Category Archives: 4th Dimension


We have titled this section of the Series of Blogs Spiritual Prosperity to again challenge your beliefs about what is and is not spiritual. Everything is literally made of spirit. Everything in our world is spiritual, therefore. Spirit is Light. Spirit is energy. We are on the Earth currently to learn how to use energy to create our world in an improved fashion. From this premise we shall move forward.

Our Spiritual Prosperity Program will allow you to transform your beliefs and ideas about abundance. If you are experiencing a lack of necessities, you will be empowered to alter your perspective in a necessary fashion to reveal The Abundant Universe. Now this Abundant Universe is always there for you to experience. It is a probable manifestation from the field of limitless probabilities before you.

Your focus upon the positive elements within your field of perception is the path to creating and experiencing The Abundant Universe. You may remember this as the Consecutive Positive Assessments technique from the last Blog. In the Spiritual Prosperity Program we shall avail ourselves of the techniques and experiments used in The Healing Regimen


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from your future healed self.


This experiment would be a form of “back engineering.” For example: as you visit this future healed self, using your visualized transport, you might ask yourself, “What am I doing differently now that has perhaps helped me achieve this healed stat?” Make a list of what comes to mind. You are indeed in that moment of contact, receiving information from a probable future self that is experiencing a healed state. This information gathering may take the form of an informal interview. Have a list of questions prepared prior to the experiment. If you are sufficiently comfortable in Trance that you will not be distracted by reading your questions, have the questions available to refer to during the interview.

Now…. this is your most effective advisor, your future healed self. This information from your future self may take the form of nonsense. You may, for example, be advised to perform an absurd gesture, motion or such thing. This does not make sense to your third-Dimensional ego, for it may seem embarrassing, silly etc. If you feel that you are in contact with your Guides, that you are guided by them and you are in contact with your future healed self, my advice is to take the advice of this Energy Body. Perform the silly gesture. Do the embarrassing behavior. Obviously, we would not wish to harm anyone, including the practitioner, in taking this advice.

You may, using your Inner Senses, perceive this future healed self and you might ask questions of this self and receive the telepathic responses that you may integrate into your Healing Regimen. These responses may come in symbolic form. Again, using your intuitive faculties, interpret these messages and act on them or not. Of course you have free will here, as do you in all facets of your existence, and you may act accordingly.

FINDINGS – Write down the answers you are receiving or in another way document this information from your future self.


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist you in the healing regimen.

You may have already contacted your Guides, such as the Energy Personality and others to assist you. If you you have yet to create these relationships, I suggest that you continue with The Healing Regimen “as if” you were in contact and communication with your Guides. Let me elaborate for just a moment.

Consider your powerful imagination. Now the imagination is the great creative force in our system that assists us in our creation of Reality Constructs. The emotional energy that “fuels” this Reality construction, as I have stated, is based in Love, a very potent emotion. Now here in this instance, in our protected state of Sanctuary that we are experiencing, can you imagine with your great creative intelligence, a relationship with what you might call a Spirit Guide?

Can you sense the powerful current of Love and compassion that supports and sustains this relationship? Stay with this for a few moments. Images may come to mind for you, suggesting characters from your childhood, possibly representing “imaginary playmates.” Loving characters from your mythologies may appear in the mind’s eye. I suggest you go with the flow here, knowing that there is Loving intent, and envision your Guide into being.

Ask for the name of the Guide and it will come to you. The name may have a nonsensical quality to it or it may be rather mundane. Accept the name if you intuitively feel it is right. This is a preliminary exercise here. You are not seeking perfection, simply progress in this endeavor. Whatever comes to you in so far as name and appearance and emotional content is quite sufficient. Honor this process and accept what you are creating with All That Is in this moment.

This is simply a way for you to conduct the necessary behaviors and Idea Constructs into reality formations in the Third Dimension. You usually do not value something as real, unless a beginning, middle and end to it in your Physical reality. This is why your Guides, even though they are seeking your contact, do not suddenly appear to us “out of the blue.” Our guides do not wish to scare us, in other words. This is the beginning of the manifestation of your Guides into your Personality Reality Field, and in a sense, we will “believe them into existence.”

FINDINGS – Take a few moments to document your experiences in contacting your guides.


The second part of this experiment deals with the calling in of your various Guides and Helpers, for those of you who have already established these relationships.


You are in your state of Sanctuary. From this perspective it may be easy for you to envision your Guides as they appear on your mental screen perhaps, and what skills each may employ in assisting you in The Healing Regimen. Your Energy Personality, for example, may be asked to assist you in remembering that you are embarked upon a path of positive moment-to-moment assessments of your experiences. You might ask, that, should you lapse into the robotic trance or negative ruminations common to many of us in our system, we would be reminded, possible by some specific sensory cue from your Energy Personality, to awaken and proceed with the Rituals of Healing.

You may have specific Helpers that you rely upon in matters of healing and balance. I suggest you call them into assist you in day-to-day program of positive assessment and Reality Creation. The Guides may provide you with the ongoing Loving emotional energy required to sustain The Healing Regimen.

In essence, here you are attempting to create a divine state of consciousness long term. You are asking for the assistance of your divine Guides, and as they help you through each successive moment in The Healing Regimen, you will feel the beneficial energies and effects upon our physical body.

FINDINGS – As the project moves forward, document your experiences in assessing and utilizing your Guides.


The Healing Regimen is a cooperative effort between the practitioner and the Guides in a diagnosis of The Emotional Body. A Blueprint is then made for the creation of a positive reality called Healing. Rituals of Healing are then performed with the application of the various techniques and experiments. The continual application of the ritual of Healing until the Healing Regimen becomes habitual, creates a positive reality that will sustain itself over time.

Thus, a healing regimen implies regimentation, does it not? Here we are approaching the subject in a very systematic fashion. This is how you get results with these techniques, you see, by creating the Personal Reality Field in purposeful ways. You will not be “sleepwalking” through your life as you may have done in the past. The goal is to achieve conscious awareness in the moment. Then in these moments of awareness, I suggest in the moment. Then in these moments of awareness, I suggest you enact your ritual of Healing and purposeful Reality Creation. It is the sequential empowerment of the moments in our existence, that leads in time to the creation of an improved Personal Reality.

This project is really an extended Ritual. If you remember, our definition for Ritual in the context of my new Teaching, is “the consistent requesting of contact and communication with non-physical beings – Beings of Light.” It is all about spirit thought and contact with this stream of communication. Everything in our reality has consciousness and everything may be contacted for communication.

Of course, you may if you wish, continue to heed the communication stream of the ego/intellect, as you have done for perhaps many years in your life. However, if you do, you will in all likelihood merely achieve a recreation of the status quo reality. If you are ill, for example, you may simply recreate a physical body that is ill. I suggest that you do something different here. Experiment with your reality.


We might say that our New Age Healers refer to as the human Aura, is essentially our “timeless” Light Body. The Aura, is a reflection of our greater Soul Self THROUGH The Consciousness Units that compose our current physical body. Now within this we may detect, by using what we are calling our Auric Vision, the exhibits of electromagnetic emanations of Gestalts of Consciousness of all types. Within this Auric vision we could, as a Scientist of Consciousness, diagnose past, present and future life issues. All of our many Simultaneous Lives exhibit their activities in an essential form within this aura.

Each consciousness Unit “remembers” each and every one of its voyages into form. These Consciousness Units tell their stories, and if we listen carefully, we may discover the proper path to take to heal and balance the human subject – oneself, a friend or family member or possible even a leader who has gone astray and requires an “adjustment” on the Etheric Plane.

Here, with an understanding of the animate Universe we are describing in these Blogs, it becomes quite possible for the Scientist of Consciousness to assume the role of Healer, and in a manner of speaking, “address” the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the malady. Thus the healer if “speaking” to the disease and acting on the responses to effect the healing.

Now when we use our Auric Vision, the information comes to us in unique ways, in a fashion distinct from our normal Third-Dimensional perceptions. Our auric vision may present us with a literal dramatization of the issues and problems inherent in the malady we are observing. This Inner Senses may project onto our inner field of perception, perhaps as we close our eyes, complete scenes peopled with characters of various descriptions. These dramatizations of the malady and the cure may run the gamut from literal representations to those that are so deeply personal and symbolic that only YOU would know the meaning entailed.

For example: we might view a scene in which a human heart is literally “broken.” And let us further state that the destroyer of the heart is a person easily recognized as our relative or friend or lover. Do you see the literal representation here? It is trying to tell us something. Most of us would probably interpret this scene in similar ways.

Or another example suppose that you viewed a scene that contained a surreal display of images accompanied by a changing stream of emotion. In this case, you are called upon to consult your personal symbols, utilizing images, ideas and emotions that one YOU would understand, to interpret the material. Your interpretation and your diagnosis style will be a direct reflection of your personality aspects. You will diagnosis and treat in your preferred fashion, using what works best for you.


What is the value, (in so much as these words may be valued by us,) of the messages of Beings of Light?

Some would say, of course, that these messages are priceless. The words are, after all, the messages of spirits – those who no longer exist as physical beings. If this is so, then should we worship these messages and these beings? Historically, humans have projected their own innate divinity onto these representations – gods and goddesses, spirit being etc. Yet at the same time, the human devalues their own contribution. The human projects the god within onto an outside entity, and then slavishly worships it, forgetting the origins of the god from within the human psyche.

We are discussing these matters in an attempt to remind the Blog Reader of our innate divinity. We are god. We are a goddess. This is a fact of life. As we begin to accept this condition, perhaps we will also remember that we have the power to heal ourselves and others.

Now as with all healing activities from our perceived past – within shamanic cultures for example – we will have help in The Healing  Regimen. We will have assistance from our Guides. Our Guides are emissaries from All That Is – the source of all realities, the Loving center of the created Universes.

So it is quite naturally that we turn to our Guides to assist in The Healing Regimen. Our Guides know what Love is and can remind us of this over the course of the of the project. Our Guides, such as the energy Personality and others, may facilitate the healings that take place within the physical body. They help us to maintain the required intensity of emotion over the long term.

I suggest that the Blog Reader think if this Guide as a personal assistant, one that would be “on call” to assist in matters of importance, such as the learning of Lessons. The Energy Personality may serve as a divine assistant for us in this project. For now, let us discuss the Light Body and the means to explore it with the Inner Sense of Sight.


The Emotional Body is the energy center of our human body within which the signatures of the various Energy Forms may be perceived. As we have stated in previous Blogs, within the electromagnetic corona it is central plane, the focus of the intersecting energies that comprise the Light Body. This nonphysical construct may be visualized as an oval form of pulsating light energy suspended within the heart region of the physical body. Of course, we may sense it in our individual ways. This form is perceived with the Inner Sense of sight we have named Auric Vision.

In my theory, emotion is the great creative force within our system that serves to push the incipient Reality Constructs into physicality. We have described this in a very basic way in our last series of Blogs. Let me summarize this material. It is ALL about emotion in our world. We exist within Third-Dimensional reality. We create our world according to the various thoughts and images within our mental environment AND the templates for creation that exist as Gestalts of  Consciousness. We cooperate with EVERYTHING IN OUR EXISTENCE in this play of consciousness we are experiencing that we call “my life.”

Now everything in created reality exists as a particular frequency or vibration of emotion, what we have referred to as “bio-electric energy.” Everything is alive. Everything is composed of this Light Energy. We might think of these individual vibrations as the “emotional charge” that both creates and sustains the Reality Construct – whatever that might be – time and space in our system.

This idiosyncratic vibrational signature “My” entity, when we wish to communicate with one another. The entity has a specific frequency or emotional Energy Form that he/she displays, as do us all. These frequencies are perceived through the Inner Sense, so that we may “See” the frequency, “Hear” the frequency and so on. These senses tend to blend together somewhat, as we have stated earlier.

Since all Energy Bodies have their own individual emotional charge or frequency, where there are issues of symptoms and illness, there are the attendant Energy Forms representing these constructs that are observable within The Emotional Body. Also within this Emotional Body there are observable Energy Constructs that will lead us to “solutions” – the healing and balance we are seeking. We might call these Gestalts of Consciousness the non-physical “Data Banks” that hold the collected wisdom and experience of healing from the practices of magicians, shaman, witches and healers.

Another way to describe this repository of healing might be to briefly speak on the subject of “spontaneous healing,’ as we call it. Now our literature is filled with stories of humans who have “garnered their inner resources” to effect miraculous changes in their debilitating physical conditions. Of course, to the human raised within a society that stresses the medical model, these transformations from deathly ill to completely healed are indeed perceived as miraculous. Yet, if we view disease process and the medical model as Gestalts of Consciousness, may we also conceive of Spontaneous Healing as simply another readily accessible Gestalt of consciousness? The Gestalt of Consciousness we might call Spontaneous Healing is the ” transmitter” that we “tune-in” to with our Metaphorical Tools to receive the signal – that we will use to create the necessary changes within the body for the transformation.


In The Healing Regimen, just as in other matters of intentional Reality Creation, the idea is to become cognizant of our unconscious agendas of manifestation IN THE MOMENT. In this moment of awakening, we may use our will to begin the creation of improved Reality Constructs with regards to our physical being, i.e. the transformation of symptoms and “disease states” to a lack symptoms and the perception of “healed” body states.

Now our approach requires a definite change of perspective for the average Blog Reader. Please allow me to present some background to this discussion for those of us who may be new to this material. In my last series of Blogs I encouraged you to take on the roll of Scientist of Consciousness. And as a specialist in the use of the Inner Senses, I asked you to go about your investigations in this ongoing “altered state.” I reminded you that the Scientist of Consciousness was the magician, the shaman, the witch of antiquity. You were simply affirming your connection to these original scientists from your perceived past. As you embodied the suggested role of Scientist of Consciousness, you “put on” the perceptual lenses of the witch or the shaman or the healer.

In this new Blog project of ours, as we intentionally create this altered state within our mental environment, we will enable our Inner Senses to “pick up” the vibrational messages of Consciousness Units that exist within the specific Gestalts of Consciousness, some representing, shall we say, “disease process,” and others representing “healing process.”

Both disease and healed states, as well as all states in between, exist in the moment. Our goal as researchers is to determine with our Inner Senses, the influences from the various Gestalts of Consciousness and how they assist in the creation of our particular malady of the malady of our subject. Then we shall use our Metaphorical Tools to diminish or eliminate these influences – guided by the Gestalts of Consciousness representing healing process – so the the body many return to balance.

Let us briefly discuss the related views of some of the indigenous peoples of our Earth. We often make these comparisons in our discussions to illustrate that unknown reality is already quite well known to some of us. For example: in the spiritual traditions among the First People of our human race, an intimate relationship exists between the human and the environment. It is common to speak to Nature directly in these collectives and receive responses from trees, stones, animals etc. These humans are well aware of the consciousness and integrity of plants, animals and the various elements around them. They accept that a rock has a spirit, that fire has a spirit that may be addressed and that will respond.

Just as the indigenous peoples communicate with the spirits of the natural world, it is possible for us on The Healing Regimen to seek counsel from these Energy forms, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness. We do this through the use of our Inner Senses, observing The Emotional Body.


We do have many awakenings in our day-to-day existence, and these can be opportunities for accessing the spiritual awakening we seek. For example: each time you awaken from sleep, we have an opportunity to awaken also in a spiritual sense. As I have described in theses Blogs, our nighttime activities entail a great deal of what we might term “spiritual” or “SoulDirected” activities. Yet on our awakening after sleep, the rigors of physical reality.


The lessons we are learning currently may be categorized according to the three broad topics we will cover in the next three series of Blogs. This is a continuation of our discussion on the blessing “healthy, wealthy and wise” from our last Blog Series.

Now health would obviously entail Lessons Learned regarding the physical body, mind and spirit. We are asserting here the symptoms and illnesses humans generate within their bodies are for educational purposes. Each illness is a physical expression of inherently nonphysical Idea Constructs.

The same may be said of prosperity. The lessons of the Acquisition of wealth and the utilization of that form of energy is spiritual at its base. Money and wealth are simply very potent ideas pertaining to security and value in the physical domain. So here again, the physical is simply the observable component of the invisible, nonphysical spiritual construct.

The wisdom of the Soul, the third element in this blessing, may be accomplished in the learning of these symbolic Lessons in physical reality by allowing these Life Lessons to transform the psyche. Loving Understanding and Courage are some of the results of this transformative phenomenon.


Health – physical, mental, emotional, financial – is a state of consciousness that exists in a Moment Point in our perceptual reality. “Behind” this “spiritual” assessment is our Soul Self, the co-creator with All That Is of our Personal Reality Field.

All of the subatomic elements of awarized energy that comprise our Third-Dimensional world for us personally, collaborate to create this awareness of health.

Now speaking of physical health: this is the reason that our world and everything in it seems to support our physical symptoms, you see. Our field of Personal Reality creation, because it is a reflection, a direct reflection of our inner world, does continuously reflect our personal symptoms that we are experiencing/creating for purposes of Learning and Value Fulfillment. The improvements desired in our physical health, therefore, must obviously come from a change in this inner perception. We have been referring to these inner perceptive processes as the Inner Senses. We will go much deeper into this method in The Healing Regimen.


Hypothesis: By focusing on the precept you may catalyze the holographic insert from the entity.

You may with some preparation, feel the ecstasy and empowerment that some with the experiencing of the Holographic Inserts I stream into my Third Subject’s consciousness. For the purpose of elucidation and bringing Light and information to the discussion. I also present these “teachings aids” to you for the same purposes.

There are a few ways you may explain this to oneself that this phenomenon is real – so that you may indeed experience it clearly, without resorting to denial, fear, anxiety. The simplest explanation is that you are my student and as such you and I have a special , spiritual relationship. The connection here is a physical one also, relating to certain portals or chakras as we might call them, located on and around the physical body.

Any one of my precepts may be used as a Holographic Insert. We have mentioned before that the phrase “you create your own reality” is a particularly potent precept and stands as the foundational statement, if you will, of my entire Teaching. I would suggest an experiment to determine the precepts that have the greatest “effects” for you, when you activate them as Holographic Inserts by focusing on them in your mediations.

Relax and enter a light Trance State. First, I would have you read the percepts and attempt to identify those that “speak” to you with the most energy and frequency. The phenomenon known as resonance comes into play here. Your physical construct, your human body, is actually a vibrating system of Consciousness Units, as you know. Ideas and images of all types, either entertained from within your mental environment of considered from written texts and other media, also “hold” their individual vibratory signatures.

Let me again emphasize that it is the Divine Essence cultivated within the student that is the catalyst here. Through working on your self, through reading spiritual literature and engaging in these arcane practices, the researcher cultivates a certain perspective that allows for the experiencing of the Holographic Insert by the Inner senses. Also, on “the other side,” in a sense, the creator of the manuscript – in this case The entity – empowers the text with the essential energies of the Divine – All That Is – so that on the subtle levels where these types of spiritual growth and extra sensory and emotional perception are experienced, the stages is set quite well for the Holographic Inserts to display.

Now focus on your selected precepts one at a time. Have an intention to link up with the etheric component of each precept. There is an openness required in this endeavor. You might think of oneself as an antenna in search of a signal here. Be quiet. Be still. Listen with your Inner Senses for the response from the Entity.

Findings – Document your findings in catalyzing the precepts into Holographic Inserts.