Category Archives: Electrical Reality

The Personal Field of Manifestation

HYPOTHESIS: You can sense the creation of your personal reality field.

Let us attempt to help you get a feel for your own personal field of manifestation with an experiment. I would ask you to quiet your mind using any relaxation technique you may have gathered in your lifetime. Deep breathing, visualizing a restful scene and gently stretching the body are some ways to accomplish this relaxation. When you are relaxed, please look out in front of you and establish where in the distance your 55-foot limit might be.

For these purposes it would help if you were doing the experiment outside. If you are indoors, you may be able to sense it intuitively. Now sense how this boundary surrounds and supports you. Sense also how the perceptive reality within this perimeter seems to be subject to your intentions.

Now remember, you are collaborating with All That Is in this creation of physical reality. Can you sense how the creative power of the veritable Universes flows into your Reality Constructs and creates a seamless impression of “bedrock” reality for your physical senses to perceive and experience?

Can you sense the connectedness between you and everything else? Every cell, each molecule, every atom is connected to every other cell, molecule and atom. This is a literal fact. Feel it, imagine it, act on it. In this way, you Dear Blog Reader are connected to everything, everywhere in your Universe.

As you sense this power, can you see that all of your created forms in your perception have their own energy fields? Every atom has its own aura – the electromagnetic corona. Every self-created physical object has its collective aura. Again, here you are asked to put aside feelings of low self-worth, guilt and fear and experience the true nature of your being – as co-creator of your physical world.

Now this witnessing of the true nature of your Personal Reality can co-exist with your ideas and images from your religious and spiritual teachings. One need not exclude the other. Indeed, the most beneficial products or findings that may come from this experiment are the experienced moments of holding divergent views of reality. For it is these glimpses of other truths that may eventually, when you are prepared, convince you to discard beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve You-the-Soul.

FINDINGS – Write down or in some other way document your findings for future reference.

Fifty-Five Foot Radius

This Personal Reality Field we are discussing in previous blogs is simply the field of manifestation: the perimeter in our physical world over which our consciousness has the most control in the creation of Reality Constructs. The radius is about 55 feet for humans.

This is not news however, as Beings of Light have presented these figures to humanity in recent years, and this information has been printed in books and transmitted along our Internet. This figure – 55 feet – is simply something to keep in mind when we are experimenting with consciously creating our physical world. We have the most control within this perimeter.

Beyond 55 feet we cede manifestation energy and responsibility to other forms. Now, we take this with us wherever we go, this boundary of manifestation. So if we are driving one of our automobiles, and we are looking through our window, we have the most control over our automobile and our physical form. For we create our physical form – our body – and we create our automobile also, in addition to all within the radius.

I do not wish to go too deeply into this, as I will explain more about the manifestation of realities later in this series. Simply, humans have 55-foot radius, and animals, insects and even rocks and trees have varying sizes of manifestation fields.

Now, remember that all we experience in our Third-Dimensional reality is conscious, from the material that makes-up our human eye down to the particulate matter that makes up the soil beneath our feet. Ponder this for a moment and I believe we you will receive information I am attempting to convey.

These limitations we are discussing are more a matter of boundaries of the physical senses, than anything else. AS I have stated in other blogs, there are actually no limitations to the Non-Physical Senses and that is why we can use the Inner Senses – which we will cover in later blogs – to contact and interact with beings beyond 55 feet and into other dimensions, across great distances and so on.

The personal field of manifestation is related to the Third-Dimensional reality, in other words. When exploring other dimensions with the Inner Senses, there are no limitations. Our Personal Reality expands to the infinite. It is from a understanding and utilization of this fact of life that we may experience intentionally changing the greater consensus reality from our Personal Reality Field. Thinking Globally and Acting Locally.

The Personal Reality Field

We are the creator of our Personal Reality Field. As you read this blog, you are at once creating your physical body, including the eyes and brain that read the blog that you also create. All is created in the current moment by you, Dear Blog reader. And so we are all artists from the time we were born, working with the natural elements to create our multitudinous Reality Constructs, the building blocks of our Personal Realities.

Now this creation unfolds before us in a linear fashion. We create, as we have just discussed, a past and a future to “match” our current Moment Point – our spacious present. We are artists, but currently most of us are naïve artists, in that we create our works of art – our physical reality and all of its trappings – without much planning or thought. Thus, we perceive our reality, created unconsciously, as something separate. It appears as though we are at the mercy of our own environment, our world. The amnesia that I spoke of in earlier blogs helps to create this illusion of separation from our creative works.

Currently however, many of us are waking up to the true nature of our reality. We are questioning our personal beliefs and the mass beliefs of our societies. We are coming out of our amnesia and seeing the illusion of separation for what it is: a once useful fiction.

As our consciousness is being raised and we are offered a glimpse of our true reality, many of us will take up the challenge to live our lives more honestly and more responsibly. Knowing that we are not separate from our environment,(we have made it) or from other human beings, (we are one) we will begin to take actions that truly matter, rather than fritter away our time on the trivialities of egoic pursuits.


Time, a concept that is very important to those of us in physical reality, though not in the least important to Beings of Light. Humans make much of “time” as we perceive it. We believe that we are making perfect sense when we say to another, “I don’t have time to do what I need to do,” and we seldom see the inherent humor in such a statement, for we take our time so seriously. But I must assure once again of the TRUTH about time.

The truth is that there is no time but the moment – The Present Moment Point. All else – all of the emotion-laden memories of a particular past and the excitement or dread of a particular future – are fabrications of our imagination. We create the added elements of past and future to format our experiences into something comprehensible to our Third-Dimensional, physical senses.

Now this truth-telling regarding time has great utility for us. Knowing and ACCEPTING that there is no time but the current Moment Point – our Point of Power – can free us from any guilt or other negative emotions concerning events from our “past,” and also release us from the needless dread of so-called “future” events yet to come. This moment of truth in our current time-frame, while we are reading this blog, is all we have.

And it is from this Point of Power that we create not only our future, but also our past. I will ask at points throughout this series of blogs, to attempt to internalize this over-riding fact-of-life as a necessary basis for further study and experimentation.

Consciousness Units

Much has been spoken of CUs (conscious units) over the many years of blogging about this concept. Now, simply put, the CU is a model – a Sethian model – for the activity of Reality Creation at its most basic. We may speak of these elements as Awarized Energy subject to the control of human thought. These are basic units of creation we are discussing and we may summarize their activity in a few words: we create our reality out of Awarized Units of Energy – CUs – through our Intent powered by our emotion.

Again, in other forums we may seek out more intellectualized descriptions. But, it all can be reduced to this previous simple statement. At its most basic, which is where we must be in these research activities, the CU is the leading edge in Reality Construction. This “edge” is that point in consciousness where we may place our intention and began to create consciously.

Co-creating consciously with All That Is “IS” the object of this research blog. Now if we require a more in-depth description, we may read the previous few lines again while we are in a relaxed state. It is possible we will intuit a deeper understanding of this concept.

There is much more to the printed word, in other words, than one can grasp in one reading. This work, as in other spiritual texts, can be taken to as deep a level as our Soul Evolution may permit. Words have power. The printed words in certain books have the power to spiritualize the reader and open them up to other dimensions. It has been thus.

This current blog has the potential to catalyze in the reader the awakening of the spirit. This is not an intellectual pursuit, however, and we will not find our awakening on the intellectual path. We may spend lifetimes intellectualizing and explaining away our lessons. Yet we may discover in a brief moment in time – in a fraction of a second – the personal meanings for us on the planet Earth at this time. This is my hope for you upon reading this blog.


All That Is is the primary energy source for everything in our reality. It drives each and every atom in our field of reality and all fields of reality. For this reason, when I say that we co-create with All That Is, I mean that we, as humans, participate in a collaborative effort of telepathic communication and creation with All That Is to produce our world that we then perceive in a linear fashion.

With our physical senses, indeed, our physical reality “appears” to have substance. It is substance we give it with our thoughts. Now remember also that since all in our world has consciousness – rocks, soil, air, atoms – everything has consciousness, all participate in this Gestalt of Consciousness we are speaking about.

So we can see that it is ridiculous to treat anything in our environment as “lower” than us, or undeserving of respect, simply because we have labeled it “non-living” or “not conscious” or “non-sentient.” We will develop this thread in further in this series of blogs in an attempt to encourage the blog reader to have an ongoing appreciation for life they are living on our beautiful planet.

Scientists of Consciousness

Now in these explorations we shall approach our studies as Scientists of Consciousness. And we will certainly create new definitions for these new terms, for our current definitions are inappropriate for our use. Yet, we are comfortable with these terms. We use them often in our dialogues with one another.

Every day we hear of a new “scientific” study the proclaims to the world that something previously declared helpful to humans is now harmful, and so on and so on. This aspect of scientific research to come up with new information that refutes earlier information is simply the nature of the beast; that it is supposed to do.

Yet, when we find that our scientific community continues to reverse itself, well we might get suspicious as to what the scientists are truly saying in these pronouncements. I will elaborate on this point in future blogs when we speak of matters of control and submission.

As a Scientist of Consciousness we may look to the heart of the matter, and with our Inner Senses surmise what is the TRUE nature of the reality of our world. The Inner Senses, or what we will also refer to as intuition in these blog writings, are the only tools we will need.

Telescopes, microscopes, or any sort of electronic technologies, will not help in this endeavor. After all, these are merely aids to physical senses, and so are amplifiers of data once aids removed from the source. Why not go directly TO the source, and use those tools that are the unobstructed Inner Senses of mankind/womankind?

And so our definition might be: “Scientist of Consciousness – one who uses the Inner Senses to perceive and study physical and non – physical phenomena to obtain Divine Wisdom.” I think that will do nicely.

Having said this, I wholly understand that the “real” scientists who read these blog words will no doubt be upset. That is a good thing. The feelings of disquiet and rising anger are what precede the uncovering of genuine knowledge; when the ego is dispensed with and the Soul is allowed to shine through.

So this is a teaching on the nature of true science. Dear Blog Reader, I come to remind you of these critical facts, these distinctions, so that we may wake-up and enlighten oneself to our worsening dilemma.

Now I have described this dilemma in the past blogs and I refer the reader to that material if you wish more information. For this present series of blogs, however, we will focus on experimentation, and the creation of the means adequate to ANSWER our dilemma, and save ourselves from extinction.

The Physical World

There has always been a physical world, that is, the world of our perceptions. The Universe is and always was, period. Therefore, why speak of scientific theories that explain the beginnings of the Universe of the endings of the Universe? Our scientists are so enamored with studying and labeling their perceptions in the belief that they are acquiring knowledge. Yet the scientist using the physical senses, can only by definition SENSE the physical Universe. In s sense, this physically-oriented scientist is quite LIMITED by the physical senses, and by the crude tools used to study the Universe or any aspects of the Universe, beginning, middle or end, in our terms.

What good is it to know how many stars there are in the sky and how hot they are? This is only science’s skewed perception of what a star is. In truth, a star is more like a potent idea than a fiery object in the sky. And what is the sky; molecules of oxygen and other gases that in some way combine to create our atmosphere? We may answer, “Yes!” but I hope you are beginning to see my point here.

The truth about our Universe is that nothing is as it appears, at least to the physical senses. Our perceived reality is just that, a personal perception. It is a creation of our own making with All That Is. It is our interior Universe expressed outwardly in a divine creative panorama. Now I don’t mean to pull the rug out from under you, Dear Blog Reader, but our scientists can explain in theory. For our world – the air in front of our eyes, the ground beneath our feet, the various “inert” and living forms – is actually composed of animated spirit. In a very literal sense, me and our environment are “god stuff;” spirit made physical, the camouflage of All That Is expressing in infinitely variety.

The True Soul

The True Soul is undiscovered for the most part in our reality. In deed, we will be investigating the correlations between thoughts, behaviors and created realities. Also be so introspective that we will see well into the smallest physical constructs of which reality is composed. Referred to these minuscule elements as CUs – Consciousness Units.

The Energy Personality

The establishing of communication with the Energy Personality is the main focus of my next series of blogs. As Beings of Light we will Be Light and we will lighten up the blog reader as we do so.

This series concerns mainly two broad subjects: the Energy Personality and the Fourth Dimension or the Unity of Consciousness Dimension. Therefore it will be somewhat easy to ferry back and forth from one topic to the other, without having to explain myself to a great degree. I will often refer to my classic blogs that reside in, if you should prefer more illumination than I provide.

Now for those of you who are new to the material, I simply hope in this series of blogs to keep your interest long enough for you to try out the experiments on your own. As humans we learn by doing. This seems to be a hard and fast rule in our physical reality.

The subject matter of this series of blogs concerns our place in the non-physical reality. Another way to express this is that we will be discussing the evolution of the human Soul. This is critical information that we will need to take the next step in human development.

Currently we are at a culmination of countless years of evolution. The transition to the Fourth Dimension is at hand. The mass consciousness has created a highly probable potential for humanity to shed the bonds of ego and allow the Soul Self of each of us to shine through.

As we can imagine, metaphors are clumsy substitutes for what is truly about to occur. In the words of our religious manuscripts, we might say that the people of Earth are about to be enlightened: brought into the light of Higher Consciousness. Whatever the terminology we wish to use – and I do not mean to spite any spiritual path or religion by not including their terminology in this explanation – we are all, my beloved blog readers, in for a dramatic transformation that will alter us fundamentally. Indeed, it will transform us down to the core elements of which we are composed.

These blogs are many of techniques and experiments we may use to contact our Energy Personality and explore the Fourth Dimension. The message here and the message we will be attempting to convey to the blog readers in future blogs, is quite simple: we are awakening to our greater self in this lifetime. The recommendations we offer here are for our greater learning in the evolution of our Soul.

Now, in this moment, as you are reading this blog, you can begin your private journey by acknowledging that the words have meaning for you. Listen to the variety of responses that come from within when you do so. Feel the loving acceptance that supports you on this journey. Recognize the countless other beings who are accompanying us. Some of them have been with us since the inception of consciousness into our world. We are not alone. We have never been alone.

The experiments in these blogs are designed to give some familiarity with the Unity of Consciousness Dimension, so that we will not become disoriented when the shift occurs. The methods for conducting our experiments are given in as simple a way as possible. Everyone should be able to get beneficial results through consistency and a positive attitude. Instructions for creating a personalized Ritual of Sanctuary are provided, to secure your voyage through these unknown waters, and a return to our Third Dimension reality.


Not being at the liberty to change or alter the destiny of mankind/womankind. I am allowed to give information that will prompt the minds of man and woman to think and respond, however it is not my purpose to guide you by the hand step-by-step and tell you what to do in any situation. The purpose of incarnating to our planet is for the soul to grow and experience within its own nature without any interference from outside sources. Otherwise why bother to experience Earth life?

The Light Beings have been interfering somewhat lately because of the disarray of the planet. The impending shift into the fourth dimension is upon us. We as a species were not ready and that is why “They” communicate with us. I am one student of many who have spoken to humans thru blogs about what needs to be done to survive the shift.

The time has come once again to alert us to our reality because time as we know it is coming to a close in this chapter of our evolution. The transition into the peaceful Fourth Dimension requires a certain level of evolution to happen successfully.

It is happening whether we are ready or not. It is my purpose and that of others to get us ready quickly for we have lingered far too long in the realms of darkness.