An awakening of your personal consciousness to All That Is is possible for you in any chosen moment in your waking reality. It becomes a matter of intentionally perceiving your world through the auspices, you might say, of the Divine. If you have mediated, if you have prayed, if you have experimented with your conscious Intent, you have already used your perceptions in this divine way I am describing.

Have you noticed while engaged in these common practices, that the moment of perception gains a fullness, an energized complexity? If you have noticed this pleasant “pressing in” of the energies upon your consciousness, you may also be adept at “tuning” this state to meet your requirements. The depth of your mediation may be increased or decreased, in other words. The profoundness of your trance may be increased or decreased, simply by using your Intent.

We refer to these empowered moments of Intent as Moment Points. They are essentially gateways to a broader perception of your world and your place in it. You are a researcher of your experience in your waking reality. Each moment holds the potential for revealing to you the answers to any questions you might have. It is up to you to focus on the business at hand – your awakening – and delve deeply within the moment. Briefly: it is your Moment Point if you say it is. Own your current moment therefore, and awaken to your greater reality.

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