Participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies…

In the following experiment let us assume the opposite perspective. We are are not frightened, we are courageously engaging the storm. Now, just as you, Dear Blog reader, as an emoting human being, on occasion are subject to tears of distress and joy, so too is the emoting being your Mother Earth subject to the powerful displays of emotional energy called rainstorms. The correlations are available “to the nth degree,” as we say.

Consider the convulsive grieving and sobbing of the human after the loss of a loved one. Compare this momentous emotion-charge activity with a rainstorm. It is the same process in principle. The rainstorm is the collective manifestation of the thought and emotion-charged energies of thousands and hundreds of thousands of humans.

Now, you know that you create the weather with your thoughts and emotions. It may be an acceptable belief to you at this point. Can you then enlarge and deepen this belief You-the-Blog-ReaderThe Scientist of Consciousness – and the storm? Yes, you are already participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies to the manifestation. Your repressed memories of grief, losses of various types, and frustration, enter into the creation of the storm.

There are several ways to make this participation conscious if you wish to gain the full healing potential of the dramatic storm event. If it is appropriate for you at this time, as you sit at your desk at work or otherwise out in the public arena, consider YOUR PART in the dramatic presentation of Mother Nature that we call “rainstorm.”

Using your Intent, you will gently probe the psychic climate initiated by the storm, and see your contribution. You will observe this in your personalized fashion, as you do in all of our experimentation that we do together. But let me suggest that you proceed in this way.

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