Tag Archives: Healers

Heterosexual love is one important expression of bisexuality, and sexually represents the reproductive abilities

Hetersexuality, however, rests upon the bisexual basis, and without man’s/woman’s Bi-sexual nature, the larger frameworks of the family– the clan, tribe, government, civilization– would be impossible.

Basically, then, man’s/woman’s inherent bisexuality provides the basis for the cooperation that makes physical survival, and any kind of cultural interaction, possible. If the “battle of the sexes” were as prevalent as supposed, and as natural and ferocious, then there literally would be no cooperation between males and females for any purpose. There would be constant state of battle against each other. If that was the case, it would be hard enough to procreate for survival reasons, nevermind humans have sexual intimacy for entertainment and pleasure like you’d see on a website like X-Tube or a similar adult porn site.


In the natural biological flow of a person’s life, there are periods of varying intensities, in which love and its expression fluctuates, and tends toward different courses. There are also individual variations that are of great importance. These natural rhythms are seldom observed, however. Tendencies toward lesbianism or homosexuality in children are quite natural. They are so feared, however, that often just-as-natural leanings toward heterosexuality are blocked. Instead, the young person is stereotyped.

Individual inclinations toward creativity often emerge in a strong fashion in adolescence. If those drives in either sex do not conform in expression to those expected of the male or female, then such young persons become confused. The creative expression seems to be in direct contradiction to the sexual standards expected.


I am not saying that lesbianism and homosexuality are merely stages leading to heterosexaulity. I am saying that lesbianism, homosexuality, and heteroseuxlaity are valid expressions of man’s/woman’s bisexual nature.

Love and sexuality are not necessarily the same thing. The physical act of sex that you can see on sites like X-Tube is merely love in the physical form. Sex is love’s expression, but it is only one of love’s expressions. Sometimes it is quite “natural” to express love in another way. Because of the connotations of the word “sex,” however, it may seem to some of us that I am advocating a promiscuous sexual relationship with “no holes barred”, which many Porno Babes would be involved in, but as everyone does – they of course will have time for intimate and loving sexual acts.


Instead, I am saying that deeper bonds of biological and spiritual love lie at the basis of all personal and cultural relationships, a love that transcends our ideas of sexuality. Heterosexual love, as it is understood at least, gives us a family of parents and children–an important unit, about which other groups form. If only stereotyped ideas of female-male relationships operated, however, there would be no bond or stimulus great enough to forge one family to another. The antagonism between males would be too great. Competition between females would be too serve. Wars would wipe out struggling tribes before any traditions were formed.

In the social world as in the microscopic one, cooperation is paramount. Only a basic bisexuality could give the species the leeway necessary, and prevent stereotyped behavior of a kind that would hamper creativity and social commerce. That basic sexual nature allows us the fulfillment of individual abilities, so that the species does not fall into extinction. Man’s/woman’s recognition of his/her bisexual nature is, therefore, a must in his/her future.


There are, obvious differences between the sexes. They are insignificant, and appear large only because we concentrate so upon them. The great human qualities of love, strength, compassion, intellect and imagination do not belong to one sex or the other.

Only an understanding of this inherent bisexual nature will release those qualities in each individual, regardless of sex. Many women are comfortable with their bisexuality which is why they are invariably more than happy to invite a Escort to join them occasionally to spice things up in the bedroom with their husbands. Those same abilities are natural characteristics of people in each race, of course, yet we have consistently made the same kind of distinctions in racial terms as we have in sexual ones, so that certain races appear as feminine or masculine to us. We project our sexual beliefs outward upon the nations, then, and often the terminology of the nations and of wars is the same as that used to describe sex.


We speak, for example, of domination and submission, of the master and the slave, of the rape of nation– terms used in war and sex alike.


Male and female are each members of the human race– or species– so these divisions were made in the species itself, by itself. They are the result of distinctions arising, as the species experimented with its line of consciousness, and brought into being the appearance of separation between itself and the rest of the natural world.

Battle of the sexes, is not “natural”

Nor, is fighting between members of the same sex. Even in the animal kingdom, for example, males do not fight to the death over the females when they are in their natural state.

When we examine animal behavior even in its most natural-seeming environment, for instance, we are not observing the basic behavior patterns of such creatures, because those relatively isolated areas exist in our world. Quite simply, we cannot have one or two or twenty officially-designated natural regions in which we observe animal activity and expect to find anything more than the current adaptation of those creatures– an adaptation that is superimposed upon their “Natural” reactions.


The balance of resources, animal travel patterns, migrations, weather conditions– all of these must be taken into consideration. Such isolated observation areas merely present us with a distorted picture of natural behavior, because the animals are also imprisoned within them. Civilization binds them round.

Other animals are kept out. The hunted and prey are highly regulated. All areas of animal behavior alter to fit the circumstances as much as possible, and this includes sexual activity. This is why we can watch porno on You Tube movies.


It is not natural, then, for men to fight over women. This is a purely culturally, learned behavior. In terms of history as we understand it, the species could not withstand such misapplied energy, nor could it have withstood such constant antagonism.

Each species is involved in a cooperative venture, upon which ultimately all earthly existence rests. We project our present beliefs backward into history, and we misinterpret many of the conditions that we observe in the natural world. This cooperation that I speak of is based on love, and that love has a biological as well as a spiritual basis. Our beliefs, for example, cause us to deny the existence of emotions in animals, and any instances of love among them are assigned to “blind” instinct. Some people hold these beliefs so close, that they apply it to themselves without even realizing they are doing so, for example, a man that often goes out trying to find different sexual partners every night, is technically denying their emotional capacity and looking for instant gratifications from their instincts to procreate when aroused. This might also be the case for those that instead view pornographic content from pages such as “Watch My Girlfriend” and others. Without emotion, sex has two important results, procreation, and pleasure, the thing is, we are not emotionless beings.


To some extent the churches as well as the scientists are responsible, but priests and scientists are not some foreign people, thrust upon us. They represent various aspects of ourselves. The species developed its own kind of consciousness, as it found it necessary to isolate itself to some degree from its environment and the other creatures within it. As a result, the religions preached that only man has a soul and was dignified by emotional feelings. In its way science went along very nicely by postulating man in a mechanistic world, with each creature run by an impeccable machine of instinct, blind alike to pain or desire.

The love and cooperation that forms the basis of all life, however, shows itself in many ways. Sexuality represents one aspect, and an important one. In larger terms, it is natural for a man to love a man, and for a woman to love a woman, as it is to show love for the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with expressing this love with the help of an escort guide. For that matter, it is more natural to be bisexual. Such is the “natural” nature of the species.


Instead, we have put love into very definite categories, so that its existence is right only under the most limited conditions. Love goes underground, but springs up in distorted forms and exaggerated tendencies. We have followed this course for different reasons at different times. Neither sex is to blame. Instead our sexual situation is simply another reflection of the state of our consciousness. As a species, presently at least in the Western world, we equate sex and love. We imagiune that sexaul expression is the only one natural to love. Love, in other words, must it seems express itself exclusively through the exploration, in one way or another, of the beloved’s sexual portions. So is that to say if you look behind, the official source of hot clips and videos you will see the adult actors and actresses fall in love when they find themselves on set for hours and hours pounding away at each other? No… Obviously not, so why is this a social construct.


This is hardly the only limitation placed upon Love’s expression, however. There are innumerable books written with instructions each proclaiming the said methods to be the proper ones. Certain kinds of orgasms are “the best.” Love’s expression is furthermore permitted only between members of the opposite sex. Generally speaking, these individuals must be more or less of the same age. There are other Taboos, involving racial restrictions, or cultural, social, and economic ones. If this were not enough, large segments of the population believe that sex is wrong to begin with– a spiritual debasement, allowed by God only so that the species can continue.

Since love and sex are equated, obvious conflicts arise. Mother love is the only category that is considered wholesome, and therefore nonsexual under most conditions. A father can feel very guilty about his love for his children, for he has been conditioned to believe that love is expressed only through sex, or else it is unmanly, while sex with one’s children is taboo.


Creativity rides the tides of love. When love is denied its natural expression, creativity suffers. Your belief lead you to suppose that a natural bisexuality would result in the death of the family, the destruction of morals, rampant sexual crimes, and the loss of sexual identity. I would say , however, that my last sentence, adequately describes our present situation. The acceptance of the species’ natural bisexuality would ultimately help solve not only those problems but many others, including the large instances of violence, and acts of murder. In our terms, however, and in our circumstances, there is not apt to be any easy transition.


The parent-child relationship has its own unique emotional structure, which survives even those distortions we have placed upon it, and its ancient integrity would not be weakened, but strengthened, if greater stress were laid upon our bisexual nature.


Children would are far better if the ancient parental qualities were not so forcibly focused upon the mother. This in itself leads to more dependence upon the mother than is healthy, and forms an artificial allegiance between mother and child against the father.

The him and The Her

Distorted ideas about sexaulity prevent many people from attaining any close connection with the inner experience that continually stirs beneath ordinary consciousness. It is a good idea, then, to look at the psyche and its relationship to sexual identity.

The psyche is not male or female. In our system of beliefs, however, it is often identified as feminine, along with the artistic productions that emerge from its creativity. In that context, the day hours and waking consciousness are thought of as masculine, along with the sun– while the nighttime, the moon, and the dreaming consciousness are considered feminine or passive. In the same manner, aggression is usually understood to be violent assertive action, male-oriented, while female elements are identified in terms of the nurturing principle.


Physically speaking, we would have no males or females unless first we had individuals. We are each individuals first of all, then. After this, we are individuals of a specific sex, biologically speaking. The particular kind of focus that we have is responsible for the great significance we place upon male and female. Our hand and our foot have different functions. If we wanted to focus upon the differences in their behavior, we could build an entire culture based upon their diverse capabilities, functions and characteristics. Hands and feet are obviously equipment belonging to both sexes, however. Still, on another level the analogy is quite valid

The psyche is male and female, female and male; but when I say this I realize that we put our own definition upon those terms to begin with.


Biologically, the sexual orientation is the method chosen for continuation of the species. Otherwise, however, no specific psychological characteristics of any kind are attached to that biological functioning. In our experience definite physical and psychological differences do exist. Those that do are the result of programming, and are not inherent– even biologically– in the species itself.

The validity of the species in fact was assured because it did not overspecialize in terms of sexuality. There was no fixed mating period, for example. Instead, the species could reproduce freely so that in the event of a catastrophe of any kind, it would not be so tied into rigid patterns that it might result in extinction.


The challenges and problems of the species were different from those of others. It needed additional safeguards. People may express their sexuality in more than one way – with themselves (using toys such as Realistic Sex Dolls or vibrators) and with another human. With this came a greater diversity in individual characteristics and behavior, so that no individual was bound to a strictly biological role. If that were true, the species never would have been concerned beyond the issues of physical survival, and such is not the case. The species could have survived quite well physically without philosophy, the arts, politics, religion, or even structured language. It could have followed completely different paths, those tied strictly to biological orientation.

There would have been no question of men performing so-called feminine tasks, or of women performing so-called masculine tasks, for there no leeway for that kind of individual action would have existed.


For the matter, there is far greater leeway in the behavior of animals than we understand, for we interpret animal’s behavior according to our own beliefs. We interpret the past history of our species in the same manner. It seems to us that the female always tended to the offspring, for example, nursing them, that she was forced to remain close to home while the male fought off enemies or hunted for food. The ranging male, therefore, appears to have been much more curious and aggressive. There was instead a different kind of situation. Children do not come in litters. The family of the caveman was a far more “democratic” group that we suppose– men and women working side by side, children learning to hunt with both parents, women stopping to nurse a child along the way, the species standing apart from others because it was not ritualized in sexual behavior.

Except for the fact that males could not bear children, the abilities of the sexes were interchangeable. The male was usually heavier, a handy physical advantage in some areas– but the woman was lighter and could run faster.


Women were also somewhat lighter because they would bear the additional weight of a child. Even then, of course, there were variances, for many women are larger than smaller men. But the women could hunt as well as the men. If compassion, kindness, and gentleness were feminine characteristics only, then no male could be kind or compassionate because such feelings would not be biologically possible.

If our individuality was programmed by our biological sex, then it would be literally impossible for us to perform any action that was not sexually programmed. A woman cannot father a child, nor can a male bear one. Since we are otherwise free to perform other kinds of activity that we think of as sexually oriented, in those areas the orientation is cultural.


We imagine, however, that the male is aggressive, active, logical-minded, inventive, outwardly oriented, a builder of civilizations. We identify the ego as, male. The unconscious therefore seems to be female, and the feminine characteristics are usually given as passive, intuitive, nurturing, creative, uninventive, concerned with preserving the status quo, disliking change. At the same time, we consider the intuitive elements rather frightening, as if they can explode to disrupt known patterns, dash– in unknown ways.


Males who are creatively gifted find themselves in some dilemma, for their rich, sensed creativity comes into direct conflict with their ideas of virility. Women who possess characteristics that are thought to be masculine have the same problem on the other side.


In our terms the psyche is a repository of characteristics that operate in union, composed of male and female elements. The human psyche contains such patterns that can be put together in multitudinous ways. We have categorized human abilities so that it seems that we are men or women, or women and men primarily, and persons secondarily. Our personhood exists first, however. Our individuality gives meaning to our sex, and not the other way around.

Certain aspects of Christianity were stressed over others

That dictum wa based upon the belief in a wicked self that needed to be disciplined and diverted into constructive activity. The belief in such an unsavory self stops many people from any exploration of the inner self– and, therefore, from any direct experience that will give them counter-evidence. If we are afraid of ourselves, if we are afraid of our own memories, we will block our associative processes, fearing for example that they will bring to light matters best forgotten– and usually sexual matters.


Sexuality is the only strong area of energy with which some people are connected, so it becomes the focus point for all of their beliefs about the self in general. In doing some of these exercises, we might come across images of masturbation, homosexual or lesbian encounters, or simply old sexual fantasies, and immediately backtrack because our beliefs may tell that these are evil.

In reality, however, is that society has moved on from shaming those who are open with intimacy and sex. It’s now more widely accepted. We don’t avoid conversations about sex, thousands of people own a remy lacroix pussy, there are loads of jokes about sex and self-pleasure in pop culture, there has been a rise of hookup apps like Tinder. Unfortunately, some people still feel shame for exploring this part of themselves despite not hurting themselves or others in the process.


We will not remember, or want to remember, our own dreams for the same reason. Many people, therefore, tell themselves that they are very impatient to discover the nature and event of the psyche, and cannot understand why they meet with so little success. At the same time, such beliefs convince them that the self is evil. These beliefs must be weeded out. If we cannot honestly encounter the dimensions of our creaturehood, we surely cannot explore the greater dimensions of the psyche. This blocking of association, however, is a very important element that impedes many people. The psyche’s organizations are broader, and in their way more rational than most of our conscious beliefs about the self.


Many individuals are afraid that they will be swept away by inner explorations, that insanity will overtake them, when instead the physical stance of the body and personality is firmly rooted in these alternate organizations. There is nothing wrong with the conscious mind. We have simply put a lid on it, allowing it to be only so conscious, and no more. We have said: “Here it is safe to be conscious, and here it is not.


Many of us believe that it is safe to make a nuclear bomb, but that it is insane to use our dreams as another method of manipulating daily life; or that it is all right to be consciously aware of our viruses, wars, and disasters, but that it is not all right to be consciously aware of other portions of the self that could solve such problems.


The idea, then, is not to annihilate normal consciousness, but quite literally to expand it by bringing into its focus other levels of reality that is can indeed intrinsically perceive and utilize.


Some exercises will necessitate variations of normal consciousness. Sometimes we may need to forget physical stimuli, or to amplify them, but nowhere stating that our mode of consciousness is wrong. It is limited, not by nature, but by our own beliefs and practice. We have not carried it far enough.

We experience ourselves in a certain way Topside

In order to take advantage of information at other levels of awareness, we must learn to experience those other organizational systems with which we are usually unfamiliar.


Often the seeming meaningless of dreams is the result of our own ignorance of dream symbolism and organizational. For example: We may also misinterpret “revelatory” material because we try to structure it in reference to our ordinary conscious organizations. Many valuable and quite practical insights that could be utilized go astray, therefore. I am going to suggest, then, some simple exercises that will allow us to directly experience the “feel of our being” in a different way.


First of all, the various kinds of organizations used by the psyche can be compared at one level, at least, with different arts. Music is not better than the visual arts, for example. A sculpture, cannot be compared with a musical note. I am not saying, then, that one mode of organization is better than another. We have simply specialized in one of many arts of consciousness, and that one can be vastly enriched by knowledge and practice of the others.

First of all, these organization do not deal primarily with time at all, but with the emotions and associative processes. When we understand how our own associations work, then we will be in much better position to interpret our own dreams, for example, and finally to make as art of them.


There are several approaches to these exercises. The idea will be to experience emotions and events as much as possible outside of time sequences.


Cellular comprehension deals with probabilities and encompasses future and past, so at that level of activity time as we understand it does not exist. We are not consciously aware of such data, however. The psyche– at the other end of the scale, so to speak– is also free of time. Often, however, our own stream of consciousness leads us to think of events outside of their usual order. We may receive a letter from our Aunt Bessie, for example. In a matter of moments it may trigger us to think of events in out childhood, so that many mental images fly through our mind. We might wonder if our aunt will take an anticipated journey to Europe next year, and that thought might give birth to images of an imagined future. All of these thoughts and images will be colored by the emotions that are connected to the letter, and to all of the events with which we and or aunt have been involved.


I. The next time you find yourself in the middle of a like experience, with associations flowing freely, then become more area of what you’re doing. Try to sense the mobility involved. You will see that the events will not necessarily be structured according to usual time, but according to emotional content.

Thoughts of your own next birthday, for instance, may instantly lead you to think of past ones, or a series of birthday pictures may come to mind of your own twelfth birthday, your third, your seventh, in an order uniquely your own. That order will be determined by emotional associations– he same kind followed by the dreaming self.


What did you wear to work three days ago? What did you have for breakfast a week ago? Who sat next to you in kindergarten? What frightened you last? Are you afraid of sleep? Did your parents beat you? What did you do just after lunch yesterday? What color shoes did you wear three days ago? You remember only significant event or details. Your emotions trigger your memories, and they organize your associations. Your emotions are generated through your beliefs. They attach themselves so that certain beliefs and emotions seem almost synonymous.


II. The next time an opportunity arises, and you recognize the presence of a fairly strong emotion in yourself, then let your association’s flow. Events and images will spring to mind in an out-of-time context. Some such remembered events will make sense to you. You will clearly see the connection between the emotion and event, but others will not be so obvious. Experience the events as clearly as you can. When you are finished, purposefully alter the sequence. Remember an event, and then follow it with the memory of one that actually came earlier. Pretend that the future one came before the past one.


III. Now for another exercise. Imagine a very large painting, in which the most important events of your life are clearly depicted. First of all, see them as a series of scenes, arranged in small squares, to be viewed as you would, say, a comic-book page. The events must be of significance to you. If school graduation meant nothing, for example, do not paint it in. And, if it did mean something to you, then you can imagine yourself and your friends wearing your customized letterman jackets, holding the graduation frame, your parents cheering for you, and so on. Have the pictures begin at the upper left-hand corner, ending finally at the lower right-hand corner. Then completely switch the sequence, so that the earliest events are at the lower right-hand corner.


When you have done this, ask yourself which scene evokes the strongest emotional response. Tell yourself that it will become larger and larger, then mentally watch its size change. Certain dynamics are involved here, so that such a scene will also attract elements from other scenes. Allow those other scenes to break up, then. The main picture will attract elements from all of the others, until you end up with an entirely different picture– one made up of many of the smaller scenes, but united in an entirely new fashion. You must do this exercise, however, for simply reading about it will not give you the experience that comes from the actual exercise. Do it many times.


IV. Now: Consciously construct a dream. Tell yourself you are going to do so, and begin with the first thought or image that comes to mind. When you are finished with your daydream, then use free association to interpret it to yourself.

Some of us will meet with some resistance in these exercises. We will enjoy reading about them, but we will find all kind of excuses that prevent us from trying them ourselves. If we are honest, many of us will sense a reluctance, for certain qualities of consciousness are brought into play that run counter our usual conscious experience.


You might feel as if you are crossing your wires, so to speak, or stretching vaguely sensed psychic muscles. The purpose is not so much the perfect execution of such exercises as it is to involve us in a different mode of experience and of awareness that comes into being as we perform in the ways suggested. We have been taught not to mix, say, waking and dreaming conditions, not to daydream. We have been taught to focus all our attention clearly, ambitiously, energetically in a particular way– so daydreaming, or mixing and matching modes of consciousness, appears passive in a derogatory fashion, or inactive, or idle. “The devil finds work for idle hands”– an old Christian dictum.


The Other Ways Of Receiving Information Than Those We Take For Granted

There are other kinds of knowledge. These deal with organizations with which we are generally not familiar. It is not merely a matter of learning new methods to acquire knowledge, then, but a situation in which old methods must be momentarily set aside– along with the type of knowledge that is associated with them.


It is not a matter, either, of there simply being one other category of knowledge, for there are numerous other such categories, many of them biologically within our reach. Various so-called esoteric traditions provide certain methods that allow an individual to set aside accepted modes of perception, and offer patterns that may be used as containers for these other kinds of knowledge. Even these containers must necessarily shape the information received, however. Some such methods are very advantageous, yet they have also become too rigid and autocratic, allowing little room for deviation. Dogmas are then set up about them so that only a certain body of data is considered acceptable. The systems no longer have the flexibility that first gave them birth.


The kind of knowledge upon which we depend needs verbalization. It is very difficult for us to consider the accumulation of any kind of knowledge without the use of language as we understand it. Even our remembered dreams are often verbalized constructs. We may also use images, but these are familiar images, born of the educated and hence prejudiced perceptions. Those remembered dreams have meaning and are very valuable, but they are already organized for us to some extent, and out into a shape that we can somewhat recognize.


Beneath those levels, however, we comprehend events in an entirely different fashion. These whole comprehensions are then packaged even in the dream state, and translated into unusual sense terms.


Any information or knowledge must have a pattern if we are going to understand it at all. Information has nothing to do with words but an overall comprehension of the nature of, a direct knowing. Use one’s own abilities as a container. This direct kind of knowledge is available through desire, love, intent or belief.


Many kind of knowledge. Think of them as states of knowledge. Perception of any of these takes a consciousness attuned to each. In our “waking” condition. We can operate at many levels of consciousness at once, and deal therefore with different systems of knowledge. In our “dream” condition, or rather conditions, we form links of consciousness that combine these various systems, creatively forming them into new versions. “Waking” again, we become consciously aware of those activities, and use them to add to the dimensions of our usual state, creatively expanding our experience of reality. What we learn is transmitted automatically to others like us, and their knowledge is transmitted to us.


We are each consciously aware of these transmissions. In the terms usually familiar to us, we think of “the conscious mind.” In those terms, there are many conscious minds. We are so prejudiced, however, that we ignore information that we have been taught cannot be conscious. All of our experience, therefore, is organized according to our beliefs.


It is much more natural to remember our dreams than not to remember them. It is presently in the vogue to say that the conscious mind, as we consider it, deals with survival. It deals with survival only insofar as it promotes survival in our particular kind of society. In those terms, if we remembered our dreams, and if we benefited consciously from the knowledge, even our physical survival would be better assured.


One level of dream life deals particularly with biological condition of the body, giving us not just hints of health difficulties, but the reasons for them and the ways to circumvent them. Information about the probable future is also given to help us make conscious choices. We have taught ourselves that we cannot be conscious in our dreams, whoever, because we interpret the word “conscious” so that it indicates only our own prejudiced concept. As a result, we do not have any culturally acceptable patterns that allow us to use our dreams competently.


Trance states, daydreaming, hypnotism — these give us some hint of the various differences that can occur from the standpoint of waking consciousness. In each, reality appears in another fashion, and for that matter, different rules apply. In the dream state far greater variations occur. They key to the dream state, however, lies in the waking one as far as we are concerned. We must change our ideas about dreaming, alter our concepts about it, before we can begin to explore it. Otherwise our own waking prejudice will close the door.

Flight of Geese and their “New” home

The view of sky sweeping over the hill makes it much easier to see the great flights of geese heading south for the winter. Twice a week in the daytime, and once at night, large flocks have passed over. On each occasion, we can hear them inside the house, then rushed into the yard. The geese seem to be more numerous on cloudy days and clear nights.


One late-afternoon gaggle reached nearly from horizon to horizon, in three long and very noisy V-formations. And always, one bird led each V, with the two sides of the bird ‘lettering’ trailing back quite unevenly–wobbling, flexing, shifting. What free sociable claques, I thought. Amazing, the way their honking carried back to me. I watched the geese fly toward the hills on the far side of the valley; I could still hear them even when they’d become practically invisible.


In its way the nighttime visitation was even more mysterious, for that time I looked up at a starlit but moonless sky that didn’t have a cloud in sight–and heard this multitudinous sound moving across it. The night was chilly. All of the qualities of the birds’ flight were heightened for me by its very invisibility, for while I actually saw no geese at all, that sound was everywhere. And what guided, innate knowledge–or what? And I knew that no objective reasoning processes alone could explain their magnificent flight.


Some how the twice-yearly, north-south migrations of the geese have become symbols for me of the known and unknown qualities of life–sublime and indecipherable at the same time, enduring yet fleeting, and almost outside of the range of human events. For me, those migrations have become portents of the seasons and of the earth itself as it swings around “our” sun in great rhythms. The one consciousness (mine) stands in its body on the ground and looks up at the strange variations of itself represented by the geese. And wonders. In their own ways, do the geese wonder also? What kind of hidden interchange between species take place at such times? If the question could be answered, would all of reality in its unending mystery lie revealed before us?

ESP: Is more developed or consciously available in some individuals than in others.

But so is a “gift” for music, or baseball or whatever. I find it difficult to believe that many millions of people must wait for a handful of their “superior” peers–philosophers, scientists, psychologists, parapsychologists–to tell them it’s all right to believe in at least a few of the inner abilities that each of us possesses, to whatever degree. Obviously, numerous individuals simply refuse to wait for the official light or recognition to shine forth.


That wait could be a very long one. Who is to help initiate meaningful changes in our psychological and social orders? Surely many people feel the necessity to turn aside from the selected dogmas of our time. Our world present definitions of personality are so limited as the conventional meaning implied by the term ESP.


Science is “objective” enough in its own terms of serial time and measurement, as it claims to be, but that eventually it must choose to look inward as thoroughly as it does outward. To me, much of the turmoil in the world results from our steadfast refusal to accept a major portion of our natural heritage. We project our inner knowledge “outward” in distorted fashion; thus on a global scale we thrash about with our problems of war, overpopulation, and dwindling natural resources, to name but a few.


Each of us chose such a course at this time — but now, I think, a time of imperative change is necessary if we are to continue our progress as a species. A new blending of inner and outer consciousness’s — a new, more meaningful coalition of intellectual and intuitive abilities — will be the latest step in the process of “consciousness knowing itself”.


There are bound to be significant clues as to the nature of the human animal: creative clues that can’t help but enlighten us in many — and sometimes unexpected–ways.


Consciousness is more than encompassing enough to embrace all that we are, and everything that each of us can even remotely conceive of doing or being. Try as we might, we’ll not exhaust or annihilate consciousness: Whatever we accomplish as people will still leave room for — indeed, demand — further ramifications and development. And in the interim we can always look at nature with its innocent, spontaneous order to sustain us. We can at least observe, and enjoy, the behavior of other species with whom we share the world.

“SHIT” and “SOUL”

We apply the term in a derogatory manner to ourselves, and think: “I am full of shit.” And where does the great spectacular reality, the physical reality of our earth, spring from? Why is shit not considered sacred and blessed and glorious? We think of shit, unfortunately, as the antithesis of good; and when we play around it or with it, we think we are being childish at the best, and wicked at the worst.


A child sits, perhaps three years old, with his finger stuck up his ass, feeling the shit that warmly runs down, and that child knows that shit is good. Then, give him credit!


We think that the soul is a white wall nothing written upon it, and so our idea of sacrilege is to shit upon it, not realizing that the shit and the soul are one, and that the biological is spiritual; and that flowers grow from the shit of the earth. And in a true communion, all things of this life return to the earth, and are consumed and rise up again in a new life that is never destroyed or annihilated, though always changing form.


So, when we shrink from such words or such meanings, why do we shrink? Because we do not trust the biology of our being or the integrity of our soul in flesh. We are people. We are made of the stuff of the earth, and the dust from the stars has formed into the shit that lies in piles — warm piles that come from the beasts and the creatures of the earth. And the shit fertilizes the flowers and the ground, and is a part of it.


This does not mean that we should use such a word to make other people uncomfortable.


Our soul and our flesh are wedded together. One is not “better” than the other: Both are good. Both are, and we are both. The heritage of the earth, in our terms, is ancient and yet ever new, and when we write, we write with our intelligence and our wit. Yet if it were not that we shit once or twice a day, we would not be writing anything.


Yet when we laugh, we laugh because we still think the word is beneath us, and we are being sneaky or smart-alecky–or we think I am–by speaking so freely.


When We say “soul,” we do not snicker.

The difference between probable realities and reincarnational ones.

According to our intent, our desire, and our beliefs, our ideas intersect with the reality that we know, with physical space and physical time — they become real, in historic terms. In other realities there are different historical terms. A war won here, with a treaty, is not won somewhere else, and there is a different treaty. Even wars seemingly won here are not nearly as clear-cut as would appear; we make history as we go along. We rewrite it as we go along. As records are lost, we do not even realize that we have rewritten the past.


It does not serve our species’ purposes at this time to work with the mind–with telepathy, with feeling for the earth that we could have developed.


We could have developed very well as a super-human. People chose to develop in a very different way. Therefore, that world-probability in which telepathy and clairvoyant would have been common, well-known facts of life, self-evident in any civilization– that probability became latent while the species followed another route.


There are points, where probabilities meet: intersections with space and time that occur in our minds while we change directions, where new probabilities that once lay latent suddenly emerge. And in terms of our civilization and our time, such a time is now.


There is no knowledge, however! See what our mind learns from the words. See what we learn that is not in the words. Hear, because many of us like the sounds so well, the insects creeping across the forests of Europe and Africa. But hear also the voices of acknowledgement of our living cells as they grope and grow in the sacred continents of our own physical energy. See the oneness, and the ancient newness that is never repeated.


One sentence repeated is not the same sentence that it was before. One breath is not another. We are never repeated, and what we know is always new. Because we know it, and because we are the one who knows it, it is never what another one knows. So all knowledge is public–and scared. And ancient and new.

The rocks cannot speak words that we hear, and we do not listen when our cells speak to us. The archaeology of our own being.

Castles of our past and our future, and the mental civilizations that are our heritage and our birthright. Hear, then the fossilizing within our spirit speak.

When we communicate with the gracious ease with which those primitive people communicated, then we can call ourselves civilized.

As a member of the human species do we indeed see ourselves as supreme flower of history so far, yet when we can know what is going on clearly and concisely on the other side of the city, and communicate it also, then we will be as primitive and as civilized as some of those primitive people.


Esoteric history has nothing to do with the people.


The experience of the guru who sits in opulence, bejeweled and be-gowned, has nothing to do with the migrant worker who works in the field and whose belly is empty. And so it has been through the centuries.


In our terms, our histories were not written by people who worked the earth. They were created by the priests and the elite, who made up their own histories to suit their purposes–to hold down the masses. Those histories never spoke of the vast, massive emotions and needs of the human beings involved, who listened, because their hearts and survival depended upon their doing so, to the voices that speak within the earth that your instruments even now cannot perceive. Those histories did not tell of the human beings who had to know what insects would crawl of fly from one end of a continent to another, so that they could be captured and roasted and eaten. They did not speak of the human beings who had to know what migrations of animals would roam through their land–and when and where, and at what phase of the moon–lest they starve.


And so those people lifted up their minds and hearts and heard the voices of the earth speak to them, as they still do. The elite did not hear those voices. They wrote histories in which in their own memories they annihilated races of people with emotions as strong as real as theirs. The elite leave us records and methods, telling us of kings and queens, of gurus and prophets and gods, in whose eyes the masses of the people vanished. They learned techniques, but the techniques did not bring them magic, did not allow them to really hear and understand the voice of one leaf.


So forget all of the histories, and listen to our own thoughts, which are today alive and vital as those of any man/woman ever born, in whatever time. Forget the dusty old records and feel our reality in the movement as we are. In that moment can we hear the insects sweeping across the continents and the voices of the leaves speak, and feel their echoes in our blood– and that blood lives, beyond the time. It throbs beyond destiny, even as the masses of those people live beyond the beliefs of those gurus.


The vitality of our present being, and the authenticity of oneself.


The most sophisticated and the most primitive,with combination of the English words, in our terms, are understood by the proud intellect that rises above the shoulders so securely. Yet the sounds upon which those words ride are far more sophisticated than the language of which we are all so proud. For they are indeed the sounds of insects through the centuries, of stars swirling through the universe, of the blood pound through our veins.


Not to bow down before gurus and histories. More has to do with the mass beliefs that people chose at various times, and the different roads that were taken in our reality. Any road taken in our reality should–but does not–tell us one thing: By the very fact that we have chosen a particular road, we can be sure that other roads, entirely different, have been taken..