Category Archives: SOUL


The realization, here, is that Love is all that is required in all circumstances. The fear of Death fades into the background when you realize this basic truth of our existence. Now it is easy to say this when you are experiencing it. When you are in Love, in a romantic way, let us say, it is easy to see the truth in this statement. It is easy to agree that Love makes the world go around, as they say. Yet what is required here, I believe, for the awakening student, is the recognition that Loving Understanding, for ourselves and our Earthly colleagues, is all that is required, despite whether we are in a romantic Loving relationship or not.

Certainly, the Soul Mate relationship is important to the developing human at this time in our evolution. However, your “embrace,” you might say, of everyone you meet with this Loving Understanding and Courage we have discussed here, is what is needed at this time to break the barrier, to tip the scale, to initiate the healing of humanity and the planet.

As you do engage in these Loving activities, Death takes a less prominent role in your Reincarnational Dramas. Fear of death is replaced by a Loving anticipation on your journey. From this perspective, Death is only difficult for the living, those who are left behind. For the Soul, however, it is the ultimate accomplishment: a celebration of the continuity of Loving consciousness


For example: as you focus on the Entity, through reading and conducting the experiments in our Blogs, you ally with this vast collection of Souls. You are nourished as the Entity is nourished, you see. What began as an affinity of ideas and feelings becomes a true collaboration. It is the same principle at work in spiritual literature of all types. You are inspired, moved, transformed by the ideas in the text. We have spoken of this before.

Now this intense identification with the famous deceased, can be quite productive and life-enriching if the time is taken to truly study and honor these lives. The information is out there in the Collective Consciousness for you to examine at any time. Anyone with the proper preparation and motivation can access and explore this material. And as I said, the more you research with respect and Love these Gestalts of Consciousness of the transitioned humans, the more your consciousness becomes a part of the greater Gestalt we call the Entity.


However, perhaps the explorer in focusing on the famous contacts forgets about the contacts with less-famous personalities. These would be the numerous lives lived as slaves, factory workers, tribal peoples, and so on. The majority of lives lived are not exceptional, by any means. The majority are normal, average, human lives, lived to varying degrees of Value Fulfillment for the further education of the Entity, the Soul Self, and All That Is.

But where is the romance in that? And so the glamour-seeking aspect of the human consciousness seeks out those experiences of Soul that have this high dramatic impact. This may indeed have positive results, as we shall explain in the next Blog.


This Soul Family concept is another of my essential metaphors, nothingmore. We are attempting to teach you-the-student how to make sense of consciousness manifestation. Without these systems of thought and analysis, you may become quite overwhelmed with data, even on investigation of a single current existence only. And so we are again simplifying here, even as we delve more deeply into the subject matter.

As you attend to your studies and bring into conscious awareness the activities of your other lives, a detailed description of your greater Soul Self emerges. You will discover, for example, whether you have lived predominantly male or female lives. You will get a grasp of your Primary and Secondary challenges in those lives. You will witness the victories and defeats within those existences, and in so doing, increase the scope of your belief system. As your view of self becomes more comprehensive, there is often a corresponding growth in the ability to practice Loving Understanding and Courage towards yourself and others.


Now let us attempt to achieve some practical value out of this information, by charting the associations between these lives, in so far as Lessons are concerned.

Earlier in this blog series, we asked you to make lists of possible Soul Family members that you identify through experimentation and through the existence we offer you. In the last chapter we asked you to consider your Simultaneous Existences past and future. Please gather those Findings for their part of the project, whether they are extensive or quite minimal. Next we shall attempt to “connect the dots,” with regards to your greater Soul Family gestalt.


  • ISOLATION VS ENGAGEMENTWhat is your general relationship to the Other?
  • IDENTITY What is your Essential Identity? What is your Negative Persona?
  • YOUR LESSONSPrimary and Secondary, Re: Love relationship, Re: Your Current Soul Family Gestalt, Re: Your Interdimensional Soul Family
  • LOVING AND UNDERSTANDING AND COURAGEHow are your skills in these practices?
  • HUBRIS AND HUMILITYWhere are you on the continuum?


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from a future probable self who is succeeding in this project.

You exist within a Matrix of probability and potential. Every thought of yours attempts to prove itself in physical reality. Because all values are explored by consciousness in all cases, there exists for you personally a best-case-scenario with regards to your Soul Mate encounter. This ideal exists within the consciousness of a future probable self of yours that you may contact in the Trance State.


Achieve your Trance State as you usually do. Relax and enjoy this process of going deeper within. With your Intention as your guide, imagine your consciousness travelling, free, as in the Spirit Body, or perhaps within a visualized transport of some kind to the place where future probable realities exist for you personally.

When you sense that you have arrived, again use your Intention to tune-in on the Best-Case-Scenario probable life with regards to this Soul Mate project. You may notice it, in that, there is a pleasant aroma, image, sound, or tactile sensation associated with it.

Now conduct a brief interview with this future probable self of yours, to gather the information you require to replicate the behaviors, ideas, images and so on, upon which this ideal outcome is based. You will have total recall of this information you are receiving from this future probable self. Gradually return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings immediately.


As you master the Techniques and you gain your personally Findings from Experimentation, you will experience the confidence that comes from co-creating your existence with the Divine. In time you will find your own success in this project: success as YOU define it. Keep at it with Loving Understanding, Courage and with faith in a positive outcome.


Hypothesis: Suggestions given in the Uncommon Trance can help you improve your reality.

We have presented this experiment to you in different forms in our new Blog Series. Here we shall present the same strategy to you with a focus on the Soul Mate encounter. However, you could also make the focus one of Business Soul Family Members, Spiritual Practice Soul Family Members, and so on.


Enter your Trance State as you usually do in these experiments. Relax. Go deeper and deeper into your state of relaxation. By now you have no doubt discovered the level of Trance that is most effective for you to achieve your goals. Please adjust your consciousness to enter into that state now. You may have a gesture or empowered thought that triggers the state of consciousness instantaneously. If so, use that trigger now.

The goal here is to focus on a stream of Inner Dialogue, such that the words become internalized. This means you carry this empowered statement with you throughout your waking day, and indeed, into the dream state at the end of your day.

Keeping it quite simple, you might consider the phrase, “I am looking forward to meeting my divine partner. It is inevitable. It is exciting. It is happening NOW!” Repeat this phrase or a phrase of your own making, in the Trance State until it is committed to memory, until it becomes a circular thought that is habitually repeated without much effort.

After about 15 minutes of this, gradually come up to the surface awareness. You may find that your mood is elevated, empowered, romantically inclined.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings Immediately after coming out of trance and after you notice effects in the field.


HYPOTHESIS: You may enrich your auric display with positive attributes

Let us try this experiment. Briefly, you track the changes in the Auric Display as you intentionally feed it with positive images, emotions, and so on, relative to the desired Soul Mate.


First, you note the benchmark of Auric expression when you begin the exercise, as you did in the preceding Blog experiment. Then you would watch for beneficial changes as you feed the positive messages into your consciousness. These suggestions are built with affirmative statements that you energize with your self-generated positive emotions.

Thus, you might create a personalized mantra:

I anticipate an encounter with my Loving mate within the next two weeks time. I am filled with Loving Understanding and personal power…

As you turn over this mantra in your mind, open your eyes, if that is appropriate, and look in the mirror. You may notice with your physical eyes that your Auric Display brightens. Your energy expands.

Or if you would prefer to keep your eyes closed… get a sense of your Emotional Body, as we have described in Blogs, and look for changes on the perimeter of this image with your Inner Senses. You may also sense the improvements with your other Inner Senses, as in feeling a sensuous, even erotic intensification. You may hear voices of one kind or another. Aromas may come to you, suggesting romantic encounters, and so on.

Please notice how this Arua of yours brightens, and perhaps changes color with the thoughts of healing. This is the edge of manifestation we speak of in the blog. When you first notice improvements you duly noted these changes without cynical denial, without self-deprecation. In this way, you firm-up your creation, your effects. Then, in the next few moments of creation you push this altered state of perception into the future by keeping cynicism at bay.

The next step is to emerge from your Trance and into your waking world. You will be taking this improved Essential Identity into your Personal Reality for experimental purposes. Follow-up equals noting Findings on Soul Mate Encounters that happen in the field.

FINDINGS- Document your findings, perhaps noting the personalized triggers we described earlier.


HYPOTHESIS: Your essential identity is visible in the auric display

Now all of us have the capacity to sense this Auric Display. It is sensed with the Inner Sense of sight, with the eyes open or closed, within a light Trance State.

Here you will be asking the question, “What am I really presenting to potential mates as my Essential Identity? You will be assessing your Essential Identity via the Auric Display and determining the precise quality and expression of your energy through your Emotional Body. This will allow you a benchmark for comparison with future assessments after remedial measures are instituted.

This is how you make progress in these practices. It is where the magic of these techniques is used to greatest advantage. By noting how a particular state of consciousness feels to you, in comparison to another, you get a sense of what is needed to progress further toward your goal.

The success lies in the difference between the two assessments. What is lacking that should be there is put into the mix for future experiments. It could be an image, a feeling, a memory that makes the difference here. These Findings are valuable, in that, they represent your personalized “triggers” that work for you in this project. They trigger the manifestation process for you personally.

If you think in terms of creating supernatural acts, as indeed, that is what you are doing in these experiments, these Findings represent the “magic words, gestures, emotions” that combine to facilitate the creation of the supernatural event.


Now just as we have done in all of our experimentation… Relax. Breath deeply. Focus on your inner world for just a few moments, with the Intention of observing the Auric Display. This is the exact same procedure we have described to you in the past blogs with regards to viewing the Emotional Body. So simply carry your Intention with you into this Trance State for a few minutes please.

There may be resistance here, and this is quite normal. You are “looking for” those aspects of your character that you broadcast through your Auric Display, including those aspects that prevent you from meeting you ideal mate, your Soul Mate. Your ego/intellect may be reluctant to show you this authentic self. Persevere, then, for a few more minutes until you encounter the images and sensations we are describing.

You may witness a reliving of events from your past in which you experienced rejection or possibly triumph in the pursuit of Love relationships. There may come to you brief flashes of these events, giving you a taste, the essence you might say, of the events themselves. You may see lights of various colors that evoke emotional content. This is a common experience. Simply move forward with your investigation with the knowledge that you will remember this material even though it may contain some uncomfortable images and emotions.

When you feel you have received as much information as you need in this experiment, return to surface awareness, bringing with you this information on your Essential Identity.

FINDINGS Document your Findings as best you can.


You have your personalized images, thoughts, and emotions on what constitutes the Soul Mate. We have previously determined what are your “true” personality aspects. You have taken a self-assessment and noted those parts of your personality that assist you and those that do not assist you in the attainment of Love. You are now intentionally empowering an Essential Identity that will contain within it, all of the Attributes that you will use to be recognized by your complementary partner.

Now you are being quite honest here, Dear Blog Reader. You are not hiding from your Issues, nor are you attempting to explain them to yourself in rational terms. You are not making excuses. Here you are using your powerful imagination to imagine a Soul Mate relationship.

Let me explain… As you visualize and empower the image of the Soul Mate you wish yourself to be, you also empower and are able to recognize the Soul Mate you desire. This is the Resonance Phenomenon in action, once again, as we have described to you previously. What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance– the electromagnetic assemblage of Conscious Units into Reality Constructs through thoughtful emotional creativity.

In this Trance State you not only envision your improved personality aspects – while, for example, picturing yourself as embodying your new alluring Loving attributes – but you also dramatize with emotion the attainment of the desired relationship in physical reality.

You would thus visualize what your Soul Mate looks like, insofar as physical appearance goes: body type, hair color, eye color, facial features, and so on.

What is the temperament of the desired partner?

What are the occupation and past-time activities of this human? I am certain you can come up with more relevant criteria to fill in the picture here.

Do you see how this unique perspective – the sensing of the Auric Display – may assist you in identifying Soul Mates and Soul Family members? This is the psychic mechanism for the phenomenon you know as “love at first sight.” It is a glimpse through the ego/intellect by the Soul Self. The perception is captured without censoring by the personality. Often prophetic material is presented to the mind’s eye, as in visions of a happy union years in the future when you are mated, perhaps having children, living successfully, and so on.

With this in mind, let us try some experimentation…


May we now contrast this situation with one in which the participant is well aware of their Issues regarding relationships? Perhaps they are working on themselves and building a spiritual life. They are becoming intuitively aware, possibly, and so they may have begun to learn the Lesson.

And so this person may well receive the beneficial information from the master computer of consciousness, but also they might receive further information in the form of images, ideas, and emotions illustrating instances of abuse, humiliation, pain, and suffering with this human in other lifetimes. These negative assessments may come in the form of subtle Intuitions that others might not sense. This human is using their Inner Senses to obtain a thorough assessment of the human before them: “warts and all,” as we say.

Given this negative assessment, the human may well take a pass on further exploring a relationship with The Other. The Lesson has been learned, in this case, and the human may go on to discover more fulfilling relationships elsewhere.


For example: suppose you are presented with an opportunity to recreate a failed relationship for a Past Life. The human presents themselves to you in your current timeframe. Upon meeting this person the “computer” does its Work and presents to you this succinct assessment: potential Soul Mate. And yet, suppose also that this person has subjected you – within countless lives, shall we say – to degradation, humiliation, pain, and great suffering. Then why would you make this beneficial assessment of the human? This is a rhetorical question however let me answer it for you… Lessons. You are being presented with an opportunity to learn your Lesson regarding selections of potential mates.

In other lives you have not chosen wisely and you participated in relationships of pain and great suffering. You have already learned all that you can about these states of consciousness within these other relationships. But perhaps you are a “glutton for punishment,” and you want to give it another go with this human in other circumstances.

In a sense, you could say that you are only listening to the beneficial messages given of you by your great computer here. You may be in denial of your Issues, then and you are setting yourself up for another lifetime of pain, suffering, humiliation.