Category Archives: SOUL

THE SOUL’S EVOLUTION – “We are all one”

All souls when not incarnated work harmoniously towards the evolution of all. There is no such thing as racial prejudice. When making the transition to our home dimension, in between lives where a body is not needed, many souls take on a persona that they are comfortable with whether it is male or female, dark or light, it makes no difference. Many will pick from an assortment of looks and mesh them together as a reminder of certain lives that they have incarnated into as a fond memory of those lives. Others will take on no special looks at all and simply radiate their love light. On this plane between lives we all recognize each other no matter what the current look is. We are able to change these looks at will and often do so. Our essences are well recognized by all that we know and always acknowledged by others that we do not know in a peaceful and harmonious manner. Our thoughts are read telepathically there. We are just coming into an awareness of this ability while incarnated in this phase of our evolution.

What I am getting at here is that this is the way we should learn to view others that are not of the same race or beliefs as oneself. We are all sprung from the same energy source and we are all connected as brothers and sisters in the Universe. It is our decision and ours alone to choose to incarnate into the type of body and belief system we choose, to further our soul’s growth and experience every kind of possible existence, whether it be male or female or a variety of skin colors available to us. We have all been members of the same races that we now hold prejudice against. Since we are living all our lives simultaneously, the thoughts that we have in this life will affect the others. Taking this to heart, it would appear to be that if mankind/womankind would get his/her act together the future would indeed look quite bright.

There is a plan and a purpose with regards to the evolution of races. Now I am using the word race here because it is our term and I will stay within the framework of those ideas. What we consider to be races are not races at all, but variations on the same theme, themes that we have created. It was a combination of many factors much in the same way the planet was formed. The physical body types were created by The Creator to survive within the different climatic zones of the planet. That is it. Darker pigments were given to man/woman when he/she was exposed to higher levels of sun. Lighter pigments were used where the sun shone less frequently. The darker pigments were there to protect the skin. It shouldn’t come as any surprise to anyone and if we look at our hemispheres we will see the logic. We don’t see a bunch of pasty white people living in South America. That was the intention.

Now, some beings were brought here from other solar systems as well. They were transplanted for the greater diversity of mankind/womankind. We did not evolve from the apes or gorillas and even ancient man/woman were also transplanted here from other star systems. The physical bodies that we currently identify with in this solar system have all come from other star systems before being seeded onto Earth. Most of us now come from the Atlantean civilization and are intimately tied to beings of Sirius. Therefore it will be impossible for our scientists to trace the evolution of mankind/womankind until they open their eyes to the other dimensions of our experience.

We have been able to experience our lives, at least most of us, in one race or another, simultaneously learning as we go, one need fulfilling the other, and so on. Our preoccupation with good and evil has led us to believe that white is right and dark is bad. However this is such a distorted view of the real reason behind the different physical characteristics of mankind/womankind, that to us viewing these ideas it appears as insanity. As we observe our logic, it is most sad to see how we have distorted the beauty of this creation with our own ideas and fears. Again, taking something of great beauty and turning it into something ugly in our minds. We then are afraid of face the reality that we have manifested with our thoughts. We have let ourselves get carried away with our fear of other beings and our fear of good vs. evil. It is time for us to change the thinking that white is good and dark is bad. The same can be said for the dark races. It is time for us to change our thinking that white is evil and dark is good because we are all in this together, growing and evolving as one. It only hinders our soul’s evolution when we place these kinds of barriers on it.

Because of these distorted ideas, we have essentially locked ourselves into little boxes and thrown away the keys. Living in our separate societies, barricading behind our iron gates, fearful that someone of the wrong color might come in and see who we really are, or take some precious part of us away from us. We need only face our fears to end this perceived reality, for it truly does not even exist. Our perceived reality is only a manifestation of our mind. Our true reality is a manifestation of God’s mind. All else is an illusion. We have been quite astute at creating for ourselves roadblocks to our own evolution. As we begin to expand our awareness we will be able to learn to trust oneself and our own intuition and stop playing into the forces of negativity that wish to keep us locked in our box. It is time to unite as brothers/sisters and start living in harmony with each other. Without each other, we would not be, because we are all connected to each other from the same divine energy source.

It is time for us to start realizing the importance of our relationships with each other. Many of us do not like to think that the events of 9/11 were a wake-up call but I urge us to examine our feeling after the event. Did we not for a short while, (short because we see us waning away again) feel a sense of bonding with our fellow man/woman? Did we not feel the love and compassion for others that we have so long ignored? Look into the eyes of a stranger. We may just see ourselves. After the events of 9/11, we were seeing mankind/womankind take the necessary steps to move forward in the spiritual evolution of his/her soul. We were caring about each other. We were taking notice of our fellow man/woman and offering bits of our own wisdom and encouragement. Continue to do so. Just because it seems to be in the past, do not forget the revelations that we have experienced from this event. This event is part of our evolution and if we use the experience to grow and change our world, then those who perished will not have given up their lives in vain. We do not have to play into the hands of insatiable appetite for power and control of our world. Realign our energies to create a new and wonderful reality for our world, a world of peace and goodwill towards others. This is not hard to do. It just takes a sincere desire to do so. Below is another exercise designed to help us break down the barriers of fear towards our fellow man/woman.

Go out today and speak to a stranger. Do something kind and look into their eyes. You may recognize them, you may not, but remember you are connected. You are both part of the same essence of God’s divine energy. Try to speak to someone whom you would normally not even give a thought to. This will be the hard part, to see if you can break through the barriers of prejudice and fear. If you would try to do this on a daily basis, you will see how much joy it brings to your soul and you will then get a tiny glimpse as to what the true nature of your being is all about. You all may wear different packaging but that is only by choice. Just remember, you create your own fears. This exercise, if practiced daily, will enable you to remove those barriers.

Let us talk about the cultures of our planet, for this seems to be another area of disillusionment for us. When humans created the various cultures on our planet we were delighted in the creations of our consciousness, the creation of various self-identities. Experiencing this creative ability gave us much freedom to express ourselves in ways that set us apart from everyone else. Many subscribed to those ideas and thus cultures were born. One sprung from the other and so on, each with its own certain characteristics that were uniquely its own. There was much diversity as different people decided to try variations on other’s beliefs as well as inventing their own. It became a territorial expression eventually as humanity migrated to different areas of the planet. They took with them their cultural ideas and added a few of their own, thus setting up entire civilizations that were then subscribing to different belief systems and cultural practices. It is an ever-evolving thing and we see it today in our societies. Many civilizations are now living in and sharing the territories and belief systems are changing and expanding. Bits and pieces of each culture will remain, some will be tossed and others saved as humanity moves further in its evolution. It was all designed to be part of our learning experience on our planet, to give us diversity, a variety of experiences from which to choose.

Unfortunately, we also see the conflicts arising all over our planet as these cultures try to meld into each other. There are strong territorial and cultural beliefs that various nations wish to hang onto. Societies are strained to the brink of war in some cases as they are seemingly being forced to accept the belief systems and cultures of others within their territorial domain. The United States, being the melting pot of all nations, has seen its share of racial and cultural wars. It is to soon to tell as to whether this experiment will fail or succeed. It will be determined by the choices we make and whether our enlightenment is swift or slow. It is all part of The Creator’s plan. The North American continent was to be an experiment to see if humanity would be able to live together as one. When entering into this experiment, oftentimes one is searching outside oneself for happiness. Happiness does not lie within the borders of another country, it lies within the borders of our mind. When entering into a nation that is comprised of multicultural belief systems, one will be faced with the challenge of learning from the experience of living together as one nation. Now in the melting pot these cultures are experiencing great difficulties as they perceive themselves to be under attack by others. But as man/woman moves further in his/her evolution, he/she will come to realize with the awakening of his/her soul that he/she is not under attack by anything other than his/her own set of perceived beliefs. The only difference is our perceived reality of the experience.

In this section let us touch upon hate and anger, as anger is the precursor to hate. With the emergence of the events of 9/11, there are many of us who are in the hate and anger mode against the perpetrators of the event and rightfully so given out current set of beliefs. The mass evil that was planned and executed was indeed a horrible event. As we express our anger, understand where it came from and let it go. By turning it into hate we are then forced to deal with the pent-up energies related to hate. The hate will eventually turn on us and leave us with either an illness or some other form of retaliation within physical and mental framework.

Our being’s natural aggression and feelings towards this event should be expressed, but in a way that does not cause harm to others or put us in violation of Universal Law. Anger is a natural expression of our being and should not be shoved away into the recesses of our minds where it can come back and attack us later. Look behind our anger and we will see a cry for help, either from oneself or others. Now while it is OK to hate the actions of others, it is only OK if we understand the feelings and motivations behind that hate and release them after we have analyzed them. I am not suggesting we suppress our emotions, for that in itself is not healthy. But what I am suggesting is, take a look at our anger, analyze it, feel it, express it within our creature-hood and then remove it. Know that the feeling is there, but do not dwell on it, for anger then turns into hate.

Many of us have much to learn about this subject since we seem to dwell on the idea that hatred of individuals is perfectly OK because we have allowed ourselves to feel this way through the manifestation of our perceived fears. We are running from our own fears and illusions. What are illusions? Illusions are the barriers of our knowledge. They create our fears. They are beliefs that are meaningless. They have no truth. Realize our truth, be one with oneself and we will have no fear. Break free of our illusions, change our reality and our mind will not be able to produce fear. We have the power to remove the illusions and stand in the path of love. Out of the ashes of fear will rise up love, our hidden truth. For when we remove the illusions, truth is always found. When we attack others, we only increase both our fears and the other person’s fears. If we help others, we release other our fears and the other person’s fears. As we face our fears our anger will subside and our hate will not be manifest.

Now we may say, “How am I going to do this, because I have such intense rage over the events of 9/11?” Having intense rage over the events of 9/11 is not going to do anything but further fuel the fires of the negative energies. It is not going to solve the global problem of terrorism. The energy of our hatred would be better off turned into understanding, to create a peaceful loving solution to help the people of the many nations of the world regain their sovereignty and independence and unite us back together as one.

Look at the larger pictures as to why this happened and we will see that there were many global situations that led up to this event. I will be discussing them later in these Blogs. No one can hurt us personally unless we empower them to do so. Allow oneself to express our own feelings but then move on. If we harbor anger and hate we will in turn set our body up for disease of disaster. If we wish to remain healthy emotionally, physically and mentally, do not allow oneself to rationalize to oneself that these thoughts and feelings are legitimate. Although they have a legitimate place within our being, they are not legitimate with respect to manifesting another set of beliefs with anger and hate. We will only experience the domino effect.

Consciously be aware of what we have thought about our perpetrators, but at the same time understand that this is not a personal issue slated to go against our very nature. It is an event that took place, an event that involved many. Some of us were directly involved and are experiencing a loss with the transition of the energy of our loved ones to their home dimension. However, to harbor the hate and the anger only stifles the growth and the evolution of our soul. If indeed we want to walk through life angry at the world and the perpetrators of this event and others, we will only find oneself culminating these thoughts and events into a mass of frustration. It will only serve to confuse and alienate our being from itself. It is imperative for us to acknowledge what has transpired. If we cannot understand why it happened, do not dwell on the knowledge that we have not yet received and understanding of the events. Carry if forth as a memory to learn from and leave it as a memory.

Many good things will transpire from this event. Even though it does not seem to us that any good can come out of this, we will see humans waking up to the needs of each other. It will happen. I am not suggesting to the perpetrators that they have free rein to perpetrate their evil acts upon mankind/womankind. I am not suggesting that at all, for we have dealt and will deal with them separately. They are not free to run amok through society and create havoc on innocent beings who truly are trying to go to the light whether the are aware of it or not. The perpetrators will be put in check. They may try again and again. However we will not let them succeed with destroying our planet. It will not happen. They will be removed. Following is another exercise designed to assist us in evaluating the source of our anger and thus eliminating it.


I suggest to you that you examine one of those thoughts that produce your anger. Work the thought backwards and find out what actually transpired within your consciousness to allow the anger to manifest itself. Oftentimes you will find that you were expecting others to live up to your idealized goals. It is important to understand that others are experiencing their lives just as you are living yours. You are not all on the same level in your soul’s evolution. Therefore a situation that you may find offensive may appear to another to be the right thing. It is important to acknowledge those experiences without letting them turn into hate, anger and rage. There are many questions you could ask yourselves as to why you have stood firmly in your beliefs, but the object of this lesson is to find out if those thoughts are in alignment with the divine energies of The Creator. Ask yourself if you-the-soul will be able to evolve yourself towards the light with these beliefs. If not, then they should be abandoned and a more positive approach adopted. In breaking down old beliefs and barriers you will be able to receive new energies from the Hierarchy and move forward.


It has been broadly suggested by some of you, in a very sensational manner, that God is dead. The phrase is quite actually a powerful suggestion. In a way, it represents the triumph of materialism and of science over the human consciousness. However, in truth quite literally, if you are alive, God is not dead. You are the creator of your world.

With All That Is you individually create your Personal Reality Field and collectively do you co-create your Consensus World Reality. So perhaps God with a capital G might also be described as the ensemble of humans, animals and elements on Earth at any one time. However, since the whole is to be found within the part in this holographic model of reality, even if you were the last person alive on Earth, God would STILL not be dead.

Our philosophical discussion begs the question, “If I am the creator of my world and All That Is is within each Conscious Unit or atom in physical reality, does this mean that I am also God or All That Is?” Here again, the issue is not merely one of semantics. Let me explain. Religious conditioning serves to disempower the religion practitioner. We are speaking in broad generalities here.


For the next project, The God Blog – the manuscript on All That Is. We hope to present for you an interesting and educational Blog on the creative source for all of our realities. However, I believe we would do well to provide you with some of the ideas and theories we will cover in that Blog, now in this current writing, so that you may better absorb and utilize these current messages from a Entity.

Obviously, because we are incessantly on the topic of Reality Creation here, the question of “who is the reality creator?” must arise just as incessantly. I do believe that it is more than a mere matter of semantics. Who is the creator of your Personal Reality? I have advised you over these many years that it is indeed YOU the Blog Reader of this Blog who creates your Personal Reality. Now where does God and where do the concepts of the Divine fit within this cosmology of a reality-creating human? Let us discuss this for just a moment.

To begin, you Dear Blog Reader, are the epitome of All That Is. You are composed of divine energy constructs – the Conscious Units. In each and every one of the Consciousness Units you may find the holographic replica of EVERYTHING in all of our created realities. This EVERYTHING we are also referring to as All That Is. Now this metaphor of a holographic reality may serve us well here in this discussion. The simplified definition of a hologram for our purposes might be, “that which is everywhere all of the time.” This describes the fundamental nature of the Conscious Units as well as the multidimensional atoms theorized by some of our scientists. The researcher may make practical use of this theoretical construct by experimenting with experiencing the everywhere-all-the-time perspective. This perceptual vantage point is actually each and every Moment Point in space and time, so it does include past, present and future, in our terms.

This All That Is we have named to move beyond religious connotations of any kind. It is a safe generic title, is it not? Yet at the same, being All That Is, this construct would naturally hold within itself what we might call the Divine or the sacred or spiritual worlds. The visionary experience treats the researcher, or perhaps the accidental mystic, to the sensory extravaganza that is multidimensional existence. How does one then define this experience in retrospect? Invariably the human bows to authority in these matters, and again as we discussed in these Blogs, hands over their powers of Reality Creation to another higher, perhaps “more worthy” entity. Thus the gods and goddesses are born.

We do not intend to trivialize this god-making faculty of the human being. These self-created constructs are definitely “given a life of their own” through the ongoing support of “thought energy” through the prayers and other spiritual observances of countless Souls over the millennia. The personality aspects of the human are constellated “out” onto the physical world from “within.” Each of the separate Earthly cultures, then, creates their individual divinities according to the needs of their particular group. So that the Nordic peoples, for example, developed an entirely different pantheon than did the Indonesian Islanders. Different Divine beings evolve from the different cultural needs of the people who live in the collective. Now let us relate this to the individual researcher living in our current timeframe.


Let us discuss an issue that is quite obvious. Perhaps that is why we have neglected it thus far in these new Blog writings. The issue may be framed with a question: “Why assume my Blog Readers of our new Blog material are looking for spiritual understanding? If the path to Loving Understanding and Soul Evolution is so perilous and fraught with physical and psychological pain, why would anyone in their right mind want to pursue it?”

To begin, the Blog Readers, as I have observed them over the many years, are seekers. They are drawn to this work, I assume, because it “speaks to them.” Others of a different personality style and temperament, perhaps, would be drawn to other Teachings. Now it is true that the Older Blog material was quite barren of discussions of spiritual matters. This was an editorial decision. I have continually offered my spiritually-informed content to humanity. However, since it is the human co-creator of the Blog who creates in physical reality, it is the human co-creator who determines what they consider to be appropriate content for the Blog.

These new Blogs are the spiritual – you might say the divine – counterparts to the Old Blog material. If you are a student, to the spiritually – based material contained in these new Blogs. Now I have attempted to include weighty intellectual discussions in my new Blog work, to satisfy those of you who are focused on the physical dimension in which we live. The spiritual is merely the other side of this physical dimension. To become a well-rounded, educated human, you would do well to study both aspects of reality

The path to Soul Realization may be thoughts of as arduous by some. This is true. Certainly it is not for the meek and mild. It is easy to lose confidence and perhaps quit the journey before it has truly begun. As you examine some of your lifetimes within less than ideal circumstances . If you tune-in, for example, to a lifetime in which you are dying slowly from starvation or an illness of some kind, this witnessing may be so distasteful and shocking that you are thrown out of your meditative state. I would suggest that you remember in these cases, under these circumstances of harsh conditions, that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is the Soul Self. This ecstasy may help to motivate you to continue your studies.

Now suppose that you are experiencing negative realities within your current life. Should you attempt these explorations of your other Simultaneous Lives? Generally, I would suggest that you first gain some mastery over the exercises and conduct the various experiments I have outlines in my last two blog series.


Now there are times for us, as a researcher and a learner of Lessons, when you may seem to be engaged in ardently co-creating your reality in a very responsible fashion. We are “doing everything right,” let us say, and diligently attending to the transformation of Negative Emotions into their divine opposites. We are doing so very well in this endeavor that you perhaps feels as though you should be rewarded in some way, feeling that the Powers That Be could “have mercy” on you, so that you might relax and enjoy yourself for a period of time. Yet let us say that you still continue to experience a challenging existence with a series of quite negative events serving to “drive home” this harsh reality.

“Am I being singled out for punishment,” you might ask yourself. Now we must at times such as these, revert back to first principles. You create your own reality. If you are feeling victimized, you are ultimately the tormentor. If you are in the midst of painful, negative personal dramas, you are ultimately the director, the producer and also the cast of these dramas. You are composed of many personality aspects within your Personal Reality ego/intellect. But your greater personality of Higher Consciousness also participates through a lending of energy to the “dramatic flow” of the events in your life. In this way, you are the whole – the cosmos – an you are also the individual living component of the whole. I believe I must elaborate further on this phenomenon for your ULTIMATE understanding.

The reason that you sense a familiarity in the scenes of your everyday life, as is all of the characters in these daily dramas of yours are your “relations,” is that everyone you meet and interact with moment-to-moment is indeed your relation. The relevant aspects of your Higher Self are reflected through these other personalities relative to the learning of your individual, Soul Family and Entity Lessons. Naturally there would be a familiarity in this dance of synchronicity you know as physical reality. You act in concert, then, at any one time and all of the time, with your cohorts, keeping your appointments with “perfect strangers,” to enact your behaviors in the quest for Value Fulfillment. We shall have more to say on this phenomenon in our forthcoming Blogs on the Soul Family.


This is how our Third-Dimensional system was “set up.” It is an arena for the experiencing of Negative Emotions. However, eventually we must face this aspect of our personality. We each are called upon to address the negative thoughts within our mental sphere and the negative events in our existence and the Negative Emotions that “appear” to be caused by the negative events. Briefly, it is a matter of addressing the negative in our momentary experiencing and “owning” it. The awakening human recognizes their responsibility in the creation of negative realities.

Wisdom Lessons, then, refer to this two-step activity. First the researcher, through experimentation and analysis in the laboratory that is the Personal Reality, arrives at Findings specific to their Life Lessons. These Findings may have been “hidden from view” for many years. They represent the hard truth of the developing personality over time. None of us are perfect. The human in physical incarnation may strive for protection, but that state of being is reserved for other dimensional-experiences.

So the truth is made known through experimentation. What we have been denying is revealed to us in all of its harsh and intense glory. Now what does the awakening human do with this information? In our system the method is clear: with the developing skills of creating Loving Understanding and Courage out of anger, denial and fear, the researcher transforms the difficult material into its divine opposite.

Now this Loving Understanding entails acceptance of the negative Findings on all levels of creaturehood. We are responsible, as I have said in earlier Blogs. We are the creator of our world and the events within our world. Accepting our responsibility for our creations is the necessary first step here. The second step entails understanding and gaining of wisdom of Divine Insight. This is accomplished by allowing the Soul Self to perceive our world. The ego/intellect is gently placed to the side and the Higher Consciousness is brought through the portal of creation – the Ajna center directly between the eyes. This may be accomplished by mediatizing or visualizing the Divine as coming through our physical body construct. We will naturally create our own imagery, thought and emotion for this exercise. Throughout the new material I have given many techniques to accomplish this.


Harsh Conditions

Those that are experiencing these harsh conditions – that they have chosen these lives. Also, we are reminding that they may be on the end of their incarnational trajectories, and may be headed for the higher realms. This may be a good motivation for some to begin using our techniques to transform the negativity they are experiencing into Courage and Loving Understanding. This Soul work is necessary before one may progress to the higher-dimensional realms.


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist in the Spiritual Prosperity Program.

Can you see that you are pursuing these studies for a purpose? You are well into this description of the Spiritual Prosperity Program. I believe it is safe to say that you are concerned about the level of prosperity that you are currently experiencing. In other words, in the nomenclature of this teaching, one of your Lessons for your current existence might well be to investigate the possibilities for increasing abundance in your life.

Now you may have been drawn to this new Blog material for a variety of reasons. But can you accept the possibility that perhaps the main reason is that you were “prompted” from within to look at the new Blog material. If you can accept this premise, then perhaps you may take it one step further, and admit the possibility that you are already in touch with non-physical beings.

Inner prompting are often communications from non-physical beings. Whether you believe that it was you guide who has prompted you, or another Spirit Guide, or simply your individual human consciousness – the amalgam of “conversations” between you and your Reincarnational Existences – do you see that you are possibly already quite well along on your path of belief change? Many of the exercises, experiments and techniques in the new material are for the express purpose of belief change in the Blog Reader. Your belief in a non-physical reality populated by Beings of Light and other Gestalts of Consciousness is a prerequisite for our continued growth as a Soul.

There are specific non-physical beings available within your mental environment that may be enlisted in the achievement of Spiritual Prosperity. You may refer to these Light Bodies as Prosperity Guides, if you wish. They are specially gifted beings that have served as financial advisors to humanity. The Crystal Light Messengers. They exist just outside of our Earthly realm as Fifth-Dimensional Beings. Simply have the Intent that you will contact your Prosperity Guides while in your times of meditation within your sacred state of Sanctuary. Then you will meet with success.

The researcher may also use the Energy Personality and other Helpers in this program. Now this is assuming you have already made these connections. If you have not, please simply ” pretend” that you have made these connections and then conduct the following experiment.


Relax you body. Attain your Trance State. Here we are “opening the gates.” you might say, to your divine consciousness. Now you are protected; you are in your state of Sanctuary. As you open the gates you are doing so with the security that comes with divine protection. The Negative Emotions have no place here. Only the Divine is made manifest under of an opening gate or other portal, visualize your assistants in attaining prosperity and abundance crossing the threshold and coming into your awareness.

The non-physical beings of whatever stripe and purpose, emit Light according to the conditions of their particular existences. Vibration, you see, is their calling card. It is with your Inner Senses, also, that you may distinguish one Guide from another, procure their names, ask what services they offer, and so on. Use your Inner Senses in the Best way that suits you for this purpose.

Reality Face Virtual Wire Rack Mask Psyche

This experiment may take just a few minutes. As we have stated elsewhere, your Guides are Literally on the threshold of your awareness, waiting to be acknowledged. Now some of my Blog Readers are perhaps unaware of how easily this is done. They are expecting something difficult to accomplish. They are therefore quite surprised when they encounter one or more of these diving Guides on just the most cursory of exploratory voyages. So I suggest to you that you approach this experiment as one that is easily done. Here you are a child, you see, having some fun with your imagination. When you are done having fun with your nonphysical associates, give yourself the suggestion to return to full sensory awareness in Third-Dimensional Reality.

FINDINGS – Document the names of your Guides and the service they offer.


Hypothesis: You may manage soul family relationships in the Trance State.

We have stated before in these new Blogs series, that each and every human being that you meet – including the delivery person and the teller at the local bank – is in your life at the moment to teach you something. Many of the more intense relationships you create with these humans are Soul Family connections. Of this broad group of humans who are within your field of experiencing to interact with you in the learning of Lessons regarding the acquisition of money and the perception of the Abundant Universe.

This statement may bring to mind events from your own life in which you were quite intrigued with the good fortune that came your way, at hands of one of these mysterious extended family members. Or perhaps you were “taken for a ride” by one of your acquaintances, and relieved of some of your hard-earned money. Either way, you were learning Lessons from Soul Family members. These interactions often have an element of Fate attached to them, as though they were “meant to be,” to coin a phrase from our New Agers. However, as you know, you and your colleagues are making it happen. You are just currently unaware of the intricacies of this cooperative effort.

The perspective of experiencing Lessons from within a broad collective called the Soul Family can be learned. I suggest you conduct the following experiment with the idea that you are already embodying this perspective.


The first step here would be to identify those Soul Family members who may act as partners in the realization of abundance you require. Using your Inner Senses you may home-in on these personalities in your times of meditation. Some you may have already identified within your field of experiencing as potential allies. This is a form of communicating with the Energy Personality of another. You will be identifying specific characteristics of personality and Soul that will assist you in creating good fortune within the lives of all of you, everyone benefits, you see.

Now this group may be small in number or it may be quite Large. Either way, you will be working with these humans on the subtle levels. You might think of yourself as the business manager of this assembly, and you are working with their High Selves for mutually beneficial purposes. This is you Intent. You are grounded in your sense of Divine Will to communicate your interests to these humans via their Spirit Guides – their Energy Personalities. If EP of the Soul Family member resists, do not press further. You are not to force yourself on others in any way. This is a sacred form of communication. If you meet with resistance, move on to another potential partner. In the mundane world, there may be no signs that you are interacting with these people in any special fashion. “Business as usual,” as we say. However, do note the attainment of group goals that could have never been realized had these secret connections not been made.

FINDINGS – Document the establishment of connections with Soul Family members and the realization of Soul Family goal in matters of abundance.


As I suggested our practice of giving to worthy causes only when we may claim a deduction from our taxes, is not Giving in truest sense. This is not the magical act of that we are teaching in this new material. To be honest, it is a sad form of money exchange, this corporate giving that is celebrated in our world. Many of us who give in this fashion expect something in return. Whether it is a tax deduction, God’s grace or simply the good karma that is so valued by the modern human, something is expected in return for the giving. Might I state it bluntly here? We taint this process with our bargaining. In Giving there are only the communication streams of Beings of Light. There is only the transformation of Light into something else. There is no bargaining.

I believe it might help us to think of our Giving of our money, our time, our Loving Understanding to others is simply the transformation of our Light Energy into what is needed by the recipient of the Giving. From this perspective, you may envision the immediate transformation of our gift of Light into what is desired, what is required by the receiver. In this context, the recipient uses their Reality Creation energies to collaborate with us on the subtle levels in the co-creation of the necessary constructs.

Take for example here my previous description of the children in our poor undeveloped countries. I am not suggesting that we refuse the tax deduction we “deserve” for contributing to their cause – though that would indeed demonstrate our commitment to true Giving – but please try attaching your powerful Light energies to the gift when we do make our donations for the purchase of food, medical care, and so on. And remember, Dear Blog Reader, there is no pity here in this true reality of the Soul. We are equals on the subtle levels, equals who are merely learning different Lessons. Do not give because you feel sorry for the other; give because you acknowledge the opportunity to endorse the Courage of another.

It may help you to think of oneself as a Light Body in this exercise. I am a Being of Light. You are a Being of Light. On the etheric levels, within the Telepathic Network, we both have equal powers. We communicate with one another instantaneously. We observe the instantaneous manifestation of our thought-forms. We are in the Third Dimension and we have a perception of a lag-time in manifestation. However, this is merely a perception. Your reality is my reality at its base. Our holographic messages are received INSTANTLY by the recipient. On the etheric plane, the recipient IMMEDIATELY benefits from our Loving and Courageous act of imbuing our transmissions with these creative energies.

Now if you are coming from a perception of lack, it is quite true that on the physical reality level, it appears that we are giving up our resources, our money, our personal property. However, as I said, the Soul Self of each of us engaged in the interaction know quite definitely that this is not the case. As the Soul Self of the cashier at the market, for example, receive the energy from our transmission as we hand them our payment for our food products, our higher Self receives an influx of beneficial energy from them. Now on the physical plane, all that we may notice is a slight knowing smile on the face of the cashier. This is our cue, however, that our thought-form is manifesting.


Troubled by the assertion that to be truly successful and to truly perceive and create The Abundant Universe, the student must, in the final analysis, “give it all away.” To be sure, at first glance, this statement seems to imply that you will lose everything that you have worked for in the Spiritual Prosperity Program. Certainly, if you give your wealth or material possessions to others, you no longer have possession of them. You are without them. How does one put food on the table or pay bills if what is received is continually given away to others – individuals and collectives. These are earnest and excellent questions to ask. In answering them, please allow me to pass on to you, Dear Blog Reader, another fact of life for you in physical existence.

Now others before me have stated this bluntly, so this is certainly not something that you do not already know.


In terms of energy – Light energy, which is, as we have stated earlier, the “Stuff” of all created realities – you get what you give. There is a popular aphorism that applies here, “What goes around come around,” The statement implies, I believe, that there is a type of karmic balancing dynamic that occurs within the lives of humans. My Blog readers know my feelings on karma and the Eastern theory of Reality Creation. I believe it is quite correct to a degree. ” Let me explain… you live your lives all at once, within the spacious moment, the eternal moment that exists NOW. Your lives are certainly not sequential, for there is no such thing as linear time in the experiencing of the Soul, your true reality.

Now as you are within this Moment Point possibly sensing your connection to your lives past, present and future, you are receiving energy to these lives. Additionally, at this moment, let us say that you are also receiving energy from and transmitting energy to COUNTLESS humans within our Consensus Reality. You are also NOW quite naturally transmitting energy to and receiving energy from the many elemental forms within your Personal Reality.

What does Light energy have to do with The Abundant Universe and giving it all away? Let us go back to my earlier discussions of conscious Units. Greatly simplified, this Light energy is the medium for the Reality Creation project. Let us say that Light holds within it the potencies and potentialities of all of our essential metaphors in our theory of Reality Creation. Now you may remember that the Conscious Units are electromagnetic. As they assemble into Gestalts of Consciousness, they do so according to energies of attraction and repulsion: like with like, yet opposites assemble within the whole as counterparts to their opposites, and so on. This is the organizing principle of life. I have already described to you how All That Is – essentially Love in action – creates realities that are not Love, that are the opposites indeed of Love. In this way Reality Creation evolves, differentiates along every conceivable avenue of development. It is just this way with Light, my friend; the Love Light of All That Is.