Category Archives: Evolution


We suggested in our last Blog Series that there are true visionaries among us who are making themselves known. These are the advocates for our Mother Earth, the speakers, the teachers, the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of our timeframe, who are exerting considerable pressure on the current ruling regime – I am speaking in global terms here now – to “soften” and indeed spiritualize their expressions in physical reality, including their political systems. They are now coming forward to lead us in all the domains of human interaction.

Our leaders who have taken advantage of the people are now finding themselves “uncovered” and suddenly vulnerable. In their place there is becoming apparent this new class of “natural born leaders.” We have stated that these visionaries will not necessarily be elected. They lead in a very appropriate manner, for that is their natural gift, as humans in this very important era in our world.

Perhaps now we have witnessed this phenomenon, essentially a calling forth to those of goodwill for our Mother earth, to tend to THE TRUE BUSINESS AT HAND. The denial is lifting, you see, as many of us begin to see the damage done by our leaders with our tacit approval.

Or perhaps we have experienced this phenomenon in a more personal way, as we may have felt oneself called to serve our fellow humans in a more direct way than we have done in the past. Leaders come in many forms. Leading by example, to coin a phrase, is a wholly adequate and necessary service one may provide to initiate the rebuilding of our damaged societies.

You see, there are no authorities among these visionary Leaders. They do not hold power by virtue of authority, such as a power “over” others. They are powerful because they keep their own power. They do not give up their authority to others. In the broad sense, ALL of us are becoming enlightened, empowered with the natural creative energies that are our birthright. We are all becoming leaders in this way.


In other models, these primal blueprints are referred to as “archetypes.” Our eminent psychiatrist and researcher Jung popularized this term, as elemental to his theory of consciousness. Naturally this theory of Jung’s bears a resemblance to the ideas within current Blog work. Jung was informed by the Entity.

He was first informed through contact and communication with his Energy Personality, and later used this Energy Construct as a bridge to the greater Gestalt of consciousness to which he was associated – The Entity, broadly speaking. Essentially, this was the path used by all three of the recognized authors in our timeframe. It is also the recommended path for those of us who wish to receive energy from the greater energy Construct of which we are a part, be that The Entity or any others.


I do not wish to repeat myself too greatly in this New Blog Material, but allow me to once again state the ultimate premise of our Third-Dimensional existence. Our world is composed of Light. Each and every Reality Construct is the “visible” manifestation of Gestalts of Consciousness of various types.

The leaf on the tree before you is the “outward” creation of the “inner” thought-form or Energy Gestalt of LEAF. The Beings of Light, therefore, exist at all levels of physical Reality Creation. And again, each and every Gestalt of Consciousness, including the Beings of Light, may be contacted through the Rituals of Contact and Communication we are presenting in these new Blog works. In this way, the researcher may communicate with the leaf in question through an attunement of the vibratory frequency of the researcher’s mental environment to the frequency of the subject i.e. LEAF.


The preferred method of communication between the complex Gestalts of Consciousness you know as spirits, Guides, Angels and such, and the student in physical reality – the visionary – has always been the Holographic Insert. This is our name for a brief multisensory experience that is transmitted from the nonphysical being to the student. It is quite brief, usually, merely a fraction of a second in duration. It has Loving energy attached to it so that you will remember it. These are the visions that are experienced by students through the ages and documented in scared texts of various kinds.

The visionary experience is really a conversation between the nonphysical beings and the student. It is not necessarily a one-way conversation. The Nature Spirit, for example, does not transmit communication streams into the consciousness of an unprepared student. The student most probably has first been prepared through study and through continued communications and Lessons creates by the Spirit for the further education of the student. The student asks for the communication and the Spirit complies when appropriate.

Now, Holographic Inserts “pour off the page” for you, when you take the care to accept these multisensory messages within your mental awareness. These words and these phrases have power when they are considered carefully with the expectation of the manifested reality to be indeed made manifest.

It is an openness, really, a state of courageous expectation that you must cultivate. It is the same with spiritual literature of all types. The words do have power. The phrases, when they are considered after the required preparation of the human mentality, may initiate the unfolding the unfolding of the Higher Consciousness. We may also relate this to all types of inspirational literature. It calls to us for specific reasons, to catalyze within you – the individual human – the resources required for the exploration of our inner world.


Now we become what we think about. Our identity is created from the ideas and images that we entertain within our mental environment, including messages sent to us from our Simultaneous Lives. Our identity is quite fluid. We are continuously assessing our mental, physical and emotional spheres of activity and assembling our identity from data gathered in this investigation.

We have many colleagues in this endeavor – the reassessment of the Personal and Consensus Realities. Our modern world in this timeframe is witnessing the transformation of the human mentality on a grand scale. Our fellow inhabitants of our planet are questioning their roles and duties as human beings and many are acknowledging the TRUTH of this matter of identity.

For example: many who have been skeptics are engaged in a reversal of thinking. They are “seeking the light” quite literally in all of their experiences, particularly where they have sought to keep the truth from their fellow humans. These transformations will be shocking to some, for they occur so abruptly that the breath is taken away. Yet as this event in the lives of men and women becomes more commonplace, the basic correctness and obvious necessity of this wholesale change in human perception and attitude will be recognized. The Visionary of old is reborn in the present, during this shift – the Fourth-Dimensional Shift we are describing.


Let me answer my own questions. Beings of Light are responding. We ARE a Being of Light. We each are a Soul with a body. We are a multitude of personalities existing in many different areas on our Earth, on other planets and in probable systems. We are experiencing our amnesia in the Third Dimension, perhaps scoffing at this admittedly “far out” narrative, yet it remains quite true that WE are what we are talking about when we describe the Beings of Light. EVERYTHING in physical reality if “lighted” by Beings of Light, Gestalts of Consciousness, Light Bodies, Energy Bodies.

They are the energy and incipient matter templates for all forms in physical reality and all other dimensions. So that any discussions as to whether Beings of Light exist are really quite humorous, as these Gestalts of Consciousness comprise ALL of human experience.

Perhaps what we are truly saying here, is that we are an Etheric Being. The witty, the humorous and the creative responses are from the Nonphysical Personality aspects that form our Soul Self. This is our identity then. We are grounded in the nonphysical world.

The Visionary STATE

The visionary within our modern culture is a much maligned figure. This may be because we have come so far from our tribal communities, as “progress” takes us away from core experiences of community and shared spirituality. In the U.S.A. in particular, and most of our developed nations, we take great care to marginalize our visionaries, particularly when they begin to speak of radical transformations to come in our world.

Here however, in our growing community, we honor the visionary and we accept the visionary state of consciousness as natural, normal and quite essential to the evolution of the human Soul and the human species.

The visionary has visions, quite simply, and these visions are experienced through the use if the intuitive faculties. The visions of these seers of society are filled with Light. The visionary is enlightened, you see, and senses the foundation of reality as the Light Energy that it is. In my view, I see all of humanity as potential visionaries.


Dear Blog Reader, you now have at our disposal the great perceptive powers of the Inner Senses. In my last series of Blogs I described to you in detail how to access these powers and how to use them to your advantage in physical reality. Here I would like to elaborate on this data with some suggestions on how to sense the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream.

This material may also be used in conjunction with Carl Jung material. The Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, as I said, support and nourishes our created reality – our Personal Reality Field. In the dream state, and when we are in our Home Dimension between lives, we are well aware of this stream of energy and we sense it as easily as we sense the various constructs within our self-created reality. Now, the Inner Sense of sight, Auric Vision, may be utilized to sense this stream. The following experiment will assist us in the awakening of this valuable Inner Sense.

EXPERIMENT – Sensing Reality Creation

Hypothesis: The Subconscious Energy Manifestation Stream may be observed as it creates the reality construct.
The Reality Construct is our topic for the moment. The Reality Construct is all of created reality, and also describes the many elements of the created reality. Here I wish to digress somewhat and ask you the Blog Reader to imagine for yourself what it is I am attempting to describe to you.

Consciousness creates form, instantaneously, in the moment. We must use these descriptions of Reality Creation for us to make sense of this phenomenon, occurring as it does within a linear time conceptualization. The truth of the matter might be better expressed by describing the spontaneously responsive quality of manifestation in our system. So that here we could speak of consciousness creating form that creates consciousness, and so on, all within the spacious eternal moment. Everything is conscious. everything is creative. Everything creates consciousness. All That Is, another term for everything, IS the infinitely creative consciousness that gives birth to our own infinitely creative consciousnesses. This Idea Construct is an excellent one to entertain when we are attempting to KEEP IN THE MOMENT. I trust I have inspired quite enough to be receptive to these subtle energies.

So I would suggest you relax. If you are sitting in a chair, make yourself comfortable. If you are lying down, prop up your body so that you will not fall asleep as you read this. Now imagine if you will, what I have defined as the Moment Point. Use your current existence, the moment you are now experiencing, as somewhat more extended in duration than you have experienced moments in the past.

In a previous Blog, we provided an experiment for the Blog Reader to practice slowing down time within their Personal Reality Field. This is the same feeling we are creating here and now. You use your intention to imbue your Moment Points with duration. Please make creative use of your Inner Senses to accomplish this, perhaps intuitively visualizing your present sensory images and sounds as slowing down, slowing down with your Intention.

What we are getting at here is a slowing down of time to the extent that we may glimpse the creation of physical objects from ideas. This would be Reality Construction viewed at the edge of creation. Now these are grand terms, and you might say I am making it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing in the world. You are experts at creating “something from nothing,” and you can easily slow down this creative process to the microsecond level. Here you may see and feel what is involved in your creation of your Personal Reality Field. This includes your body and the senses you use to sense this manifestation activity.

How much must you slow down the act of reality creation to witness this? You will know you are meeting with success when you have a sensation of pulsing visually and as a felt sensation. This is the pulse of manifestation. This is the flow of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream through the Coordinate Points and “into” the Reality Constructs.

A taste of perspective. I am experiencing the pulsation. It feels like the heartbeat, only accelerated many times. Visually there is a dreamy quality. Briefly I experienced a twinge of fear, as if I was receiving forbidden knowledge. Possible religious programming?

The flow of information “through” the Coordinate Point is so rich in imagery and other content that the researcher must intentionally slow down the flow of Conscious Units through this gateway if they are to observe and study the construct.

Now can you imagine these theorized Coordinate Points as permeating “physical” space and matter, yet not taking up any space whatsoever? Let us refer to the Conscious Points as etheric in nature in this experiment. They are the nonphysical “precursors” of the “future” created Reality Constructs. They exist inter-dimensionally and holographic ally. They are each everywhere literally all of the time, past, present and future. They exist as the determinant “values” in the manifestation phenomenon. And again, consciousness in the form of Consciousness Units expresses intentionally, as in the unconscious co-creation of the human or elemental expressions of all the other varied forms of “substance” in your dimension. When you have received adequate information from your experiment, gradually disengage from the Trance State. Return to fully sensory awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your observations of the Reality Creation phenomenon.


Now the strands of incipient matter we have just discussed compose the latticework that is the grid of Coordinate Points upon and within and about our self-created reality. There is a holographic nature of these strands of incipient matter. They compose the physical reality Constructs of our Third-Dimensional world INCLUDING our own physical body and the physical constructs that we might call space, air etc.

So you now imagine, as I attempt to bring this description to fullness, how this Reality Construction phenomenon might exist as a profound image? Can you imagine the creation of Third-dimensional Reality in its totality as being powered or energized into activity? What is lacking here in our description, you see, is the motivating energizing power that Sustains the phenomenon. Let us refer to this concept as the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This energy flow supports your reality by continuously lending the creative energy of All That Is to the manifestation of each and every construct in our Personal Reality Field.

The SEMES is subconscious. It is riven by our Soul’s Intent. We are experiencing on Earth our reincarnational dramas and comedies Intent is other- directed. It is directed in essence by All That Is. Now we decided before we were born, what body we were to inhabit and what Lessons we were to learn in this current Life. So we truly do co-create with All That Is our Earthly existence. But again I must remind that we have free will “to do as you please,” even while in the midst of our Lessons, which might be a truly sober and serious nature.


The Love Light is the matrix of divine influences onto which we fashion our Reality Constructs. Here let us speak of the importance of context. It is ALL context, Dear Blog Reader. Within this milieu we are describing as the Love Light Matrix, the Telepath Network, the Central Field of Experiencing and the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, we create out of Consciousness Units those Reality Constructs that compose what we experience as “Bedrock Reality” – a cliché we have found helpful in these discussions.

Of course we use metaphors in this work to assist the Blog Reader in an understanding of the principles and ideas we are describing. Again, the creation of our Personal Reality Field that we accomplish on a moment-to-moment basis with the divine energy of All That Is, is so complex an undertaking that our physical brain could not conceive of the many operations that are undergone within ONE SINGLE SECOND of our existence.

Mind Blower.” This refers to, I gather, a concept or image that is so stunning that a single human mind cannot comprehend it in its totality. This is an description of what the mind encounters when these matters of Reality Creation are considered.

To express the divine – the ineffable – we must always resort to metaphors and theoretical constructs, for the reality of the subject matter is so incredibly complex and rich, that the Third-Dimensional consciousness cannot hold it for very long before it falls away into chaos. The great traditions of our world teach the student how to maintain an equilibrium in these matters. The hope is that the student will master the skills of witnessing the Divine without succumbing to the negative states of fear, anger, confusion. So metaphors are used.

Now perhaps some mixing of metaphors is necessary here to provide a choice for you The Blog Reader. We are hoping that you will find some image or idea that works for you here in the understanding of this material. We are preparing you for the regimens that follow these introductory chapters.


Building upon this premise, can you see how a natural trajectory for a “typical” Consciousness Unit or Atom might well be toward the creation of Love? Love is information or light. What I shall be referring to as Love Light in this Blog, then, simply information of a particular type. It is the creative force of manifestation.

If you have been following our discussion of the nature of reality, you will remember that I have described All That Is as the source for All realities. You may then see that it follows that Love in our model of Reality Creation, is the energy or “impetus” for the expression of All That Is within our Third Dimension.

This is not new information I am providing . Our World Religions place great importance on the role of Love within society. The virtues of Love are spoken of by many healers and leaders within our communities. Yet here I hope to define what I am calling “Love with a capital L;” The Love that I am describing to you in the literal “fuel” for the manifestation of EVERYTHING in our world. This Love or Love Light has a particular frequency or rate of vibration that facilitates the assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs. The Love Light is the power of All That Is. Period.

It is the force that activates the Consciousness Units to express ideas and images into physical reality through the Coordinate Points. Do you see, then, that it it important to learn how to utilize this Love Light in a conscious deliberate fashion?

Where is the Love currently? “My world is certainly lacking in the Love that creates realities!” We shall have more to say on the diversion of Love in the creation of negative realities later in this Blog series. For now, please remember that our Earth is a dramatic stage for the enactment of what are often perceived as “Negative” or “painful” reincarnational dramas.

These dramas may indeed “appear” to be devoid of Love in any measure. However, you have “set yourself up” to experience your Lessons in the way you are experiencing them. Indeed, your ultimate Lesson in the Third Dimension may be of creation to create the positive out of the negative. Coincidently, that is the precise subject of this blog.