Category Archives: 4th Dimension

Accepted and Rejected Fields of Reality

A critical and necessary aspect of Reality Creation is what we will call the concept of Accepted and Rejected Fields of Reality. Simply put, our beliefs determine what we accept or reject as part of our Personal Reality Field. Another way to express this idea is that each of us, as the thematic structures of our belief system. Moment-to- moment, we accept from innumerable probabilities, those that complement our ongoing Personal Reality Field. We act upon these probabilities and so bring them from the potential and probable into the realm of the possible and actual. Our Personal Reality develops staying power and permanence in this way.

This concept of Accepted and Rejected Fields can be used to explain how our belief system changes as we learn our lessons in Third-Dimensional reality. For example: let us examine a person who may be new to matters spiritual. They are a male or female who has lived a very material life. Their main activities are shopping and watching television. They have not reproduced or built a network of family or friends.

This may describe many millions of the inhabitants of our Western world. We could say that their Accepted Field of Reality, the Personal Reality they have known and can come to expect in the future, is one of robotic existence. The inner life is not examined here to any degree. This is simply the way it is for them.

But let us suppose that the Higher Self of one of these people creates an opportunity for going within, to perhaps briefly meet the Soul Self. Divine information is streamed into the consciousness of this person. Let us say this has the effect of motivating them to take a walk in the forest rather spending the day watching television. As this person walks in the forest, they participate in the exchange of energies with the vibrant, life-affirming aspects of the forest environment. This may have the effect of revitalizing and spiritualizing this person, to the degree that they would want to make this activity a regular part of their existence.

Do you see how the chosen activity of walking in the forest, merely one of an infinite number of probable activities, acts to bring new life to this person? Perhaps this is part of their lessons they have come to Earth to learn. Perhaps they are to seek out empowering activities in nature that will expand their consciousness and serve to spin them off onto a different, more life-affirming trajectory than their current life path.

Now, this is of course greatly simple, this example, for the accepting or rejecting of individual probable actions, ideas and images is infinitely more complex. To bring in the computer analogy here for a moment: the process would be similar to the function of the world’s most powerful computer. This theoretical computer would be able to make an infinite amount of choices from among an infinite array of probabilities each second. In our previous example, each choice would serve to complement and endorse and continually verify the belief system. And the activity of walking in the forest, done over time, is moving from a Rejected Field of Reality to an Accepted Field of Reality. It is being incorporated into the Personal Reality Field.

Our Inner World

Everyone has an “inner life,” whether they acknowledge it or not. All of us are involved in the great dramas and subliminal activities of the underworld of human consciousness. Memories of these experiences are carried out with us from sleep and we my marvel at the peculiar symbols of this material. Yet this non-physical universe is ALWAYS ON, despite our knowing or unknowing of its reality.

In our waking hours, as we go about our work-a-day world behaviors, this unknown reality of the spirit continues to unfold beyond our physical senses. Indeed, it is this etheric counterpart to our physical reality that lives life to our “normal” waking hours perceptions. The two work together, in other words – the waking and the sleeping times realities – to present to us for our edification, the life lessons we have incarnated to learn.

Now, to get a sense for this complementary non-physical reality, all we must do is present a line of inquiry to oneself, while in a relaxed and open state of mind. This non-physical reality is “waiting in the wings,” to enter into our particular life-drama that we are experiencing.

As I have hinted at in these new blogs, most of us who are reading this material are doing so for a purpose; that is, to catalyze the use of our Inner Senses. In this way, we will be receiving a preview of what is to be humanity’s next perceptual breakthrough – an exploration of the Unity of Consciousness Dimension.

So our inner world will be making itself known to the outer, in a way never before experienced by humankind. And we have the opportunity of learning about this new land beforehand, so that if we feel called upon to do so, we may assist in the awakening of others. Now let us speak of the creation of the new realities that will bridge inner to outer worlds.

Connecting with the Mystery Civilizations

HYPOTHESIS: Current interests may illustrate lives in the Mystery Civilizations.

Using the methods from a previous experiment, consider which of the Mystery Civilizations you may have resided in. There have been others not mentioned in this blog that you will put on your list. Just get a sense of where your interests have been over the years of your current life. Are you an engineer type or a scientist? Are you a nurturer and yet also a leader?

With the knowledge of what type of personality you are currently, consider which of the Mystery Civilizations you may have lived within, that could serve to complement your personality and interests. In past blogs I have established for you several families of consciousness.

With this in mind – that you may be a participant in a family of consciousness and that you share traits with others in this family – yet without creating unnecessary dogma around it, as I may have done in the past – I would invite you to consider the Mystery Civilizations that most suit your temperament and personality and put them on your list.

As before, create your relaxed state and go through your list. Visualize the possibilities of life within these civilizations. For you it may be as though you are watching a motion picture, or perhaps a particular feeling tone will serve to direct you. The Sumari language is very distinctive, perhaps you will hear some dialogue from a possible existence in GA.

“You will know it when you see it or hear it.” Watch and listen. Continue this line or inquiry for as long as you wish, without of course, trying to find something that is not there. When you sense that the experiment is over for the time being, gradually come to full-waking consciousness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings.

Connecting with Your “Historical” Past

Current interests may illustrate lives in preceding eras.

I believe that we have set the stage adequately with our discussion of the origins of humanity as to where we have been in terms of our preceding many thousands of years. This brings so to our present. From this vantage point we can see how each of the readers of this blog has participated in these events: being spun off from All That Is and being born as babies and raised in some or all of the Mystery Civilizations of Earth. Now this leaves us still looking backwards from our present into the ages after these civilizations and leading up to our current incarnations within our modern timeframe.

A very simple way to conduct research into this intermediary phase is to consider, individually Dear Blog Reader, what eras in our Earth’s historical past we identify with or feel deeply attached to, as if we had spent sometimes or even a lifetime in these historical timeframes. This is a potent method of consciousness expansion.

Before we enact our Ritual of Sanctuary, make a list of historical eras we enjoy reading about it books or depicted in motion pictures. Do we feel a sense of nostalgia here? Do you feel a sense of longing, as though we are away from our home? If we do, these eras may merit exploration in this experiment. we may wish to scan history books for ideas, using our intuition to guide us. When we have our list of eras at hand….

Now access you state of relaxation using whatever technique you have found useful. To repeat the phrase, “I am light,” may be helpful. When we are sensing our world in a light and relaxed manner, consider our list of eras one-by-one, and visualize the possibility of your having lived a life within these timeframes. Now often it will appear quite obvious that you are going in the right direction here. You may have a sense of loving acceptance with a re-living of experiences from these possible past existences. Make a mental note to remember this information. When you have finished your list, gently return to your waking consciousness.

FINDINGS- Document your experiences.


Bleed-throughs can be glimpses of probable roads not taken and so not actualized. For the most part, as I said, in these bleed-through experiences we are connecting with aspects of our Simultaneous Lives.

In the Unity of Consciousness Dimension we will be aware of all of our existences past, present and future and we will be able to remember them and hold those memories. Now, currently our consciousness – and by this I mean the consciousness of Western mankind/womankind – is just beginning to learn how to navigate these regions.

Part of this learning experience is discovering how to “hold” these perceptive bleed-throughs in our consciousness without resorting to fear, denial, etc. These experiences will be momentary, therefore, until the Inner Senses are adequately developed, and skills at creating love and confidence out of fear and anger are mastered.

We are not given more than we can deal with in any particular instance here. It is an individual learning curve with each of us as we learn to acknowledge our Energy Personalities and begin to expand our perceptions with the help of these Guides.


We have covered GA and Atlantis. We will now discuss Lemuria. This civilization is quite active on our planet Earth, yet like others, is flourishing within adjacent dimensions. Now as an intriguing aside to our presentation here, many anomalous phenomena we experience in our timeframe – ghost, monsters of various types, space beings – are simply our perceptions of momentary openings – portals if you will – into these other dimensions.

Lemuria the civilization is the stimulus in our human consciousness – collective consciousness – for ideas about underground people. Thus, in our fairy tales we have trolls and other fascinating types of creatures who pop out of the ground to engage in discussions with humans, only to “disappear” back into Earth.

Now it is true, in a sense, that this civilization can be thought of as subterranean, yet that is simply where the Lemurian dimension is located in our Earthly intersection of space and time. To the Lemurians it is us, the surface inhabitants of Earth, who are peculiar in our occupation of the “upper” dimensions of the Lemurian world.

The people of Lemuria are excellent dreamers. They pay much attention to their dream activities and appreciate the connections to the waking physical world. They spend a greater amount of time sleeping than do the inhabitants of our Third-Dimensional world.

We often experience their dreams as momentary waking visions, or fantastic dreams if we are asleep. Humans of the Third-Dimension and the subterranean Lemurians share elements of consciousness, therefore, and if we are patient and perceptive, we may identify these bleed-throughs in our own consciousness when they occur.

The underworld people have been the subject of many visitations by shamans and other travelers of the Etheric Realms for centuries on our world. To go into the Earth seeking visions is to invite meetings with these people. Now they have a markedly different appearance than their surface colleagues. I cannot tell specifies, as I wish you to discover these for your self.

However, I can say that our descriptions of Nature Spirits, the Green Man, Elementals and others are highly accurate. Different physical locations beneath the surface reveal different articulations of the subterranean life forms, just as the different races of humanity are “products” of the different surface conditions on our Earth.

Atlantean Healing

I might add that the people of Atlantis had a unique healing system that utilized color and sound. Prismatic colors and natural as well as “synthesized” sounds and colors, were used by members of the healing caste to effect cures of various diseases.

Environmental or ambient sounds may be “captured” by one’s consciousness and brought into the problem area to heal the body through “resonance.”

The healers of Atlantis were actually facilitators of the healing process within individuals. These techniques were similar to our modern hypnosis methods. The subject was led through prescribed visualization journeys to access “the healer within.” The power of healing was thought to lie within the Great Power: The Divine or Sacred Energy of Life.

Members of the healing caste were in touch with what we are referring to in these writings as the Energy Personality. They were experts in facilitating contact and communication with the Energy Personalities of these they were assisting. The work was very similar to what we are attempting in this current project Blog.

Atlantis the Technological Power

Atlantis is a society that lingers on the edges of our mass consciousness, almost as a dream. Our people’s attraction to the story of Atlantis has to do with the similarities between our cultures. Now without interfering in our evolution, I might say that the similarities revolve around issues of Power with a capital P, the ethical uses of mental technologies and the spirituality question: that is, how does a society protect the open manifestation of spiritual ideas? I trust we may intuit further “talking points” from my humble description.

The greatest technological achievement of the Atlantis civilization – the one that helped create great benefits for the people and advanced the growth of society – was the use of human bio-electric energy in series. The telepathic networks between individuals were used to transmit and magnify human cellular energy. This bio-electric power was then stored in crystals and some special structures made for this purpose. These “batteries” could then power the devices the people used in their daily existences.

Much as modern humans are dependent on electricity from power plants, the Atlanteans required a connection to the storage units that held the energy. This connection was a mental one. The psychic networks that we in our current timeframe are just now beginning to explore and validate, were used in Atlantis in very sophisticated ways. Ordinary human beings could connect to this network mentally and immediately receive the energy transmission, which they would then direct the energy to their devices. I am sorry that I cannot be more forth-coming with this information.

Children Of Atlantis

The stories of Atlantis and other mystery civilizations. As a child, we enjoyed movies with Atlantis as the subject matter. We have read books on the topic throughout our life. We are drawn to this “myth” as are many of our fellow humans in our timeframe. There are reasons for this attraction. WE are “Children of Atlantis,” in a very literal sense: “children, ” in that we have a tendency, as a species, to not want to learn our lessons. I am speaking of he spiritual lessons that we came to our planet to learn. And we are from Atlantis, that is true, a civilization that reached the highest station in technological achievement, only to destroy itself trough misuse of these capabilities. This is of necessity a greatly over-simplified explanation, for Atlantis is as much in our future as our past.

Now, as an aside, previously I have suggested that humanity is indeed headed down the wrong path with regards to the development and use of nuclear technologies. And this is the arena in which mankind/womankind, particularly in the industrialized nations of Earth, will either go the way of the Atlanteans and cut short their evolution in childhood, or begin to make the right decisions as a loving collective and mature into responsible stewards as co-creators with All That Is. I do not wish to be like some scary monster storyteller with this information, but hear me now: the situation on earth is very, very critical. It becomes more dangerous with each passing day as we create this Blog. The nuclear question, however we must only look at some of our Earth’s spiritual traditions, to get an indication of what will inevitably befall us if we continue on our course. The prophecies of these scriptures speak of great fires and catastrophes, and indeed these will occur if humankind does not change its ways. In these same traditions there are writings on how to avoid the cataclysms brought on by greed, ignorance, fear and anger.

Please understand that humans at all points of our Earth are being brought up closer to the light in these current years. The people are being educated in their own tongues and with images from their own spiritual and religious teachings.

People Power

The multisensory image of numbers of people lying down on the ground, head to foot, in series, in a grid and somehow this generate power.

It reveals the fundamental power of the culture: they harnessed thought and used the collective power of human mentality – telepathy – to create our world consciously. This is where we are headed in the future if we utilize ideas.

Encouragement And Caution

As I have said in earlier bogs, our human consciousness visits other time periods and participates in activities in other dimensions, even as we may be participating in our daily unremarkable activities. We are experts at vacating our human bodies and venturing forth into the unknown realities.

Our New Age metaphysical literature is quite filled with stories of angels, demons, extra-terrestrials and the like. So too do our motion picture business prosper through the creation of science fiction and fantasy movies. Yet does it surprise that these stories are “literally’ true?

Remember, Dear Blog reader, that it is our human consciousness that creates our reality in tandem with All That Is. And so the creativity of our artists, as well as our own, feeds and supports alternate dimensions. When we are experiencing these tales, either through reading books or watching movies or plays, we are submerged in the alternate dimensions for that time. So this is the simplest example of inter-dimensional travel.

With regards to the subject of contacting other entities in the Fourth Dimension, I must caution to certainly create your Ritual of Sanctuary and have this ritual memorized. As an explorer of these realms, we undoubtedly will encounter negative energy forms that may come into our consciousness and attempt to fix on our light. By this I mean Negative Entities can transmit a propensity for negative, repetitive thoughts or images entering our consciousness that can be difficult to undo.

We recognize these circular ideas or information loops as disturbing pangs of dread, and other negative emotions. They seem to come from nowhere. Actually these Negative Energies are attracted to specific memories and ideas we are holding in our mental environment that are of a negative nature: ideas and feeling of low self-worth, replays of past mistakes and all of the other negative inner experiences humans punish themselves with every day.

Now this is how the Negative Forces gain control over the minds of many in our world. They gain a stronghold in a sense, within the mental environment of those with weakened protection systems. It is as though the immune system of the Etheric Body is weakened through the activity of the negative thoughts, images and such, creating the conditions within the mental environment for viral contamination.

The negative, circular thoughts – the thought viruses – are then free to multiply. The comparison is very useful here. With our suggestions and experiments we are using love and acceptance and confidence to dispel the viral attack. To carry it further, antibodies are created with the introduction of positive thoughts and emotions into the suppressed immune system of the Metal or Etheric Body.

The negative viral front is neutralized and overcome by love, acceptance and confidence. To be sure, a healthy mental, emotional and spiritual body is one that is nourished on love, acceptance and confidence, to the degree that these positive states of consciousness are the typical experiences of the embodied Soul.