Category Archives: SOUL

Our Reality Feedback

You see, our Personal Reality Field is literally feedback of our ongoing mental activities. We can always look at our created reality to see how we are doing. This of course assumes that you are aware of your Lessons and are not denying the spiritual, or need I say, “metaphysical” underpinnings of your so-called “physical ” life.

If you feel you haven’t enough information as to what your Lessons are, the next time you are in communication with our Energy Personality, simply ask for guidance as to what your Lessons might be in this incarnation and wait for the reply. You will get a direct reply telepathically if it is appropriate information for you to have at the time, or you may be presented with a “graphic example” by way of a reincarnational drama or comedy in your physical world.

These events present your Lessons in stark relief against the background of your mundane, robotic existence. You will recognize these as “teaching moments” or ” moments of awakening” by their surprising appropriateness and synchronous attributes. Again, as I have stated previously, you will know it when you see it for YOU HAVE CREATED IT, for purposes of Your own learning and Soul Evolution.

For example: You may have noticed a teaching moment in your own life that was not tragic in the least but amusing and profound. Perhaps you have had the experience of being the center of the cosmic joke, when everything around you was turned against you in humorous and symbolic ways. Certainly all of us have had these experiences, yet they are too easy to dismiss as coincidence.

These are your reincarnational comedies – teachings moments of the absurd and ironic. Now within these teaching moments, you also have the opportunity for creating loving understanding out of negative emotions – embarrassment and shame, anger and fear – just as you have the opportunity for transformation within the reincarnational dramas of our life.

Simply note that these episodes of dramatic and comedic teaching moments represent opportunities for IMMEDIATE TRANSFORMATION, IMMEDIATE SOUL GROWTH. I advise you Blog Reader to take advantage of these experiences, therefore, when they arise.

Belief Change

When we look at our Personal Reality and see a change, one that reflects a change in our beliefs, and perhaps it feels uncomfortable to acknowledge it because it feels so foreign to us, let that serve as validation that you are on the right path. For example: where once there was fear of a particular group or race and there is now acceptance and growing affection, let that serve as validation that our Soul is evolving in beneficial ways.

No, we cannot err on the side of too much love. We cannot have too much affection for our fellow humans. My advice is to practice loving one another WITH ALL OF OUR MIGHT. The emotional content, highly-charged, is what helps the new reality break through the old, and establish itself as the new manifestation.

The New World.” I continually encourage to be ruthlessly loving and confident, and I suggest that also to the Blog Reader of these words. Continually, moment-to-moment, create our world through a perception of love and confidence. We can be a model for those who need this guidance, in how to think, feel and act.

For those of us who can accept such responsibilities our growing skills with the use of the Non-Physical Senses and our growing knowledge of how to use the powers of love and confidence, can thrust one to the forefront of the movement of humans beings who are seeking their own enlightenment and the Soul progression also of the species.


Let us now discuss Loving Understanding some of the great virtues of humankind. Now there is love and there is love. It would seem that each of us might have our own definition: “love of another is acceptance of another regardless of how the other appears, speaks of behaves.” This aspect of love comes from understanding what the human purpose is on our great Earth.

Generally, the purpose is to co-create with All That Is a life of learning. We are on the planet to learn from our experiences in our particular niche in our personal environment. When we can appreciate this overriding fact of life, we can come to a loving understanding of ANYONE we meet upon our Earth.

We are All on the same voyage: that of the path to Soul Realization. Each person we meet in our experiences is a teacher for us, therefore, and from these interactions we learn our lessons and our knowledge grows. Now, All That Is also grows in knowledge and experience with us, as we co-create and then experience our lessons.

All That Is is the energy source for all of creation. Indeed, we’re on our Earth to experience for All That Is, our life lessons that include EVERY MOMENT in our existence. Each second of our waking and dreaming hours provides learning opportunities for You-the-Soul.

This is true for not only our current life in this timeframe, but for all our many lives in this and other timeframe, past, present and future. This is not to minimize the importance of any given life. It is simply a fact of life, Dear Blog Reader. And when we understand this in its most profound sense, we can begin to have this sense of Loving Understanding I am describing, for myself as well as for others.


For the sake of argument, though the situation is exceedingly complex, let us suppose the our subject could go either way here. They may choose to ignore the advice of trusted friends and family and continue on the path of excess, or they may indeed heed the advice of Soul Family Members and pay attention to the signs within their mental environment that seek to direct them onto a different and more productive path.

Our subject has free will to choose one course of development over the other. All members of the Soul Family also have free will to choose their level of participation in the learning experience. At any second in linear time, then, each member of the ensemble CHOOSES, on either a conscious or unconscious level, to participate or not participate in the drama and to what degree.

Again, the Soul Self of each participant ALWAYS comprehends the subjective value in each choice. The Soul Self informs each participant in this example, through impulses received within the mental environment, on the unlimited probabilities for Reality Creation within any particular moment.


Now there is great leeway here in this educational experience in the our Soul Self may accept any one of countless opportunities over the course of a lifetime to engage with others in the conscious learning of Lessons. Each of us has an agenda in the achievement of –Value Fulfillment – within the various domains of living.

For some of us, for example, the Lesson of personal responsibility may be paramount currently, for a variety of reasons. As in the case of our subject from the well-to-do family, this Lesson is currently the most pressing in their “curriculum” of Earthly existence.

Their life is quickening as many influences come to bear upon them. They are highly motivated to consider alternate ways of thinking and behaving. The normal methods are failing. Those humans our subject knows and respects – Soul Family members – are suggesting that this person change their ways.


The other members of the Soul Family are learning their Lessons also: some consciously, some by default. Each participant in this drama is learning something according to the requirements of their Soul Self. As I said, each of us enters into life in the Third Dimension with an agenda, with a general plan for development on all levels – body, mind and Soul. As we live our life, our Higher Self definitely keeps tabs on our activities with regards to the learning of Lessons.

Incidentally, some or even all members of a particular Soul Family Group may be expressions of a singular Soul Self. This happens quite frequently within our system. As such, these types of groupings often express a particular intensity of character and emotion around certain values: these values being the Lessons learned in the collective.

We might say that this tendency of some Souls to experience multiple lives within a singular genetic family, shall we say, is a repertory expressions and shows itself throughout time. In these cases, we would find this repertory expressions in the home, in the workplace, in the church, and so on. A similarity of Lessons being learned by all members of the collective would be noted.


Again, all members of the Soul Family act in this benevolent conspiracy to assist the subject in learning their Lesson. Yet now there is the dawning of divine information within the mental environment of our subject, to the degree they may be considering changes in their behaviors and mentality.

Humility may be emerging within the emotional life of the subject. The value of working for one’s own room and board may become an important concept in their psyche.

This would be an example of learning the Lessons consciously rather than unconsciously by default. The subject may be now on the track of spiritual discovery. They may be spiritualized with this information from their Higher Self. They are waking up.


Now because we create our own reality. We also create all of our human relationships in cooperation with everyone and everything involved. We do this on a basic level in the dreamstate and in other altered states of consciousness. We create a strategy for development during these times, then we flesh-out our designs on awakening.

Additionally, we agree with the premise so popular within New Age circles, that everyone we meet enters our life for a reason. Does this then mean that everyone we meet is part of our Soul Family? Let us more clearly define our terms…

Soul Family members are those humans who enter our life to teach us something or for us to teach them something. We feel this connection, you see.


The Shift entails a remembering of the Ancient Wisdom that has informed the religious and spiritual practices of humankind over the generations. We are awakening individually and collectively to our innate powers of manifestation. As we awaken we will become aware of our reincarnational existences, for these lives are the essential creative works of our Soul.

May I be blunt? We have come into physical form in this particular era in our Earth’s history, within our particular body, within a particular collective of humans, on a specific point of the globe, to participate in a focused enactment of behavior, emotion, mentality, and so on, for the greater experiencing of our Soul Self.


There is no “fate” involved here, however. All realities are created at once, and expand, in a sense, “forever” within the eternal moment. Can we grasp this crucial point? We have free will within each moment of our life to select from infinite probabilities, those we wish to manifest.

Yet I do realize that these descriptions may appear as though there is no free will at all. This is how it looks from the outside looking into our reality. I sense, for example, not only me David as I write on this computer on the patio in my backyard, but the Soul Self of David as it presents itself within numerous other human life-forms on our Earth in other eras. All of these manifestations I can see if I wish.

What looks like destiny to us from within our system – the “fateful” meeting of our Soul Mate, for example – appears as infinite choice to my eyes as I observe all of us making our spontaneous free will choices within this moment in time. In other words, the end result of any reincarnational activity is determined by the Free Will choices of the participants.

In addition, we may remember that even the probable realities NOT chosen, continue on their trajectories of manifestation and development. Thus, we have these numerous probable worlds, parallel realities given birth by our varying choices moment-to-moment.


Please understand that there is no blame or shame involved in these types of reincarnational dramas. The actors in this drama – parent, child, and other family members, as well as other community members who are involved in Soul Family interactions – are essentially blameless.

On a Third-Dimensional level all concerned may feel sense of shame, disappointment at the features of child-rearing. The child may feel these negative states also. Yet on a Soul level everyone involved realizes their critical role in the dramatization of these Soul Issues.

Then let us say that, on the subtle levels, in the dreamstate where all plans for future Reality Creation are conceived, the members of the Soul Family of this subject – including the subject – agree to intensify the Lesson for the sake of the subject and everyone else involved. For as the subject learns their Lesson, all others involved learn something also.

Perhaps poverty and Lack are interjected into life of the subject in a very abrupt manner, so that our subject is left reeling and disoriented from the swiftness of the change. Where one day all of this person’s needs were met, let us say that now, none of their needs are met. The family fortune has collapsed for some reason. Our subject is FORCED to go out into the marketplace and earn their bread.