Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary

We may co-create the visionary experience anywhere we happen to be at the moment. It does not necessarily require us to be in nature, but it does seem to be one of the only times that the modern human may take some time out to relax and go within.

Let us say, for the sake of experimenting, that you are in your workplace relaxing by yourself, or you are in a public place being observed by others around you, yet you are eager to make contact with the Divine and achieve some sort of visionary perception. You may do so with these cautions in mind: You will be vulnerable in the visionary state. Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary, therefore, before you begin.

You may also create the suggestion within your consciousness that you will be available for spontaneous disengagement from the visionary state if you NEED to be, as in an emergency situation that may arise. Also, if you find that your protected state is lessening due to circumstance mental or physical, and you are allowing yourself to become anxious, fearful etc., take your cue from the suggestion that you will be able to easily exit the Visionary State of Consciousness and attain fully alert and conscious use of your faculties.

Now suppose it is raining and storming outside, and you may see the effects through the window. You may hear the thunder and see the rain and the lightning. You may see the effects of the wind as it blows the leaves down the street. What are you observing, in fact? It is our understanding that you are witnessing the cathartic effects of the collective emotional energies of the consensus reality in which you live.

This is a very powerful and necessary demonstration of consciousness creation of the Collective, here. Yet many are frightened by the display of nature, some to the degree that they will stay indoors with the shades closed, trembling in fear of the potentially destructive power wielded by Mother Nature. But let us take advantage of these energies with a simple experiment.