The suggestions you give yourself continuously, your “inner dialogue,” or whatever you wish to call this conversation, are indeed very influential in your co-creation of the Personal Reality Field. Everything is suggestion, you see. All is the work of Gestalt of Consciousness.

Let me digress… we have spoken at length in this Blog Series on the great value in “listening” to suggestions of your Loving Guides. These suggestions often take the form of positive thoughts, feelings and images sensed within your mental environment. It feels, at these times of contact, that you may be experiencing a divine intervention of sorts, for the experiences of the preceding moments may have been anything other than positive and Loving. Your preceding experiences may have been very negative and challenging. Perhaps what you have done then is you have put a call to your Guides to assist you in your Reality Creation, and they have done so. In this way, you have asked for assistance from your Guides and they have responded “right when you needed it most.”

Another way to experience this state of contact with the Divine in an ongoing manner, is to “plant” the positive suggestions within your consciousness purposely, so that over time you are training yourself to experience your world in a positive way, with continuous contact with the Divine. You then recreate your reality in a positive fashion. The creation of positive realities becomes habitual, replacing the habitual creation of negative or mundane realities. This purposeful guiding of the human mentally through speech is the basis of all our healing systems on our Earth. From the aboriginal shaman to our modern medicine practitioner, all have used Healing Talk for support in the healing process.


This experiment is similar to the preceding one, with a subtle difference. Now relax your body using your preferred techniques. The products of your belief Revisioning are the affirmative statements you may use to counter the negative ruminations that support the creation of your mundane existence. Ideally you would have committed the affirmative statements or suggestions to memory. If not, have your suggestions written out on a piece of paper to read when you are at your preferred state of relaxation. The next step is to read your affirmative statements to yourself while you are in Trance, or perhaps record the statements for playback while you are in relaxed state. Over time, if you are diligent, the positive healing statements will supplant the negative ruminations that support the malady.

FINDINGS – Document your findings rigorously in creating Healing Talk that counters your negative ruminations.

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