Contacting The Inter-Galactic Brotherhood of Light

HYPOTHESIS: The IGBOL are the “closest” and most accessible of the light bodies.
Now , you can be informed of which being or group of beings you are allied with by virtue of your evolution as a Soul. This can be discovered by asking your Energy Personality, using your free will to ask the names and locations of other beings associated with You-the-Soul.

The IGBOL is the “closest” to you in terms of affinity of purpose. They are on a path of Loving Understanding as are you the Blog Reader. This is why we have suggested that you contact this group as a preliminary to further explorations. Let me say that you need not fear approaching this group in your experiments.

As I state often in my blogs, the great majority of us are in all probability, members of the Same Entity and so have a direct connections to these Energy Bodies we are describing. The Entity is vast, again as I have noted previously, and at this time we are having a “reunion” of sorts on these subtle levels. You may assume you are rekindling old relationships in these communications, for indeed you are. The fear and mistrust will fade as you receive memories of these associations, in the form of divine impulses. You will know it when you feel is. This is ongoing assistance the Beings of Light in service to mankind/womankind during this time of awakening.

Establish your relaxed state of consciousness. Now with the assurance and confidence that comes with mastering these various levels of consciousness through the experiments done in the preceding Blogs, have the intention and profound expectation that you will encounter these Loving Beings.

The contact come with the attendant feelings of compassion and love. There may be an “alien” component that may cause discomfort. You may go beyond surface appearances by utilizing your skills at turning Fear and Anger into Loving Understanding and confidence. The IGBOL are you, Dear Blog Reader, in your multidimensional future. Knowing this, you may experience this contact as a homecoming. When you sense that the meeting is over, gradually come back to your Third-Dimensional awareness.

EXPERIMENT – Becoming aware of Astral Travel during sleep.
HYPOTHESIS: You can use your intention to become aware of astral travel during sleep.

The Ritual Sanctuary is important here in this investigation. Perform it just as you are falling asleep, with suggestions to yourself that you will become aware of your inner environment – your sleeping world – as you are about to engage in Astral Travel as we call it. It may be necessary to conduct this experiment for several days to get results.

The suggestion that you will become aware within the dream state is important. You may also suggest that you will awaken after a particular sojourn into the Astral Realms, so that you may document your experiences in your dream journal or other medium. It would then be advantageous to return to sleep with the suggestion that you will awaken briefly to document your further Astral Travels, and so on.

This will give you an ongoing record of your adventures during sleep. And again, the core experience you gain through experimentation in the dream state, the greater mastery gained in perceiving and documenting this state of awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with a journal or recorder.

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