Now the strands of incipient matter we have just discussed compose the latticework that is the grid of Coordinate Points upon and within and about our self-created reality. There is a holographic nature of these strands of incipient matter. They compose the physical reality Constructs of our Third-Dimensional world INCLUDING our own physical body and the physical constructs that we might call space, air etc.

So you now imagine, as I attempt to bring this description to fullness, how this Reality Construction phenomenon might exist as a profound image? Can you imagine the creation of Third-dimensional Reality in its totality as being powered or energized into activity? What is lacking here in our description, you see, is the motivating energizing power that Sustains the phenomenon. Let us refer to this concept as the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This energy flow supports your reality by continuously lending the creative energy of All That Is to the manifestation of each and every construct in our Personal Reality Field.

The SEMES is subconscious. It is riven by our Soul’s Intent. We are experiencing on Earth our reincarnational dramas and comedies Intent is other- directed. It is directed in essence by All That Is. Now we decided before we were born, what body we were to inhabit and what Lessons we were to learn in this current Life. So we truly do co-create with All That Is our Earthly existence. But again I must remind that we have free will “to do as you please,” even while in the midst of our Lessons, which might be a truly sober and serious nature.

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