Category Archives: Emotions


Now we become what we think about. Our identity is created from the ideas and images that we entertain within our mental environment, including messages sent to us from our Simultaneous Lives. Our identity is quite fluid. We are continuously assessing our mental, physical and emotional spheres of activity and assembling our identity from data gathered in this investigation.

We have many colleagues in this endeavor – the reassessment of the Personal and Consensus Realities. Our modern world in this timeframe is witnessing the transformation of the human mentality on a grand scale. Our fellow inhabitants of our planet are questioning their roles and duties as human beings and many are acknowledging the TRUTH of this matter of identity.

For example: many who have been skeptics are engaged in a reversal of thinking. They are “seeking the light” quite literally in all of their experiences, particularly where they have sought to keep the truth from their fellow humans. These transformations will be shocking to some, for they occur so abruptly that the breath is taken away. Yet as this event in the lives of men and women becomes more commonplace, the basic correctness and obvious necessity of this wholesale change in human perception and attitude will be recognized. The Visionary of old is reborn in the present, during this shift – the Fourth-Dimensional Shift we are describing.


Where does this visionary energy perspective originate? Let me explain with reference to the “typical” Blog Reader. You have Dear Blog Reader, I am sure, what you refer to as your personal resources of wit, humor, creativity. This is that aspect of your psyche that you rely on to “Come Through” with the appropriate responses in your dealings with you world. Another way to describe this might be that these spontaneous responses that you give when required, these are the material of the free-flow of your conscious state.

You seem to be accessing your personal reservoir of experience from which you create “answers” to the challenge of your environment, whether these challenges are human beings or circumstances that challenge you to feed back with appropriate germane information, behaviors, and so on. Now my questions to you would be, “Who is responding with this information? Who is the witty, the humorous, the creative one?”

The Visionary STATE

The visionary within our modern culture is a much maligned figure. This may be because we have come so far from our tribal communities, as “progress” takes us away from core experiences of community and shared spirituality. In the U.S.A. in particular, and most of our developed nations, we take great care to marginalize our visionaries, particularly when they begin to speak of radical transformations to come in our world.

Here however, in our growing community, we honor the visionary and we accept the visionary state of consciousness as natural, normal and quite essential to the evolution of the human Soul and the human species.

The visionary has visions, quite simply, and these visions are experienced through the use if the intuitive faculties. The visions of these seers of society are filled with Light. The visionary is enlightened, you see, and senses the foundation of reality as the Light Energy that it is. In my view, I see all of humanity as potential visionaries.


I would very much like to complete this description with an example of a typical act of manifestation, one you may be familiar with as an eater of breakfast.

You the Blog Reader have possibly experienced the phenomenon of “making” your own breakfast. Let me just say that this is the perfect word for this process of creation. For you not only “make ” your breakfast, in the sense that you prepare the various elements of the meal, “the way you like it,” and put them on the plate, but you literally create – through a type of “telepathic rapport” with the atomic structures of the various elements – the foods contained in a meal.

I do like the term telepathic rapport. It describe quite nicely this sense of collaboration with all of the energies within your Personal Reality Field. You are ONE with all of the Conscious Units within your Personal Reality Field and you give direction to these elements to create your realities. This rapport may also be described as “attunement” – an ongoing correlation between your human Intuition and the countless atoms that comprise any particular event in your life. Let us now complete this section of our Blog Series with some experimentation that will hopefully illustrate for you the principles we have just discussed.

Threads,Strands and Gestalts of consciousness

In previous Blogs, I described the Consciousness Units as being composed of threads. I now further state that these theoretical threads of awarized energy exist in various “arrays” of potentiality, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness – the pre-manifestation templates of creation. Infinitesimally small threads of energy under the direction of elemental consciousness, coalesce into strands of incipient matter that are combined in various ways to create our Reality Constructs.

Now a matrix implies a grid or network of interconnecting pathways or energy streams. Can you imagine in your mind’s eyes this network of Love Light? The pathways are the strands of etheric material composed of Consciousness Units. Within this matrix exist the Coordinate Points. The strands also coalesce into more complex structures – The Gestalts of Consciousness – which hold the potential for the creation of anything conceived by consciousness. All of this etheric material is literally “Love in action” the all-encompassing power of Love that is the essence and creative energy All That Is.

Are you beginning to see now? This Love Light energy that power the strands of etheric material, is the creative element for healing of all types. Focused Love Light is utilized by our tribal healers, for example, in very precise ways to assist their “patients” in balancing and “making whole” their unbalanced bodies. So it is literally true that Love is the healing agent in all restorations of the human body and spirit.


Building upon this premise, can you see how a natural trajectory for a “typical” Consciousness Unit or Atom might well be toward the creation of Love? Love is information or light. What I shall be referring to as Love Light in this Blog, then, simply information of a particular type. It is the creative force of manifestation.

If you have been following our discussion of the nature of reality, you will remember that I have described All That Is as the source for All realities. You may then see that it follows that Love in our model of Reality Creation, is the energy or “impetus” for the expression of All That Is within our Third Dimension.

This is not new information I am providing . Our World Religions place great importance on the role of Love within society. The virtues of Love are spoken of by many healers and leaders within our communities. Yet here I hope to define what I am calling “Love with a capital L;” The Love that I am describing to you in the literal “fuel” for the manifestation of EVERYTHING in our world. This Love or Love Light has a particular frequency or rate of vibration that facilitates the assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs. The Love Light is the power of All That Is. Period.

It is the force that activates the Consciousness Units to express ideas and images into physical reality through the Coordinate Points. Do you see, then, that it it important to learn how to utilize this Love Light in a conscious deliberate fashion?

Where is the Love currently? “My world is certainly lacking in the Love that creates realities!” We shall have more to say on the diversion of Love in the creation of negative realities later in this Blog series. For now, please remember that our Earth is a dramatic stage for the enactment of what are often perceived as “Negative” or “painful” reincarnational dramas.

These dramas may indeed “appear” to be devoid of Love in any measure. However, you have “set yourself up” to experience your Lessons in the way you are experiencing them. Indeed, your ultimate Lesson in the Third Dimension may be of creation to create the positive out of the negative. Coincidently, that is the precise subject of this blog.


The activity of the Consciousness Unit via the Coordinate Point is spontaneous, that is, the creative energies “erupt” into the Reality Constructs within our field of perception in a milieu of Loving ease and divine facilitation. This spontaneity I am describing is based in the Divine, yet naturally the outcomes of these activities are witnessed in the physical – our physical world. We straddle both the etheric and the physical domains.

This New Science we are describing is not separate from the sacred. It is an analysis of the sacred. The sacred here is the subject of study. The sacred is the spinning of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs by All That Is through us the reader and writers of this Blog. Here I use the term “spinning” in a multitude of ways. Our essence is spun off Of All That IS in the manner of a top as it spins, casting off a flash of reflected light, perhaps, the flash of light representing a fragment of the Soul Shelf that is cast into the living body of the human baby. I am also referencing the spinning of our theoretical baby. I am also referencing the spinning of our theoretical electrons in our atoms.


To reiterate, our world is largely created by subconscious thought, as we know. During the dream state we create incipient Reality Constructs that we materialize into physical Reality Constructs on awakening. Now it may already seem obvious to us that we create our physical body without much conscious thought. Our unconscious, in tandem with All That Is, creates our physical body “naturally,” without the need for constant energy or direction from the conscious mind or ego.

However, as we explore the expression of the Soul through the ego, and we begin to correct our negative thoughts and their expression into physical Reality Constructs, we will begin to gain conscious control of these unconscious processes. This is the path of healing the physical body, for example. We learn how to fine-tune the expression of Consciousness Units through the Coordinate Points for the creation of an improved or symptom-free body.


Facts of our existence. These are the precepts – that when fully understood, will allow us to witness and remember the activities of our Simultaneous Lives, for example, as well as the literal moment-to-moment creation of our Personal Reality from the thoughts and images within our mental environment.

You create your own reality.
You are connected to everything in your world.
You can change the Consensus Reality from your Personal Reality Field.
Emotion is the creative energy of All That Is in action.
Human consciousness is founded in Love.
Diversions from Love through Negative Emotions create Negative Realities.
All imbalances may be corrected through Love and Courage.
You are the sum of your Simultaneous Lives within your current Moment Point.
Your Inner senses may be used to examine and change anything past, present or future.
You are in telepathic rapport with everything in your world.
Reality Constructs are composed of Consciousness Units of awarized energy.
Coordinate Points permeate matter and space and modulate the activity of the Consciousness Units.
Your Intention, emotions and Beliefs provide the energy and direction for Reality Creation.
Everything exists initially as Gestalts of Consciousness, the nonphysical “templates” of creation.

Now the percept here – a slightly different spelling than precept. I trust you shall notice – is another very important concept we shall discuss. A percept may be defined as, “that element of consciousness that creates the Reality Construct and Instantaneously perceives or witnesses the construct.”

The Divine Day

HYPOTHESIS: You may create contact with the divine over the course of an entire waking day.

This experiment is one of creating the Trance State long term. For our purposes, the Trance is a sacred state of awareness. When you conduct your Ritual of sanctuary and enter your Trance, you are walking the Path of the seeker of wisdom. When you can embody this state of awareness over the course of minutes and hours, you will be well on your way toward awakening to the Unity of Consciousness Dimension that we have described in my blogs.

Now choose a day when you will not be bothered by outside forces. You will want to be left alone for this experiment, if at all possible. We are assuming here that you have already experienced some form of contact and communication with one or more of your Guides. However, if you have yet to manifest this relationship, simply “act as If” you are already in touch with your Energy Personality. Conduct this experiment as though guided by your spirit Guide, for this may well act to initiate that relationship.

In my last series of Blogs I presented an exercise in bringing the energy of Reality Creation up from the emotional center into the mental center. This mental center is located directly between your Eyes. It is here that you may sense the divine information stream as it seeks to penetrate the barrier of the ego/intellect. Just as we encourage the Blog users of The Healing regimen to create the healing moment long term – into minutes, hours and days – we encourage you the Blog Reader to create this initial contemplative state for as long as you can. It would be best if you could begin the Divine Day on Awakening from sleep.

If you have yet to develop your Ritual of Sanctuary, simply imagine a Golden Light surrounding you. Nothing harmful can penetrate this field of Light. It has a healing protective influence.

Now create the Trance State as best you can. The Trance is simply a natural state of awareness marked by deep relaxation and a focus on the inner world. I would ask you to sense what energies may be present in the solar plexus area of your body. If you sense a churning activity, as though emotions were ebbing and flowing, please bring this felt sense UP to the mental center directly between the eyes. As you do this exercise, you may notice that the churning sensation ceases. The felt sense becomes one of calm and assurance. There is also an emotional toe of ecstasy just below the surface. This is indication that you are using your intent to bring it up, up into the divine portal.

FINDINGS – Document throughout your waking day your experiences with keeping your awareness in the mental center.


Now there are at least two distinct ways to go with regards to belief change, if you do indeed wish to change your beliefs and thus your reality: you may change your perceptions of your Personal Reality Field, or you can go for direct change of the underlying beliefs themselves. First, though the ancient technologies of Healing Talk via the Trance State, and through other Rituals of Contact and Communication with nonphysical beings, such as the Energy Personality and other Energy Bodies, the perceptions of the Personal Reality may be altered, thus altering the Reality creation. We may also describe this as a “fine tuning” of the Inner Senses, so that they may more clearly perceive and create.

The second method entails identifying the beliefs you wish to change through a self-questioning process and creating more productive belief statements representing improved “healthier” beliefs that you wish to “make your own.” The statements are then continuously written down or typed into a computer, the theory being that the new beliefs are internalized the more that you document them.

These two methods represent two different ways of relating to physical reality: the imaginable and the literal. Naturally there are others. If you feel more comfortable visualizing your beliefs, I suggest you use the imaginable method in your experiments. If you feel more comfortable writing them down, use the literal approach. And of course, beyond my humble offerings, use your own methods that suit you.

Again, for those of you who may feel uncomfortable with terms such as Trance State and Ritual of Contact and Communication, please make up your own names for these states of consciousness. I am merely using common terms that the majority of my Blog Readers may understand. The Trance State is used by many of us on the subtle levels as we attempt to make ourselves understood.

As for the use of the term Ritual to describe the process of contacting and communicating with the denizens of non physical reality, please note that the term Ritual is the precise one used in our World Religions to describe their individual and carried methods for contacting the various spirits, gods and goddesses, God, and what have you. So we are merely presenting terms already in common usage by those of us in the West and elsewhere.