Category Archives: Emotions


To reiterate, our world is largely created by subconscious thought, as we know. During the dream state we create incipient Reality Constructs that we materialize into physical Reality Constructs on awakening. Now it may already seem obvious to us that we create our physical body without much conscious thought. Our unconscious, in tandem with All That Is, creates our physical body “naturally,” without the need for constant energy or direction from the conscious mind or ego.

However, as we explore the expression of the Soul through the ego, and we begin to correct our negative thoughts and their expression into physical Reality Constructs, we will begin to gain conscious control of these unconscious processes. This is the path of healing the physical body, for example. We learn how to fine-tune the expression of Consciousness Units through the Coordinate Points for the creation of an improved or symptom-free body.


Facts of our existence. These are the precepts – that when fully understood, will allow us to witness and remember the activities of our Simultaneous Lives, for example, as well as the literal moment-to-moment creation of our Personal Reality from the thoughts and images within our mental environment.

You create your own reality.
You are connected to everything in your world.
You can change the Consensus Reality from your Personal Reality Field.
Emotion is the creative energy of All That Is in action.
Human consciousness is founded in Love.
Diversions from Love through Negative Emotions create Negative Realities.
All imbalances may be corrected through Love and Courage.
You are the sum of your Simultaneous Lives within your current Moment Point.
Your Inner senses may be used to examine and change anything past, present or future.
You are in telepathic rapport with everything in your world.
Reality Constructs are composed of Consciousness Units of awarized energy.
Coordinate Points permeate matter and space and modulate the activity of the Consciousness Units.
Your Intention, emotions and Beliefs provide the energy and direction for Reality Creation.
Everything exists initially as Gestalts of Consciousness, the nonphysical “templates” of creation.

Now the percept here – a slightly different spelling than precept. I trust you shall notice – is another very important concept we shall discuss. A percept may be defined as, “that element of consciousness that creates the Reality Construct and Instantaneously perceives or witnesses the construct.”

The Divine Day

HYPOTHESIS: You may create contact with the divine over the course of an entire waking day.

This experiment is one of creating the Trance State long term. For our purposes, the Trance is a sacred state of awareness. When you conduct your Ritual of sanctuary and enter your Trance, you are walking the Path of the seeker of wisdom. When you can embody this state of awareness over the course of minutes and hours, you will be well on your way toward awakening to the Unity of Consciousness Dimension that we have described in my blogs.

Now choose a day when you will not be bothered by outside forces. You will want to be left alone for this experiment, if at all possible. We are assuming here that you have already experienced some form of contact and communication with one or more of your Guides. However, if you have yet to manifest this relationship, simply “act as If” you are already in touch with your Energy Personality. Conduct this experiment as though guided by your spirit Guide, for this may well act to initiate that relationship.

In my last series of Blogs I presented an exercise in bringing the energy of Reality Creation up from the emotional center into the mental center. This mental center is located directly between your Eyes. It is here that you may sense the divine information stream as it seeks to penetrate the barrier of the ego/intellect. Just as we encourage the Blog users of The Healing regimen to create the healing moment long term – into minutes, hours and days – we encourage you the Blog Reader to create this initial contemplative state for as long as you can. It would be best if you could begin the Divine Day on Awakening from sleep.

If you have yet to develop your Ritual of Sanctuary, simply imagine a Golden Light surrounding you. Nothing harmful can penetrate this field of Light. It has a healing protective influence.

Now create the Trance State as best you can. The Trance is simply a natural state of awareness marked by deep relaxation and a focus on the inner world. I would ask you to sense what energies may be present in the solar plexus area of your body. If you sense a churning activity, as though emotions were ebbing and flowing, please bring this felt sense UP to the mental center directly between the eyes. As you do this exercise, you may notice that the churning sensation ceases. The felt sense becomes one of calm and assurance. There is also an emotional toe of ecstasy just below the surface. This is indication that you are using your intent to bring it up, up into the divine portal.

FINDINGS – Document throughout your waking day your experiences with keeping your awareness in the mental center.


Now there are at least two distinct ways to go with regards to belief change, if you do indeed wish to change your beliefs and thus your reality: you may change your perceptions of your Personal Reality Field, or you can go for direct change of the underlying beliefs themselves. First, though the ancient technologies of Healing Talk via the Trance State, and through other Rituals of Contact and Communication with nonphysical beings, such as the Energy Personality and other Energy Bodies, the perceptions of the Personal Reality may be altered, thus altering the Reality creation. We may also describe this as a “fine tuning” of the Inner Senses, so that they may more clearly perceive and create.

The second method entails identifying the beliefs you wish to change through a self-questioning process and creating more productive belief statements representing improved “healthier” beliefs that you wish to “make your own.” The statements are then continuously written down or typed into a computer, the theory being that the new beliefs are internalized the more that you document them.

These two methods represent two different ways of relating to physical reality: the imaginable and the literal. Naturally there are others. If you feel more comfortable visualizing your beliefs, I suggest you use the imaginable method in your experiments. If you feel more comfortable writing them down, use the literal approach. And of course, beyond my humble offerings, use your own methods that suit you.

Again, for those of you who may feel uncomfortable with terms such as Trance State and Ritual of Contact and Communication, please make up your own names for these states of consciousness. I am merely using common terms that the majority of my Blog Readers may understand. The Trance State is used by many of us on the subtle levels as we attempt to make ourselves understood.

As for the use of the term Ritual to describe the process of contacting and communicating with the denizens of non physical reality, please note that the term Ritual is the precise one used in our World Religions to describe their individual and carried methods for contacting the various spirits, gods and goddesses, God, and what have you. So we are merely presenting terms already in common usage by those of us in the West and elsewhere.


Your choice in these matters IS a matter of your free will in the moment. Might I suggest that in these moments of opportunity for You the Soul, that you listen to the suggestions of your Guides rather than to the self-centered voice of the ego/intellect? This is merely a suggestion, my friend. The free will choice is yours and I am acting here in a purely advisory capacity. I simply urge you to take your own advice in these situations, when in fact you are embodying the Soul Self. It will be quite easy to determine if you are experiencing this unique perspective. The Soul Self is informed through communications with All That Is. This perspective may guide you to the best resolution of any given creative challenge you may face.

The differences between the subconscious creation of negative realities and the conscious co-creation of positive life-affirming realities by the awakening human consciousness through use if the Divine Will are quite pronounced. You will know it when you are faced with a decision to go one way or the other. I will leave it at that for now. Obviously, you are each required to learn your individual Lessons. I would not wish to give you ALL the answers, and by so doing, rob you of the “joy” of learning your Lessons on your own.


Now this “quickening” is indeed upon us in Third-Dimensional Reality. Those of us engaged in negative ruminations, and their attendant manifestation into negative Reality Constructs, will find that we are confronted, in an almost simultaneous fashion, with the products of our mental digressions. Just as the practitioners of Loving Understanding and Courage will find their positive manifestations strengthening, so too will the practitioners of doubt, anger, hatred and such, find themselves consumed with the energies released during these errant creative activities.

Is there any wonder why such an intensification of this creative process produces the appropriate results? We create our own reality according to our beliefs. If we are focusing on the fear and cynical distrust of our neighbors, for example, is it any wonder that our neighbors continue to cause us discomfort? And is it any wonder that as we awaken as a species this discomfort grows? Indeed.

I suggest the discomfort may grow until it becomes UNBEARABLE. Then we will of necessity be faced with a choice in our reincarnational dramas. Will we learn our Lesson or will we not? Will we continue to hold-on to the anger, fear and cynicism, or will we let-go and feel the ecstasy just below the surface of our human consciousness? This ecstasy is the creative Loving energy of All That Is.


Our feedback reality continually endorses our ongoing emotional states according to the “structures” of our beliefs. Here we shall define as those “habitual patterns of perceptual analysis utilized in the creation of Reality Constructs.” Our beliefs are the potent ideas, images and emotional contents that exist within our mental environment or psyche. Our beliefs may be thought of as the “rough sketch” for our creative project – our ongoing life with its experiences, behaviors, and so on.

Now currently it is possible for us to address issues of core beliefs and core values, like never before in our history as a species. Our evolution as a Soul depends upon change in our beliefs. We will not, individually or collectively, make the transition we have been discussing in these new series of Blogs with the outmoded beliefs we currently hold.

The world is integrating, you see, at an extremely rapid pace. We in the developed nations, the many millions of us, are behind the learning curve in this matter. This may be due to our obsession with material objects of mass consumption. The prevalence of the egoic perspective within our individual and mass consciousness also holds us back. And it certainly does not serve us in the West to “export” these limited perspectives through our Negative Media and through our military excursions into foreign lands.

This is why I am writing Blogs. The greater part of the world is awakening “on Schedule.” It is in the developed nations in particular, and some other parts of our world, that we are still focused on the creation of negative, fear-based realities.


The Inner Senses, the nonphysical counterparts to our outer physical senses, are the creators of our Personal Reality Field. Perception creates reality in our Third Dimension. And the reality we create is dependent wholly upon what we believe is possible. If we are experiencing a reality of peace and Loving Understanding with our fellow inhabitants of Earth, we have a system of beliefs that permits, allows and effectively determines a Personal Reality Field of peace and Loving Understanding. We have in this example, believed into existence our peaceful Loving world.

Now it is also true that everything we find in our Personal Reality Field we have believed into reality. Might I say that, for the most part, if we feel uncomfortable, fearful, anxious with the state of our Personal reality, it may be due to our creating unconsciously? Creating unconsciously leaves us open to the Negative Entities. Watch your thoughts. Watch where your fearful thoughts originate. Are they being amplified and corroborated within the negative spheres of influence?

The negative realms are sensed as separate from the self. The Negative Entities that reside within these spheres of activity normally will not seek us out and attempt to fix on our being. Yet if we are experiencing negative, anxious, angry, or violent emotional states, we leave ourselves open to encountering these influences. For this reason, it is important to observe our emotional states throughout our waking reality. If we are experiencing fear, assess our sensing and Reality Creation and see if we are being driven by negative outside sources.

Yet please rest assured that if you find yourself “contaminated” by these energies, you may easily correct your situation. You may do so with your Intention in the moment. What I would suggest you do is first perform the experiment we have called Clearing The Emotional Body. This activity raises the Negative Emotions from the emotional center to the mental center where they may be transformed into their opposites.

Briefly, you simply relax in a meditative posture and imagine or visualize the “churning” energies of The Emotional Body rising up to the mental center directly between your physical eyes. Emotional resolution is achieved. The contact with the Divine is established.


I realize that these are words that may carry their own emotional undertones for my Blog Reader. I would ask you then, if this is the case, to look beyond the ego-identified definitions and references of theses terms. Although it is not my desire to challenge you excessively in this endeavor challenge you I must. As an educator to humanity for “countless” years. I have found it advantageous to present material for the student’s assessment that stands what you might call “diametrically opposed” to the ideas, images and beliefs that the student may be holding in their mental environment at any one time.

I do hope that if you feel rising anger and righteous indignation making itself known within – as I have just described to you – The Emotional Body, that you perhaps take a deep breath and go deeper with this work, this project yours and mine.

You see, the Soul’s perspective is necessarily through the ego/intellect. I would suggest, in times of anger and when feeling affronted by this material, you simply step to the side a bit, metaphorically speaking, and allow your Soul Self to perceive your world. This is an easy first step in the “awakening” process. Please have faith, or perhaps Courage is a better word here, that this project will pay off for you in many different ways, rewarding you with information of a decidedly beneficial nature.


This emotional Body may be perceived as the intersection of “energies” of Reality Creation within our physical construct. We may experience it as existing within the heart region. It is within this construct that the Reality Creation agendas of All That Is of our Reincarnational Existences may read. We may, for example, observe within this Emotional Body the emotional and symbolic underpinnings of a chronic illness that currently plagues us. Or we may witness a dramatization of an event from our past that keeps us from enjoying prosperity in our present. Thus we may sense these strategies in our own particular fashion, using the Inner Senses that we are developing through experimentation in this project.

The greater sphere of activity within which rests this Emotional Body we refer to as The Light Body, as do many of the current teachers and practitioners in our world. This construct is “built” from the intersecting energies of existence – or dimensions if you prefer – of our many Simultaneous Lives. This Inner Senses representation of The Emotional Body, as well as the Inner Sense of sight itself, we are calling the Auric Vision.


For example: If my friend Rob was to select at random one of the planes surrounding the Central Field of Experiencing in our diagram, and using his imagination and his Inner Senses “tuned-in” to another life, he might very well find himself experiencing his aboriginal existence, or possibly his existence as a female in New Orleans Louisiana in the U.S.A. or as a Roman soldier from many hundreds of years ago, in our terms. These are just a few of Rob’s Reincarnational Existences.

You Dear Blog Reader also have a vast store of existences just waiting to be explored. This illustration may serve as a meditation piece for you in this way. In each of our Blog Series, we have presented these simple focusing tools to assist you in perceiving your greater reality – the reality of your Soul Self. Please utilize this tool in your experimentation as you attempt to access your other lives.