Category Archives: LOVE

Consecutive Positive Assessments-2

EXPERIMENTConsecutive Positive Assessments

HYPOTHESIS: Positive assessing all that you experience creates the positive future.

In addition to enacting your Ritual of Sanctuary before you go out into your world, I suggest you practice positively assessing everything that comes your way in your existence. Practice until it becomes a matter of fact – a positive habit that you practice ongoing throughout each and every day. Perhaps an experiment is in order here. Again, this build upon exercises in previous Blogs.

Let us say that you are about to begin your day. You have awakened from sleep, you have opened your eyes and you are perhaps walking to the bathroom.

This may be habitual for you now. It should only take a few seconds to perform your ritual. Then here is where you immediately intervene between the Moment Points of you waking life. In between the moments of remembering and forgetting… you intervene. “It’s easy to find the good in each sequential perception.” This is your idea for the day.

Remembering to conduct your Ritual of Sanctuary; remembering that you create your reality out of your perceived beliefs, ideas and images about your world; remembering to positively assess each sequential perception. Then do you see how the positive perceptions create the positive future, moment-to-moment? You are rolling out your positive moments before you to create the positive path of your future.

(Thought afterwards – this experiment is a especially useful for when you can’t avoid the negative media. The blog reader hopefully will choose not to watch negative TV, violent movies etc.)

FINDINGS – Remember to write down your findings from worthwhile experiment.


By expressing negative thoughts about war or anything, we are colluding with the Negative Forces. Make the effort to deal with these issues in Love. Love is the strongest of all energies in the Universe. Focus on the Love that we can feel for everyone, including the “war people.” The only way to convince the haters is to model Unconditional Love in all our actions.

Be a peacemaker by converting your negativity into Love and by turning hatred into its opposite. This skill is what will convert people to peaceful side, and this skill is what will allow us to stay in the Fourth Dimension. So practice, practice, practice.


With an appreciation for Loving Understanding and the power of this state of consciousness to transform fear and anger, comes the possibility for peace. Dear Blog Reader, if we want peace, we can have peace. Make it with our thoughts. If we want the wars to cease, we can create that with our thoughts.

It all begins with our Loving Intention in the moment. Our thoughts of peace and Loving Understanding coalesce on the subtle levels, to create their counterparts in physical reality. What is the counterpart to peace, love and understanding? A physical world where WAR IS NOT TOLERATED BY THE PEOPLE.

War cannot be sustained on a diet of peace and Loving Understanding. War perishes in such circumstances. And as war and violence fade into memory, new, positive life-affirming Reality Constructs are thrust into our world with the energy of the loving thoughts, the peaceful thoughts, the thoughts of understanding and acceptance for our fellow human beings

Belief Change

When we look at our Personal Reality and see a change, one that reflects a change in our beliefs, and perhaps it feels uncomfortable to acknowledge it because it feels so foreign to us, let that serve as validation that you are on the right path. For example: where once there was fear of a particular group or race and there is now acceptance and growing affection, let that serve as validation that our Soul is evolving in beneficial ways.

No, we cannot err on the side of too much love. We cannot have too much affection for our fellow humans. My advice is to practice loving one another WITH ALL OF OUR MIGHT. The emotional content, highly-charged, is what helps the new reality break through the old, and establish itself as the new manifestation.

The New World.” I continually encourage to be ruthlessly loving and confident, and I suggest that also to the Blog Reader of these words. Continually, moment-to-moment, create our world through a perception of love and confidence. We can be a model for those who need this guidance, in how to think, feel and act.

For those of us who can accept such responsibilities our growing skills with the use of the Non-Physical Senses and our growing knowledge of how to use the powers of love and confidence, can thrust one to the forefront of the movement of humans beings who are seeking their own enlightenment and the Soul progression also of the species.

Collective Manifestation

So in a word, Love is the answer. If we were to live our life as a poet, a romantic poet let us say, one that was immersed in love, and indeed unable to sense or formulate a single thought that was not love, imagine how LOVING our existence would be.

But instead many of us focus on murders, such as we have in our negative media; personal vendettas, such as we are engaged-in at the workplace; and general cynical gossiping, such as makes up the Movement-to-Moment Points of our ongoing lives.

This is not to paint all of us with the same brush, but we must take responsibility for whatever part we play in the creation of negative Reality Constructs in our world. If we contribute If we contribute a negative gesture, we are partly responsible for the collective negative manifestation. It makes senses, does it not, given what I have described about the nature of our reality.

If we become angry at a person of a different color while driving our cars and shout at them and gesture at them in an absence way, we are responsible for our part in the collective negative manifestation of racial prejudice in our current timeframe. Does this not make sense? If we scream in anger at our child, we are responsible for the collective manifestation of child abuse in our time frame. It is quite logical in its consistency.

We may believe that if we commit these violations in private, that they do not count, because no one is observing our behavior. But telepathy, as I said before, is operative at all levels. We ALL know what is “on your minds.” We feel that we have to pretend that we DON”T know, however, to maintain our private lives.

Yet all of this will be out in the open soon, and I would urge us to clean up our thoughts and behaviors so that we will not be caught in the habitual negative thinking and behavior that currently hold us back.


Let us now discuss Loving Understanding some of the great virtues of humankind. Now there is love and there is love. It would seem that each of us might have our own definition: “love of another is acceptance of another regardless of how the other appears, speaks of behaves.” This aspect of love comes from understanding what the human purpose is on our great Earth.

Generally, the purpose is to co-create with All That Is a life of learning. We are on the planet to learn from our experiences in our particular niche in our personal environment. When we can appreciate this overriding fact of life, we can come to a loving understanding of ANYONE we meet upon our Earth.

We are All on the same voyage: that of the path to Soul Realization. Each person we meet in our experiences is a teacher for us, therefore, and from these interactions we learn our lessons and our knowledge grows. Now, All That Is also grows in knowledge and experience with us, as we co-create and then experience our lessons.

All That Is is the energy source for all of creation. Indeed, we’re on our Earth to experience for All That Is, our life lessons that include EVERY MOMENT in our existence. Each second of our waking and dreaming hours provides learning opportunities for You-the-Soul.

This is true for not only our current life in this timeframe, but for all our many lives in this and other timeframe, past, present and future. This is not to minimize the importance of any given life. It is simply a fact of life, Dear Blog Reader. And when we understand this in its most profound sense, we can begin to have this sense of Loving Understanding I am describing, for myself as well as for others.


Now because we create our own reality. We also create all of our human relationships in cooperation with everyone and everything involved. We do this on a basic level in the dreamstate and in other altered states of consciousness. We create a strategy for development during these times, then we flesh-out our designs on awakening.

Additionally, we agree with the premise so popular within New Age circles, that everyone we meet enters our life for a reason. Does this then mean that everyone we meet is part of our Soul Family? Let us more clearly define our terms…

Soul Family members are those humans who enter our life to teach us something or for us to teach them something. We feel this connection, you see.

Soul Family(Computer Analogy)

Perhaps the computer analogy will help in this presentation. We have used this before… Imagine that this process of Soul Family member negotiation, acceptance, and denial occurs as though within the processors of the world’s fastest computer. Our subconscious mind, which is related to the Collective Consciousness of all humanity, is like this great computer, in that, without expending great amounts of energy, it instantaneously assesses each individual we meet in our existence and notes Soul Family connections throughout time.

We are unaware of this activity as we observe the person in front of you. We may be thinking to ourselves, “I am drawn to this person,” or, “I would like to feel this person out, to see if there is something to be discovered here.”

Now obviously, this great computer of consciousness may not reveal to us ALL of data it is processing about human individuals we meet. Our mental environment would become quite disoriented and flooded with information if this were the case.

And so we place amnesia upon the majority of this information and allow in only what is necessary to allow us to make our decisions and learn our Lessons.


The signs of inner-gration are common to all who undertake these explorations in human consciousness. For that reason, I will now spend more blog time documenting these effects. Now you can go deeper. Just close your eyes and intend to deepen this connection.

There is a marked heaviness one feels throughout the body, but especially the head and chest, when one is in contact with the Energy Personality. A “pressing in” on the body from without. It is as if the air pressure of the atmosphere is increased somewhat and one is invited to slow down one’s physical and mental activities and focus within.

Of course, different personalities may experience different sensations. These are simply the broader physical effects experienced by most people. The emotional element is striking, I think, in that one feels one’s self supported on a pleasant wave of good feelings. This is the ecstasy that comes with contact.

Now, knowing what to expect, you can set yourself up for the experience itself. By this I mean, you can cultivate this sense of riding a wave of ecstatic emotion just below the surface of consciousness; and this sense of being comfortably pressed in by the environment that surrounds you; and a sense that you are supported like a beloved child.

One embodies these emotions and sensing as a means to prepare the mental and physical environments for contact with the Higher Self, the Energy Personality. Having achieved these conditions, it would be a simple matter to ask for the name of your Guide, perhaps asking for the one “closet” to you to come forward and make contact, for one has many Guides. One must be selective at first.

So you have prepared the emotional and physical space for contacting and communicating with your Energy Personality. Next you can increase the odds of making contact by “Invoking” an attitude or a sense of “hopeful, faithful expectation.” Here you are anticipating in a positive, loving way, the contact – the encounter.

Now as I said, over time you will make contact and succeed in connecting with your Energy Personality whenever you wish. Some will succeed sooner and some later in these experiments. It is important to keep a positive expectation during these attempts and to keep negativity at bay.

Encouragement and Caution

As I have said earlier, human consciousness visits other times periods and participates in activities in other dimensions, even as we may be participating in our daily unremarkable activities. We are experts at vacating our human bodies and venturing forth into the unknown realities.

Our New Age metaphysical literature is quite filled with stories of angels, demons, extra-terrestrials and the like. So too do our motion picture business prosper through the creation of science fiction and fantasy movies. Yet does it surprise us that these stories are “literally” true?

Remember, Dear Blog Reader, that it is our human consciousness that creates our reality in tandem with All That Is. And so the creativity of our artists, as well as our own, feeds and supports alternate dimensions. When we are experiencing these tales, either through reading or watching movies or plays, we are submerged in the alternate dimensions for that time. So this is the simplest example of inter-dimensional travel – experiencing entertainment media.

With regards to the subject of contacting other Entities in the Fourth Dimension, I must caution to certainly create the Ritual of Sanctuary and have this ritual memorized. As an explorer of these realms, we undoubtedly will encounter negative energy forms that may come into our consciousness and attempt to fix on our light.

By this I mean these Negative Entities can transmit a propensity for negative, repetitive thoughts or images entering our consciousness that can be difficult to undo. We recognize these circular ideas of information loops as disturbing pangs of dread, and other negative emotions. They seem to come from nowhere. Actually these negative energies are attracted to specific memories and ideas we are holding in our mental environment that are of a negative nature: Ideas and feelings of low self-worth, replays of past mistakes and all of the other negative inner experiences humans punish themselves with every day.

Now this is how the Negative Forces gain control over the minds of many in our world. They gain a stronghold in a sense, within the mental environment of those with weakened protection systems. It is as though the immune system of the Etheric Body is weakened through the activity of the negative thoughts, images and such, creating the conditions within the mental environment for viral contamination. The negative, circular thoughts – the thought viruses – are then free to multiple.

The comparison is very useful here. With our suggestions and experiments we are using love and acceptance and confidence to dispel the viral attack. To carry it further, antibodies are created with the introduction of positive thoughts and emotions into the suppressed immune system of the Mental or Etheric Body.

The negative viral front is neutralized and overcome by love, acceptance and confidence. To be sure, a healthy mental, motional and spiritual body is one that is nourished on love, acceptance and confidence, to the degree that these positive states of consciousness are the typical experiences of the embodied Soul.


In conclusion to this blog series, we shall have success in creating positive realities to the degree that we hold positive thoughts within our mental environment. This habit of positive thinking is our foundation for the creation of an improved Personal Reality. Now as you know, you are ONE with all of humanity through the interconnectedness of the Consciousness Units. And so, as you do your part here, and others of like mind and behavior do theirs, the whole of humanity is influenced in a very positive fashion.

Keep a good thought Dear Blog Reader. Nourish Loving Understanding and Courage within your consciousness. Challenge the toxic status quo reality with your powerful thoughts of forgiveness and compassion.

Our world is on the verge of a breakthrough into multidimensional perception. We may assist others by leading through example in all that we say and do. Regardless of our perceived “faults,” regardless of any history we may have of creating negative realities for ourselves and others, we may in this current moment set the stage for future continuous positive reality reactions, for our own sake, and certainly for the sake of all beings that share the planet with us.