Category Archives: 4th Dimension


I do not wish to repeat myself too greatly in this New Blog Material, but allow me to once again state the ultimate premise of our Third-Dimensional existence. Our world is composed of Light. Each and every Reality Construct is the “visible” manifestation of Gestalts of Consciousness of various types.

The leaf on the tree before you is the “outward” creation of the “inner” thought-form or Energy Gestalt of LEAF. The Beings of Light, therefore, exist at all levels of physical Reality Creation. And again, each and every Gestalt of Consciousness, including the Beings of Light, may be contacted through the Rituals of Contact and Communication we are presenting in these new Blog works. In this way, the researcher may communicate with the leaf in question through an attunement of the vibratory frequency of the researcher’s mental environment to the frequency of the subject i.e. LEAF.


The preferred method of communication between the complex Gestalts of Consciousness you know as spirits, Guides, Angels and such, and the student in physical reality – the visionary – has always been the Holographic Insert. This is our name for a brief multisensory experience that is transmitted from the nonphysical being to the student. It is quite brief, usually, merely a fraction of a second in duration. It has Loving energy attached to it so that you will remember it. These are the visions that are experienced by students through the ages and documented in scared texts of various kinds.

The visionary experience is really a conversation between the nonphysical beings and the student. It is not necessarily a one-way conversation. The Nature Spirit, for example, does not transmit communication streams into the consciousness of an unprepared student. The student most probably has first been prepared through study and through continued communications and Lessons creates by the Spirit for the further education of the student. The student asks for the communication and the Spirit complies when appropriate.

Now, Holographic Inserts “pour off the page” for you, when you take the care to accept these multisensory messages within your mental awareness. These words and these phrases have power when they are considered carefully with the expectation of the manifested reality to be indeed made manifest.

It is an openness, really, a state of courageous expectation that you must cultivate. It is the same with spiritual literature of all types. The words do have power. The phrases, when they are considered after the required preparation of the human mentality, may initiate the unfolding the unfolding of the Higher Consciousness. We may also relate this to all types of inspirational literature. It calls to us for specific reasons, to catalyze within you – the individual human – the resources required for the exploration of our inner world.


Now we become what we think about. Our identity is created from the ideas and images that we entertain within our mental environment, including messages sent to us from our Simultaneous Lives. Our identity is quite fluid. We are continuously assessing our mental, physical and emotional spheres of activity and assembling our identity from data gathered in this investigation.

We have many colleagues in this endeavor – the reassessment of the Personal and Consensus Realities. Our modern world in this timeframe is witnessing the transformation of the human mentality on a grand scale. Our fellow inhabitants of our planet are questioning their roles and duties as human beings and many are acknowledging the TRUTH of this matter of identity.

For example: many who have been skeptics are engaged in a reversal of thinking. They are “seeking the light” quite literally in all of their experiences, particularly where they have sought to keep the truth from their fellow humans. These transformations will be shocking to some, for they occur so abruptly that the breath is taken away. Yet as this event in the lives of men and women becomes more commonplace, the basic correctness and obvious necessity of this wholesale change in human perception and attitude will be recognized. The Visionary of old is reborn in the present, during this shift – the Fourth-Dimensional Shift we are describing.


Let me answer my own questions. Beings of Light are responding. We ARE a Being of Light. We each are a Soul with a body. We are a multitude of personalities existing in many different areas on our Earth, on other planets and in probable systems. We are experiencing our amnesia in the Third Dimension, perhaps scoffing at this admittedly “far out” narrative, yet it remains quite true that WE are what we are talking about when we describe the Beings of Light. EVERYTHING in physical reality if “lighted” by Beings of Light, Gestalts of Consciousness, Light Bodies, Energy Bodies.

They are the energy and incipient matter templates for all forms in physical reality and all other dimensions. So that any discussions as to whether Beings of Light exist are really quite humorous, as these Gestalts of Consciousness comprise ALL of human experience.

Perhaps what we are truly saying here, is that we are an Etheric Being. The witty, the humorous and the creative responses are from the Nonphysical Personality aspects that form our Soul Self. This is our identity then. We are grounded in the nonphysical world.


The activity of the Consciousness Unit via the Coordinate Point is spontaneous, that is, the creative energies “erupt” into the Reality Constructs within our field of perception in a milieu of Loving ease and divine facilitation. This spontaneity I am describing is based in the Divine, yet naturally the outcomes of these activities are witnessed in the physical – our physical world. We straddle both the etheric and the physical domains.

This New Science we are describing is not separate from the sacred. It is an analysis of the sacred. The sacred here is the subject of study. The sacred is the spinning of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs by All That Is through us the reader and writers of this Blog. Here I use the term “spinning” in a multitude of ways. Our essence is spun off Of All That IS in the manner of a top as it spins, casting off a flash of reflected light, perhaps, the flash of light representing a fragment of the Soul Shelf that is cast into the living body of the human baby. I am also referencing the spinning of our theoretical baby. I am also referencing the spinning of our theoretical electrons in our atoms.


Your choice in these matters IS a matter of your free will in the moment. Might I suggest that in these moments of opportunity for You the Soul, that you listen to the suggestions of your Guides rather than to the self-centered voice of the ego/intellect? This is merely a suggestion, my friend. The free will choice is yours and I am acting here in a purely advisory capacity. I simply urge you to take your own advice in these situations, when in fact you are embodying the Soul Self. It will be quite easy to determine if you are experiencing this unique perspective. The Soul Self is informed through communications with All That Is. This perspective may guide you to the best resolution of any given creative challenge you may face.

The differences between the subconscious creation of negative realities and the conscious co-creation of positive life-affirming realities by the awakening human consciousness through use if the Divine Will are quite pronounced. You will know it when you are faced with a decision to go one way or the other. I will leave it at that for now. Obviously, you are each required to learn your individual Lessons. I would not wish to give you ALL the answers, and by so doing, rob you of the “joy” of learning your Lessons on your own.


Now this “quickening” is indeed upon us in Third-Dimensional Reality. Those of us engaged in negative ruminations, and their attendant manifestation into negative Reality Constructs, will find that we are confronted, in an almost simultaneous fashion, with the products of our mental digressions. Just as the practitioners of Loving Understanding and Courage will find their positive manifestations strengthening, so too will the practitioners of doubt, anger, hatred and such, find themselves consumed with the energies released during these errant creative activities.

Is there any wonder why such an intensification of this creative process produces the appropriate results? We create our own reality according to our beliefs. If we are focusing on the fear and cynical distrust of our neighbors, for example, is it any wonder that our neighbors continue to cause us discomfort? And is it any wonder that as we awaken as a species this discomfort grows? Indeed.

I suggest the discomfort may grow until it becomes UNBEARABLE. Then we will of necessity be faced with a choice in our reincarnational dramas. Will we learn our Lesson or will we not? Will we continue to hold-on to the anger, fear and cynicism, or will we let-go and feel the ecstasy just below the surface of our human consciousness? This ecstasy is the creative Loving energy of All That Is.


Our feedback reality continually endorses our ongoing emotional states according to the “structures” of our beliefs. Here we shall define as those “habitual patterns of perceptual analysis utilized in the creation of Reality Constructs.” Our beliefs are the potent ideas, images and emotional contents that exist within our mental environment or psyche. Our beliefs may be thought of as the “rough sketch” for our creative project – our ongoing life with its experiences, behaviors, and so on.

Now currently it is possible for us to address issues of core beliefs and core values, like never before in our history as a species. Our evolution as a Soul depends upon change in our beliefs. We will not, individually or collectively, make the transition we have been discussing in these new series of Blogs with the outmoded beliefs we currently hold.

The world is integrating, you see, at an extremely rapid pace. We in the developed nations, the many millions of us, are behind the learning curve in this matter. This may be due to our obsession with material objects of mass consumption. The prevalence of the egoic perspective within our individual and mass consciousness also holds us back. And it certainly does not serve us in the West to “export” these limited perspectives through our Negative Media and through our military excursions into foreign lands.

This is why I am writing Blogs. The greater part of the world is awakening “on Schedule.” It is in the developed nations in particular, and some other parts of our world, that we are still focused on the creation of negative, fear-based realities.


Now this Emotional Body is perceived as Light to the Inner Senses. It is also conceived in Light. All is Light. Everything in our created reality is composed of Light in the form of our theoretical constructs the Consciousness Units. Here we are simplifying and spiritualizing my messages to humanity. For this reason we shall also refer to the Energy Construct of the human physical body as being composed of spiritual information.

In this context, you Blog Reader, are a divine message from All That Is, articulating your particular philosophy, behaviors and mentality within physical reality as an “envoy” of the sacred. Again, if you are tempted to dismiss this as mere “religious ranting,” I urge you to take a deep breath and go within for just a moment. Sense your ultimate divinity. It is obvious to us who are now instructing you, and to you it may become obvious in your experimentation, as you discover Findings that support my statement.


This emotional Body may be perceived as the intersection of “energies” of Reality Creation within our physical construct. We may experience it as existing within the heart region. It is within this construct that the Reality Creation agendas of All That Is of our Reincarnational Existences may read. We may, for example, observe within this Emotional Body the emotional and symbolic underpinnings of a chronic illness that currently plagues us. Or we may witness a dramatization of an event from our past that keeps us from enjoying prosperity in our present. Thus we may sense these strategies in our own particular fashion, using the Inner Senses that we are developing through experimentation in this project.

The greater sphere of activity within which rests this Emotional Body we refer to as The Light Body, as do many of the current teachers and practitioners in our world. This construct is “built” from the intersecting energies of existence – or dimensions if you prefer – of our many Simultaneous Lives. This Inner Senses representation of The Emotional Body, as well as the Inner Sense of sight itself, we are calling the Auric Vision.


For example: If my friend Rob was to select at random one of the planes surrounding the Central Field of Experiencing in our diagram, and using his imagination and his Inner Senses “tuned-in” to another life, he might very well find himself experiencing his aboriginal existence, or possibly his existence as a female in New Orleans Louisiana in the U.S.A. or as a Roman soldier from many hundreds of years ago, in our terms. These are just a few of Rob’s Reincarnational Existences.

You Dear Blog Reader also have a vast store of existences just waiting to be explored. This illustration may serve as a meditation piece for you in this way. In each of our Blog Series, we have presented these simple focusing tools to assist you in perceiving your greater reality – the reality of your Soul Self. Please utilize this tool in your experimentation as you attempt to access your other lives.