Category Archives: LOVE


The technique of suspending disbelief will assist you in creating further moments of prosperity after you are successful in creating a “glimpse” of The Abundant Universe. For example: suppose you have completed your investigative work, you have gone within to examine your personal conceptualization of The Abundant Universe. Your idea of abundance, for the time being, might involve, perhaps, receiving an unexpected windfall, a sum of money, several hundred dollars let us say, in the mail. Now you have done your work here. You have attached Love to all of your though-forms. You have magically anticipated this gift and now you are witnessing the manifestation.

At the moment of realization, when you connect the windfall to your Spiritual Prosperity behaviors and thoughts depending on your “issues” – self-image. Experiencing of Negative Emotions – you may find it difficult or quite easy TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for this creative work. If you have doubts and ascribe the gift to coincidence, you diminish your power in the moment. However, if you confidently express your gratitude, Loving Understanding and Courage in that moment, you are adding to your powers of manifestation. You are suspending disbelief – the negative assessment of the act of manifestation – for just the moment. Then you would successively suspend disbelief in your growing powers, moment-to-moment in the “future.”

Suspending disbelief is a form of silencing the internal censor – that aspect of your consciousness that wishes to keep you entranced in the certain of status quo realities. Over time, this voice will be replaced by the encouraging message from Beings of Light – your Guides who seek to assist you in expanding your awareness.


Let me digress on this point… it is ALL LOVE, Dear Blog Reader. Even the millionaire banker, then, is created from Love. Yet us just say for the sake of argument, that the banker is war profiteer. Through supporting armament manufacturers or the military, this banker prospers from death, hatred, war. “What good,” you might ask, “does my Loving construct do in this context? “Vote with your pocketbook,” by selecting the most appropriate, Loving and peaceful institutions with which to do business, and then doing business with these institutions .

In this way, you are supporting, on both the physical and the metaphysical levels, the fulfillment of positive values. This takes research, of course. This activity may be thought of as the assessment of the Personal Reality Field with regards to the financial or business aspects of your life. Where will you put the Loving and Courageous energies of your being? From what institutions will you withhold your creative energies? Again, this is all about allying with select Gestalts of Consciousness, Entities, Beings of Light. This is conscious co-creation.


As I suggested our practice of giving to worthy causes only when we may claim a deduction from our taxes, is not Giving in truest sense. This is not the magical act of that we are teaching in this new material. To be honest, it is a sad form of money exchange, this corporate giving that is celebrated in our world. Many of us who give in this fashion expect something in return. Whether it is a tax deduction, God’s grace or simply the good karma that is so valued by the modern human, something is expected in return for the giving. Might I state it bluntly here? We taint this process with our bargaining. In Giving there are only the communication streams of Beings of Light. There is only the transformation of Light into something else. There is no bargaining.

I believe it might help us to think of our Giving of our money, our time, our Loving Understanding to others is simply the transformation of our Light Energy into what is needed by the recipient of the Giving. From this perspective, you may envision the immediate transformation of our gift of Light into what is desired, what is required by the receiver. In this context, the recipient uses their Reality Creation energies to collaborate with us on the subtle levels in the co-creation of the necessary constructs.

Take for example here my previous description of the children in our poor undeveloped countries. I am not suggesting that we refuse the tax deduction we “deserve” for contributing to their cause – though that would indeed demonstrate our commitment to true Giving – but please try attaching your powerful Light energies to the gift when we do make our donations for the purchase of food, medical care, and so on. And remember, Dear Blog Reader, there is no pity here in this true reality of the Soul. We are equals on the subtle levels, equals who are merely learning different Lessons. Do not give because you feel sorry for the other; give because you acknowledge the opportunity to endorse the Courage of another.

It may help you to think of oneself as a Light Body in this exercise. I am a Being of Light. You are a Being of Light. On the etheric levels, within the Telepathic Network, we both have equal powers. We communicate with one another instantaneously. We observe the instantaneous manifestation of our thought-forms. We are in the Third Dimension and we have a perception of a lag-time in manifestation. However, this is merely a perception. Your reality is my reality at its base. Our holographic messages are received INSTANTLY by the recipient. On the etheric plane, the recipient IMMEDIATELY benefits from our Loving and Courageous act of imbuing our transmissions with these creative energies.

Now if you are coming from a perception of lack, it is quite true that on the physical reality level, it appears that we are giving up our resources, our money, our personal property. However, as I said, the Soul Self of each of us engaged in the interaction know quite definitely that this is not the case. As the Soul Self of the cashier at the market, for example, receive the energy from our transmission as we hand them our payment for our food products, our higher Self receives an influx of beneficial energy from them. Now on the physical plane, all that we may notice is a slight knowing smile on the face of the cashier. This is our cue, however, that our thought-form is manifesting.


Here then is the secret. You will receive what you transmit, for you will be a transmitter of Love. The student attaches Love and positive emotion energy to all thought-forms that are transmitted within their mental environment. In mundane matters of daily living, then, while you pay your bills, you are attaching Love to them with your thoughts. While you work at your job, you are sending out thought-forms of Love to your colleagues and to customers. While you interact with your family and friends, you are sending thought-forms of Love into their mental environments of Love to all concerned with no expectation of receiving anything in return. This is a form of giving it all away, is it not?

As you are also, as a researcher, a student of your own self-development, interpreting each of your experienced moments in positive Loving ways – as best you can, of course, perhaps you have not yet achieved perfection in this technique – you will be contributing to the experiencing of positive realities with this divine perspective.

The mental construct, the thought-energy hologram we are calling Giving It All Away, is based in Love and Courage. With every transmission – for example, donating to your causes – you attach the holographic Idea Construct. This attachment powers the thought-form on the subtle levels. As my Holographic Inserts to us in the Third Dimension serve to enlighten and inform us, in same way, your transmission of these thought-forms attached to your mundane behaviors may serve to enlighten, empower and PROSPER the recipients. It is all energy, once again. It is all Light Energy in the form of the Consciousness Units.


Troubled by the assertion that to be truly successful and to truly perceive and create The Abundant Universe, the student must, in the final analysis, “give it all away.” To be sure, at first glance, this statement seems to imply that you will lose everything that you have worked for in the Spiritual Prosperity Program. Certainly, if you give your wealth or material possessions to others, you no longer have possession of them. You are without them. How does one put food on the table or pay bills if what is received is continually given away to others – individuals and collectives. These are earnest and excellent questions to ask. In answering them, please allow me to pass on to you, Dear Blog Reader, another fact of life for you in physical existence.

Now others before me have stated this bluntly, so this is certainly not something that you do not already know.


In terms of energy – Light energy, which is, as we have stated earlier, the “Stuff” of all created realities – you get what you give. There is a popular aphorism that applies here, “What goes around come around,” The statement implies, I believe, that there is a type of karmic balancing dynamic that occurs within the lives of humans. My Blog readers know my feelings on karma and the Eastern theory of Reality Creation. I believe it is quite correct to a degree. ” Let me explain… you live your lives all at once, within the spacious moment, the eternal moment that exists NOW. Your lives are certainly not sequential, for there is no such thing as linear time in the experiencing of the Soul, your true reality.

Now as you are within this Moment Point possibly sensing your connection to your lives past, present and future, you are receiving energy to these lives. Additionally, at this moment, let us say that you are also receiving energy from and transmitting energy to COUNTLESS humans within our Consensus Reality. You are also NOW quite naturally transmitting energy to and receiving energy from the many elemental forms within your Personal Reality.

What does Light energy have to do with The Abundant Universe and giving it all away? Let us go back to my earlier discussions of conscious Units. Greatly simplified, this Light energy is the medium for the Reality Creation project. Let us say that Light holds within it the potencies and potentialities of all of our essential metaphors in our theory of Reality Creation. Now you may remember that the Conscious Units are electromagnetic. As they assemble into Gestalts of Consciousness, they do so according to energies of attraction and repulsion: like with like, yet opposites assemble within the whole as counterparts to their opposites, and so on. This is the organizing principle of life. I have already described to you how All That Is – essentially Love in action – creates realities that are not Love, that are the opposites indeed of Love. In this way Reality Creation evolves, differentiates along every conceivable avenue of development. It is just this way with Light, my friend; the Love Light of All That Is.


Now let me explain to you this CPA from a slightly different perspective than the one I used in the Healing regimen. Here I am asking you to address the Lesson demonstrated within each successive moment in linear time. What does that moment offer you in the way of learning? How may you experience Loving Understanding and courage as the result of your assessment of that moment in time? This may sound difficult to accomplish, but it is merely a matter of practice until it becomes habit. You could say that what you are accomplishing here is the creation of the virtues of humankind within the moment as a result of your research INTO the moment.

Perception of lack

The key emotional support that the human brings to prevent the clear perception of The Abundant Universe is LACK. The perception of lack, emotionally experienced over time, creates and sustains the state of consciousness called poverty. In those who create lives of “just getting by,” this emotional tone is somewhat pronounced. In those who create lives of abject poverty, it is pervasive. The emotional Idea Construct of lack is the electromagnetic core to which the varying Reality Constructs that compose the Personal Reality of the human experiencing poverty are attracted. Briefly, if you see lack wherever you look, you are conceiving and perpetuating lack wherever you go.

Now before we continue with this explanation, please allow me to explain again the process of the Soul Self as it creates a life of Lessons. Thus far, my description of the self-created reality of poverty may seem to be quite heartless, a matter of ” blaming the victim.” After all, how does one explain the many innocent children living in famine-afflicted countries? How can I possibly suggest that these children CHOSE their current existences? Dear Blog Reader, remember that the Soul Self sends a fragment of itself into the body of the baby and then creates Lessons without guilt or other Negative emotions. Also, on deep levels of understanding, the baby also knows and accepts the conditions of the coming life. Yes, it is dramatic, the hundreds of thousands of humans who die under these miserable conditions. Yet that is the point here. The Soul is dramatizing for the Entity and All That Is, as well as the subject, these difficult Lessons.

Again, without generalizing too much here, I can tell you that many of these short lives are experienced by Souls who have reached the end of their incarnations of Earth. They are ready for the peaceful and Loving realities of other systems. They are quite enthused about “going out of the loop,” in a sense, with a great flourish – the short, dramatic existence of a child in a poor country, let us say, who seems to be truly a victim. In the greater perspective of the Soul Self, it is just opposite. These children are creating their lives through great bravery and Loving Acceptance. They are not victims.


Dear Blog Reader, I believe that a spiritual practice of prosperity is necessary to assist those in need of reconciling their religious or spiritual beliefs with their desires for material wealth. Within this spiritual practice of abundance it is perfectly “OK” to entertain thoughts of acquiring material possessions, engaging in desired behaviors with other humans, and so on. However, these thoughts or visualizations will be created within a different mental environment that you may be used to. For is it not true that there may be a lingering doubt that you may be engaging in desperation and foolishness, or worse yet, “the work of the devil” – the sin of avarice – may have held you back in your efforts at manifesting abundance. It is true, that in matters of conscious co-creation, the focus must be steady and unswerving with an element of hopeful expectation powering the exercise.

So faith enters the discussion, Here I would ask you to drop any negative connotations that you may have attached to the word faith. When we suggest you embody the state of faith, we would hope that no symbols or emotions, will be recalled that will keep you away from what you are attempting to create. Some examples of these counterproductive ideas are: fear of punishment by religious figures, thoughts that faith is a religious concept of empowered spirituality here. As in other experiments and exercises in this new material, we are asking you to change your beliefs and ideas about what is possible. In this case, the object that is Loving, accepting, Courageous.

Perhaps a short example may help you. Consider the bird, the rock, the tree, the mountain. Do they worry what the future will brings? I suggest they do not. All of these quite conscious elements LIVE within the moment, experiencing the existence as providing all that is required. The human, on the other hand, complicates matters in the matter of existence and brings fear, worry and doubt into the equation.

Let us say then that our faith, our trust, our hope in this theory of Reality Creation, is in essence the simple Loving expectation, in the moment, of consciousness. We may even go so far as to say that the human embodying this faith we are describing, is utilizing within the moment, the creative potencies of All That Is. Now the human would do well to emulate the bird, the rock, the tree in this embodying of faith. Look around you and see how the various living and “inert” compositions are sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not exist. There is only the current moment of existence for consciousness.


The suggestions you give yourself continuously, your “inner dialogue,” or whatever you wish to call this conversation, are indeed very influential in your co-creation of the Personal Reality Field. Everything is suggestion, you see. All is the work of Gestalt of Consciousness.

Let me digress… we have spoken at length in this Blog Series on the great value in “listening” to suggestions of your Loving Guides. These suggestions often take the form of positive thoughts, feelings and images sensed within your mental environment. It feels, at these times of contact, that you may be experiencing a divine intervention of sorts, for the experiences of the preceding moments may have been anything other than positive and Loving. Your preceding experiences may have been very negative and challenging. Perhaps what you have done then is you have put a call to your Guides to assist you in your Reality Creation, and they have done so. In this way, you have asked for assistance from your Guides and they have responded “right when you needed it most.”

Another way to experience this state of contact with the Divine in an ongoing manner, is to “plant” the positive suggestions within your consciousness purposely, so that over time you are training yourself to experience your world in a positive way, with continuous contact with the Divine. You then recreate your reality in a positive fashion. The creation of positive realities becomes habitual, replacing the habitual creation of negative or mundane realities. This purposeful guiding of the human mentally through speech is the basis of all our healing systems on our Earth. From the aboriginal shaman to our modern medicine practitioner, all have used Healing Talk for support in the healing process.


This experiment is similar to the preceding one, with a subtle difference. Now relax your body using your preferred techniques. The products of your belief Revisioning are the affirmative statements you may use to counter the negative ruminations that support the creation of your mundane existence. Ideally you would have committed the affirmative statements or suggestions to memory. If not, have your suggestions written out on a piece of paper to read when you are at your preferred state of relaxation. The next step is to read your affirmative statements to yourself while you are in Trance, or perhaps record the statements for playback while you are in relaxed state. Over time, if you are diligent, the positive healing statements will supplant the negative ruminations that support the malady.

FINDINGS – Document your findings rigorously in creating Healing Talk that counters your negative ruminations.


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist you in the healing regimen.

You may have already contacted your Guides, such as the Energy Personality and others to assist you. If you you have yet to create these relationships, I suggest that you continue with The Healing Regimen “as if” you were in contact and communication with your Guides. Let me elaborate for just a moment.

Consider your powerful imagination. Now the imagination is the great creative force in our system that assists us in our creation of Reality Constructs. The emotional energy that “fuels” this Reality construction, as I have stated, is based in Love, a very potent emotion. Now here in this instance, in our protected state of Sanctuary that we are experiencing, can you imagine with your great creative intelligence, a relationship with what you might call a Spirit Guide?

Can you sense the powerful current of Love and compassion that supports and sustains this relationship? Stay with this for a few moments. Images may come to mind for you, suggesting characters from your childhood, possibly representing “imaginary playmates.” Loving characters from your mythologies may appear in the mind’s eye. I suggest you go with the flow here, knowing that there is Loving intent, and envision your Guide into being.

Ask for the name of the Guide and it will come to you. The name may have a nonsensical quality to it or it may be rather mundane. Accept the name if you intuitively feel it is right. This is a preliminary exercise here. You are not seeking perfection, simply progress in this endeavor. Whatever comes to you in so far as name and appearance and emotional content is quite sufficient. Honor this process and accept what you are creating with All That Is in this moment.

This is simply a way for you to conduct the necessary behaviors and Idea Constructs into reality formations in the Third Dimension. You usually do not value something as real, unless a beginning, middle and end to it in your Physical reality. This is why your Guides, even though they are seeking your contact, do not suddenly appear to us “out of the blue.” Our guides do not wish to scare us, in other words. This is the beginning of the manifestation of your Guides into your Personality Reality Field, and in a sense, we will “believe them into existence.”

FINDINGS – Take a few moments to document your experiences in contacting your guides.


The second part of this experiment deals with the calling in of your various Guides and Helpers, for those of you who have already established these relationships.


You are in your state of Sanctuary. From this perspective it may be easy for you to envision your Guides as they appear on your mental screen perhaps, and what skills each may employ in assisting you in The Healing Regimen. Your Energy Personality, for example, may be asked to assist you in remembering that you are embarked upon a path of positive moment-to-moment assessments of your experiences. You might ask, that, should you lapse into the robotic trance or negative ruminations common to many of us in our system, we would be reminded, possible by some specific sensory cue from your Energy Personality, to awaken and proceed with the Rituals of Healing.

You may have specific Helpers that you rely upon in matters of healing and balance. I suggest you call them into assist you in day-to-day program of positive assessment and Reality Creation. The Guides may provide you with the ongoing Loving emotional energy required to sustain The Healing Regimen.

In essence, here you are attempting to create a divine state of consciousness long term. You are asking for the assistance of your divine Guides, and as they help you through each successive moment in The Healing Regimen, you will feel the beneficial energies and effects upon our physical body.

FINDINGS – As the project moves forward, document your experiences in assessing and utilizing your Guides.


The creation of a structure begins with the drawing-up of a blueprint, illustrating the placement of the materials that will compose the structure. Our Reality construction of Healing begins with the creation of a Blueprint listing the Techniques, Rituals and Suggestions that we will use to create our Positive Reality. The Blueprint for the Reality Construction of healed bodily states is a “living” document, in that it will change from day to day as you gain information about yourself from your experimentation.

Initially it is necessary to create a potent statement of affirmation that you will build to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen. The statement should be only a few well-selected words that do indeed epitomize for you the project at hand. It should be a deeply personal and symbolic statement, to the fact that you are identifying as best you can current life issue in emotional terms. It’s extraordinary the lengths we go to for a ‘labor of love’. We happily make sacrifices, suffer hardships and turn away from temptations. We do everything within our power to prove ourselves to be worthy. We put ourselves through hell and high water because we feel such depths of emotion. Yet, we rarely go to such efforts for our own benefit. Is that because we don’t love ourselves enough? Ask yourself what you’d do to help someone who deserved the best. Everything in our created reality is founded in emotion, the emotion of Love. Our health issues are created as we are diverted from Love. With this in mind, we may create our affirmative statement in positive terms, expressing our simple desires with regards to the healing of body, mind and spirit.

An example may be in order here. Suppose a theoretical subject is experiencing the painful symptoms of a degenerative disease of the musculature of their body. Further, let us say that this subject has experienced a traumatic loss in their recent past. Perhaps a loved -one, such as the father or mother or other family member, has made their Transition in an abrupt manner, through a fast-acting illness that took them within a few weeks, or perhaps through an accident of some sort. Now these traumatic losses are always a surprise to the ego/intellect of those who are left behind. However, as we know, Souls choose the time of their departures as well as the circumstances, so the Souls of the departed know that they are merely keeping their appointments in this way.

Yet even though our theoretical subject also knows on a Soul level that their loved-one has simply transferred their energy to the Home Dimension, they are experiencing a Lesson here. The ego/intellect is shocked, outraged, set into a tailspin, so to speak. The grief and other emotions that are triggered by the sudden death serve to take this subject into their Underworld, where they will experience instructional vignettes that illustrate the true nature of the event in a context of the Soul Family. If the subject may literally bring to a halt their Soul’s progression. This cessation of spiritual growth and fulfillment may result in the outward manifestation of this stasis – the atrophy of the musculature of the body.

As you may have noticed, the symptoms and illnesses that humans create within their bodies are often quite literal responses to the perceived traumatic episodes in their lives. But please understand, what one person may perceive as traumatic, another may perceive as business-as-usual. These are deeply personal issues, the creation of imbalances, and should always be addressed as such, taking into account the context of personality, life-style, experiences and all of the other myriad elements that compose the existence of the human.

Now with this in mind, that your health issues are emotionally-based and that some perceived as you know them, write out a few sentences describing the people basis for your malady and what it might look like it if you were relieved of this malady. Remember, you may always return to this statement to add or subtract material.

For example, if our theoretical subject were to write out a Foundational Statement, might read as the following:


Do you see how this statement frames the healing Regimen in term of a journey? Each of you will use your own metaphors and symbols in creating the Foundational Statement.

Write it now.
