Category Archives: Emotions


Bleed-throughs can be glimpses of probable roads not taken and so not actualized. For the most part, as I said, in these bleed-through experiences we are connecting with aspects of our Simultaneous Lives.

In the Unity of Consciousness Dimension we will be aware of all of our existences past, present and future and we will be able to remember them and hold those memories. Now, currently our consciousness – and by this I mean the consciousness of Western mankind/womankind – is just beginning to learn how to navigate these regions.

Part of this learning experience is discovering how to “hold” these perceptive bleed-throughs in our consciousness without resorting to fear, denial, etc. These experiences will be momentary, therefore, until the Inner Senses are adequately developed, and skills at creating love and confidence out of fear and anger are mastered.

We are not given more than we can deal with in any particular instance here. It is an individual learning curve with each of us as we learn to acknowledge our Energy Personalities and begin to expand our perceptions with the help of these Guides.

Encouragement And Caution

As I have said in earlier bogs, our human consciousness visits other time periods and participates in activities in other dimensions, even as we may be participating in our daily unremarkable activities. We are experts at vacating our human bodies and venturing forth into the unknown realities.

Our New Age metaphysical literature is quite filled with stories of angels, demons, extra-terrestrials and the like. So too do our motion picture business prosper through the creation of science fiction and fantasy movies. Yet does it surprise that these stories are “literally’ true?

Remember, Dear Blog reader, that it is our human consciousness that creates our reality in tandem with All That Is. And so the creativity of our artists, as well as our own, feeds and supports alternate dimensions. When we are experiencing these tales, either through reading books or watching movies or plays, we are submerged in the alternate dimensions for that time. So this is the simplest example of inter-dimensional travel.

With regards to the subject of contacting other entities in the Fourth Dimension, I must caution to certainly create your Ritual of Sanctuary and have this ritual memorized. As an explorer of these realms, we undoubtedly will encounter negative energy forms that may come into our consciousness and attempt to fix on our light. By this I mean Negative Entities can transmit a propensity for negative, repetitive thoughts or images entering our consciousness that can be difficult to undo.

We recognize these circular ideas or information loops as disturbing pangs of dread, and other negative emotions. They seem to come from nowhere. Actually these Negative Energies are attracted to specific memories and ideas we are holding in our mental environment that are of a negative nature: ideas and feeling of low self-worth, replays of past mistakes and all of the other negative inner experiences humans punish themselves with every day.

Now this is how the Negative Forces gain control over the minds of many in our world. They gain a stronghold in a sense, within the mental environment of those with weakened protection systems. It is as though the immune system of the Etheric Body is weakened through the activity of the negative thoughts, images and such, creating the conditions within the mental environment for viral contamination.

The negative, circular thoughts – the thought viruses – are then free to multiply. The comparison is very useful here. With our suggestions and experiments we are using love and acceptance and confidence to dispel the viral attack. To carry it further, antibodies are created with the introduction of positive thoughts and emotions into the suppressed immune system of the Metal or Etheric Body.

The negative viral front is neutralized and overcome by love, acceptance and confidence. To be sure, a healthy mental, emotional and spiritual body is one that is nourished on love, acceptance and confidence, to the degree that these positive states of consciousness are the typical experiences of the embodied Soul.


My advice is to not worry about who you are contacting, as long as you are receiving the loving aspect. The open-heart aspect of the communication denotes that you have made contact with the Energy Personality. You will know this feeling, in that it is love embodied. Love as an idea or an ideal is a mental construct.

The ecstasy I am describing is felt throughout the body. There is a sense of being pressed in by love so that you have a feeling of slight discomfort mixed in with the pleasurable emotion of love. You will know it when you feel it. It can be experienced as a wave of pleasant emotion, as I describe it, yet each of us will experience it in a different way. This is your Soul shining through. This is the experience of dropping the ego and allowing your Soul Self to perceive your world.

Now, we are on a path of development. All of us are at various stages of Soul Evolution. The difference becomes whether you acknowledge to yourself that you are ready to work with your Energy Personality and move FORWARD in development. By doing so, you catalyze the great powers within and without.

We focus our intent and with the assistance of All That Is, we take a divergent path; a path that will take us from sleep into awakening in a Soul sense. New positive probable futures arise from this intentional choice we make to co-create with All That Is a spiritually-informed existence.


In this Blog series we shall hopefully provide you with the opportunity to address the most pressing and important Lessons for you in your current existence. Now truly ALL of our Lessons are “wisdom” Lessons, in that we experience Soul Evolution when we are engaged in learning these Lessons. So that the gaining of prosperity within a life of perceived lack and poverty, may be considered the gaining of wisdom, as well as the facing of perceived extremely difficult, traumatic material from your past may be considered the gaining of wisdom.

However, in this material we will attempt to provide you with the motivation you require to do what you must do in facing, your most difficult Lessons – the Lessons of Negativity, pain and suffering.

For I trust you would agree that the positive Lessons – of Love, of experiencing prosperity, of developing friendships – need much less motivation for the average human to engage in and “do the homework” required, than do the Lessons of Negativity. The Lessons of Love will take care of themselves over time. Whereas with the Lessons of Negativity, the primary reason have we not yet learned these Lessons is that we are indeed avoiding them.

Atlantis Bleed-throughs

Bleed-throughs can come from what we call our past or our future and also from contemporary existences – from all of our Simultaneous Lives. And our other point regarding crystals: some of my blog readers are infatuated with crystals and ascribe great powers to them.

These will be the ones who will incarnate or simply transition into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension and become the leaders in the new technology of crystals I spoke of in earlier blogs. These are truly “crystal people” who may incarnate multiple times, in similar occupations, to consolidate their experience and knowledge.

We are born into physical form to experience a life of lessons. This means that although we have free will to choose from an infinite supply of probable actions, we will choose those actions that support a particular context – a dramatic background, if you will – upon which we shall project our reincarnational dramas, comedies and the like.

Now we must pretend that we do not have such a stake in this production. We are, therefore, surprised when great blessings or tragedies occur on the stage of our life. But currently my blog readers, many of us are waking up to discover ourselves as actors on the stage, and we are acknowledging to ourselves that we are also the producers and directors of these enlighten stories.

To illustrate my point here, consider the tales of our leaders, our heroes and heroines from our historical past, as portrayed in our literature and our motion pictures. We can see the symbolism and meanings in the lives of these great leaders, can we not? Yet can we also see the meaning and lessons in our own ongoing lives?

The heroic struggles of our ancestors are often embellished in larger-than-life terms through dramatization, this is true. Yet the symbolic lessons characterized in books or on the screen are of no greater importance in terms of the Soul, than the heroic acts performed by any of us in our daily lives. We are all heroic. We are all born into Earthly existence to learn our symbolic lessons.


HYPOTHESIS: You can learn to connect with the divine energies in a purposeful way.

Now, our form of meditation is quite simple. The goal is to connect with the stream of divine information, purposefully. You are already accessing divine information as you sleep. This experiment may assist you in creating rituals of contact and communication with the divine source through what we broadly define as meditation. First let me remind you that you will be encountering ecstatic states of consciousness. Your relaxed position in your chair, on your couch or pillow, will appear to others as though you are in an ecstatic state, and indeed you shall be.

To get a feel for this sitting posture, sit down in your comfortable chair or other structure with your feet flat on the floor. If the chair has armrests, rest your forearms upon the armrests or simply rest your arms and hands in your lap. Now the torso should be balance comfortably on the hips, pelvis and seat.

The most important aspect of this meditation position is this: the head should be resting on the neck slightly to either the left or right-side. The head should be tilted back slightly, again, as though you were experiencing ecstatic states. To others, it would appear as though you were profoundly relaxed and content though not asleep, not unconscious. You have one foot in the physical and one foot in the metaphysical domains.

Now your intent is very important here. Simultaneously, as you create the relaxed body posture for meditation, you are focusing on creating the connection to the divine. This will be unique to the individual. I have described this as “embodying” the divine in this present blog.

With your imagination you will use your powers of creativity to establish the “divine connection.” You will know it when you sense it. The loving emotions will be quite noticeable – the wave of ecstasy just below the surface. As you notice this pleasant feeling, the divine information will no doubt begin to stream into your Etheric Body through the physical channel between your eyes. By keeping free from distractions, you may continue to “drink in” these energies for as long as you wish, though fifteen minutes to an hour per session is adequate.

Now this stream may cease on its own and you will come to Third-Dimensional consciousness soon afterward. Or you may simply have the intention to come out after a specific amount of time and you shall. Simply suggest to yourself that you will come out at a specific time, before you begin the meditation.

It also a good practice to not attempt an intellectual analysis of the meditation session immediately afterward. Give yourself some time. The energies will play out within your Etheric Body over time, and you really needn’t try to investigate how you are doing. The positive changes that will occur in your life as you meditate regularly shall in all probability be enough proof that your behaviors in this matter are worth the time and effort.

This is primarily a receptive exercise or experiment, in other words. You are allowing the divine energies of All That Is to wash over you, to cleanse and to heal.

FINDINGS – Document the results of your experiments with mediation. After you have gained some proficiency, verify for future reference, what you feel and think during and after the sessions.

Creating Ritual Sanctuary

HYPOTHESIS: Enacted sanctuary ritual seals off negative energies.

Building on the exercises from previous blogs, this experiment will explore the means for creating a unique protection ritual for the reader to enact prior to psychic investigations.

Each Blog reader may for themselves list their beliefs and images of security and peace and then distill them down into a potent image or statement that virtually resonates with the energies we are discussing. Again, each individual will create a distinct image or written statement with accompanying emotional content.

This is the Ritual of Sanctuary that the reader may perform before each experiment. It is a good idea for the reader to write down and draw pictures of the images and content they are experiencing for future reference. The ritual may include body movements or gestures, the cultivation of emotional states, visualizations of various types ad so on.

The reader may wish to try out the ritual a number of times until it elicits the desired state of Sanctuary, that is, a feeling of support as if one were a beloved child in the arms of one’s adoring mother. Naturally, the reader may have different criteria for sensing ultimate protection.

One note here… the descriptive terms Emotional Body, Home Dimension etc. are simply for the convenience of the reader. Our reality obviously unfolds seamlessly for our perception. There are no distinctions between dimensions and our physical form, for example. All of our terminology is presented for our use in our Third-Dimensional reality so that we can make sense of this new information being presented. We are used to naming and so we will name in our material.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. This may mean that you will write down the results of your ongoing efforts in creating a Ritual Sanctuary that works. This is a personal matter. Only you will know when you have fine-tuned your ritual to the point that it assists you in creating the sacred space of Sanctuary.

Clearing the Emotional Body

HYPOTHESIS: Raising the focus from the emotional to the mental center clears emotional turmoil.

This experiment concerns the creation of a personal perspective through which you may create and perceive your world with greater clarity. As a human, you are most likely in the habit of creating and perceiving your Personal Reality through the Emotional Center of the heart region. For our purposes, we will raise that focus of awareness up to the Mental Center, which has its physical counterpart in the head directly between the eyes.

Sensing where the energies might be in your heart region, see what image or emotion comes from it. If you have an image of churning, as of emotions strengthening and dying out, you are on the right track. Now, using your intention or will, bring this churning energy up from the lower centers of the throat and head. As you do you may notice that the churning emotionality ceases. It may be replaced with a cool clarity and a feeling of relaxation. Keep with this feeling of clarity, purpose and un-emotionality for a few moments. Embody it, my friend.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. This may simply be your observations, personal meanings, drawings etc.

The Personal Reality Field

We are the creator of our Personal Reality Field. As you read this blog, you are at once creating your physical body, including the eyes and brain that read the blog that you also create. All is created in the current moment by you, Dear Blog reader. And so we are all artists from the time we were born, working with the natural elements to create our multitudinous Reality Constructs, the building blocks of our Personal Realities.

Now this creation unfolds before us in a linear fashion. We create, as we have just discussed, a past and a future to “match” our current Moment Point – our spacious present. We are artists, but currently most of us are naïve artists, in that we create our works of art – our physical reality and all of its trappings – without much planning or thought. Thus, we perceive our reality, created unconsciously, as something separate. It appears as though we are at the mercy of our own environment, our world. The amnesia that I spoke of in earlier blogs helps to create this illusion of separation from our creative works.

Currently however, many of us are waking up to the true nature of our reality. We are questioning our personal beliefs and the mass beliefs of our societies. We are coming out of our amnesia and seeing the illusion of separation for what it is: a once useful fiction.

As our consciousness is being raised and we are offered a glimpse of our true reality, many of us will take up the challenge to live our lives more honestly and more responsibly. Knowing that we are not separate from our environment,(we have made it) or from other human beings, (we are one) we will begin to take actions that truly matter, rather than fritter away our time on the trivialities of egoic pursuits.


Time, a concept that is very important to those of us in physical reality, though not in the least important to Beings of Light. Humans make much of “time” as we perceive it. We believe that we are making perfect sense when we say to another, “I don’t have time to do what I need to do,” and we seldom see the inherent humor in such a statement, for we take our time so seriously. But I must assure once again of the TRUTH about time.

The truth is that there is no time but the moment – The Present Moment Point. All else – all of the emotion-laden memories of a particular past and the excitement or dread of a particular future – are fabrications of our imagination. We create the added elements of past and future to format our experiences into something comprehensible to our Third-Dimensional, physical senses.

Now this truth-telling regarding time has great utility for us. Knowing and ACCEPTING that there is no time but the current Moment Point – our Point of Power – can free us from any guilt or other negative emotions concerning events from our “past,” and also release us from the needless dread of so-called “future” events yet to come. This moment of truth in our current time-frame, while we are reading this blog, is all we have.

And it is from this Point of Power that we create not only our future, but also our past. I will ask at points throughout this series of blogs, to attempt to internalize this over-riding fact-of-life as a necessary basis for further study and experimentation.

Consciousness Units

Much has been spoken of CUs (conscious units) over the many years of blogging about this concept. Now, simply put, the CU is a model – a Sethian model – for the activity of Reality Creation at its most basic. We may speak of these elements as Awarized Energy subject to the control of human thought. These are basic units of creation we are discussing and we may summarize their activity in a few words: we create our reality out of Awarized Units of Energy – CUs – through our Intent powered by our emotion.

Again, in other forums we may seek out more intellectualized descriptions. But, it all can be reduced to this previous simple statement. At its most basic, which is where we must be in these research activities, the CU is the leading edge in Reality Construction. This “edge” is that point in consciousness where we may place our intention and began to create consciously.

Co-creating consciously with All That Is “IS” the object of this research blog. Now if we require a more in-depth description, we may read the previous few lines again while we are in a relaxed state. It is possible we will intuit a deeper understanding of this concept.

There is much more to the printed word, in other words, than one can grasp in one reading. This work, as in other spiritual texts, can be taken to as deep a level as our Soul Evolution may permit. Words have power. The printed words in certain books have the power to spiritualize the reader and open them up to other dimensions. It has been thus.

This current blog has the potential to catalyze in the reader the awakening of the spirit. This is not an intellectual pursuit, however, and we will not find our awakening on the intellectual path. We may spend lifetimes intellectualizing and explaining away our lessons. Yet we may discover in a brief moment in time – in a fraction of a second – the personal meanings for us on the planet Earth at this time. This is my hope for you upon reading this blog.