Category Archives: Physical Life


It is a blessing one wishes for one’s self and others: healthy, wealthy, wise. These three elements of life are the focus of many in our world. Perhaps we can use this blessing as an example of how we can, with consistent intention and application, co-create with All That Is, our greatest potential for health, prosperity, and wisdom.

Now, we are all individual humans on our great Earth, each with our separate, idiosyncratic propensities for growth – evolution – on all levels of manifestation in the physical and other dimensional realms. Therefore, it should seem obvious that one human’s health, wealth and wisdom might certainly not be another’s. Having said that, let us examine the powerful, evocative ideas and beliefs suggested in the three words.

Health is a topic we could easily spend an entire blog series on discussing. There is physical health, there is mental health and there is spiritual health. There are lessons to be learned in all three realms for all of us as we make our journeys into physical reality. What might appear confusing to our eyes as we judge another, may be simply the other’s decision to learn their lessons in their unique fashion. And find the truth regarding The Transition from the physical into the etheric.

Conscious Co-Creation with Conscious Units

Key word here is conscious. Me and my fellow humans co-create our lives “unconsciously” for the most part. This is the result of the amnesia I spoke of in earlier Blogs, so that we forget the love and are more inclined to learn our lessons. Now the amnesia is being lifted, and we are becoming aware of the true nature of our reality. So it is a matter of habit.

Make our use of Conscious Units conscious on a moment-to-moment point basis. This is easily done, is it not? Whenever we find our selves varying from thought-path, nudge oneself back. We have done this a few times this morning already. Negativity will try to draw you toward its own path. That is what it does in our reality. Our task at hand is to redirect negativity’s energy into creating love and confidence in the moment.

The Conscious Units that comprise the environment are fluid in the moment. They can go either way, positive or negative, depending on our subconscious or conscious intent. Keep the scales on the positive side consciously and watch your positive manifestations of house and land – prosperity – be creative in these moments.


The Scientist of Consciousness is the magician of old. The magician, the shaman, the witch: these forbearers of humanity’s spiritual traditions were our world’s first scientists. It was only later, when the outer senses replaced the Inner Sense as a means of investigation and exploration – the accumulation of “facts” for their own sake, the acquiring of knowledge without meaning – that the scientist’s role became de-spiritualized, secularized and developed

The work at hand is to spiritualize and make scared the experiences of humans on Earth at this time, though collaborations with Beings of Light. Now I do not mean to offend when I exclude organized religions from this discussion. If we are getting what we need from our religion, by all means continue. That is my advice to you.

However, if you feel that your evolution as a Soul is stagnant and you are not getting what you need from your religion to see you through the coming transformation, then I would advise to try the methods in my blog. Keep affiliation and use these ideas as an adjunct to our practice.

There is much good in the mainstream religions and there are opportunities in all of them to achieve the enlightened state necessary to make the transition into the Fourth Dimension. Unfortunately, these opportunities are often hidden under the great weight of dogma and misconception that clouds meaning and disempowers the individual.

This is why I counsel my blog reader, to accept nothing into your heart that goes against your very nature as a child born in love out of the creative power of All That Is. Make up your own mind. Think for your own self. Accept no ideas, including the ideas in this blog, if your intuitive voice tells you they are not right for You-the-Soul.


The Topic for discussion is the magical perspective. If readers of my previous blogs had indeed taken the tides to heart and created for themselves the Loving Reality Constructs based on the virtues of humankind. My previous Blogs about The Magical Approach, presented some very powerful means for altering the Blog Reader’s Personal Reality in beneficial ways.

Potential will remain just that if it is not acted upon. A probability of altered realities for the better will remain a probability if not acted upon. Again this should be obvious to all of us, but it is the acting upon the impulse, it is the acting upon the potentiality, it is the taking of advice lovingly given by Beings of Light that begins the process of actualizing these impulses, these potentialities and this advice. And so I must convey to you Blog Reader the importance of actually conducting the experiments and absorbing the material, working it into our lives on a daily basis.

The magical perspective is simply a special way of looking at our world. This perspective empowers the Blog Reader with the forces of manifestation that we have denied for so many generations on our world. Now there were ages in what we would call our world. Now there were ages in what we would call our “past” that the magical perspective was appreciated by the majority of the people.

Our “myths” – though I do not like the word myths, for it denotes that these events did not transpire, for indeed they did transpire for the most part – depict those eras in human evolution when humankind took the responsibility of personal manifestation quite seriously. Currently, in what we term “the aboriginal systems,” the magical perspective is appreciated and practiced. However, it is usually only utilized by a select caste of revered leaders who are endowed by the members of the collective with the Magical powers.


HYPOTHESIS: Your Energy Personality can monitor your conscious state and give you valuable feedback.

You are gods studying your manifestations. I make this statement once again, reminding you of your status as creators of worlds. AS humans, we are endowed with the virtually unlimited powers of creation to manifest our desires into physical constructs. This happens naturally, all by itself. It may be somewhat difficult to study this manifestation phenomenon, for you yourself are part of your creation.

Therefore, in this experiment, you may attempt to inhabit an alternate perspective in order to study this creation activity you do in tandem with All That Is. It is somewhat like taking snapshots of moments in linear time – the perceptual illusion – for consideration at a “later” date. Let us label this aspect of the Energy Personality the “Self Observer.” This aspect of consciousness has the power to “recall” elapsed Moment Points for purposes of inquiry into the nature of events in physical reality. This observing self has the attributes that you endow it with by virtue of your god-like powers of creativity.

The purpose of this experiment is have your Energy Personality witness and “document” for you, notable excursions into the unknown reality while you are awake. Your Energy Personality will recall instances of Astral Travel, communications with Simultaneous Lives, and other phenomena for review at a later date. This is your Self Observer aspect that you may use to remind you of what you have experienced throughout any given day.

Now create your relaxed mental and physical environment. Then simply assign the task of self-observation to your Energy Personality, much as you would assign a task to a personal assistant. For example: you might say, “Please document as memories today, my voyages into other dimensions, for review this evening.”

Then mark out time in the evening for review. At that time, ask your Energy Personality to release those memories into you consciousness sequentially for your review. Now obviously you may have your review at other parts of the day or immediately after the notable event. This protocol is simply one of convenience for those of you who have busy daytime working lives.

As you continue with your regimen of self-observation, you may notice that inter-dimensional travel is the rule rather than the exception. You are subject to frequent “mental vacations” of this type throughout your waking and especially your sleeping times. In fact, the great majority of your day-to-day life is spent within these alternate dimensions.

FINDINGS – Documents your findings with successfully eliciting information from your Energy Personality on events which have transpired.


We can access the constellation of Guides we have watching over us. It is possible for any one human, with determination and insight, to cultivate communications with many Beings of Light. The only limitations to these explorations are the ones we put on them.

Documenting our explorations in the finest detail seems to be imperative for these voyages within: asking for the names of the various entities, feeling them out for what services they offer, keeping everything organized in the physical arena, and so on. Now let us proceed with some experimentation.


“Picking up the thread” describe the activity of connecting in a relaxed way to my communication stream. It is a subtle endeavor to trust. It is as subtle as picking up a thread from a tapestry of a greater work, to coin a phrase for the blog reader. The activity of asking for the name of the Energy Personality and having received the name, continuing to seek a mental dialogue with the Energy Personality, is a delicate endeavor.

The usual approach is one of hopeful, trusting questioning, done on a regular basis, that leads to two-way telepathic conversations. The questioner asks for the name and receives the name. The questioner asks questions and the answers begin to flow the source, The Higher Self of the questioner. It is a simple task that we must do diligently and with the roper positive attitude to get results over time.

These matters of personal contest and communication develop in individual ways, according to peculiarities of personality, the mental environment and the energy within the subject’s Reality Field.

“That space between worlds”. But just take it as an interesting game. “Don’t stress,” to coin a phrase. In fact, trying too hard can subvert the process. Diligence with ease is the way to go.

Encouragement and Caution

As I have said earlier, human consciousness visits other times periods and participates in activities in other dimensions, even as we may be participating in our daily unremarkable activities. We are experts at vacating our human bodies and venturing forth into the unknown realities.

Our New Age metaphysical literature is quite filled with stories of angels, demons, extra-terrestrials and the like. So too do our motion picture business prosper through the creation of science fiction and fantasy movies. Yet does it surprise us that these stories are “literally” true?

Remember, Dear Blog Reader, that it is our human consciousness that creates our reality in tandem with All That Is. And so the creativity of our artists, as well as our own, feeds and supports alternate dimensions. When we are experiencing these tales, either through reading or watching movies or plays, we are submerged in the alternate dimensions for that time. So this is the simplest example of inter-dimensional travel – experiencing entertainment media.

With regards to the subject of contacting other Entities in the Fourth Dimension, I must caution to certainly create the Ritual of Sanctuary and have this ritual memorized. As an explorer of these realms, we undoubtedly will encounter negative energy forms that may come into our consciousness and attempt to fix on our light.

By this I mean these Negative Entities can transmit a propensity for negative, repetitive thoughts or images entering our consciousness that can be difficult to undo. We recognize these circular ideas of information loops as disturbing pangs of dread, and other negative emotions. They seem to come from nowhere. Actually these negative energies are attracted to specific memories and ideas we are holding in our mental environment that are of a negative nature: Ideas and feelings of low self-worth, replays of past mistakes and all of the other negative inner experiences humans punish themselves with every day.

Now this is how the Negative Forces gain control over the minds of many in our world. They gain a stronghold in a sense, within the mental environment of those with weakened protection systems. It is as though the immune system of the Etheric Body is weakened through the activity of the negative thoughts, images and such, creating the conditions within the mental environment for viral contamination. The negative, circular thoughts – the thought viruses – are then free to multiple.

The comparison is very useful here. With our suggestions and experiments we are using love and acceptance and confidence to dispel the viral attack. To carry it further, antibodies are created with the introduction of positive thoughts and emotions into the suppressed immune system of the Mental or Etheric Body.

The negative viral front is neutralized and overcome by love, acceptance and confidence. To be sure, a healthy mental, motional and spiritual body is one that is nourished on love, acceptance and confidence, to the degree that these positive states of consciousness are the typical experiences of the embodied Soul.

Contacting the Energy Personality II

HYPOTHESIS: Our spirit guide is awaiting contact.

I hope you Blog Reader will become proficient as you go along, practicing in sequence as much as you can.

I would like you the blog reader, just for a few moments, to relax and to close your eyes. This is easy to do. Quiet your mind. Think of a relaxing scene. Now Imagine that you have contact with that part of you that is all-knowing – for indeed you do. Ask for its name and you will receive it. It may take a few moments to achieve contact. It may take a few more minutes for the name of your Guide to come to you. Be patient.

The important thing is to have the expectation that we will achieve contact. And working from the loving aspect of consciousness always, this will keep you moving in the right direction. When you receive the name of your Energy Personality, you may sense that you are rekindling a past relationship, possibly dating back to you childhood or even beyond that into what you may term “past lives.”

This remembrance, along with the loving aspect, is a firm indication that we are indeed engaging your Spirit Guide. The excitement that comes with contact may throw you out of trance. Simply try it again after performing the Ritual of Sanctuary. This experiment can be done on a daily basis to strengthen the connection to your Energy Personality.

FINDINGS – Immediately document your findings.

Discovering the Inner Senses

HYPOTHESIS: The intuitive senses may be strengthened through use.

And so what are these Inner Senses? Briefly, they are both the creators and the perceiving apparatus of our world. In our Third-Dimensional existence, we create out of Consciousness Units our physical realities, and then instantaneously perceive our creations as a form of feedback of this endeavor, the creations of the worlds.

In past Blogs I have often informed of our god status. It is difficult for us humans to take seriously this talk of godlike abilities, for many of us have been indoctrinated by our various religions to be meek, to be mild, to obey. And as I have stated in my previous blogs, after transferring our power to our religions, we then transferred our power to our governing institutions and to our scientists.

What I suppose here in this blog is that we are not meek, mild and obedient unless we truly wish to be so. We are whoever we THINK we are and we have the power in this moment to completely change who we are. That is because YOU are at the center of your world as the ultimate creative force. With the energy of All That Is, we as co-creator do indeed manifest from our beliefs and ideas of what is possible, our perceived reality.

Now, without further lecturing, we will give a short description of the experiment. It builds upon a short described in my earlier blogs in which I asked the Blog Reader to get a sense of the wonder of their own Personal Reality. Here we will take it further. We will be taking the senses back into the inner world.

As I suggested , the physical senses grew out of the Inner Senses, of necessity, to perceive the exterior, physical Universe. The Inner Senses from which these outer, physical senses were derived, are awaiting our discovery and use within our mental environment.

We have several physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Our Senses are complementary to these out senses, yet they go beyond the physical senses in capabilities.

For example: let us get a feel for the Inner Sense that may be a complement to the outer sense of sight. You may relax a bit for this experiment, yet you needn’t close your eyes. We will be relying on your sense of physical sight to conduct this experiment.

With the eyes open, yet with the relaxation and contentment that comes with the state of Sanctuary you are embodying, can you see the deeper, perhaps symbolic meanings entailed in Personal Reality Field? Remember here: everything in your field of perception is a reflection of an interior reality.

As you consider this statement, you may find that your visual field begins to swirl a bit, as the etheric blends with the exterior. Go with this flow of blending transformation for a few moments until you have observed noteworthy findings. Gradually come back to your physical perceived world. Naturally you may experiment further with the compliments to the other senses to gain more information.

FINDINGS– Document your findings

Gentle Persistence

I would like to emphasize that in these matters of Soul exploration, you can be quite successful with a gentle, yet persistent effort. Your initial experiments in accessing your Inner Senses are an exercise in subtlety. Approach these activities with any eye on gradual results over time. The clouds, in most instances, do not part and reveal the Etheric Visions to us, after only a few attempts in your experience in the field.

I realize that this subtle route to discovery may be difficult for those of us who have expectation of immediate results. Some of us may be of mind that, like everything else in our Western world of mass-consumption, if it is not forthcoming immediately, on our schedule, because we have so much “to do,” that it might not be worth attempting.

To these blog readers I say, take the time necessary to accomplish your goals in this Soul Work. One of our sayings extols the virtues of waiting with patience for the truly beneficial aspects of our life to materialize.

And honestly, the days of instantaneous manifestation are still in our perceived future. These experiments will give us an advantage for the time when we will be experienced enough to use our Inner Senses appropriately for the instantaneous manifestation of Reality Constructs.

Now once again I would remind that all of these experiments are designed to lead to the uncovering and practical use of our Inner Senses. And these Inner Senses are what we may broadly term “Intuition.”

In past blog writings I have lectured on how the intuition can be divided into separate senses and I did indeed name them. I sense that it may have been a mistake to do so, for it is now I waiting for my blog readers to make practical use of the Inner Senses and allow each blog reader to do whatever delineation they may, as they discover the attributes of these senses for themselves – again, learning by doing, and perhaps creating their own names for their experiences.