1 – Learning/Finishing-Up

This is an Intentional state of consciousness in which the student is attending to Issues and Lessons during the existence with Loving Understanding and Courage. One has an eye toward approaching the Transition – physical death – with a clean slate. Paradoxically there is positive emotion attached to this state. Death becomes a type of “graduation.” After your time of studies, of facing your Issues and learning your Lessons, you retire and consider your past existence. I am speaking literally again here. This is a simplified description of the Soul’s journey into the physical.

Learning and Finishing-Up entails this perception of LOOKING for the Lessons in your life, and when they are found, honoring them by admitting responsibility IN THE MOMENT. This would be the full moment of creation, the Moment Point, the potential Point of Power, if you will

Now the other side of this Dynamic, Finishing-Up, also is experienced in this same Moment Point. When you embrace both aspects of the Dynamic within the Moment Point you create a Point of Power. Within this Point of Power consciousness assembles the Essential Identity of You-The-Blog-Reader within physical reality as a Soul who is Learning their Lessons and Finishing-Up. This Essential Identity is then expressed in the Reality Constructs that permeate your Personal Reality Field.

2 – Remembering/Embodying

In this Dynamic you are Remembering your power as a reality creator. This is the primary Precept of the Ancient Wisdom, “You create your reality.” Knowing your power, then, you act, think, and imagine that truth. This Dynamic could also be used with any of the Precepts.

What occurs within this Dynamic is this… typically, the student is reminded through spiritual literature of some sort, that there are these considerations we call the Ancient Wisdom. Though there are, as I said earlier, instances of this material coming up to consciousness spontaneously, sometimes in quite dramatic ways. Spontaneous healings, spontaneous awakenings, epiphanies and sudden realizations of truth fall into this category. We refer to all of these awakenings, however, as appointments being kept by the participant. The life-changing awakenings are usually planned out ahead of time, as in Past Lives, or in the time before the incarnation in the Home Dimension. The Remembering process can be initiated and cultivated through some simple practices. In the Trance State you might ask of your Source, your Guidance, “What is the meaning of my life?” What are my Lessons?” There is a high probability you will get answers to your questions if you persevere. The answers may come to you in your waking reality. For example: Should you receive the message from your Guides – while you are washing the dishes or taking a walk – that you are here “to serve others with unconditional Love,” you might try Embodying this beneficial state of consciousness. The Project, You are on Earth to Love one another,” may be Embodied by the student with great rewards forthcoming immediately. It is a pleasant state to Embody throughout your waking world.

3 – Wondering/Thriving

Here you are Wondering how the Best Case Scenario will unfold in the current moment, and being happily surprised and grateful when it does. Then you attempt to endorse and sustain the BCS on all levels moment-to-moment for as long as possible for the Highest Good for All concerned.

Resonance Dynamics is an energy conversation you have with yourself on how to improve realities, to create them more in line with your heart’s desire. Your wondering assessments throughout the day interact with your Reality Creation Strategies. What Resonates with the heart’s desire is not given creative energy. It is allowed to transform into energies that support the BCS. Please refer to The Box exercise for details on this Technique.

Whenever you check in with yourself on your creative endeavors, you are noticing the difference between what you are creating in the moment, and your heart’s desire. In that moment you Wonder about how your creation will improve. “How much time will it take to create with All That Is______?” These assessments of Wondering are done playfully, like a child wonders in their imagination.

Now simply asking yourself throughout the day: “What am I creating now?” establishes an emotional Resonance, a context for Intentional manifestation. You are wondering in a neutral way what is up in your world. It is from the Objective Observer perspective that you make these assessments. There is no ego/intellect involved. The subconscious is engaged also. “I wonder how I will improve this part of my life today?”

What does thriving mean in this context? Again, that is up to you. Might I suggest, however, that you attach the elements of healing, ecstasy, the Divine, prosperity, and so on, to your demonstrations? You determine how it rolls out in Third-Dimensional Reality, Dear Blog Reader. Your perception creates Reality Constructs that you then behold and appreciate with pleasant surprise, with Loving gratitude, with positive emotion.

4 – Awakening/Speaking

In this Moment of Awakening you are aware of your reincarnational existences in multidimensional reality. The other part of this Dynamic entails expressing this greater reality to others through art, teaching, lecturing, writing, and so on. This practice of spreading the message we have called Speaking in my Blogs.

I began this Blog Series with a description of the Awakening Ones of our modern era and how they are expressing their visions of the Ancient Wisdom. In this Dynamic you have available a technology of perception that you may use to access and interpret visionary material. You needn’t be an “official” artist. The power and authority is in the work itself. This is the awakening phenomenon taken to its logical end, in the creative products of the visionary artist.

Now millions of us are awakening in this timeframe, as we well know. Perhaps you are wondering what to do with this information you are receiving in the Trance State, in the dreamstate, and in your times of reverie. Art forms and various media, from writing to painting and dance may be used successfully by the Practitioner to spread the message of awakening to others. Indeed, the community of awakening humans is formed in just this way. A case in point is this Blog work I am doing with others. The collective of visionary artists and Practitioners of various types is growing exponentially now. Through the Internet and other media the vision is shared with millions of humans from around the world. This is what I mean. This expresses the essence of the Awakening/Speaking dynamic.

5 – Moment Point/Point of Power

This dynamic represents the empowerment of the moments of your life. First the Moment Point is acknowledged as your portal to a greater reality. Then you act on that empowering state of consciousness with your Intent to create what your heart desires.

This dynamic is at the heart of all others. Throughout my Blogs I have taught how the student of this Teaching may rouse themselves from the slumber of their robotic existence. It happens when you catch yourself “not sleeping.” The Moment of Awakening is brief in the beginning. It occurs because you are asking for it to occur, you are asking for magic to occur in your life. The experiencing of a full moment in which you have brief glimpses of your Simultaneous Lives, for example, or waking visions that turn out to be quite accurate predictions, comes as a very pleasant surprise to the novice Practitioner. It is often such a surprise that you miss the opportunity to revel in it, to extend it, to truly enjoy the ecstasy of this state. Be prepared, then, for these moments to represent themselves as you practice the Techniques.

We call the Point of Power. It becomes powerful because you say it is and because you believe it is. If you are a spiritual type, the Point of Power is powerful because you are at that time acknowledging your connection to a power greater than yourself. You may call this energy body God, Goddess, Tree Spirit or Fairy. The power that you Embody during these moments is the power of All That Is to create.

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