Category Archives: Electrical Reality


Now as a tidbit of intriguing data, to comment further on some of the other aspects of Atlantean culture we hinted at in previous sessions.

The manufacture of “spun” crystalline material that had the properties of creating, storing and transmitting energy was perfected by Atlantean scientists. Common materials from Earth were subjected to electromagnetic forces to facilitate the crystallization of these minerals into implements of various sizes and intensities. The catalyst in this manufacturing process was an element as yet undiscovered by our modern researchers. It is an unknown element that exists extra-dimensionally. When the Fourth-Dimensional Shift is completed, our scientists using their Inner Senses, will discover this element within the common sand and soil of our planet.

These crystals were grown to lengths of one or two inches to great heights of 50 and one hundred feet. The large crystals were often ten or more feet in diameter. They were a dark ashen color, almost black, with the threads of the crystal composition visible within.


The past is just as fluid as the future. Anything can happen in the past just as anything can happen in the future, in our terms. It is easier for us to accept the future is more open to change than our past, for we are hypnotized by our consensus reality. However, if we would step out for just a moment, of our obsessively-created consensus reality, as I suggested, we would naturally begin to create independently.

Now to relate this to matters of Atlantis and its “fall.” Our civilization, the American empire shall we say, exists, grows, survives simultaneously with the “preceding” empire occupied by our Native American tribes, as well as countless physical and probable manifestations of civilizations that occurred and are to occur on our world. All manifestations of these civilizations exist at once. The past, the present, and the future civilizations exist now, in this moment.

Let me add that questions of locals and sites of ancient civilizations need not have a bearing on these discussions. For not only is time simply a convenience for us in 3D Reality, but space is also. Again, we decide as a collective of human creators, where, when, and how we will create our individual lives, in what timeframes, and in what groupings or civilizations. We decide as a collective where our civilization of Atlantis will develop and has developed as well as the particulars of every aspect of the society.


Now I would ask you Dorian, what would be the “result” of your directing an intense stream of emotional energy – of Love let us say – at this Atlantean life? Would you have an effect on the personality living this life? Let us assume for the moment that, yes you would have a subtle effect upon this life. Within the Gestalt of Consciousness that you participate in with all of your Reincarnational Existences, your thoughts may be intercepted by your Atlantean self. Then, also subtly perhaps, you might notice a change in behavior in this other life. Perhaps this other life is now musing upon the concept of Loving Understanding. Let us state here that, prior to the reception of this Loving thought complex, your Atlantean self was experiencing anger, perhaps hatred. Do you see how your etheric message from the future may assist a past existence in achieving a more positive state of consciousness?

Given this explanation, do you see how our current behaviors pave the way for altered realities within all of our Reincarnational Existences? cumulatively, you might say that our current behaviors have such an influence on the “future,” in our terms, manifestation of the Atlantean Civilization, that we could very well assist in redirecting the civilization from its catastrophic trajectory of development.

Now you change the past from the current moment. We do this naturally, subconsciously. We create BOTH past and future from within this spacious moment. Do you see how collectively, if the millions of us experiencing this current time-frame as well as the Atlantean existences, were to change our attitudes “all at once,” that the mythological outcomes of Atlantis might become positive rather than negative historically. If this were to occur, we might see a wholesale alteration in the depiction of this “myth” in our books and other media. As a collective, we would be recreating a more positive manifestation of Atlantean Civilization, just as we perhaps may be influencing our current civilization in positive ways.


Our star system is hidden from view by other systems. I commented on this in my Blog Series on Soul Evolution. Our North American tribes originated from this star system. Inter-dimensional travel is instantaneous, in that one moment, the subject is existing on their home planet and in the next, they are living their life upon Earth, many light years from home, in our terms. To extend this description somewhat: the subject here would not be surprised or traumatized by this event. The subject, as an Etheric Being, would know quite well what was instore for them. They would know that they were to travel to Earth as an envoy of the sacred. All That Is, to assist in the creation of civilization.

Some of these beings traveled to the Third dimension of earth to serve as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This group serves humanity as the intermediaries between the physical and non-physical worlds. They are the beings that have been personalized by humanity to act as various gods, goddesses, and sacred beings.

These sacred beings, then, served as the Gestalts of Consciousness – the energy blueprints – for the creation of the spiritual world of the Native American tribes and indeed for many of the tribes of the South American continent. This simply means that the origin myths of the aboriginal tribes are not “imagined” – they are not the product of the ingestion of herbs and other potent screments, though these have certainly assisted the psychic voyagers within these tribes in identifying and cataloguing the divine spirits – they are as real as any other perceived/created Reality Construct we care to name.


The Anizasi are noted for their wonderworking. They are the magic ancestors. In this case, the activities of these proto-scientists have been documented and are now part of the “historical” record. Yet I am not exaggerating when I tell you that EVERY group, every civilization from our perceived past, exists simultaneously with its magic ancestors manifesting at the same time. The magic ancestors exist in an adjacent dimension. This dimension is connected to the Third Dimension through portals of communication some of us call chakras. These doorways into other dimensions may be accessed by the interested explorer of non-physical reality through techniques perfected by magicians, shamans, witches and healers over the ages.

There is a reason we are interested in the Anizasi people. We are connected to these people and we are attempting to “find our way back home.” Home for us then would be a star system that is as yet unidentified by our scientists. This planetary system is quite similar to the solar system in which our Earth resides. An assortment of planetary bodies revolves around a nurturing star. Life of many forms exists upon these planets. I have referred to these other systems as simply “dimensions” to assist the reader in finding the necessary wherewithal to “visit” these domains in their meditations. I have defined extraterrestrial as extra-dimensional, for this is a truer assessment. We will not need a spaceship to visit these other systems, only our creative consciousness.


This personalization process serves a purpose for the individual explorer

This assemblage of masters, the Spiritual Hierarchy, do have names and have been identified by visionaries throughout our history. This is the personalization that takes place naturally in the human participation in divine perception. However, for our purposes, we will not go into the endless lists of names given to the Light Bodies. We are keeping it simple here, and direct to our own experiments for the names of these beings.

Thus, if we were to attempt contact with the divine beings, and we were sincere and focused, we would quite probably discover our own pantheon of gods and goddesses. We might obtain names for the divine beings that are unlike any others obtained by spiritual investigators in our perceived past. Yet I am certain that if we were to compare the Inner Senses assessments of the beings with descriptions from, let us say, our Christian bible, or the Koran, or the Buddhist texts, we would find that, though the names differ, the Light Bodies are indeed the same.

Throughout all investigations into their origins by human explorers. The personalization process serves a purpose for the individual explorer of the personal reality. It gives them “something to work with,” as they conduct their experiments: i.e. the ritual search for the Divine.


Our world is created in this current moment by spiritual beings of great power…

Let us describe the Hierarchy for you as an example of Gestalt of Consciousness, the etheric basis of the physical world. That is to say, every physical construct, every atom, molecule of air, every tree, human or insect has its origination in the etheric – the non physical world. If you are familiar with my new Blog works, you well know that I attribute every systems of reality such as our medical model, as having emerged from these complex etheric structure of propensity.

To us, as human existing within your specific coordinates of time and space – our linear time continuum – it appears that, for example, the world religions “grew” out of their separate foundational events. And if we are religiously- minded, that God was the literal creator of our Earth, most certainly, as well as the chief propagator and inspiration for the growth of these movements. This is how it looks inside the linear time illusion, with the basic assumption of cause-and-effect.

Consider now, however, the truth of the matter. If you are with us here on the spontaneous and simultaneous nature of Earthly existence, you may be able now to grasp this assertion of mine with your intuitive understanding, rather than the logical intellect.

Our world is created in this current moment by spiritual beings of great power. For our purposes, we refer to the creators as the Spiritual Hierarchy, yet we too, as a Reality Creator, have our place in this timeless moment of creation. We could even quite correctly assume that we are this Spiritual HIerarchy of world creators in the physical world, as they, as Bodies of Light, represent our interests in the etheric world.

Yes, you are you, Dear Blog Reader, as you read the words on this page or hear the spoken narrative, even as we are these evolved masters of creation, the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Previously we have noted that, as a Blog reader of my works, you ally with the Entity. You give the Entity energy. In a similar way, the masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy are informed, energized, and enlightened by your input, just as we may become so through the exchange of energies. In reading these works, in experiencing the Holographic Inserts I am transmitting to your consciousness, in opening yourself up to these benevolent communication streams, you are changed.

Again, fears of being drawn into an unwanted cultish relationship, may serve to repel the Holographic Inserts. However, if you are focused on yours studies, it is possible to transform it into Courage, then move on with your investigations.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the blog material we have covered projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as you project your Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, you are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as you experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for Reality Creation.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the Blog material we have covered on projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as we project Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, we are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as we experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for reality Creation.


I often use the phrase in these New Blogs, “from my perspective.” Let me speak a bit about what that might mean. Now please remember, here in our discussions it is perception that causes Reality Creation. The Percepts, as we have defined it in our Blogs, is that aspect of consciousness that simultaneously and instantaneously creates and perceives the Reality Construct. Therefore, can you see that from my perspective I am witness to our greater multidimensional experiencing? This enlarged perspective of mine includes the goings-on within our probable futures.

The mind reels here in contemplation of this perspective. However, if you are with us on this voyage, and you are attending to the exercises and experimentation we present to you, I would suggest that your mind may now be in the beginning stages of a new stability with regards to witnessing the multidimensional nature of the self that is quite commonplace to Light Beings.

That is what it is all about, this shift to 4th Dimensional Awareness. From my perspective, many of us are becoming quite expert at “holding” this state of awareness for extended periods of time. We are on the same wavelength, in a very literal way. We are focused on this same compelling subject of interest. We are all of us witnessing the divine creation of realities moment-to-moment.