Category Archives: LOVE


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist you in the healing regimen.

You may have already contacted your Guides, such as the Energy Personality and others to assist you. If you you have yet to create these relationships, I suggest that you continue with The Healing Regimen “as if” you were in contact and communication with your Guides. Let me elaborate for just a moment.

Consider your powerful imagination. Now the imagination is the great creative force in our system that assists us in our creation of Reality Constructs. The emotional energy that “fuels” this Reality construction, as I have stated, is based in Love, a very potent emotion. Now here in this instance, in our protected state of Sanctuary that we are experiencing, can you imagine with your great creative intelligence, a relationship with what you might call a Spirit Guide?

Can you sense the powerful current of Love and compassion that supports and sustains this relationship? Stay with this for a few moments. Images may come to mind for you, suggesting characters from your childhood, possibly representing “imaginary playmates.” Loving characters from your mythologies may appear in the mind’s eye. I suggest you go with the flow here, knowing that there is Loving intent, and envision your Guide into being.

Ask for the name of the Guide and it will come to you. The name may have a nonsensical quality to it or it may be rather mundane. Accept the name if you intuitively feel it is right. This is a preliminary exercise here. You are not seeking perfection, simply progress in this endeavor. Whatever comes to you in so far as name and appearance and emotional content is quite sufficient. Honor this process and accept what you are creating with All That Is in this moment.

This is simply a way for you to conduct the necessary behaviors and Idea Constructs into reality formations in the Third Dimension. You usually do not value something as real, unless a beginning, middle and end to it in your Physical reality. This is why your Guides, even though they are seeking your contact, do not suddenly appear to us “out of the blue.” Our guides do not wish to scare us, in other words. This is the beginning of the manifestation of your Guides into your Personality Reality Field, and in a sense, we will “believe them into existence.”

FINDINGS – Take a few moments to document your experiences in contacting your guides.


The second part of this experiment deals with the calling in of your various Guides and Helpers, for those of you who have already established these relationships.


You are in your state of Sanctuary. From this perspective it may be easy for you to envision your Guides as they appear on your mental screen perhaps, and what skills each may employ in assisting you in The Healing Regimen. Your Energy Personality, for example, may be asked to assist you in remembering that you are embarked upon a path of positive moment-to-moment assessments of your experiences. You might ask, that, should you lapse into the robotic trance or negative ruminations common to many of us in our system, we would be reminded, possible by some specific sensory cue from your Energy Personality, to awaken and proceed with the Rituals of Healing.

You may have specific Helpers that you rely upon in matters of healing and balance. I suggest you call them into assist you in day-to-day program of positive assessment and Reality Creation. The Guides may provide you with the ongoing Loving emotional energy required to sustain The Healing Regimen.

In essence, here you are attempting to create a divine state of consciousness long term. You are asking for the assistance of your divine Guides, and as they help you through each successive moment in The Healing Regimen, you will feel the beneficial energies and effects upon our physical body.

FINDINGS – As the project moves forward, document your experiences in assessing and utilizing your Guides.


The creation of a structure begins with the drawing-up of a blueprint, illustrating the placement of the materials that will compose the structure. Our Reality construction of Healing begins with the creation of a Blueprint listing the Techniques, Rituals and Suggestions that we will use to create our Positive Reality. The Blueprint for the Reality Construction of healed bodily states is a “living” document, in that it will change from day to day as you gain information about yourself from your experimentation.

Initially it is necessary to create a potent statement of affirmation that you will build to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen. The statement should be only a few well-selected words that do indeed epitomize for you the project at hand. It should be a deeply personal and symbolic statement, to the fact that you are identifying as best you can current life issue in emotional terms. It’s extraordinary the lengths we go to for a ‘labor of love’. We happily make sacrifices, suffer hardships and turn away from temptations. We do everything within our power to prove ourselves to be worthy. We put ourselves through hell and high water because we feel such depths of emotion. Yet, we rarely go to such efforts for our own benefit. Is that because we don’t love ourselves enough? Ask yourself what you’d do to help someone who deserved the best. Everything in our created reality is founded in emotion, the emotion of Love. Our health issues are created as we are diverted from Love. With this in mind, we may create our affirmative statement in positive terms, expressing our simple desires with regards to the healing of body, mind and spirit.

An example may be in order here. Suppose a theoretical subject is experiencing the painful symptoms of a degenerative disease of the musculature of their body. Further, let us say that this subject has experienced a traumatic loss in their recent past. Perhaps a loved -one, such as the father or mother or other family member, has made their Transition in an abrupt manner, through a fast-acting illness that took them within a few weeks, or perhaps through an accident of some sort. Now these traumatic losses are always a surprise to the ego/intellect of those who are left behind. However, as we know, Souls choose the time of their departures as well as the circumstances, so the Souls of the departed know that they are merely keeping their appointments in this way.

Yet even though our theoretical subject also knows on a Soul level that their loved-one has simply transferred their energy to the Home Dimension, they are experiencing a Lesson here. The ego/intellect is shocked, outraged, set into a tailspin, so to speak. The grief and other emotions that are triggered by the sudden death serve to take this subject into their Underworld, where they will experience instructional vignettes that illustrate the true nature of the event in a context of the Soul Family. If the subject may literally bring to a halt their Soul’s progression. This cessation of spiritual growth and fulfillment may result in the outward manifestation of this stasis – the atrophy of the musculature of the body.

As you may have noticed, the symptoms and illnesses that humans create within their bodies are often quite literal responses to the perceived traumatic episodes in their lives. But please understand, what one person may perceive as traumatic, another may perceive as business-as-usual. These are deeply personal issues, the creation of imbalances, and should always be addressed as such, taking into account the context of personality, life-style, experiences and all of the other myriad elements that compose the existence of the human.

Now with this in mind, that your health issues are emotionally-based and that some perceived as you know them, write out a few sentences describing the people basis for your malady and what it might look like it if you were relieved of this malady. Remember, you may always return to this statement to add or subtract material.

For example, if our theoretical subject were to write out a Foundational Statement, might read as the following:


Do you see how this statement frames the healing Regimen in term of a journey? Each of you will use your own metaphors and symbols in creating the Foundational Statement.

Write it now.



As we co-create our Personal Reality Field, we might say that All That Is “supplies” the energy for our creations in the form of Consciousness Units infused with Love. This infusion occurs within a context of the Love Light Matrix. We have discussed this metaphor in earlier Blogs. Let me present a synopsis here for you. ALL realities created by consciousness are based in Love. Yet in Third-Dimensional Reality there exists the opposite OF Love that serves as a counterpoint and is quite necessary within our linear time illusion. The counterpoint to Love, what we might call Negative Emotion, serves to create alternatives in physical reality to the positive, and so Reality Construction evolves in multitudinous ways.

Our Personal Reality Field is a result of our Intention, conscious or unconscious responsibility for our creations as a cooperative venture with All That Is, we could say that we are using our Intention in a divine fashion.

To take this further… there is a history on our Earth of the positive use of the human will in tandem with the Divine. As I mentioned in my last Blog Series, the great altruistic Leaders of our human history knew of a concept we are calling Divine Will. They were experts in the use of Divine Will and took their place alongside of the Divine, acknowledging the collaboration entailed in creating a Personal Reality of worth. In this project, I suggest that we to conceive of our physical incarnation in this timeframe as a cooperative venture with the forces of Nature, the Divine and our Mother Earth.

As further aid to understanding here in this discussion, and as a way for you to possibly visualize the activity of the Divine Will, I offer the following: consider our theoretical construct of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, and visualize it as a stream of energy, much as a river is a stream of water. Using this metaphor, can you see, perhaps with your Intuitive Sensing, that just as the elemental energies of our great Earth, “push” water through the soil and dirt and rock until the water makes its way to the other side, further along to its “destination,” the human will, Divine Will as we are discussing, as a veritable “force of nature,” may push desired thoughts and images per a particular outcome or Reality Construct, across the threshold of potentiality and into the physical? Divine Will is Love guided by our intention in the moment. It represents the creative energies of All That Is as they are channeled through the consciousness of an inspired human.

Let me remind you that these metaphors are not the ultimate representations of the processes we are describing here, nor will they ever be. They may be seen as bookmarks within my greater theory. They will allow you to continue the study of the new Blog material in a focused way. You may always return to a concept for further meditation, inspiration and study.


What is the value, (in so much as these words may be valued by us,) of the messages of Beings of Light?

Some would say, of course, that these messages are priceless. The words are, after all, the messages of spirits – those who no longer exist as physical beings. If this is so, then should we worship these messages and these beings? Historically, humans have projected their own innate divinity onto these representations – gods and goddesses, spirit being etc. Yet at the same time, the human devalues their own contribution. The human projects the god within onto an outside entity, and then slavishly worships it, forgetting the origins of the god from within the human psyche.

We are discussing these matters in an attempt to remind the Blog Reader of our innate divinity. We are god. We are a goddess. This is a fact of life. As we begin to accept this condition, perhaps we will also remember that we have the power to heal ourselves and others.

Now as with all healing activities from our perceived past – within shamanic cultures for example – we will have help in The Healing  Regimen. We will have assistance from our Guides. Our Guides are emissaries from All That Is – the source of all realities, the Loving center of the created Universes.

So it is quite naturally that we turn to our Guides to assist in The Healing Regimen. Our Guides know what Love is and can remind us of this over the course of the of the project. Our Guides, such as the energy Personality and others, may facilitate the healings that take place within the physical body. They help us to maintain the required intensity of emotion over the long term.

I suggest that the Blog Reader think if this Guide as a personal assistant, one that would be “on call” to assist in matters of importance, such as the learning of Lessons. The Energy Personality may serve as a divine assistant for us in this project. For now, let us discuss the Light Body and the means to explore it with the Inner Sense of Sight.


The Emotional Body is the energy center of our human body within which the signatures of the various Energy Forms may be perceived. As we have stated in previous Blogs, within the electromagnetic corona it is central plane, the focus of the intersecting energies that comprise the Light Body. This nonphysical construct may be visualized as an oval form of pulsating light energy suspended within the heart region of the physical body. Of course, we may sense it in our individual ways. This form is perceived with the Inner Sense of sight we have named Auric Vision.

In my theory, emotion is the great creative force within our system that serves to push the incipient Reality Constructs into physicality. We have described this in a very basic way in our last series of Blogs. Let me summarize this material. It is ALL about emotion in our world. We exist within Third-Dimensional reality. We create our world according to the various thoughts and images within our mental environment AND the templates for creation that exist as Gestalts of  Consciousness. We cooperate with EVERYTHING IN OUR EXISTENCE in this play of consciousness we are experiencing that we call “my life.”

Now everything in created reality exists as a particular frequency or vibration of emotion, what we have referred to as “bio-electric energy.” Everything is alive. Everything is composed of this Light Energy. We might think of these individual vibrations as the “emotional charge” that both creates and sustains the Reality Construct – whatever that might be – time and space in our system.

This idiosyncratic vibrational signature “My” entity, when we wish to communicate with one another. The entity has a specific frequency or emotional Energy Form that he/she displays, as do us all. These frequencies are perceived through the Inner Sense, so that we may “See” the frequency, “Hear” the frequency and so on. These senses tend to blend together somewhat, as we have stated earlier.

Since all Energy Bodies have their own individual emotional charge or frequency, where there are issues of symptoms and illness, there are the attendant Energy Forms representing these constructs that are observable within The Emotional Body. Also within this Emotional Body there are observable Energy Constructs that will lead us to “solutions” – the healing and balance we are seeking. We might call these Gestalts of Consciousness the non-physical “Data Banks” that hold the collected wisdom and experience of healing from the practices of magicians, shaman, witches and healers.

Another way to describe this repository of healing might be to briefly speak on the subject of “spontaneous healing,’ as we call it. Now our literature is filled with stories of humans who have “garnered their inner resources” to effect miraculous changes in their debilitating physical conditions. Of course, to the human raised within a society that stresses the medical model, these transformations from deathly ill to completely healed are indeed perceived as miraculous. Yet, if we view disease process and the medical model as Gestalts of Consciousness, may we also conceive of Spontaneous Healing as simply another readily accessible Gestalt of consciousness? The Gestalt of Consciousness we might call Spontaneous Healing is the ” transmitter” that we “tune-in” to with our Metaphorical Tools to receive the signal – that we will use to create the necessary changes within the body for the transformation.


Our emerging reality is composed of Light, as we have said. We might say that the Coordinate Points within the juncture of time and space of any particular Moment Point of our physical existence, serve to “hold the shape” of the emerging reality, the outgrowth, if you will, of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This context for Realty Creations is indeed the Love Light Matrix. The atoms or Consciousness Units are each, again as we have suggested, energized, animated, empowered by Love with a capital L.

Our world is an ongoing manifestation created from the Loving energized of All That Is. All That Is IS LOVE, and so it follows that Reality Constructs of all types are founded in Love. Now within our Consensus Realities of Earth at this time, there is a pronounced diversion AWAY from Love. We may see this in all of our social, political and even our religious institutions.

It is obvious, is it not? Our world is in crisis. It is increasingly difficult to find Love in our reality. It is true that there is a Turnabout that is occurring, as we see how the absence of Love is so damaging to humanity? See it and remember it.

Now with regards to human health and healing, it is the same: wherever Love is absent, you will surely find decay, illness, disease, imbalance. I am not telling you something you do not already know. Dear Blog Reader, you are conceived in Love, but we are diverted by either emotions as we live our life. The consistent experiencing of the Negative Emotions result in the creation of symptoms and disease. Now in a sense, The Healing Regimen is a matter of peeling away the residue of Negative Emotion that hardens like a shell around The Emotional Body. Underneath this shell we will find the core of humanity – Love, just as we have been describing.

These emotions of Love and Compassion serve a very important purpose here in this project. They are the forces the practitioner uses to affect healing and balance. So that here, in a very elementary way, Negative Emotions serve to create symptoms and disease, whereas Loving Understanding and Compassion serve to create healing and balance. Again emotion is an Electromagnetic Entity that serves as the impetus or natural energy source for the creation of Reality Constructs.

In this suggestion we may also see a strategy for approaching the Healing Quest we are to begin. Human emotion, is the concentrated force that the co-creator employs to “push” into manifestation the desired reality of healing. So that success here is determined by the intensity of desire you can consistently muster within the Rituals of Healing we will cover momentarily.


You are literally born out of the Love And Good Humor of All That Is. Here I am asking you to move beyond any religious conditioning that has convinced you that you perhaps were born out of suffering to live a life of pain. For in truth, the facts in this matter are just the opposite.

Let me state the obvious here, however, to avoid any misunderstanding. Yes, your reality is born in your imagination out of Love and Good Humor, yet you will of necessity also experience the opposites of these attributes – fear, anxiety, anger, hatred. Now the important thing here, is how long a hold on to the fear, anxiety, anger and hatred. How much importance do you attach to these emotional states as you experience them? How much do you invest your ego/intellect in the recreation of these states, once you have allowed them to enter your mental environment.


The preferred method of communication between the complex Gestalts of Consciousness you know as spirits, Guides, Angels and such, and the student in physical reality – the visionary – has always been the Holographic Insert. This is our name for a brief multisensory experience that is transmitted from the nonphysical being to the student. It is quite brief, usually, merely a fraction of a second in duration. It has Loving energy attached to it so that you will remember it. These are the visions that are experienced by students through the ages and documented in scared texts of various kinds.

The visionary experience is really a conversation between the nonphysical beings and the student. It is not necessarily a one-way conversation. The Nature Spirit, for example, does not transmit communication streams into the consciousness of an unprepared student. The student most probably has first been prepared through study and through continued communications and Lessons creates by the Spirit for the further education of the student. The student asks for the communication and the Spirit complies when appropriate.

Now, Holographic Inserts “pour off the page” for you, when you take the care to accept these multisensory messages within your mental awareness. These words and these phrases have power when they are considered carefully with the expectation of the manifested reality to be indeed made manifest.

It is an openness, really, a state of courageous expectation that you must cultivate. It is the same with spiritual literature of all types. The words do have power. The phrases, when they are considered after the required preparation of the human mentality, may initiate the unfolding the unfolding of the Higher Consciousness. We may also relate this to all types of inspirational literature. It calls to us for specific reasons, to catalyze within you – the individual human – the resources required for the exploration of our inner world.

Threads,Strands and Gestalts of consciousness

In previous Blogs, I described the Consciousness Units as being composed of threads. I now further state that these theoretical threads of awarized energy exist in various “arrays” of potentiality, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness – the pre-manifestation templates of creation. Infinitesimally small threads of energy under the direction of elemental consciousness, coalesce into strands of incipient matter that are combined in various ways to create our Reality Constructs.

Now a matrix implies a grid or network of interconnecting pathways or energy streams. Can you imagine in your mind’s eyes this network of Love Light? The pathways are the strands of etheric material composed of Consciousness Units. Within this matrix exist the Coordinate Points. The strands also coalesce into more complex structures – The Gestalts of Consciousness – which hold the potential for the creation of anything conceived by consciousness. All of this etheric material is literally “Love in action” the all-encompassing power of Love that is the essence and creative energy All That Is.

Are you beginning to see now? This Love Light energy that power the strands of etheric material, is the creative element for healing of all types. Focused Love Light is utilized by our tribal healers, for example, in very precise ways to assist their “patients” in balancing and “making whole” their unbalanced bodies. So it is literally true that Love is the healing agent in all restorations of the human body and spirit.


The Love Light is the matrix of divine influences onto which we fashion our Reality Constructs. Here let us speak of the importance of context. It is ALL context, Dear Blog Reader. Within this milieu we are describing as the Love Light Matrix, the Telepath Network, the Central Field of Experiencing and the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, we create out of Consciousness Units those Reality Constructs that compose what we experience as “Bedrock Reality” – a cliché we have found helpful in these discussions.

Of course we use metaphors in this work to assist the Blog Reader in an understanding of the principles and ideas we are describing. Again, the creation of our Personal Reality Field that we accomplish on a moment-to-moment basis with the divine energy of All That Is, is so complex an undertaking that our physical brain could not conceive of the many operations that are undergone within ONE SINGLE SECOND of our existence.

Mind Blower.” This refers to, I gather, a concept or image that is so stunning that a single human mind cannot comprehend it in its totality. This is an description of what the mind encounters when these matters of Reality Creation are considered.

To express the divine – the ineffable – we must always resort to metaphors and theoretical constructs, for the reality of the subject matter is so incredibly complex and rich, that the Third-Dimensional consciousness cannot hold it for very long before it falls away into chaos. The great traditions of our world teach the student how to maintain an equilibrium in these matters. The hope is that the student will master the skills of witnessing the Divine without succumbing to the negative states of fear, anger, confusion. So metaphors are used.

Now perhaps some mixing of metaphors is necessary here to provide a choice for you The Blog Reader. We are hoping that you will find some image or idea that works for you here in the understanding of this material. We are preparing you for the regimens that follow these introductory chapters.


Building upon this premise, can you see how a natural trajectory for a “typical” Consciousness Unit or Atom might well be toward the creation of Love? Love is information or light. What I shall be referring to as Love Light in this Blog, then, simply information of a particular type. It is the creative force of manifestation.

If you have been following our discussion of the nature of reality, you will remember that I have described All That Is as the source for All realities. You may then see that it follows that Love in our model of Reality Creation, is the energy or “impetus” for the expression of All That Is within our Third Dimension.

This is not new information I am providing . Our World Religions place great importance on the role of Love within society. The virtues of Love are spoken of by many healers and leaders within our communities. Yet here I hope to define what I am calling “Love with a capital L;” The Love that I am describing to you in the literal “fuel” for the manifestation of EVERYTHING in our world. This Love or Love Light has a particular frequency or rate of vibration that facilitates the assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs. The Love Light is the power of All That Is. Period.

It is the force that activates the Consciousness Units to express ideas and images into physical reality through the Coordinate Points. Do you see, then, that it it important to learn how to utilize this Love Light in a conscious deliberate fashion?

Where is the Love currently? “My world is certainly lacking in the Love that creates realities!” We shall have more to say on the diversion of Love in the creation of negative realities later in this Blog series. For now, please remember that our Earth is a dramatic stage for the enactment of what are often perceived as “Negative” or “painful” reincarnational dramas.

These dramas may indeed “appear” to be devoid of Love in any measure. However, you have “set yourself up” to experience your Lessons in the way you are experiencing them. Indeed, your ultimate Lesson in the Third Dimension may be of creation to create the positive out of the negative. Coincidently, that is the precise subject of this blog.