Troubled by the assertion that to be truly successful and to truly perceive and create The Abundant Universe, the student must, in the final analysis, “give it all away.” To be sure, at first glance, this statement seems to imply that you will lose everything that you have worked for in the Spiritual Prosperity Program. Certainly, if you give your wealth or material possessions to others, you no longer have possession of them. You are without them. How does one put food on the table or pay bills if what is received is continually given away to others – individuals and collectives. These are earnest and excellent questions to ask. In answering them, please allow me to pass on to you, Dear Blog Reader, another fact of life for you in physical existence.
Now others before me have stated this bluntly, so this is certainly not something that you do not already know.
In terms of energy – Light energy, which is, as we have stated earlier, the “Stuff” of all created realities – you get what you give. There is a popular aphorism that applies here, “What goes around come around,” The statement implies, I believe, that there is a type of karmic balancing dynamic that occurs within the lives of humans. My Blog readers know my feelings on karma and the Eastern theory of Reality Creation. I believe it is quite correct to a degree. ” Let me explain… you live your lives all at once, within the spacious moment, the eternal moment that exists NOW. Your lives are certainly not sequential, for there is no such thing as linear time in the experiencing of the Soul, your true reality.
Now as you are within this Moment Point possibly sensing your connection to your lives past, present and future, you are receiving energy to these lives. Additionally, at this moment, let us say that you are also receiving energy from and transmitting energy to COUNTLESS humans within our Consensus Reality. You are also NOW quite naturally transmitting energy to and receiving energy from the many elemental forms within your Personal Reality.
What does Light energy have to do with The Abundant Universe and giving it all away? Let us go back to my earlier discussions of conscious Units. Greatly simplified, this Light energy is the medium for the Reality Creation project. Let us say that Light holds within it the potencies and potentialities of all of our essential metaphors in our theory of Reality Creation. Now you may remember that the Conscious Units are electromagnetic. As they assemble into Gestalts of Consciousness, they do so according to energies of attraction and repulsion: like with like, yet opposites assemble within the whole as counterparts to their opposites, and so on. This is the organizing principle of life. I have already described to you how All That Is – essentially Love in action – creates realities that are not Love, that are the opposites indeed of Love. In this way Reality Creation evolves, differentiates along every conceivable avenue of development. It is just this way with Light, my friend; the Love Light of All That Is.