Category Archives: HYPNOSIS


Hypothesis: By focusing on the precept you may catalyze the holographic insert from the entity.

You may with some preparation, feel the ecstasy and empowerment that some with the experiencing of the Holographic Inserts I stream into my Third Subject’s consciousness. For the purpose of elucidation and bringing Light and information to the discussion. I also present these “teachings aids” to you for the same purposes.

There are a few ways you may explain this to oneself that this phenomenon is real – so that you may indeed experience it clearly, without resorting to denial, fear, anxiety. The simplest explanation is that you are my student and as such you and I have a special , spiritual relationship. The connection here is a physical one also, relating to certain portals or chakras as we might call them, located on and around the physical body.

Any one of my precepts may be used as a Holographic Insert. We have mentioned before that the phrase “you create your own reality” is a particularly potent precept and stands as the foundational statement, if you will, of my entire Teaching. I would suggest an experiment to determine the precepts that have the greatest “effects” for you, when you activate them as Holographic Inserts by focusing on them in your mediations.

Relax and enter a light Trance State. First, I would have you read the percepts and attempt to identify those that “speak” to you with the most energy and frequency. The phenomenon known as resonance comes into play here. Your physical construct, your human body, is actually a vibrating system of Consciousness Units, as you know. Ideas and images of all types, either entertained from within your mental environment of considered from written texts and other media, also “hold” their individual vibratory signatures.

Let me again emphasize that it is the Divine Essence cultivated within the student that is the catalyst here. Through working on your self, through reading spiritual literature and engaging in these arcane practices, the researcher cultivates a certain perspective that allows for the experiencing of the Holographic Insert by the Inner senses. Also, on “the other side,” in a sense, the creator of the manuscript – in this case The entity – empowers the text with the essential energies of the Divine – All That Is – so that on the subtle levels where these types of spiritual growth and extra sensory and emotional perception are experienced, the stages is set quite well for the Holographic Inserts to display.

Now focus on your selected precepts one at a time. Have an intention to link up with the etheric component of each precept. There is an openness required in this endeavor. You might think of oneself as an antenna in search of a signal here. Be quiet. Be still. Listen with your Inner Senses for the response from the Entity.

Findings – Document your findings in catalyzing the precepts into Holographic Inserts.


The engineers were not limited to design and creation of buildings and other structures. They were instrumental in the creation of vehicles that were used by researchers to “travel” interdimensionally. I am now transmitting a Holographic Insert into Dorian’s mental field in an attempt to graphically illustrate one of the inter-dimensional vehicles.

Now these vehicles did not “travel” in the common meaning of that term. The crystal structure assisted the researcher in an attunement of their consciousness through vibratory resonance. The mental Intention of the researcher, directed through the “focal” aspects of the crystal structure, allowed for the “beginning in” of the Simultaneous Lives lived in different points in space and time travel in our system. The future, in our terms, is really just our progressed reality in linear time. Our future is another dimension, a dimension that exists, as I have stated, within the exact same Conscious Units that compose the Blog Reader, as well as all of the current Reality Constructs that compose our world.


In other models, these primal blueprints are referred to as “archetypes.” Our eminent psychiatrist and researcher Jung popularized this term, as elemental to his theory of consciousness. Naturally this theory of Jung’s bears a resemblance to the ideas within current Blog work. Jung was informed by the Entity.

He was first informed through contact and communication with his Energy Personality, and later used this Energy Construct as a bridge to the greater Gestalt of consciousness to which he was associated – The Entity, broadly speaking. Essentially, this was the path used by all three of the recognized authors in our timeframe. It is also the recommended path for those of us who wish to receive energy from the greater energy Construct of which we are a part, be that The Entity or any others.


When you state, for example, that something “resonates” with you, this is a statement of literal fact. Let us say that you are speaking of some particularly evocative material you are reading in a book. You find yourself becoming quite affected by the ideas in the text. You become emotionally invested in the material. It seems as though the author is “reading your mind,” as to what you are thinking and feeling.

This vibratory resonance occurs when the thoughts you are entertaining within your consciousness are vibrating at a similar rate as the ideas you are reading about in the Blog. In this instance, the Consciousness Units that compose the thoughts held in the mental environment are vibrating at the same frequency as the ideas, images and other material elicited by the written words.

Now in this activity of resonance, you might say that the energetic potential of the one, assists in creating the holographic replicant within the other. This is a rather simplified way of expressing the manifestation phenomenon, in that the one “brings the other up” to a station of equally evolving manifestation – streaming, energizing and facilitating the assemblage of the Consciousness Units within the other.

Now the reverse is also true here. It is a mutual sharing of energies in this resonance. There is a form of homeostasis or balance that is achieved once the level of Value Fulfillment is reached that is the “goal,” in a sense, of the Reality Creation project. These discussions may become quite etheric. However, in its simplest form we may say that our reality is co-created from the Consciousness Units that are charged with the life force of All That Is.

The resonance phenomenon exists as a cohesive force in the assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs throughout our Third-Dimensional Reality. When we speak in the new material of the researcher “fine tuning” the Inner Senses, we are saying that the researcher may achieve a similarity of vibratory frequency is created – through our various techniques, for example – resonance is achieved. The Consciousness Units within your mental sphere resonate with their holographic counterparts – the “generic atoms” we have spoken of earlier. What is imagined on the “inner” is made manifest on the “outer” in this way.

This cohesive force is the electromagnetic energy we have mentioned that is at the basis of all created realities. The bioelectric energy that is at the basis if all created realities. The bioelectric energy that “Lights and Powers” the human body construct or any living or inanimate object, does so in a resonating, flashing on-and-off fashion.

Here again we are referencing my past discussions on the nature of the atoms or Consciousness Units as they create multidimensional realities, in a sense, flashing or vibrating at specific rates to create the realities that vibrate at the particular frequency.

You may also remember our discussion from our previous Blogs in which we presented the possibility for the researcher to experiment with modulating the frequency of their physical body construct to create healing.


Let me answer my own questions. Beings of Light are responding. We ARE a Being of Light. We each are a Soul with a body. We are a multitude of personalities existing in many different areas on our Earth, on other planets and in probable systems. We are experiencing our amnesia in the Third Dimension, perhaps scoffing at this admittedly “far out” narrative, yet it remains quite true that WE are what we are talking about when we describe the Beings of Light. EVERYTHING in physical reality if “lighted” by Beings of Light, Gestalts of Consciousness, Light Bodies, Energy Bodies.

They are the energy and incipient matter templates for all forms in physical reality and all other dimensions. So that any discussions as to whether Beings of Light exist are really quite humorous, as these Gestalts of Consciousness comprise ALL of human experience.

Perhaps what we are truly saying here, is that we are an Etheric Being. The witty, the humorous and the creative responses are from the Nonphysical Personality aspects that form our Soul Self. This is our identity then. We are grounded in the nonphysical world.


Now the strands of incipient matter we have just discussed compose the latticework that is the grid of Coordinate Points upon and within and about our self-created reality. There is a holographic nature of these strands of incipient matter. They compose the physical reality Constructs of our Third-Dimensional world INCLUDING our own physical body and the physical constructs that we might call space, air etc.

So you now imagine, as I attempt to bring this description to fullness, how this Reality Construction phenomenon might exist as a profound image? Can you imagine the creation of Third-dimensional Reality in its totality as being powered or energized into activity? What is lacking here in our description, you see, is the motivating energizing power that Sustains the phenomenon. Let us refer to this concept as the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream. This energy flow supports your reality by continuously lending the creative energy of All That Is to the manifestation of each and every construct in our Personal Reality Field.

The SEMES is subconscious. It is riven by our Soul’s Intent. We are experiencing on Earth our reincarnational dramas and comedies Intent is other- directed. It is directed in essence by All That Is. Now we decided before we were born, what body we were to inhabit and what Lessons we were to learn in this current Life. So we truly do co-create with All That Is our Earthly existence. But again I must remind that we have free will “to do as you please,” even while in the midst of our Lessons, which might be a truly sober and serious nature.


The Love Light is the matrix of divine influences onto which we fashion our Reality Constructs. Here let us speak of the importance of context. It is ALL context, Dear Blog Reader. Within this milieu we are describing as the Love Light Matrix, the Telepath Network, the Central Field of Experiencing and the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, we create out of Consciousness Units those Reality Constructs that compose what we experience as “Bedrock Reality” – a cliché we have found helpful in these discussions.

Of course we use metaphors in this work to assist the Blog Reader in an understanding of the principles and ideas we are describing. Again, the creation of our Personal Reality Field that we accomplish on a moment-to-moment basis with the divine energy of All That Is, is so complex an undertaking that our physical brain could not conceive of the many operations that are undergone within ONE SINGLE SECOND of our existence.

Mind Blower.” This refers to, I gather, a concept or image that is so stunning that a single human mind cannot comprehend it in its totality. This is an description of what the mind encounters when these matters of Reality Creation are considered.

To express the divine – the ineffable – we must always resort to metaphors and theoretical constructs, for the reality of the subject matter is so incredibly complex and rich, that the Third-Dimensional consciousness cannot hold it for very long before it falls away into chaos. The great traditions of our world teach the student how to maintain an equilibrium in these matters. The hope is that the student will master the skills of witnessing the Divine without succumbing to the negative states of fear, anger, confusion. So metaphors are used.

Now perhaps some mixing of metaphors is necessary here to provide a choice for you The Blog Reader. We are hoping that you will find some image or idea that works for you here in the understanding of this material. We are preparing you for the regimens that follow these introductory chapters.


Facts of our existence. These are the precepts – that when fully understood, will allow us to witness and remember the activities of our Simultaneous Lives, for example, as well as the literal moment-to-moment creation of our Personal Reality from the thoughts and images within our mental environment.

You create your own reality.
You are connected to everything in your world.
You can change the Consensus Reality from your Personal Reality Field.
Emotion is the creative energy of All That Is in action.
Human consciousness is founded in Love.
Diversions from Love through Negative Emotions create Negative Realities.
All imbalances may be corrected through Love and Courage.
You are the sum of your Simultaneous Lives within your current Moment Point.
Your Inner senses may be used to examine and change anything past, present or future.
You are in telepathic rapport with everything in your world.
Reality Constructs are composed of Consciousness Units of awarized energy.
Coordinate Points permeate matter and space and modulate the activity of the Consciousness Units.
Your Intention, emotions and Beliefs provide the energy and direction for Reality Creation.
Everything exists initially as Gestalts of Consciousness, the nonphysical “templates” of creation.

Now the percept here – a slightly different spelling than precept. I trust you shall notice – is another very important concept we shall discuss. A percept may be defined as, “that element of consciousness that creates the Reality Construct and Instantaneously perceives or witnesses the construct.”

The Divine Day

HYPOTHESIS: You may create contact with the divine over the course of an entire waking day.

This experiment is one of creating the Trance State long term. For our purposes, the Trance is a sacred state of awareness. When you conduct your Ritual of sanctuary and enter your Trance, you are walking the Path of the seeker of wisdom. When you can embody this state of awareness over the course of minutes and hours, you will be well on your way toward awakening to the Unity of Consciousness Dimension that we have described in my blogs.

Now choose a day when you will not be bothered by outside forces. You will want to be left alone for this experiment, if at all possible. We are assuming here that you have already experienced some form of contact and communication with one or more of your Guides. However, if you have yet to manifest this relationship, simply “act as If” you are already in touch with your Energy Personality. Conduct this experiment as though guided by your spirit Guide, for this may well act to initiate that relationship.

In my last series of Blogs I presented an exercise in bringing the energy of Reality Creation up from the emotional center into the mental center. This mental center is located directly between your Eyes. It is here that you may sense the divine information stream as it seeks to penetrate the barrier of the ego/intellect. Just as we encourage the Blog users of The Healing regimen to create the healing moment long term – into minutes, hours and days – we encourage you the Blog Reader to create this initial contemplative state for as long as you can. It would be best if you could begin the Divine Day on Awakening from sleep.

If you have yet to develop your Ritual of Sanctuary, simply imagine a Golden Light surrounding you. Nothing harmful can penetrate this field of Light. It has a healing protective influence.

Now create the Trance State as best you can. The Trance is simply a natural state of awareness marked by deep relaxation and a focus on the inner world. I would ask you to sense what energies may be present in the solar plexus area of your body. If you sense a churning activity, as though emotions were ebbing and flowing, please bring this felt sense UP to the mental center directly between the eyes. As you do this exercise, you may notice that the churning sensation ceases. The felt sense becomes one of calm and assurance. There is also an emotional toe of ecstasy just below the surface. This is indication that you are using your intent to bring it up, up into the divine portal.

FINDINGS – Document throughout your waking day your experiences with keeping your awareness in the mental center.


Now there are at least two distinct ways to go with regards to belief change, if you do indeed wish to change your beliefs and thus your reality: you may change your perceptions of your Personal Reality Field, or you can go for direct change of the underlying beliefs themselves. First, though the ancient technologies of Healing Talk via the Trance State, and through other Rituals of Contact and Communication with nonphysical beings, such as the Energy Personality and other Energy Bodies, the perceptions of the Personal Reality may be altered, thus altering the Reality creation. We may also describe this as a “fine tuning” of the Inner Senses, so that they may more clearly perceive and create.

The second method entails identifying the beliefs you wish to change through a self-questioning process and creating more productive belief statements representing improved “healthier” beliefs that you wish to “make your own.” The statements are then continuously written down or typed into a computer, the theory being that the new beliefs are internalized the more that you document them.

These two methods represent two different ways of relating to physical reality: the imaginable and the literal. Naturally there are others. If you feel more comfortable visualizing your beliefs, I suggest you use the imaginable method in your experiments. If you feel more comfortable writing them down, use the literal approach. And of course, beyond my humble offerings, use your own methods that suit you.

Again, for those of you who may feel uncomfortable with terms such as Trance State and Ritual of Contact and Communication, please make up your own names for these states of consciousness. I am merely using common terms that the majority of my Blog Readers may understand. The Trance State is used by many of us on the subtle levels as we attempt to make ourselves understood.

As for the use of the term Ritual to describe the process of contacting and communicating with the denizens of non physical reality, please note that the term Ritual is the precise one used in our World Religions to describe their individual and carried methods for contacting the various spirits, gods and goddesses, God, and what have you. So we are merely presenting terms already in common usage by those of us in the West and elsewhere.


Now this “quickening” is indeed upon us in Third-Dimensional Reality. Those of us engaged in negative ruminations, and their attendant manifestation into negative Reality Constructs, will find that we are confronted, in an almost simultaneous fashion, with the products of our mental digressions. Just as the practitioners of Loving Understanding and Courage will find their positive manifestations strengthening, so too will the practitioners of doubt, anger, hatred and such, find themselves consumed with the energies released during these errant creative activities.

Is there any wonder why such an intensification of this creative process produces the appropriate results? We create our own reality according to our beliefs. If we are focusing on the fear and cynical distrust of our neighbors, for example, is it any wonder that our neighbors continue to cause us discomfort? And is it any wonder that as we awaken as a species this discomfort grows? Indeed.

I suggest the discomfort may grow until it becomes UNBEARABLE. Then we will of necessity be faced with a choice in our reincarnational dramas. Will we learn our Lesson or will we not? Will we continue to hold-on to the anger, fear and cynicism, or will we let-go and feel the ecstasy just below the surface of our human consciousness? This ecstasy is the creative Loving energy of All That Is.