment. The dramatizations may be sensed on the inward eye, though the eyes may indeed be open. The visionary state permits these contradictions – feeling the pulse of visualized scenes of hearing the songs of manifested illnesses and their sources.

The Auric Vision is the Inner Sense representation to your mental awareness of the health issue in its totality. This potent Idea Construct or Gestalt of Consciousness exists as a holographic reference that contains everything you as the Healer require to diagnose and bring balance to your own body or the body of your subject. Each of you will sense and interpret this information in your individual ways.

This Auric Vision may come to you quite quickly, just as you enter your state of awareness, or it may take several minutes for you to focus on your Inner Senses and achieve a diagnosis and perceive possible cures. You may need to “sleep on it” and receive the bulk of the information in the dream state, for assessment, diagnosis and curative measures to be achieved on awakening. These are matters of the healing process. Do what serves best your needs or the needs of your subject.


Use your hands to fan around the body, “feeling” for any anomalies of energy vibration. You may do this literally, with your physical hands and make passes around your own body or the body of your subject, or you may do this in the visualized form, using your imagination.

Project your consciousness into your body or the body or your subject, to search from within it as a miniature explorer.

Listen to the narrative of subject and derive from these words, the messages from the Energy Bodies that will serve to direct you to the cause of the difficulties. This narrative may serve to bring to your mind a visual or other sensory dramatization that holds the diagnosis information in symbolic or literal form.

When you are working on your own healing, simply attempt to tune-in to your inner ruminations. These messages are the supports of the Gestalts of Consciousness we are calling disease process. Now also within this inner dialogue are messages from Beings of Light. These suggestions may have come from your future probable existences of from other Guides who are attempting to assist you in your Healing Journey. Simply put, here in this experiment you are tuning-in the healing states and tuning-out the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the disease.

Now illness is a Lesson that your Soul Self has “arranged” for you to experience in physical form, yet it is possible to heal yourself if you can learn the Lesson in other ways. For example: suppose on reading your Light Body you discover that the “reason” for your diabetes, is an imbalance in The Emotional Body. You are having difficulty accepting and processing “the sweetness that life has to offer.” This manifests as physical illness in a very literal way. You may heal yourself by learning how to accept and transmit the sweetness of life. You needn’t suffer unto death from the illness. So it is essential that the underlying “cause” of the malady be addressed or the difficulty may come back in another form, as in a physical, mental or spiritual malady of some sort. These are matters of belief revision. This subject will be explored next.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings from this ongoing experiment.


Another technique the researcher may use is the suspension of disbelief. This is the divine perspective that is necessary for us to CONTINUE to create moments of healing within our Personal Reality Field. When we first meet with success at creating a cessation of symptoms, for example, through our Healing Talk or other strategies, our rational mind will surely be amazed. If we are at that moment perceiving through the ego/intellect, we may “not believe our eyes, ” and ascribe the transformation to something other than our Divine Will. This may serve to short circuit the healing process. Doubt is interjected into the mix and so faith or courage becomes compromised. Rather I suggest that at the moment of cessation of symptoms, be joyous and amazed, knowing that we have succeeded in that moment with co-creating our reality with All That Is toward the healing of our body. There is a sense of humility we can muster here, and yet still marvel at our powers of manifestation. It is a balance we may achieve between humility and charisma, between supreme confidence and wishful thinking.

Dear Blog Reader, you are already expert at the suspension of disbelief. When you enjoy a book or a movie or other dramatic presentation, you are immersing yourself in the media and you are letting go of the skeptical aspect of your personality for the time being. As you create the story in you imagination that is suggested by the words in the book or the scenes in the movie or on the stage, you are submitting your inner self to the influences of the story. This you have done countless times, no doubt, when you were a child listening to fairy tales, for example. As well, you are continuing this tradition as an adult when you experience stories of any type. So this use of the imagination is a very natural one for you. It is the basis for all of your creative endeavors as human beings, including the very basic practice of Reality Creation.


The Healing Regimen is a cooperative effort between the practitioner and the Guides in a diagnosis of The Emotional Body. A Blueprint is then made for the creation of a positive reality called Healing. Rituals of Healing are then performed with the application of the various techniques and experiments. The continual application of the ritual of Healing until the Healing Regimen becomes habitual, creates a positive reality that will sustain itself over time.

Thus, a healing regimen implies regimentation, does it not? Here we are approaching the subject in a very systematic fashion. This is how you get results with these techniques, you see, by creating the Personal Reality Field in purposeful ways. You will not be “sleepwalking” through your life as you may have done in the past. The goal is to achieve conscious awareness in the moment. Then in these moments of awareness, I suggest in the moment. Then in these moments of awareness, I suggest you enact your ritual of Healing and purposeful Reality Creation. It is the sequential empowerment of the moments in our existence, that leads in time to the creation of an improved Personal Reality.

This project is really an extended Ritual. If you remember, our definition for Ritual in the context of my new Teaching, is “the consistent requesting of contact and communication with non-physical beings – Beings of Light.” It is all about spirit thought and contact with this stream of communication. Everything in our reality has consciousness and everything may be contacted for communication.

Of course, you may if you wish, continue to heed the communication stream of the ego/intellect, as you have done for perhaps many years in your life. However, if you do, you will in all likelihood merely achieve a recreation of the status quo reality. If you are ill, for example, you may simply recreate a physical body that is ill. I suggest that you do something different here. Experiment with your reality.


The Emotional Body is the energy center of our human body within which the signatures of the various Energy Forms may be perceived. As we have stated in previous Blogs, within the electromagnetic corona it is central plane, the focus of the intersecting energies that comprise the Light Body. This nonphysical construct may be visualized as an oval form of pulsating light energy suspended within the heart region of the physical body. Of course, we may sense it in our individual ways. This form is perceived with the Inner Sense of sight we have named Auric Vision.

In my theory, emotion is the great creative force within our system that serves to push the incipient Reality Constructs into physicality. We have described this in a very basic way in our last series of Blogs. Let me summarize this material. It is ALL about emotion in our world. We exist within Third-Dimensional reality. We create our world according to the various thoughts and images within our mental environment AND the templates for creation that exist as Gestalts of  Consciousness. We cooperate with EVERYTHING IN OUR EXISTENCE in this play of consciousness we are experiencing that we call “my life.”

Now everything in created reality exists as a particular frequency or vibration of emotion, what we have referred to as “bio-electric energy.” Everything is alive. Everything is composed of this Light Energy. We might think of these individual vibrations as the “emotional charge” that both creates and sustains the Reality Construct – whatever that might be – time and space in our system.

This idiosyncratic vibrational signature “My” entity, when we wish to communicate with one another. The entity has a specific frequency or emotional Energy Form that he/she displays, as do us all. These frequencies are perceived through the Inner Sense, so that we may “See” the frequency, “Hear” the frequency and so on. These senses tend to blend together somewhat, as we have stated earlier.

Since all Energy Bodies have their own individual emotional charge or frequency, where there are issues of symptoms and illness, there are the attendant Energy Forms representing these constructs that are observable within The Emotional Body. Also within this Emotional Body there are observable Energy Constructs that will lead us to “solutions” – the healing and balance we are seeking. We might call these Gestalts of Consciousness the non-physical “Data Banks” that hold the collected wisdom and experience of healing from the practices of magicians, shaman, witches and healers.

Another way to describe this repository of healing might be to briefly speak on the subject of “spontaneous healing,’ as we call it. Now our literature is filled with stories of humans who have “garnered their inner resources” to effect miraculous changes in their debilitating physical conditions. Of course, to the human raised within a society that stresses the medical model, these transformations from deathly ill to completely healed are indeed perceived as miraculous. Yet, if we view disease process and the medical model as Gestalts of Consciousness, may we also conceive of Spontaneous Healing as simply another readily accessible Gestalt of consciousness? The Gestalt of Consciousness we might call Spontaneous Healing is the ” transmitter” that we “tune-in” to with our Metaphorical Tools to receive the signal – that we will use to create the necessary changes within the body for the transformation.


Our emerging reality is composed of Light, as we have said. We might say that the Coordinate Points within the juncture of time and space of any particular Moment Point of our physical existence, serve to “hold the shape” of the emerging reality, the outgrowth, if you will, of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This context for Realty Creations is indeed the Love Light Matrix. The atoms or Consciousness Units are each, again as we have suggested, energized, animated, empowered by Love with a capital L.

Our world is an ongoing manifestation created from the Loving energized of All That Is. All That Is IS LOVE, and so it follows that Reality Constructs of all types are founded in Love. Now within our Consensus Realities of Earth at this time, there is a pronounced diversion AWAY from Love. We may see this in all of our social, political and even our religious institutions.

It is obvious, is it not? Our world is in crisis. It is increasingly difficult to find Love in our reality. It is true that there is a Turnabout that is occurring, as we see how the absence of Love is so damaging to humanity? See it and remember it.

Now with regards to human health and healing, it is the same: wherever Love is absent, you will surely find decay, illness, disease, imbalance. I am not telling you something you do not already know. Dear Blog Reader, you are conceived in Love, but we are diverted by either emotions as we live our life. The consistent experiencing of the Negative Emotions result in the creation of symptoms and disease. Now in a sense, The Healing Regimen is a matter of peeling away the residue of Negative Emotion that hardens like a shell around The Emotional Body. Underneath this shell we will find the core of humanity – Love, just as we have been describing.

These emotions of Love and Compassion serve a very important purpose here in this project. They are the forces the practitioner uses to affect healing and balance. So that here, in a very elementary way, Negative Emotions serve to create symptoms and disease, whereas Loving Understanding and Compassion serve to create healing and balance. Again emotion is an Electromagnetic Entity that serves as the impetus or natural energy source for the creation of Reality Constructs.

In this suggestion we may also see a strategy for approaching the Healing Quest we are to begin. Human emotion, is the concentrated force that the co-creator employs to “push” into manifestation the desired reality of healing. So that success here is determined by the intensity of desire you can consistently muster within the Rituals of Healing we will cover momentarily.


In The Healing Regimen, just as in other matters of intentional Reality Creation, the idea is to become cognizant of our unconscious agendas of manifestation IN THE MOMENT. In this moment of awakening, we may use our will to begin the creation of improved Reality Constructs with regards to our physical being, i.e. the transformation of symptoms and “disease states” to a lack symptoms and the perception of “healed” body states.

Now our approach requires a definite change of perspective for the average Blog Reader. Please allow me to present some background to this discussion for those of us who may be new to this material. In my last series of Blogs I encouraged you to take on the roll of Scientist of Consciousness. And as a specialist in the use of the Inner Senses, I asked you to go about your investigations in this ongoing “altered state.” I reminded you that the Scientist of Consciousness was the magician, the shaman, the witch of antiquity. You were simply affirming your connection to these original scientists from your perceived past. As you embodied the suggested role of Scientist of Consciousness, you “put on” the perceptual lenses of the witch or the shaman or the healer.

In this new Blog project of ours, as we intentionally create this altered state within our mental environment, we will enable our Inner Senses to “pick up” the vibrational messages of Consciousness Units that exist within the specific Gestalts of Consciousness, some representing, shall we say, “disease process,” and others representing “healing process.”

Both disease and healed states, as well as all states in between, exist in the moment. Our goal as researchers is to determine with our Inner Senses, the influences from the various Gestalts of Consciousness and how they assist in the creation of our particular malady of the malady of our subject. Then we shall use our Metaphorical Tools to diminish or eliminate these influences – guided by the Gestalts of Consciousness representing healing process – so the the body many return to balance.

Let us briefly discuss the related views of some of the indigenous peoples of our Earth. We often make these comparisons in our discussions to illustrate that unknown reality is already quite well known to some of us. For example: in the spiritual traditions among the First People of our human race, an intimate relationship exists between the human and the environment. It is common to speak to Nature directly in these collectives and receive responses from trees, stones, animals etc. These humans are well aware of the consciousness and integrity of plants, animals and the various elements around them. They accept that a rock has a spirit, that fire has a spirit that may be addressed and that will respond.

Just as the indigenous peoples communicate with the spirits of the natural world, it is possible for us on The Healing Regimen to seek counsel from these Energy forms, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness. We do this through the use of our Inner Senses, observing The Emotional Body.


As with all of our creations in physical reality, we could say that we are entranced by our own projections, including the bodily states known as “symptoms and illnesses.” Now I have spoken in other Blogs of the dangers in our medical community of constantly referring to the “inevitability” of certain illnesses forming in the human body. Statistics are bandied about SUGGESTING that such-and-such a percentage of men or women will INEVITABLY “fall victim” to certain diseases. Do you see where I am taking this discussion? The disease process is supported on the SUGGESTIONS of Gestalts of Consciousness. And so we might say that the great majority of our medical doctors are “under the spell” of these Energy Bodies. They are entranced with this Gestalt of Consciousness, the central information center called the medical model. They have been for many years indoctrinate with the data and procedures that support this system.

We play your part in this drama also. Dear Blog reader. It is our role to “pretend” that what the doctors say is true. We obediently create the applicable symptoms within our body. We are supporting our health and practitioner in this way. “Doctor’s orders” DEMAND that you create a particular set of symptoms to correspond to a particular disease state. This collaboration takes place on the subtle levels, of course. The telepathic communication streams are quite active between Gestalts of Consciousness of various types, the doctor and the patient. Everyone must do their part here in order to sustain the “appearance” of illness and the “appearance” of healing or perhaps failure to heal, initiated by the medical profession.

It is all supported on suggestion. These suggestions are essentially Idea Constructs that are the building blocks of disease and the treatment of disease. Thus we have, for example, a Gestalt of Consciousness know as Alzheimer’s Disease. The patient is experiencing this illness as a vehicle for the learning of particular Lessons. In the case of Alzheimer’s, Lessons of infantilism and being cared for without protest, are often the reasons for the creation of the disease state, though it is not wise to generalize in these matters.

Ultimately however, illnesses of all kinds are created as life Lessons. The disease state is a teacher to us in physical reality. Our Soul Self our Guides and all members of our Soul Family are engaged with us in the drama of physical illness. We are learning our Lessons as a collective, much as we would study and learn within a classroom in one of our universities.

Now to elaborate on this comparison here… just as we would learn in a classroom the subject matter in a course on, shall we say, Life Science, everything needed to pass that course, in The Healing Regimen we may discover that truths in the Lessons of physical existence. As we become knowledgeable on the causes of our malady, we may find the means to learn our Lesson in other ways, perhaps in ways that do not entail physical symptoms and disease. This is always our free will choice. We may decide to continue the Lesson of physical illness or we may decide to discover the “causes” and address them.


Prophecies are based on the most probable outcomes if you were to follow on your current trajectory. Thus, if you are currently in a positive frame of mind, the probabilities for a positive future are greatly diminished.

Create your positive future NOW with your positive life-affirming beliefs and ideas.


Let us review the basics for purposes of creating The Healing Regimen. As we well know, you are a Soul within a physical body and with All That Is we co-create our existence in Third-Dimensional reality. In this endeavor we cooperate with each and every Consciousness Unit in our perceptive field. The “blueprints” for our creative works are the beliefs, thoughts and images that predominate in our mental environment. These blueprints exist as arrays of Coordinate Points within the pre-manifestation domains. These arrays merge to create Gestalts of Consciousness – complex affiliations of mental constructs – that are, in essence, the nonphysical representations of EVERYTHING.

Thus, ideas and images relative to a concept identified as “the common cold,” for example, assemble into Gestalts of Consciousness, representing the accumulated “wisdom,” you might say, from all human experience of the common cold. All of the “requirements” for achieving the common cold are represent. The symptoms are there within these incipient Reality Constructs. In a sense, we could say that the operating system for the cold virus is “resident” within the mental constructs. The symptoms exist in potentiality. They await the invocation of the disease state into the mental environment of the human.

Now, the “disease process,” as we call it, exists first as a mental vulnerability. This is not the accepted view, I certainly realize. However, bear with me for just a moment, the mental precedes the physical in all matters of disease process. But if course, there must be the physical “cause” of the illness. The mental and thus the emotional vulnerability creates a physical vulnerability through suggestion. “I am near those who have colds, I will get a cold,” “I am old and vulnerable to disease, I will get a cold.”

The continual presentation to the inner mental environment that we are vulnerable – either through our own internal ruminations or through the transmissions from other Energy Bodies – Creates the physical vulnerability, such as a weakened immune system, so that exposure to particular strain of virus would then “lead” to the creation of the disease state in the body and the “inevitable” progression of the illness through to its conclusion.

Perhaps I should elaborate on my statement that the suggestions “create” physical vulnerabilities within the body. These suggestions or thoughts or potent images, form whatever source, are the same as any other thoughts or images generated by consciousness, in that they seek manifestation within the physical and other dimensions.

In the case of disease process, we find that the creation of imbalance occurs on a cellular level. So that if we might envision a cell within the body as it exists within the organ or blood or perhaps muscle tissue as being subject to the messages and the many systems that feed “information” to the cells to govern theory activity, such as the immune, digestive and other systems – do you see how the mental suggestions might serve to short-circuit some of these information streams?

A simple example here for illustration, would be the difficulties that may come from a sensitive person observing distasteful images while they eat. They may incur a bad case of indigestion from these mental suggestion that ALL illness and their symptoms, are caused by these Gestalts of Consciousness, in this case by an Energy Body we might call indigestion.